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08-15 投稿


apprehensiveness 发音

英:[[??pr?'hens?vn?z]]  美:[[??pr?'hens?vn?z]]

英:  美:

apprehensiveness 中文意思翻译



apprehensiveness 词性/词形变化,apprehensiveness变形

名词: apprehensiveness |副词: apprehensively |

apprehensiveness 相似词语短语

1、comprehensiveness ─── n.综合;详尽

2、apprehensions ─── n.理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧

3、apprehensive ─── adj.忧虑的;不安的;敏悟的;知晓的

4、apprehensively ─── adv.担心地

5、appreciativeness ─── 欣赏

6、oppressiveness ─── 压迫

7、reprehensibleness ─── 应受谴责

8、inapprehensiveness ─── 不当

9、misapprehensiveness ─── 误解

apprehensiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Full of apprehensiveness;timid. ─── 畏怯的充满恐惧的;

2、Our passenger gave no signs of nerves or apprehensiveness, as well she might have done. ─── 我们的乘客本来会出现紧张和恐惧感的,但是实际上却没有。

3、Full of apprehensiveness; timid. ─── 畏怯的充满恐惧的; 胆怯的

4、Fearless dominance, which is linked to less social and physical apprehensiveness, boosts leadership, persuasiveness, crisis management and congressional relations, according to new research. ─── 新研究发现,他们那种无所畏惧的支配欲,能提高领导力、口才、危机管理能力,有助他们与国会关系和谐,但这种支配欲也与较低的社交和生理忧虑感有关。

5、Results Patients nervousness, apprehensiveness were eliminated and good cooperation to the treatment was obtained. ─── 结果消除了病人的紧张、恐惧心理,更好地配合治疗。

6、and except apprehensiveness;there is no significant relation between learners’ 16 personality traits and English learning results; ─── 结果表明:1.非英语专业大学生一般具有的个性特质为聪慧性、实验性、有恒性、和稳定性。

7、Lack of worry or apprehensiveness. ─── 不担心,不忧虑

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