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08-15 投稿


glasshouse 发音

英:['glɑ?sha?s]  美:['ɡl?sha?s]

英:  美:

glasshouse 中文意思翻译



glasshouse 词性/词形变化,glasshouse变形

动词过去式: glassed |动词第三人称单数: glasses |动词过去分词: glassed |动词现在分词: glassing |

glasshouse 短语词组

1、glasshouse jobs ─── 温室工作

2、glasshouse candles ─── 温室蜡烛

3、glasshouse disco ─── 温室迪斯科舞厅

4、glasshouse novel ─── 温室小说

5、glasshouse systems ─── 温室系统

glasshouse 相似词语短语

1、glass case ─── [家具]玻璃橱,玻璃盒

2、guardhouse ─── n.禁闭室;卫兵室;警卫队队部

3、gashouse ─── n.煤气制造工厂

4、glass vase ─── 玻璃花瓶

5、alms-house ─── n.公立救济院;私立济贫院或养老院

6、almshouse ─── n.公立救济院;私立济贫院或养老院

7、glasshouses ─── n.温室;暖房

8、gatehouse ─── n.门房;警卫室

9、dosshouse ─── n.廉价旅店

glasshouse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The environmental protection function of BOPS material is good.It doesn't produce glasshouse air of breaking the ozone layer.And its wastes can all be recovered and reused. ─── BOPS材料环保性能良好其废弃物可全部回收,并且不产生破坏臭氧层的温室气体,成为国际社会公认的理想环保材料。

2、The sightseeing garden glasshouse has video monitoring system and data collecting system, which present the use of modern information technology in urban agriculture. ─── 观光园温室安装有视频监测系统和温室数据采集系统,它是现代信息技术在都市农业中的应用。

3、Vegetable seedling period disease and insect control technique in glasshouse ─── 温室蔬菜苗期病虫害防治技术

4、Comparative experiment of autumn planting cherry-tomato varieties in sunlight glasshouse ─── 樱桃番茄日光温室秋延后栽培品比试验

5、In fact, the sort of glasshouses is various, for example, the glasshouse for cutting and the one for promoting by their uses. ─── 实际上,温室的种类也是多种多样的,如:按用途分,可分为切花温室、促成温室等。

6、An intelligent wireless control system of glasshouse which USES AT89C51 as the kernel is introduced in this paper. ─── 本文设计了一以单片机(at89c51)为核心的具有无线通信功能的智能型人工气候室测控系统。

7、Regularity of Outbreak of Disease and Insect Pests and Contermeasures of Cucumber in Sunlight Glasshouse of Northern Shaanxi ─── 陕北日光温室黄瓜病虫发生规律及持续控制对策

8、Rational application of drip irrigation system in cultivation of glasshouse vegetables ─── 滴灌系统在温室蔬菜栽培中的合理应用

9、The restrictive factors of mechanization of glasshouse farm work and the relevant countermeasures ─── 温室机械化生产的制约因素及其对策研究

10、So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glasshouse at the beginning and end of the school day. ─── 所以先生花自己的,最好的因应或接近他的玻璃屋内,在开始和结束的开学日。

11、Computers have been used to control the environment of the glasshouse with the further development of computer. ─── 随着现代科技的发展,电子计算机已用于控制温室环境。

12、glasshouse n. ─── 温室;

13、P-who live in glasshouse shouldn't throw stones. ─── 住玻璃房子的人切忌扔石头;秃子别骂和尚;五十步别笑百步;自己有错误就别去批评别人。

14、Maldives on the waterfront that we have a large glasshouse yard desire. ─── 马尔代夫海滨上那个大玻璃屋子里有着我们的向往。

15、I live in my own little 24)glasshouse. ─── 我就住在自己的小天地里。

16、Screening and Evaluation of Thick Skin Melon in Sunlight Glasshouse in Winter and Spring ─── 日日光温室冬春茬厚皮甜瓜的筛选与评价

17、The heat source of the greenhouse comes from the sun radiation primarily, can according to below the experience value radiates to the sun that choose the general glasshouse the worth need well ventilated deal. ─── 温室的热源主要是来自太阳辐射,可以根据以下经验值来选择一般温室的太阳辐射值所需的通风量。

18、The Development Situation of Glasshouse and Unharmful Cultivated Technology in Shanxi Province ─── 山西省日光温室发展现状及无害化栽培技术


20、Study on cucumber growth and development in automatic control glasshouse and its development model based on effective accumulated temperature ─── 自控温室黄瓜生长发育动态及基于有效积温的发育模型研究

21、glasshouse effect ─── 温室作用

22、You can't grow these tropical flowers out of doors; you have to grow them in a heated glasshouse. ─── 这些热带植物在户外是不会生长的,你得把它们放在温室里生长。

23、It links directly to the stunning winter garden, which is Europe's biggest city centre temperate glasshouse. ─── 它直接连接到亮丽的冬季花园,是欧洲最大的城市中心温带玻璃屋。

