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08-15 投稿


remonstrate 发音

英:['rem?nstre?t]  美:[r?'mɑnstret]

英:  美:

remonstrate 中文意思翻译



remonstrate 网络释义

vt. 责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议vi. 抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

remonstrate 词性/词形变化,remonstrate变形

名词: re-monstration |形容词: remonstrative |副词: remonstratively |动词第三人称单数: remonstrates |动词过去式: remonstrated |动词现在分词: remonstrating |动词过去分词: remonstrated |

remonstrate 短语词组

1、remonstrate with vt. ─── 指责,规劝

2、remonstrate with sb ─── 向某人提出抗议

3、remonstrate eq ─── 规劝情商

4、remonstrate syn ─── 劝诫

5、remonstrate verb ─── 谏言动词

6、remonstrate against ─── 抗议

7、remonstrate origin ─── 抗议起源

8、remonstrate means ─── 规劝手段

remonstrate 相似词语短语

1、redemonstrate ─── vt.再次表现;再作示范

2、demonstrated ─── v.证明;证实;论证(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式)

3、remonstrated ─── vt.责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议;vi.抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

4、remonstrative ─── adj.抗议的;忠告的

5、demonstrate ─── vt.证明;展示;论证;vi.示威

6、remonstrants ─── adj.抗议的;反对的;忠告的;n.抗议者;忠告者

7、remonstrates ─── vt.责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议;vi.抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

8、demonstrates ─── 示范;论证

9、remonstrance ─── n.抗议;规劝;谏书

remonstrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They dared not remonstrate with Christ, but they talked together in low, sorrowful tones in regard to what the future would be. ─── 但在百思莫解之中,他们还抱著一种幻想,以为或许有什么意外的事会临时发生,救他们的主脱离面临的患难。

2、King Zhou increasingly dissolute without Road, outspoken minister was demoted to remonstrate both killed. ─── 纣王日益荒淫无道,大臣刚直劝谏者皆被杀被贬。

3、If parents should engage in wrong conduct that is against moral righteousness we must remonstrate and dissuade, and persist until we succeed; ─── 如果父母有不义的、错误的行为就要劝谏,还要坚持,到成功为止;

4、remonstrate v. ─── 规劝,告诫;

5、Open-eyed, warden cannot remonstrate again. ─── 惊奇之余,学监不能再表示异议。

6、remonstrate against ─── adj. 抗议(反对)

7、She opened her mouth to remonstrate, but became silent ─── 她只是劝了几句就不作声了。

8、The last time I got a bus on which boys were misbehaving, one Indian did remonstrate quietly. ─── 上次我坐公交车时,男孩子们又在嘲笑一个印度人,他只能沉默以对。

9、To exhort or remonstrate with earnest words prompted by a kind heart ─── 苦口婆心

10、To reason earnestly with someone In an effort to dissuade or correct; remonstrate. ─── 规劝,告诫对某人认真地说明道理以达到劝阻或改正的目的;告诫

11、To remonstrate with a superior ─── 劝谏上司

12、eg: We remonstrate against his crulty to old people . ─── 我抗议他虐待老人.

13、to remonstrate (with a superior); to plead for rectification ─── 劝谏

14、So please do not remonstrate; in talking about it you have me at a disadvantage ─── 因此请你不必再反对了,在这件事上,你已使我处于无法招架的地位。

15、and they deny our right to petition and remonstrate against abuses of our sex and our kind. ─── 他们否认我们有请愿的权利,告诫我们女性不要这麽不合体统。

16、So go out and remonstrate likecrazy! ─── 因此,出去并疯狂地抗辩!

17、We Arminians are the guyswho argue against, or remonstrate the notion that God so strongly imposes His will on people, that people can’t decide whether to follow Him or not. ─── 我们亚米纽斯人是反对或抗辩“上帝将祂旨意强加在人身上,使人无法决定是否跟随祂”的说法的家伙。

18、He went to the manager to remonstrate. ─── 他去向经理提出异议。

19、He played at life, but didn't forget to remonstrate. ─── 这些人虽然行为狂放,但是,他们却有着非常明确的正义感和讽谏智慧,东方朔就是其中的一个。

20、I do not remonstrate, I simply answer you ─── 我没有反对,我只是回答你的话。

21、remonstrate euphemistically ─── 讽谏

22、A district official walked in the night to remonstrate with the landowners. ─── 有天晚上,区里派了一个干部去对地主进行劝诫。

23、Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them? ─── 谁愿意劝告他们,与他们争辩呢?

