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08-15 投稿


depressor 发音

英:[d??pres?r]  美:[d??pres?(r)]

英:  美:

depressor 中文意思翻译



depressor 词性/词形变化,depressor变形


depressor 短语词组

1、musculi depressor glabellae ─── [医] 眉间降肌

2、depressor substance ─── [医] 减压物质

3、musculi depressor septi ─── [医] 鼻中隔降肌

4、depressor principle ─── [医] 减压物质

5、aortic depressor reflex ─── [医] 主动脉减压反射

6、depressor epiglottidis ─── [医] 会厌降肌(甲状会厌肌的一部分)

7、depressor urethrae ─── [医] 尿道压肌(尿道膜部括约肌的一部分)

8、musculi depressor labii inferioris ─── [医] 下唇方肌

9、cardiac depressor reflex ─── [医] 心 ─── [脏]减压反射

10、musculi depressor anguli oris ─── [医] 口角降肌, 三角肌

11、depressor anguli oris ─── [医] 三角肌, 口角降肌

12、depressor labii inferioris ─── [医] 下唇方肌

13、cardiac depressor nerve ─── [医] 心减压神经

14、depressor nerve ─── [医] 减压神经, 抑制神经

15、depressor reflex ─── [医] 减压反射

16、carotid sinus depressor reflex ─── [医] 颈动脉窦减压反射

17、depressor alae nasi ─── [医] 鼻翼降肌

18、depressor muscle ─── [医] 降肌

19、depressor fibers ─── [医] 降压纤维

depressor 常用词组

tongue depressor ─── [医]压舌器

depressor 相似词语短语

1、oppressor ─── n.压制者,压迫者

2、depress ─── vt.压抑;使沮丧;使萧条

3、duressor ─── n.强迫者

4、repressors ─── n.阻抑物;阻遏蛋白;镇压者

5、depressors ─── n.抑压者;抑压物;压板;降肌

6、depressed ─── adj.沮丧的;萧条的;压低的;v.使沮丧;使萧条(depress的过去式和过去分词形式);压低

7、repressor ─── n.阻抑物;阻遏蛋白;镇压者

8、depresses ─── vt.压抑;使沮丧;使萧条

9、depression ─── n.沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

depressor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Le Mee's tongue depressor ─── 勒梅(氏)压舌器

2、Extend your tongue as far as possible to the corner of your mouth while pressing against a tongue depressor. ─── 向嘴角伸长你的舌头顶住压舌器。

3、Guiteras' prostatic depressor ─── 古特拉斯(氏)前列腺压迫器

4、Then I grasped the child's head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. ─── 接着我用左手掰住女孩的头,并试图将木制的压舌板伸进她的嘴里。

5、front depressor bolt cam ─── 前压针螺栓闸刀

6、Escat's tongue depressor ─── 埃斯卡特(氏)压舌器

7、pour - point depressor ─── 倾点下降物

8、Effects of severing vagus nerve and depressor nerve on cardiovascular function in firearm thoracic wound ─── 切断迷走神经和减压神经对胸部火器伤心血管功能效应

9、spoon shaped goitre depressor ─── 匙形甲状腺压板

10、depressor with solid metal handle, tongue ─── 实心金属柄压舌器

11、In type III muscles (16%) no or only a rudimentary depressor septi muscle is visible. ─── III型(16%),不可见或只能见到一束发育不完全的降鼻中隔肌。

12、Severing of depressor nerve. ─── 减压神经切断组。

13、a thin depressor used to press the tongue down during an examination of the mouth and throat. ─── 在检查口和喉时用来压住舌头的窄压板。

14、Authors summarize development tendency will transform into complication and list main achievements of dust-depressor in recent years. ─── 综述了近年国内外抑尘剂研究由单一型向复合型发展的趋势,列举主要研究成果。

15、The inner part of the tongue depressor is provided with a lighting device. ─── 其在压舌板内部有一照明装置。

16、The depressor performance, controlling effect and spraying volume may all meet operation requirements. ─── 抑尘剂性能及防治效果、喷淋量均可达到实际生产要求。

17、Tobold's tongue depressor ─── 托博尔德(氏)压舌器

18、bent metal tongue depressor ─── 弯形金属压舌器

19、Hartmann's tongue depressor ─── 哈特曼(氏)压舌器


21、a tongue depressor ─── 压舌板,压舌器

22、depressor of minesweeper gear ─── 扫雷具定深器

23、Keywords Depressor;Natural starch;Flowsheet consisting of continuous grinding;Low intensity and high intensity magnetic separation-anionic reverse flotation; ─── 抑制剂;天然淀粉;连续磨矿、弱磁-强磁-阴离子反浮选流程;

