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08-15 投稿


surgical 发音

英:['s??d??k(?)l]  美:['s?d??kl]

英:  美:

surgical 中文意思翻译



surgical 词性/词形变化,surgical变形

副词: surgically |

surgical 同义词

precise | exact | operative | accurate |medical | invasive | punctilious | definite | operating | meticulous | clinical

surgical 短语词组

1、surgical dressing ─── [医]外科敷料

2、surgical abdomen ─── [医] 急腹症

3、surgical disthermy ─── [医] 外科透热法, 外科电烙法, 透热电凝法

4、surgical aneurysm ─── [医] 外科动脉瘤(可用外科方法治疗的动脉瘤)

5、surgical drill ─── [医] 外科锥

6、surgical anesthesia ─── [医] 外科麻醉

7、surgical current ─── [医] 外科用高频电流

8、surgical cement ─── [医] 外科粘固粉

9、surgical case ─── [医] 外科病例

10、surgical bur ─── [医] 外科钻

11、surgical engine ─── [医] 手术机

12、surgical contraception ─── [网络] 手术避孕

13、surgical clinic ─── [医] 外科门诊部; 外科临床讲解; 外科

14、surgical bed ─── [医] 外科床

15、surgical antisepsis ─── [医] 外科抗菌法

16、surgical diagnosis ─── [医] 外科诊断

17、non-surgical ─── 非外科的

18、surgical diphtheria ─── [医] 伤口假膜

19、surgical emphysema ─── [医] 外科性气肿, 皮下气肿

surgical 反义词

medical | nonsurgical

surgical 相似词语短语

1、chirurgical ─── 外科的

2、aliturgical ─── 外科的

3、postsurgical ─── adj.手术后的

4、liturgical ─── adj.礼拜仪式的(等于liturgic)

5、nonsurgical ─── 非外科的

6、surgically ─── adv.如外科手术般地

7、cryosurgical ─── 冷冻手术的

8、theurgical ─── 外科的

9、chemurgical ─── 化学外科

surgical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In general, a surgical mask needs to be changed daily. ─── 一般情况下,外科口罩要每日更换。

2、Surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland. ─── 切除前列腺的全部或部分外科手术。

3、Surgical repair or reconstruction of the middle ear. ─── 中耳整复术中耳的手术修复或重造

4、A surgical incision into the stomach. ─── 切腹术一种进入胃内部的医学术

5、Surgical removal of all or part of the urethra. ─── 尿道切除术切除尿道全部或部分的外科手术

6、The surgical extent of pediatric partial accommodative esotropia. ─── 儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术量

7、Surgical removal of the thymus. ─── 切除胸腺的外科手术

8、The delicate surgical operation took five hours. ─── 这精细的外科手术花了五个小时。

9、The silk suture applies to General surgical department. ─── 医用丝线,适用于普外科。

10、Surgical incision into a joint. ─── 关节切开(术)切开关节的外科手术

11、This gives governments the ability to filter packets at a more surgical level than any of the other techniques discussed so far. ─── 这使得政府过滤数据包的能力达到了如外科手术般精确,这是我们迄今讨论的任何其它技术都无法媲美的。

12、Surgical treatment of iatrogenic foreign bodies in blood vessels. ─── 医源性血管内异物的外科处理。

13、Surgical disease, or the surgical response to disease is of similar antiquity. ─── 外科疾病或对疾病的外科处理的历史同样久远。

14、He supervised a surgical operation. ─── 他指导了一个外科手术。

15、He is a qualified surgical department doctor. ─── 他是一个合格的外科医生。

16、Surgical removal of part or all of the pharynx. ─── 咽喉切除术切除部分或全部咽的外科手术

17、YourSurgery. Com - provides synopses of surgical procedures. ─── 外科检查过程大纲。

18、Surgical intervention was effective for patients with HCC and BDT. ─── 原发性肝癌伴胆管癌栓行外科治疗是一种积极有效的治疗方法。