24、Effect of Glasshouse Weak Light on Mn Content in Tomato Stem and Leaves ─── 温室弱光对番茄茎叶Mn含量的影响

25、Key Words: glasshouse; ─── 关键词:温室;

26、Heat-performance Testing Data of Hot Water System of the Window-type Glasshouse Solar Energy ─── 窗户型特殊温室太阳能热水系统热性能试验测试数据

27、The method is used commercially, especially for glasshouse crops, and also in experimental work in determining the effects of mineral deficiencies. ─── 此法经常在商业中使用,尤其是针对一些温室作物,或者用于验证矿质元素的缺乏对植物产生的影响的实验。

28、glasshouse gas ─── 温室气体

29、Keywords glasshouse gas;emission trading rights;national allocation plan; ─── 温室气体;排放交易权;国家排放权分配计划;

30、Biochemistry: Mode of action: Uses: Control of aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, whitefly, and other sucking insects on rice and glasshouse crops. Phytotoxicity: Compatibility: ─── 作用特点本品属烟酰亚胺类杀虫剂,广泛用于水稻、果树、蔬菜和茶叶,防治多种害虫。

31、It might be concluded that PUR could be an environmentally and economically sound substrate for glasshouse tomato plant. ─── 海棉可作为温室番茄经济环保型基质。

32、Clinic and pathological observation of glasshouse cultured obscure puffer Fugu obscurus infected with Mucormycosis ─── 温室养殖暗纹东方鲀毛霉菌的鉴定、致病性和病理学研究

33、In glasshouse, computers control the watering of the plants as well as the light and the temperature. ─── 在温室里,计算机控制农作物的灌溉,还控制光照和温度。

34、So," combining the many layer glasshouse solar energy and building and the usage manner turning to window from the house roof" is a new technique route. ─── 从而“将多重温室太阳能与建筑相结合,并且使用方式从房顶转向窗户”,是一条新的技术路线。

35、When you take part in us, you can feel the happiness of glasshouse planting and thumb gardening. ─── 在这里您可以亲自参与其中,享受到温室种植、指尖管理的乐趣。

36、The Mathematics Research of the Glasshouse Electrodynamic Loosener's Loose Soil Parts ─── 温室电动松土机松土部件的数学研究

37、You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse. ─── 你必须把这些热带花卉种在温室里。

38、Regenerat i on was via organogenesis and transformed plants were selected on medium containi ng 50 mg/L kanamycin and 100 mg/L of aminopenicillanic acia. Transgenic soybeans were raised in the glasshouse. ─── 经转化的外植体在添加 1 0 0mg/L氨苄青霉素和 5 0mg/L卡那霉素的选择培养基中可诱导出愈伤组织和芽再生 ,在 1 /2MS培养基上诱导生根 ,并培养成再生苗 ,获得了完整的抗性再生植株。

39、The use of glasshouse environment automatic control system in the large modern glasshouse is reflection of high technology in growing. ─── 温室环境自动化控制系统在大型现代化温室的利用,是设施栽培高新技术的体现。

40、Disease Occurrence of Vegetables and Its Nuisanceless Control in Sunlight Greenhouse Harmful Effects in Sunlight Glasshouse ─── 保护地蔬菜病害发生及无公害防治

41、The Design and Extension of Intellect Movable Sprinkling Irrigation Mechanization in Glasshouse ─── 温室用智能移动喷灌机的设计与推广

42、Sea the south vegetable contain beautiful" natural glasshouse, tropical orchard" call. ─── 海南素有"天然温室、热带果园"美称。

43、glasshouse culture ─── 温室培养温室栽培

44、Keywords coking process;glasshouse gases;emission characteristics;coal; ─── 炼焦过程;温室气体;析出规律;煤;

45、Keywords: Power control; Configuration software; Glasshouse; Supervision system; ─── 关键词:力控,组态软件,温室,监控系统

46、Chapter 5 elaborates on quick design and realization of an agricultural glasshouse intelligent experimental system with the aid of this configuration software by illustration. ─── 第五章举例说明使用该组态软件快速开发一个农业智能温室实验系统的设计与实现过程。

47、Principle of Cold Current of Air Affects Glasshouse Vegetable Growth and the Prevention Measure ─── 寒流影响温室蔬菜生长的原理及预防措施

48、Thus the choreographed progression from road past annexe and garage, to house, glasshouse and then on to garden are a logical sequence. ─── 因此,从舞蹈的发展道路过去附件和车库,房屋,温室,然后就到花园是一个合乎逻辑的顺序。

49、This manor really enough greatly, the left side has a meal the area, the right side is the cabaret of the new cover, above is a transparent roof, simply say to be a big glasshouse restaurant. ─── 这个庄园真够大,左边是用餐区,右边是新盖的酒店,上方是透明屋顶,简单的说就是一个大温室餐厅。

50、With the year increased and the soil sandy increased,the glasshouse cucumber’s wilt disease increased. ─── 研究结果表明黄瓜枯萎病随着连作年限的增加,土壤砂性增加而增加。