24、So, when I remonstrate you about wasting something, it's not because I worry about my money;it's not that. ─── 所以当我告诫你们不要浪费东西时,不是因为我担心我的钱,不是这样。

25、If we are able to exhort and remonstrate with others, we have both talent and virtue. ─── 所以,能规劝人,固然是有才有德;

26、Earth up the fine that the root has read this book and understands an author to suffer from the intention, he stands up remonstrate, for author absolve. ─── 培根读过此书并了解作者的良苦用心,他站起来表示异议,为作者开脱。

27、To remonstrate with a fellow-student ─── 规谏学友

28、I was always remonstrate myself,because this option cost too may resource. ─── 让用户可以自行控制各芯片的音量。

29、It’s the true sprit of friendship if each of you point out other’s mistake and remonstrate no matter how close you are. ─── 它是友谊的真实倾斜变质,如果你清楚指出和你很亲近的人,每一个人所犯的错而且责备他们时。

30、try all one can to remonstrate ─── 力谏

31、When someone harms a peasant association by word or deed and the offence is a minor one, the peasants collect in a crowd and swarm into the offender's house to remonstrate with him. ─── 遇有破坏农会的言论行动而罪状较轻的,则邀集多人涌入其家,提出比较不甚严重的质问。

32、use blunt words to remonstrate ─── 直言劝谏

33、I used to remonstrate with Laura like a fussy old uncle but she'd only laugh . ─── 我以前常要像一个讨厌的叔叔似的,老是给罗娜劝告,而她只是笑笑而已。

34、That Xian Liang and Wen Xue could use blunt words to remonstrate was appropriate and requisite according to the electoral system of the Western Han Dynasty. ─── 贤良、文学能够“直言极谏”,正是西汉选举制度所要求的,并非受霍光指使而为。

35、and they deny our right to petition and remonstrate against abuses of our sex and our kind. ─── 他们否认我们有请愿的权利,告诫我们女性不要这麽不合体统。

36、I used to remonstrate with Laura like a fussy old uncle but she'd only laugh. ─── 我以前常要像一个讨厌的叔叔似的,老是给罗娜劝告,而她只是笑笑而已。

37、A district official walked in the night to remonstrate with the landowners. ─── 有天晚上,区里派了一个干部去对地主进行劝诫。

38、To reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct; remonstrate. ─── 规劝,告诫对某人认真地说明道理以达到劝阻或改正的目的;告诫。

39、Things that are on its course, it is needless to remonstrate it. ─── 正在进行的事,不必再谏阻;

40、During the suspension, the Russians went to their fans' end and seemed to remonstrate with them. ─── 暂停期间,俄罗斯人去到他们的球迷看台区要求球迷的合作。

41、Miss Temple seemed to remonstrate ─── 谭波尔小姐似乎在抗议。

42、remonstrate (to [with] a person) that he is too stingy ─── 对某人劝谏说他太吝啬

43、remonstrate with against ─── adj. 规劝某人改正

44、" King Zhou increasingly dissolute without Road, outspoken minister was demoted to remonstrate both killed. ─── 纣王日益荒淫无道,大臣刚直劝谏者皆被杀被贬。

45、The last time I got a bus on which boys were misbehaving, one Indian did remonstrate quietly. ─── 上次我坐公交车时,男孩子们又在嘲笑一个印度人,他只能沉默以对。

46、If we do something wrong or we let down our parents' wishes, they may scold us severely or gently remonstrate with us. ─── 再说假如我们做错了,或者不能满父母的心意,父母免不了要责备,或者疾言厉色地骂一顿,或者只温和地教训几句。

47、Did you not remonstrate against such infamy? ─── 您没有抗议这种无耻的事情吗?

48、remonstrate with sb. about [regarding; (up)on] his bad habits ─── 就某人的恶习进行规劝

49、To reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct;remonstrate. ─── 规劝,告诫对某人认真地说明道理以达到劝阻或改正的目的;告诫

50、remonstrate against cruelty to a dog ─── 抗议对一条狗的虐待

51、When we remonstrate with our parents, if we are not tactful, not only will we harm ourselves, but our parents will lose an opportunity to change. ─── 否则劝坏了,自己受害不说,父母也失去了改过自新的机会。

52、Drama theory reflect in drama and realistic relation, drama is it remonstrate with with discipline function and amusement function of the drama to mocking mainly Han Dynasty. ─── 汉代戏剧理论主要体现在戏剧与现实的关系、戏剧的讽谏与惩戒功能以及戏剧的娱乐功能之上。

53、She opend her mouth as if to remonstrate. ─── 她张了张嘴,仿佛是想劝两句。

54、She opend her mouth as if to remonstrate. ─── 她张了张嘴,仿佛是想劝两句。

55、remonstrate against cruelty to children ─── 反对虐待儿童.

56、When my parents remonstrate me for a transgression, I will try to keep silent and resist my teenage impulse to argue. ─── 当我因犯错受到父母的责备时,我会不吭气地按捺下亟欲出言顶撞的青春期的冲动。

57、"And did you not remonstrate against such infamy?" ─── “您没办法阻止这种无耻的行为吗?”

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