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08-15 投稿


adjustable 发音

英:[ ?'d??st?bl]  美:[??d??st?b(?)l]

英:  美:

adjustable 中文意思翻译



adjustable 词性/词形变化,adjustable变形


adjustable 短语词组

1、adjustable clamp ─── [机] 调节夹

2、adjustable anchor band ─── [医] 调整性锚圈, 调整性安抗

3、adjustable blade ─── [机] 可调整叶片

4、adjustable compensating condenser ─── [电] 可调节补偿电容器

5、adjustable band ─── [医] 调整性带环

6、adjustable condenser ─── [电] 可调电容器

7、adjustable contact ─── [电] 可调接触

8、adjustable anchor tube ─── [医] 调整锚管

9、adjustable bearing ─── [机] 调整轴承

10、adjustable air condenser ─── [电] 可调空气电容器

11、adjustable blade propellerpump ─── [化] 调节叶片螺桨泵

12、adjustable blade propeller pump ─── [机] 调节叶片螺浆泵

13、adjustable brake block ─── [机] 调整闸块

14、adjustable articulator ─── [医] 调整性Ж架, 可调节式Ж架

15、adjustable blowdown ─── [化] 可调节的泄放

16、adjustable curve ─── [机] 自由曲线规

17、adjustable brush ─── [电] 可调电刷

18、ac adjustable voltage speed control ─── [化] 调压转速控制

19、adjustable bed crank press ─── [机] 活动床式曲柄压机

adjustable 相似词语短语

1、admittable ─── adj.具有进入的资格的

2、adjutage ─── n.喷射管;喷水管

3、readjustable ─── 可调整的

4、nonadjustable ─── adj.不可调的;不可调整的

5、adjustably ─── 可调节的

6、unadjustable ─── adj.不能调节的;不可调节的

7、adjustive ─── adj.调节的;调整的

8、adaptable ─── adj.适合的;能适应的;可修改的

9、accostable ─── adj.易接近的

adjustable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Adjustable for swage's position &hardness, enhance retention force. ─── 刻沟位置及强度可任意调整,增强拉力.

2、A foot more to the left. Adjust legs again. ─── 再往左移一英尺,再调整架腿。

3、Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? ─── 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?

4、Underbrace jib crane with adjustable hoist. Swing range can be shown. ─── 带有可调节绞车的下支撑悬臂起重机。可显示旋转范围。

5、Use a special cap wrench or adjustable strap-wrench to remove over tightened or rusted caps. ─── 使用专门的阀门帽扳手或活动扳手来卸开过紧或生锈的帽子。

6、Adjustable neck and back tie. 100% cotton and machine washable. ─── 可调整的脖子和后背系绳。100%纯棉,可机洗。

7、Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. ─── 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。

8、Adjustable of tension force. Settable for number of tapping turns. ─── 可调整张力大小。圈数可调整。

9、You can adjust the height of the chair. ─── 你可以调节椅子的高度。

10、Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, and to adapt to our new family arrangement. ─── 年复一年,我们都学会了调整自己,学会了彼此宽容,学会了适应我们新的家庭规则。

11、One thing thats great about the good that itis fully adjustable. ─── 另一个优点是帽子能够进行完全的调整,请注意上图是未经调整的状态。

12、Detachable armrest,height adjustable and detachable footrest. ─── 可拆短扶手,可拆式升降脚,高靠背。

13、She must learn to adjust herself to English life. ─── 她必须学会适应英国的生活。

14、Three-sectioned seat adjustable for deck chair and seat posture. ─── 座椅三种高度调节、三种坐姿调节。

15、Variable Angle adjustment from the structure, the axial flow pump impeller with enormous wheels, easy to install adjustable angle blade. ─── 变角调节从构造来看,轴流泵叶轮具有巨大的轮毂,便于安装可调角度的叶片。


17、The hinge is adjustable in height, depth and width. ─── 合叶的高度,深度,宽度均可调节。

18、It is held in place by an adjustable elastic strap. ─── 它由一条可调整的有弹性皮带举行到位。

19、An adjustable pointer on the airspeed indicator. ─── 在空速表上可以调整的指针。

20、Adjustable support leg not shown in actual position relative to hydrant. ─── 图示的可调节支撑架并不是相对于消防栓的实际位置。