51、many layer glasshouse ─── 多重温室

52、You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse. ─── 你必须把这些热带花卉种在温室里。

53、The key problem of vegetable glasshouse annual production in north China is the heat up and heat preservation at night during winter. ─── 摘要北方蔬菜温室全年生产的关键是冬季夜晚加热保温问题。

54、It has the advantage of high swarm control management, and help to realize efficient management of the glasshouse in a scientific way. ─── 本系统群控化程度高,可以实现时温室大棚的科学高效管理。

55、Meteorological technology of suitable for use Opuntia Milpa alta haw in glasshouse ─── 温室食用仙人掌气象适用技术

56、glasshouse plant ─── 温室植物

57、Based on the 360, just as the 355 was based on the 348, the F430 has the same glasshouse, roof, hood and doors as its predecessor, which clearly dictate much of the car' ─── 就像355基于348一样,F430的设计基于360,拥有和360一样的车窗、车顶、引擎盖、车门这些决定一辆车总体外观的元素。

58、The heat accumulation of glasshouse were so serious that it required the highly volume ventilation. ─── 玻璃温室之热累积十分严重因此必须以大量之机械通风方能克服。

59、mobile glasshouse ─── 移动温窒

60、In the modern glasshouse the measure of the degree of humidity ─── 现代温室中湿度的测量

61、8.Through setting and analyzing, our workers put the data of temperature, sunshine and humidity into daily management in the glasshouse. ─── 工作人员将所采集的温度、光照、湿度等数据,通过整理和分析得出科学的结论应用于温室的日常管理。

62、Keywords The support of big shack and glasshouse;Compound material;Performance test;Intensity study; ─── 温棚骨架;复合材料;性能测试;强度研究;

63、The vegetables are grown under glass(= in a glasshouse). ─── 这些蔬菜是在玻璃温室里种植的。

64、Potato’s Glasshouse ? ─── 博客文章 ?...

65、Intelligent Measure and Control System of Glasshouse Environmental Parameter ─── 温室环境参量智能测控系统

66、The heat accumulation of glasshouse were so serious that it required the highly volume ventilation. ─── 玻璃温室之热累积十分严重因此必须以大量之机械通风方能克服。

67、It has the advantage of high swarm control management, and help to realize efficient management of the glasshouse in a scientific way. ─── 本系统群控化程度高,可以实现时温室大棚的科学高效管理。

68、Thus the choreographed progression from road past annexe and garage, to house, glasshouse and then on to garden are a logical sequence. ─── 因此,从舞蹈的发展道路过去附件和车库,房屋,温室,然后就到花园是一个合乎逻辑的顺序。

69、Effect of Different Crops on Soil Reclamation in Fallow Sunlight Glasshouse ─── 休闲日光温室种植不同作物对土壤改良的效果

70、The temperature profiles in spatial and temporal field inside the glasshouse are coupled to outside climates. ─── 温室内温度的时空分布及变化与外界气候环境之间有较强的耦合性。

71、Occurrence and damage of Thrips L. On the azalea in glasshouse ─── 蓟马严重危害温室杜鹃花及其防治技术

72、Deep-jowled before a glasshouse hump, ─── 玻璃驼峰前面长着双下巴,

73、sterilization of glasshouse soil ─── 灭生处理

74、results of a glasshouse investigation ─── 一些温室研究的结果

75、Studies on the Application Effect of EVA thin Film on the Sunlight Glasshouse Production of Fruit Trees ─── EVA薄膜在温室果树生产中应用效果的研究

76、Facilities such as glasshouse, canopies, spray irrigation and water drop irrigation and Agricultural Demonstration ─── 温室、大棚,喷灌、滴灌设施农业示范

77、Under glasshouse conditions, pot cultural experiment was conducted to seek critical phosphorus concentrations of wheat genotypes with phosphorus efficiency and inefficiency. ─── 摘要利用温室盆栽试验,对不同磷效率小麦基因型进行了磷素营养阈值的研究。

78、Computers have been used to control the environment of the glasshouse with the further development of computer. ─── 随着现代科技的发展,电子计算机已用于控制温室环境。

79、EU glasshouse gas emission trading rights, present situation and enlightenment ─── 欧盟国家温室气体排放交易权对我国的启示

80、Hothouse; greenhouse; forcing house; glasshouse; conservatory ─── 暖房

81、Chapter 1 introduces the development condition of intelligent glasshouse control and management system, current research on the configuration software and the significance of this task; ─── 第一章介绍了农业智能温室控制与管理系统发展状况、组态软件研究现状和课题研制的背景意义;

82、So, far from a celebration at Seoul, the G20 glasshouse finds stones raining in from all quarters. ─── 因此,首尔的G20“温室”远不是一场庆祝活动,而是遭受到来自四面八方的攻击。



创始人Nicole Eckels是一位香气爱好者,因为深信香味对于提振情绪、改变日常生活的积极力量,她于2006年创立了自己的品牌。

Glasshouse Fragrances自诞生之日起便颇受欢迎,迅速成长为澳大利亚香氛市场中的典型代表。





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