19、The surgical statistics are certainly alarming. ─── 外科手术的统计数据无疑是令人吃惊的。

20、The thought of undergoing a surgical operation tied me in knots. ─── 一想到要动手术,我就紧张起来。

21、One member of the surgical team administer s the checklist. ─── 外科手术组的一位成员提供了安全清单。

22、The table on which the patient lies during a surgical operation. ─── 医生手术时病人躺的桌子。

23、Surgical advances allow donors to give kidneys and liver and lung fragments. ─── 外科手术的进步使捐赠者能够提供肾脏、肝脏以及部分肺片。

24、All surgical instruments must be sterilised before use. ─── 所有的外科手术器械在使用之前,必须消毒。

25、Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. ─── 子宫切除术将子宫的全部或部分通过外科手术切除

26、A surgical instrument for scraping bones. ─── 刮骨器用于刮骨的一种外科手术器械

27、Fugue for, achary waited better have two surgical hunter. ─── 人才兴旺网薪急聘船长,船员,大幅,大管轮等焯瑶蜻2009-1-33/32伶云子4天前11:03

28、Topic: Chronic sinusitis: a medical or surgical disease? ─── 慢性鼻窦炎是内科疾病还是外科疾病?

29、Require all frontline staff to wear surgical gloves and masks. ─── 前线员工必须戴上口罩。

30、Surgical excision or amputation of a body part or tissue. ─── 切除(术),摘除(术)手术割除或去掉身体的一部分或组织。

31、Surgical removal of one ovary or both. ─── 卵巢切除术对一个或两个卵巢的外科切除手术

32、Surgical removal of part or all of the larynx. ─── 喉切除术部分或全部切除咽喉的外科手术

33、There maybe no one lonelier than a surgical pathology working solo. ─── 世界上没有另外一种职业像病理医生一样每天工作是如此孤单。

34、The opening in a bone made by surgical fenestration. ─── 小孔由外科内耳开窗术在骨上切割出的开口

35、Surgical incision of the uterus, as in a cesarean section. ─── 子宫切开术对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中

36、FREE Upgrade on Hospital Surgical Benefits! ─── 住院及手术保障免费提升!

37、We learn politics, internal medicine and surgical department. ─── 我们学习政治、内科、外科等等。

38、The ICRC had also donated medicines and some surgical instruments. ─── 国际红十字协会还捐赠了一些药物和手术器械。

39、There was no evidence of a link between nurse staffing levels and overall in-hospital morbidity among medical or surgical patients. ─── 没有证据能表明护理人员的水准和内科或外科患者的总体住院死亡率有关。

40、A long, narrow surgical knife for minor incisions. ─── 外科手术刀用于细微切割的一种外科用细长刀

41、He performed a difficult surgical operation. ─── 他做了一个高难度的外科手术。

42、Surgical ligation of the aneurysm was performed on the next day. ─── 因此在发病次日进行血管瘤结扎手术。

43、A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure. ─── 活组织切除通常是一个较小的外科手术。

44、Surgical excision of a lobe, as of the lung. ─── 叶切除术用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶

45、The hospital imported some surgical instruments. ─── 医院进口了一些外科器械。

46、Surgical removal of the thyroid gland. ─── 切除甲状腺的外科手术

47、After surgical correction, the course was uneventful. ─── 两列手术修正后病情皆稳定。

48、Various kinds surgical sutures available. ─── 可提供各种规格的缝线。

49、There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently. ─── 任何外科病人我都能胜任地进行治疗。

50、Since the mediastinal teratoma has no specific symptoms, its definite diagnosis is difficult before surgical intervention. ─── 因为纵膈腔畸胎瘸没有特别的徵状,所以在外科处置之前要确定诊断是很困难的。

51、Surgical incision of a tonsil. ─── 扁桃体切开术

52、All patients had complete surgical remoal of cholesteatoma. ─── 所有患者都接受外科手术完全清除胆脂瘤。

53、They created such a mess of possibilities rather than addressing in a surgical way the problems that needed to be addressed. ─── 他们把一切给搅和了而不是准确探触到问题实质。

