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08-15 投稿


exaggerative 发音

英:[[?g'z?d??re?t?v]]  美:[[?g'z?d???re?t?v]]

英:  美:

exaggerative 中文意思翻译



exaggerative 短语词组

1、exaggerative speech ─── 夸大其词

2、exaggerative definition ─── 夸张的定义

3、exaggerative person ─── 夸张的人

4、exaggerative synonym ─── 夸张同义词

5、exaggerative language ─── 夸张的语言

6、exaggerative pessimistic ─── 夸张悲观主义者

7、exaggerative meaning ─── 夸张的意思

8、exaggerative statement ─── 夸张的陈述

exaggerative 相似词语短语

1、exaggerations ─── n.夸张;夸大之词;夸张的手法

2、exaggeration ─── n.夸张;夸大之词;夸张的手法

3、exasperative ─── 恼怒的

4、exaggerating ─── adj.夸大的;夸张的;v.夸大,夸张;夸大其词(exaggerate的现在分词);使增大,使扩大

5、exaggerated ─── adj.夸张的,言过其实的;v.夸张,夸大(exaggerate的过去式)

6、exaggerate ─── vt.使扩大;使增大;vi.夸大;夸张

7、exaggerates ─── vt.使扩大;使增大;vi.夸大;夸张

8、exaggeratively ─── 夸张地(exaggerative的副词形式)

9、exaggerator ─── n.言过其实者;夸张者

exaggerative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Habits and customs: Countenance is excessive and exaggerative, be like make eyes, woebegone etc, smoke, movement is little, all can cause furrow. ─── 生活习惯:面部表情过度夸张,如挤眉弄眼.愁眉苦脸等,吸烟,运动少,均可诱发皱纹。

2、exaggerative language; boastful words ─── 虚夸的语言

3、Exaggerative and pleasing to the eye VERSACE surrounds bag of design, will costly undertake after all with the popularity of aristocratic wind. ─── 夸张悦目的VERSACE包袋设计,将奢华与贵族风的流行进行到底。

4、Say 2002 is China " mobile phone year " not exaggerative. ─── 说2002年是中国的“手机年”一点都不夸张。

5、Like the romantic emotion, like doing the exaggerative thing, it is noticeable to like, there are ones that only like oneself to like. ─── 喜欢浪漫的感情,喜欢做夸张的事,喜欢引人注目,还有只喜欢自己喜欢的。

6、So someone says " the Internet company of 95% is in flicker " , this word is none exaggerative. ─── 所以有人说“95%的互联网公司都在忽悠”,这句话毫不夸张。

7、The players usually perform in a way of exaggerative actions matched with strong beat made by electric guitar. ─── 弹奏者往往会以节拍强烈的电吉他音乐配合夸张的弹奏动作进行表演。

8、From 2006 spring carry speaks of none exaggerative, the Chun Yunrang China 2006 experienced another unprecedented, of more miserable intense, the war of peacetime. ─── 从2006年春运说起毫不夸张地说,2006年的春运让中国经历了又一场史无前例的、更加惨烈的、和平时期的战争。

9、1.The players usually perform in a way of exaggerative actions matched with strong beat made by electric guitar. ─── 弹奏者往往会以节拍强烈的电吉他音乐配合夸张的弹奏动作进行表演。

10、Next eyelash are a little exaggerative but oversight, stick on the attention after false eyelash must draw look line, such doing can make of false eyelash stick mark not quite apparent. ─── 下睫毛有些夸张可忽略,粘上假睫毛后注重一定要画眼线,这样做可以使假睫毛的贴痕不太明显.

11、The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. ─── 这幅夸张并使人印象深刻的图画微妙地解释了人与互联网之间的双重关系。

12、Meanwhile, also many netizens think Korea vest male although expression, movement is bit more exaggerative, but individual opinion or report gave a few real problems. ─── 与此同时,也有不少网友认为韩国背心男虽然表情、动作夸张了点,但个别意见还是反映出了一些真实的问题。

13、Although this suit equipment is a little exaggerative, but represented a tide nowadays really, enrage the union of kitchen and electric cooking stove namely. ─── 好的不锈钢应该是没有接缝,一次冲压成型,而且厚度均匀。

14、On this basis, the exaggerative rhetoric deriving from it constitutes the feature of the extremes and dialectics. ─── 在此基础上派生出来的夸张辞格具有思维的极端性和辩证性特征。