24、Central neural mechanism of anteroventral third ventricle region depressor area in rat brain ─── 大鼠脑内第三脑室前腹侧区降压功能的中枢机制

25、Three types of depressor septi muscles were identified. ─── 发现降鼻中隔肌存在三种类型。

26、Observation on depressor effect of endothelin A receptor antagonist-BQ_(123) ─── 内皮素A受体拮抗剂BQ_(123)降压作用的研究

27、5α reduction enzyme depressor ─── 5α还原酶抑制剂

28、Then I grasped the child's head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. ─── 接着我用左手掰住女孩的头,并试图将木制的压舌板伸进她的嘴里。

29、The Effect of Depressor on Filamentous Bacteria ─── 抑制剂对丝状菌的影响

30、dual purpose tongue depressor ─── 两用压舌板

31、Dr. Avery took the tongue depressor out of Rae's mouth. ─── 瓦利医生把压舌板从雷的嘴里拿出来。

32、Bosworth's tongue depressor ─── 博斯沃思(氏)压舌器

33、pressing against a tongue depressor. ─── 舌头顶住压舌器。

34、musculus depressor labii superior ─── 上唇降肌

35、musculi depressor anguli oris ─── [医] 口角降肌, 三角肌

36、1.When clinically significant, the depressor septi nasi muscle may accentuate drooping of the nasal tip and shortening of the upper lip on animation. ─── 在某些较为明显的临床病例中,在做表情时,降鼻中隔肌可加重鼻尖下垂和上唇短缩。

37、6.In the environmental protection, it is the good depressor of photo-chemical smog. ─── 6.在环境保护中是良好的光化学烟雾抑制剂。

38、pour depressor ─── [化] 倾点下降剂

39、a thin depressor used to press the tongue down during an examination of the mouth and throat. ─── 在检查口和喉时用来压住舌头的窄压板。

40、1. Contraction of the zygomatic major muscle elevates and retracts the corner of the mouth, while the depressor labii inferioris pulls the lips down and out. ─── 大颧肌控制嘴角的延展和收缩动作,降鼻翼肌则负责使上下唇上下移动。

41、trigeminal depressor response ─── 三叉神经减压反应

42、a thin depressor used to press the tongue down during an examination of the mouth and throat ─── 在检查口和喉时用来压住舌头的窄压板

43、Keywords White Coat Hypertension Essential hypertension Blood pressure depressor Biofeedback technique; ─── 关键词白大衣性高血压;原发性高血压;降压治疗仪;生物反馈技术;

44、Preinjection of L NNA and methylene blue into NPB separately blocked the depressor effect elicited by L Arg. ─── L - Arg在 NPB的降压效应可被 NPB内预注射 L - NNA或鸟苷酸环化酶抑制剂亚甲蓝所阻断。

45、musculi depressor labii inferioris ─── [医] 下唇方肌

46、illuminator for tongue depressor ─── 压舌板辅助光源

47、scleral depressor ─── 巩膜压器

48、aortic depressor reflex ─── 主动脉减压反射

49、fenestrated tongue depressor ─── 开窗压舌板

50、Contribution of imidazoline receptors in caudal ventrolateral medulla to central depressor effect of clonidine ─── 尾端延髓腹外侧区咪唑啉受体在可乐定中枢降压效应中的作用

51、depressor and lower jaw rest, tongue ─── 压舌及下颌支撑器

52、Depressor Effect of NO in Rat Parabrachial Nuclei and Its Mechanisms ─── 一氧化氮在大鼠臂旁核的降压作用及其机制分析

53、epiglottis depressor ─── 会厌压迫器

54、a tongue depressor. ─── 压舌板

55、folding pattern tongue depressor ─── 折式压舌板

56、Flatten the back of your tongue just as you would if a doctor were using a tongue depressor to look in your throat. ─── 像医生使用压舌板检查你喉咙时那样,放平你舌头的后面部分。

57、We performed a cadaver study to define the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle. ─── 我们曾进行了一个尸体解剖研究,以确定降鼻中隔肌的解剖变异。

58、Time volume blood pressure, appropriate time uses depressor, notice food at ordinary times, appropriate is delicate give priority to! ─── 我妈妈四十左右,血压高,平时看不出什么反应,要怎样进行降压或治疗?