54、Surgical division or sectioning of bone. ─── 切骨术外科分骨或切骨

55、It consists of the surgical removal of the foreskin. ─── 包皮手术就是外科手术切除包皮。


57、The patient was given surgical treatment. ─── 对病人进行了外科治疗。

58、The angiographic diagnosis was compared with the surgical results. ─── 将造影诊断与手术结果进行对比。

59、He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital . ─── 他在红十字会医院施外科手术。

60、Anderson surgical treatment on serious essential blepharospasm. ─── Anderson手术治疗严重特发性睑痉挛

61、Before undergo a surgical operation arrange your temporal affairs-you may live. ─── 在接受外科手术之前,把你在这世上的俗物整理一番吧--你说不定会活过这一关的。

62、Surgical treatment of 21 cases with pleura tubercle tumour. ─── 21例胸膜结核瘤的外科治疗。

63、In his case a simple surgical operation is indicated. ─── 他的病情表明需要做一次简单的外科手术。

64、Deficit from fasting: Is ideally replaced on the surgical ward. ─── 因禁食导致的短缺:在外科病房得到完美的补充。

65、Surgical incision of the uterus,as in a cesarean section. ─── 对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中。

66、The treatment of choice is often surgical resection for most paragangliomas. ─── 大部分副神经节瘤的首选治疗方式是外科手术切除。

67、It was implanted through a surgical opening in the forehead. ─── 它是通过一个打开前额的外科手术植入的。

68、The think of undergo a surgical operation tied me in knot. ─── 一想到要动手术,我就紧张起来。

69、A surgical mask should be changed at least daily. ─── 外科口罩应最少每天更换。

70、To wound or injure(a tissue), as in a surgical operation. ─── 伤害,损伤伤害或损伤(一个组织),如在外科手术中

71、Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor. ─── 卵巢切开术切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤

72、Surgical removal of the vulva. ─── 外阴外科切除术

73、To protrude through a wound or surgical incision. ─── 伤口或外科切口处突出

74、Surgical techniques are constantly being refined. ─── 外科手术技术正在不断得到完善。

75、I would get a surgical consultation immediately. ─── 我要立刻请外科会诊。

76、The doses used for surgical anaesthesia vary between 2 and 10mg/kg. ─── 外科手术麻醉药的用量从每公斤2 毫克到10 毫克不等。

77、A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction. ─── 外科手术为修补伤口、缺陷或畸形等治疗疾病的外科手术

78、Early surgical treatment under extr... ─── 少数患者可选用介入治疗。

79、the tumor is often mistaken for a pulmonary thromboembolism at presentation , and the surgical treatment is usually delayed. ─── 此肿瘤的表现多被误以为是肺部血栓,因此手术治疗常是延迟的。

80、It is now through a variety of non-surgical, non-invasive approaches, often used in combination, that dramatic skin changes can be induced. ─── 现下透过多种非外科,非侵略性的方法,经常在结合过程中使用,戏剧性的皮变化可以被引起。

81、One member of the surgical team administers the checklist. ─── 外科小组的一名成员负责管理清单。

82、Surgical resection was performed at week 6 in both groups. ─── 两组患者均在第6周行肿物切除手术。

83、The doctor performs operations with sterilized surgical instruments. ─── 医生用消过毒的外科手术器械做手术。

84、The cleansing of a body area as part of a surgical or medical procedure. ─── 创口洗涤作为外科手术或医治程序一部分的对一个身体部位的清洗

85、Shanghai SANYOU Surgical Instruments Co., Ltd. ─── 上海三友外科器材有限公司。

86、Complete surgical resection is indicated for this tumor. ─── 处理方法是以完全手术清除为主。

87、Are you a medical or surgical case? ─── 您看内科还是外科?

88、Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery. ─── 分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术.

89、To prepare(someone) for a medical examination or surgical procedure. ─── 使预备好使(某人)为医学考试或外科手术程序作准备

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