21、Manual and automatic cycles with adjustable high inversion time-delay. ─── 可调高反射延时的自动和手动循环系统。

22、Adjustable seat height to ensure arms at 90。angle with the table. ─── 座位高低可调校,让手与桌面永远保持90度角。

23、Shutoff control is by means of an adjustable spring. ─── 切断控制通过可调整弹簧实现。

24、The adjustable seat can be raised. ─── 可调整的座位可以升高。

25、After that, you should adjust the volume. ─── 做完那,你得调节一下音量。

26、Would you tell me how to adjust this seat belt? ─── 你能告诉我怎么调节安全带吗?

27、Adjustable wrench for turning off gas and water. ─── 可调扳手,用于关闭煤气和自来水。

28、After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to the rat race. ─── 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才使他适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。

29、Drivers of modern cars and the front seat occupant are electric adjustable seat, and also known as the electric chair. ─── 现代轿车的驾驶者座椅和前部乘员座椅多是电动可调的,又称电动座椅。

30、Independent up/down stroke for pad and adjustable speed. ─── 5独立的胶头上下行程和速度调节。

31、Adjustable shelves; can be removed to make room for long garments. ─── 可调式搁板;可以去掉,放置长款衣服。

32、You must adjust yourself to new conditions. ─── 你必须使自己适应新的环境。

33、Should China Adjust RMB Exchange Rate? ─── 中国需要调整人民币汇率吗?

34、Select it to activate the slider bar on the right, then use the leave and right arrows to adjust the volume. ─── 使用时先选择该项,激活右边的滑动条,然后用左箭头或右箭头来进行音量调整。

35、It took Wayne almost a year to adjust to army life. ─── Wayne花了将近一年的时间才适应军中生活。

36、Adjustable tension by simply turning the end caps. ─── 可调整的紧张通过转动节流阀端盖。

37、Another solution is to have adjustable foils. ─── 另一种办法是装上可调水翼。

38、Adjustable arms and spotlights allow you to direct the light. ─── 可调节的灯杆射灯,便于调节照射方向。

39、He does not use this adjustable wrench. ─── 他没有用这把活动扳手。

40、V interface aesthetics, size, color, Text arbitrary adjustable. ─── v界面美观,大小、颜色、字号任意可调。

41、Using adjustable bearing holder for easy maintenance. ─── 使用可调试培林座,容易保养。

42、How do I adjust font size on internet browser? ─── 如何调整浏览器内的字体大小?

43、The DC into AC current adjustable frequency that the inverter on. ─── 将直流变为频率可调的交流电流就称逆变。

44、Overbrace jib crane with adjustable hoist. Swing range can be shown. ─── 带有可调节提升机的上支撑动臂起重机。可显示旋转范围。

45、An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera. ─── 三脚架一种可调节的三条腿的支架如支撑经纬仪或照相机的三脚架

46、Adjustable shearing angle reduces the distortion of plate material. ─── 上刀架采用内顷结构,便于落料,提高了制件的精度。

47、Adjustable drawer divider; fit the space to CDs, DVDs and videos. ─── 可调式抽屉隔断;适合用来放置CD、DVD和录像带。

48、You should adjust your expenditure to your income . ─── 你应该量入为出。

49、Respects the geometry of the piece with adjustable demanding. ─── 可保持工件几何形状之完整行及?角美感。

50、height of the bicycle seat is adjustable. ─── 这辆自行车车座的高度可以调节。

51、As I said earlier, Mr. Hudson, our prices can be adjustable according to your quantity of your requirement. ─── 哈德孙先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。

52、Two adjustable knobs for angling the light. ─── 两个独立的旋钮调节卤素灯的角度.

53、The thickness of ice cube and the capacity of ice storage room are both adjustable and easy to be installed. ─── 冰块厚度可调,储冰室冰量可调,底脚高度可调且易安装。

54、Could you teach me how to adjust the iris of the camera? ─── 你能教我怎么调照相机的光圈吗?