15、too exaggerative to check ─── 唐大无验

16、It's an exaggerative expression. ─── 是一种夸张的说法。

17、True of, false, bilk of, exaggerative of I say. ─── 真的,假的,蒙骗的,夸大的我都说过。

18、Ark of real wood hall gives a person very plain sense, the metallic ability of frame appears a little exaggerative character. ─── 实木厅柜给人十分质朴的感觉,画框的金属材质显得有些夸张。

19、That these estimates are not exagger at edisborne out by the fact tha tburial societies and other organizations counted more than 155,000 bodies which they buried. ─── 这种估计并不夸张,这由掩埋队及其他团体所埋尸体达十五万五千人的事实就可以证明了。

20、Did the works with exaggerative vision bore you? ─── 设计说明:夸张的视觉表现是否让您厌烦?

21、The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. ─── 这幅夸张并使人印象深刻的图画微妙地揭示了人与互联网之间的双重关系。

22、In the open social atmosphere, the imitation of movie stars, the vanguard color, and exaggerative mixing style are common. ─── 开放的社会氛围下,日常生活中的明星秀愈演愈烈。先锋前卫的色彩,惊世骇俗的混搭前所未有的生活化。

23、All sorts of exaggerative and disloyal acceptance in advertisement are ensured, more direct " you did not discuss flicker " . ─── 广告中的各种夸张不实承诺保障,更是直接“忽悠你没商量”。

24、Eye makeup and lip makeup can exaggerative one party, match bright lip of light color brilliant with small sootiness eye so. ─── 眼妆和唇妆只能夸张一方,所以用小烟熏眼配浅色晶亮嘴唇。

25、An Analysis of the Phenomenon of the Exaggerative Financial Statements of the Listed Companies of China ─── 试析我国上市公司粉饰报表的现象

26、Face the market of electronic government affairs of like a raging fire, such saying perhaps not exaggerative. ─── 面对如火如荼的电子政务市场,这样说也许一点都不夸张。

27、This answer is affirmative, but what scale also says without certain person absolutely is so exaggerative. ─── 这个答案是肯定的,但比例也绝没有某些人说的那么夸张。

28、I so write too exaggerative. ─── 我这么写太夸张了。

29、The advertisement is misleading and exaggerative. ─── 广告不仅具有误到性而且还很夸张。

30、The game is introduced: The classical tone that white fashion will never fall behind, neglect MM exaggerative smile in the game, these white YY of different styles is really very exquisite and beautiful. ─── 游戏介绍:白色时装界永不落伍的经典色调,忽略游戏里mm夸张的笑容,这些各种款式的白色YY真的很精致漂亮哦。

31、Process positives/slides in C41 is called E To C processing. The effect is similar to C to E, but more exaggerative. ─── 反冲C处理,又或者E冲C是指用C41来处理正片。效果与C冲E相近,但就比较夸张,因此很受欢迎。

32、The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. ─── 这幅夸张并使人印象深刻的图画微妙地揭示了人与互联网之间的双重关系。

33、It's an exaggerative expression. ─── 是一种夸张的说法。

34、The special modern furniture and equipment whose functions are comfortable, exaggerative and exotic are widely used. ─── 陈设与安放造型奇特的家具和设施,室内设备现代化,保证功能上使用舒适的基础上体现个性。

35、Then the mesh models of different layers are automatically generated based on the characteristic points and exaggerative deformations are carried out layer by layer. ─── 然后根据特征点自动生成不同层级的网格并分层实施夸张变形;

36、I fell so sorry for those I commented exaggerative before. ─── 等你发完后看看三天内就能得到心爱的人。

37、The exaggerative and impressive drawing has symbolically reflected the duality of the relationship between man and the Internet. ─── 这副夸张且令人印象深刻的图画象征性地揭示了人与互联网之间的双重关系。

38、As for some concrete cllaracteristic of some object of thought, exaggerative thought is the vertical and imaginary form of thought, which excels the fact. ─── 夸张思维是就某种思想对象的某种具体特征进行超越客观事实的纵向想像的思维形式。

39、A bit exaggerative? Perhaps be. Considering cosmetic itself nevertheless is a woman make beauty dote on countenance, indefinitely oneself weapon, why we cannot is narcissism gotten more luxuriant? ─── 有点夸张吗?也许是。不过考虑到化妆品本身就是女人打造漂亮面容、无限宠爱自己的武器,为什么我们不能自恋得更加华丽?