60、depressor and scraper, tongue ─── 压舌及刮舌器

61、Although the MDOF waveguide vibration depressor can depress the flexural wave propagating in basement shell or plate,its vibration also induces sound radiation in surrounding fluid. ─── 多自由度波导抑振器通过自身的运动来抑制弹性基板中弯曲波的传播,但其自身的运动也将引起声波向周围介质辐射。

62、Contraction of the levetor labii superioris , zygomatic minor, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi elevate the upper lip;contraction of the depressor labii inferioris depress the lower lip. ─── 提上唇肌、小颧肌、提鼻翼肌的收缩动作会牵动上唇,使之往上移动,而降下唇肌则掌管下唇的收缩及下拉。

63、Keywords clonidine;central depressor action;blood pressure;I1-imidazoline receptor;caudal ventrolateral medulla; ─── 关键词咪唑啉1受体;可乐定;血压;尾端延髓腹外侧区;

64、My blood pressure sometimes tall, sometimes normal. Be hypertensive? Tall when should drink depressor? ─── 我的血压有时高,有时正常。是不是高血压?高的时候该不该喝降压药?

65、Lack's tongue depressor ─── 拉克(氏)压舌器

66、The mechanism of depressor effect of AHF may be related to the inhibitory effects on calcium uptake of vascular smooth muscle, especially of resistance vessel smooth muscle. ─── 以上结果表明:EHS红细胞中存在AHF,能显著降低高血压大鼠血压,其降压机制可能与其抑制VSM特别是小动脉VSM Ca~(2+)内流有关。

67、Keywords Eucommia leaves electuary Depressor Protection of growth of fetus Acute toxicity; ─── 关键词杜仲叶冲剂;降压;安胎;急性毒性;

68、But the differences of the two minerals in flotability are remarlkable after using certain appropriate depressor in certain condition. ─── 但当加入适当的抑制剂后,在一定条件下两种矿物的可浮性存在着明显差异,为进一步验证,进行了两种矿物混合矿的浮选试验。

69、S-shape tongue depressor ─── S型压舌器

70、to relatively bigot is added with immune depressor, all can get better curative effect. ─── 对于较顽固者加用免疫抑制剂,均可收到较好疗效。

71、Deickmann's tongue depressor ─── 德克曼(氏)压舌器

72、depressor with lip on side, tongue ─── 带侧翼的压舌器

73、The results showthat during carotid sinus pressor reflex the, decreased value of SV/Pp (P

74、Operating Practice of Copper- Zinc Separation with Composite Depressor CCE ─── CCE组合抑制剂用于铜锌分离生产实践

75、Depressor area of the ventral surface of medulla oblongata, VSMd ─── 和延髓尾端加压区

76、The Depression and the Action Principle of Combined Depressor to Ferric and Lead Sulphide Ore under the Condition of Low Basicity ─── 低碱度下组合抑制剂对铅铁硫化矿的抑制性能及作用机理

77、Bleyer-Peterson tongue depressor ─── 布-彼二氏压舌板:有锯齿尾的压舌板

78、nervus depressor cordis ─── 叙翁神经(减压神经、为迷走神经分支)

79、musculi depressor supercilii ─── [医] 眉降肌

80、Endogenous NO in NPB has tonic depressor effect and takes part in maintenance of normal blood pressure level; ─── 2 NPB的内源性 NO具有紧张性降压作用 ,并参与正常血压水平的维持 ;

81、The others patient still can have a relapse, need to be treated again. 6- Qiu base purine can make as immune depressor anaemia is reduced sometimes, can try out. ─── 其余病人仍会复发,需要再治疗。6-巯基嘌呤作为免疫抑制剂有时亦能使贫血减轻,可以试用。

82、Contraction of the levetor labii superioris, zygomatic minor, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi elevate the upper lip; contraction of the depressor labii inferioris depress the lower lip. ─── 提上唇肌、颧肌、提鼻翼肌的收缩动作会牵动上唇,使之往上移动,而降下唇肌则掌管下唇的收缩及下拉。


84、musculus depressor palpebrae inferioris ─── 下睑降肌

85、Type I depressor septi muscles(62%) are visible and identifiable, and can be traced to full interdigitation with the orbicularis oris from their origin at the medial crural footplate. ─── 型降鼻中隔肌(62%),解剖中可见,可被识别,并发现在其起始部位内侧脚踏板处和同起于此的口轮匝肌完全交错。

86、depressor with suction tube, tongue ─── 带吸引管的压舌器

87、depressor with concave surface, tongue ─── 凹面压舌器

88、hand lamp type tongue depressor ─── 手持式照明压舌器

89、Trigeminal Depressor Response in Rabbits during Percutaneous Micro-balloon Compressing the Trigeminal Ganglion ─── 微球囊压迫三叉神经节对兔三叉神经的抑制作用

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