55、She will have to adjust herself to new conditions . ─── 她必须使自己适应新的环境。

56、The pressure set point is adjustable within the spring range. ─── 压力设置点在弹簧作用范围内是可调节的。

57、An adjustable electric lamp can be placed in various positions. ─── 可供调节的电灯可以被安放在不同位置。

58、Adjustable 60-90 cm to meet your personal needs. ─── 可在60-90厘米之间调节,满足您的个人需要。

59、Sit harness with adjustable leg loops. ─── 座式安全带有可调整的腿环。

60、It also has an adjustable stem made from a discarded exerciser. ─── 它还具有一个可调干由一个丢弃的锻炼。

61、It has novel seal structure and adjustable overflow weir plate. ─── 其新颖的密封结构,可调式溢流堰板。

62、Adjustable rotation rate sample platform. ─── 可调转速的样品台。

63、The interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable. ─── 对符合门起决定作用的间隔距离是可以调整的。

64、The subracks have mounting ears adjustable in width and depth. ─── 子架的安装耳可以在宽度和深度进行调节。

65、The adjustable hemming device is easy to change and offer the hemming function. ─── 可调式折边缝诱导器:简易可调式折边缝诱导器,轻易切换折边缝功能。

66、Adjustable shelf; easy to adapt according to your own needs. ─── 可调式搁板;可根据你的需要轻松调节。

67、Platen with adjustable loadage. ─── 可调节载量的压盘。

68、A carpenter's tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing and leveling wood. ─── 平刨,木工刨具有可以调节的刃,用以刨平或修整木材的木工用具

69、He can't adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city. ─── 他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。

70、Blades made of SKD with adjustable extension elongation. ─── 刀具采用SKD材质,韧性好,耐磨,刀片伸出长度可调。

71、Use an adjustable strap-wrench to remove over-tight or rusted caps. ─── 使用活动套筒扳手来卸开过紧或生锈的帽子。

72、Provides adjustable alignment, eliminates body wall penetrations. ─── 具有可调整定位功能,避免阀体壳壁被穿透。

73、You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life. ─── 你将很快适应学生生活。

74、Multi-purpose design, weight adjustable, the number of grinding adjustable, speed adjustable, can achieve the best result of construction. ─── 多用途设计,重量可调,磨片数可调,速度可调,可达成最佳施工效果。

75、One kiln,two belts with two speeds which is adjustable. ─── 一台炉两条网带,两种速度,速度可调。

76、Insurers also will have to adjust to the wave of change. ─── 保险公司也要随变化而适时调整。

77、Remark: Any adjustable will be not notice for individua! ─── 备注:任何更改,恕不个别通知!

78、The adjustable chain coupling can easily coperate with all kinds of lorries. ─── 可调节的挂链钩可方便地与各种货车紧密配合。

79、The bags have adjustable shoulder straps. ─── 这些包有可调肩带。

80、Do you want to adjust the air conditioner? ─── 你要调冷气吗?

81、AirMaXX has the adjustable plate, a comfort harness and hip pad. ─── AirMaXX有可调整的背架,舒适背带和护垫。


83、Adjustable strap and zip pockets on the front and back. ─── 可调整的皮带和邮编口袋在前面和后面。

84、A: Yes, they are fully adjustable. ─── 可,都可以自行调整。

85、its straps and buckles make it adjustable and able to fit snugly on the body, allowing flexibility and agility. ─── 它们的束带和皮扣牢使它们可以调整得牢固贴服,不减低灵活性和灵敏性。

86、From this month,the company will adjust my stipend. ─── 从这一个月开始公司将对我的薪金作调整。

87、The cab with adjustable seat features low noise and wide visible range. ─── 噪音低、视野宽阔、可调式的司机座椅。

88、A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together; a clamp. ─── 夹,钳一种有一个可调整部分的能把东西夹在一起的架子;钳子。

89、A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together;a clamp. ─── 夹,钳一种有一个可调整部分的能把东西夹在一起的架子;钳子

preload with什么意思?

preload with的中文翻译  preload with  预紧  双语例句  

1  Uni-Trek adjustable preload with rebound damping.  统一企业迷航与反弹阻尼可调负荷。  

2  The influences of the bearing actual preload and radial stiffness are analyzed under the combined effects of the thermally induced preload with centrifugal force.  分析热诱导预紧力和离心力的联合作用对轴承实际预紧力以及径向刚度的影响。

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