40、However, it is somehow exaggerative that the record in history of ancient architecture never praised it nor commented really summarily. ─── 而古代历史对建筑的记载,或不美其事;或不详其实的说法,却是言过其实的。

41、Also someone says, fake amount is done not have so exaggerative, cannot say the brand is similar, it is false. ─── 也有人说,假货数量没那么夸张,不能说品牌相似,它就是假的。

42、It is not exaggerative at all to say that human resources are the lives of enterprises! ─── 本文所要探讨的是如何促使我国乡镇企业通过战略人力资源管理达到做强做大的战略目标。

43、A lot of people think its modelling is exaggerative, and one compares more let a person fear, and advertising trace is too heavy, seeing had been engineered. ─── 很多人认为其造型夸张,而且一款比一款更让人害怕,而且广告的痕迹太重,一眼就看出是策划好的。

44、Someone's narrative is both over exaggerative and unrealistic. ─── 但过分夸张,不切实际。

45、Many when BOEMOS exhibits male casual shoe, the design is exaggerative, take off impression with the dwell of free and easy unruly to the person, deliver an a kind of freedom, simple life concept. ─── BOEMOS展出的多款男便装鞋,设计夸张,给人以潇洒不羁的栖脱印象,传递出一种自由、纯朴的生活理念。

46、In the association with the woman, the man's oldest results was to learn converse thinking, from look somehow, the woman is the man's teacher, not exaggerative. ─── 女人的择偶取向,多少象征著一个时代的某些东西,它甚至和服装一样,充满了时尚与流行的动感,它的内涵比较复杂。

47、Like the romantic emotion, like doing the exaggerative thing, it is noticeable to like, there are ones that only like oneself to like. ─── 喜欢浪漫的感情,喜欢做夸张的事,喜欢引人注目,还有只喜欢自己喜欢的。

48、On this basis, the exaggerative rhetoric deriving from it constitutes the feature of the extremes and dialectures. ─── 在此基础上派生出来的夸张辞格具有思维的极端性和辩证性特征。

49、In other words, there are 100 topics in this book.It is not exaggerative for you to regard the book as an encyclopedia on conversations. ─── 换言之,这本书共有100个主题,所以如果说这本书是会话的百科全书一点也不夸张。

50、The husband one face surprise, attack to embrace me to enter a bosom almost, return exaggerative murmur: "How long are we done not have together?I feel to have a century! ─── 丈夫一脸惊喜,几乎扑上来拥我入怀,还夸张地低语:“我们多久没在一起了?我觉得有一个世纪了!”

51、His exaggerative works are full of generality, abstractness and individuality. ─── 使之更加概括,更显抽象,更具个性。

52、Thrush: Choose the eyebrow strokes brow that coordinates with hair color, want to notice camber is not drawn too painstakingly, can let you look very exaggerative in that way. ─── 画眉:选用与头发颜色协调的眉笔画眉毛,要注重眉形不要画得太刻意,那样会让你看起来很夸张。

53、" although Barkley's word is a little exaggerative, dan Qiaodan a person of extraordinary powers curtilage dimensions also canned be imagined. ─── 巴克利的话虽然有些夸张,但乔丹豪宅的规模也可想而知了。

54、Eye makeup and lip makeup can exaggerative one party, match bright lip of light color brilliant with small sootiness eye so. ─── 眼妆和唇妆只能夸张一方,所以用小烟熏眼配浅色晶亮嘴唇。

55、Exaggerative Thought and Its Forms in Rhtoric ─── 夸张思维及其在辞格中的体现形态

56、The TV wall of the sitting room, if had not made background, dare be without a few people on a whole big wall brush cardinal, can too exaggerative? ─── 客厅的电视墙,假如没有做过背景,没有几个人敢在一整面大墙上刷深红色,会不会太夸张?

57、Taking door the right-hand side so is stage, of the open mode kitchen of bright red color and white the stage forms exaggerative and bright contrast. ─── 所以进门右手就是吧台,大红色的开放式厨房和白色的吧台形成夸张鲜明的对比。

58、In other words, there are 100 topics in this book. It is not exaggerative for you to regard the book as an encyclopedia on conversations. ─── 换言之,这本书共有100个主题,所以如果说这本书是会话的百科全书一点也不夸张。

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