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08-15 投稿


absent-minded 发音

英:[??bs?nt ?ma?nd?d]  美:[??bs?nt ?ma?nd?d]

英:  美:

absent-minded 中文意思翻译



absent-minded 词性/词形变化,absent-minded变形

副词: absent-mindedly |名词: absent-mindedness |

absent-minded 同义词

distrait | scatty | unconscious | inattentive | scatterbrained | vague |preoccupied | distraught | dreamy | forgetful | absorbed | distracted | abstracted | idle

absent-minded 反义词

attentive |wide-awake

absent-minded 常用词组

absent-minded professor ─── 做事心不在焉者;无头苍蝇;健忘的人

absent-minded 相似词语短语

1、absent-mindedness ─── n.恍惚;心不在焉

2、absenting ─── adj.缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的;vt.使缺席

3、even-minded ─── 心平气和的

4、able-minded ─── 能干的

5、abscinded ─── vt.切断,切开;分开

6、absented ─── adj.缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的;vt.使缺席

7、absent-mindedly ─── adv.茫然地;精神不集中地

8、absentminded ─── adj.心不在焉的;茫然的;神情恍惚的

9、absent-minded ─── 健忘的

absent-minded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't let it weigh on your mind. ─── 你不要因此背包袱。

2、He was absent from the meeting. ─── 他今天开会缺席。

3、The doctor looked puzzled. "Oh, yes, " he said, "It was the patient before you. How absent-minded of me! " ─── 医生看上去很困惑,“噢,对了,”他说,“你之前的那位病人做了身体检查,我真健忘。”

4、The insult still rankled in his mind. ─── 他对那次受辱仍耿耿於怀。

5、Never you mind how I found out it's true, isn't it? ─── 你就别问我是怎么知道的了--反正是事实,对吧?

6、She minded very much that he had not come. ─── 他没有来,她为此十分不悦。

7、Love was totally absent from his childhood. ─── 他童年时代没受到丝毫的疼爱。

8、She is never absent from work without good cause. ─── 她决不无故缺勤。

9、His mind ranged over the problems set before him. ─── 他在考虑摆在他面前的那些问题。

10、Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue. ─── 不要让你的思路离开争论的主题。

11、A suspicion sprang up in his mind. ─── 他的脑中突然产生了一些疑问。

12、He focused his mind on his new plan. ─── 他集中心思在新计划上。

13、I'd a good mind to smack him for being so rude! ─── 他这样粗野,我真想揍他。

14、You are really the typical absent minded professor. ─── 你真是典型的心不在焉的教授先生。

15、He has an open mind in this matter. ─── 他在这个问题上虚怀若谷。

16、He has nothing but money on his mind. ─── 他思想上除了钱外没有别的。

17、He persuaded his daughter to change her mind. ─── 他说服女儿改变主意。

18、Keeping to a strict diet is a question of mind over matter. ─── 坚持某一规定饮食,是毅力能否战胜物质诱惑的问题。

19、Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. ─── 夏日野营正是我心里想的。

20、Don't engraft your ideas in other's mind. ─── 不要把你的思想灌输到别人的脑子里。

21、They gave me a week to make up my mind. ─── 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定。

22、Anyway she said what was in her mind. ─── 不管怎样,她说了心里话。。

23、A fresh idea flashed upon his mind. ─── 他突然想到一个新主意。

24、Can you bring to mind the name of the child? ─── 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗?

25、The insult still rankles in his mind. ─── 他对那次受辱仍然耿耿于怀。

26、I don't mind as long as it doesn't rain. ─── 只要不下雨就行了。

27、Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. ─── 天花板很低,留神别碰头。

28、His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of side issues. ─── 他的脑子老是岔开去想一些枝节问题。

29、Have a class with absent minded, watching downwards from the window. ─── 上课是要开小差的,在老师没注意的情况下,从窗口往下看。

30、Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind. ─── 她担心其后果而惴惴不安。

31、The resentment festered in his mind. ─── 他心中的愤恨有增无减。

32、Don't try to soft-soap me; I'm not changing my mind. ─── 别给我灌米汤了,反正我不改主意。

33、Mr. Liu, I hope you do not mind your meat well- do. ─── 刘先生,我希望你不介意肉烤得很熟。

34、Nothing will make me change my mind. ─── 任何事情都不能使我改变主意。

35、His mind was still teeming with various projects. ─── 他的脑子里依然塞满了各式各样的计划。

36、Since when has he been absent from school? ─── 她从什么时候起不来上学的?

37、You look absent-minded. ─── 你看起来心不在焉。

38、In his later life he became even more absent-minded. ─── 在晚年他变得更加心不在焉了。

39、How many students are absent today? ─── 今天有多少学生缺席?

40、He got after you to change your mind, didn't he? ─── 他竭力劝你改变主意,不是吗?

41、Another doubt arose in his mind, however, as this one disappeared. ─── 但是这个疑虑消失了,另一个怀疑又浮上他的脑际。

42、The patronage of these things, the language Hall 's book to be absent-minded turning over a few pages. ─── 光顾着这些玩意儿了,语堂先生的书才心不在焉的翻了没几页。

43、The loss of the money has been a weight on my mind. ─── 丢钱的事总是压在我心里。

44、He debated the issue in his mind. ─── 他仔细考虑该问题。

45、He find it impossible to make her change her mind. ─── 他发现使她改变主意是不可能的。

46、If you shall change your mind, do let me know. ─── 万一你要改变主意,一定要告诉我。

47、He could do it if he were so minded. ─── 假如他想做,他就能做。

48、Many problems occupied his mind. ─── 他脑子里装著许多问题。

49、She tried to shut all pessimistic thoughts out of her mind. ─── 她努力从头脑中排除一切悲观的想法。

50、Absence of mind is altogether an involuntary thing. ─── 发愣,是完全出自无意识了。

51、Can you bring to your mind what happened on the fourth of July. ─── 你能回想起7月4日发生什么事了吗?

52、He was almost driven out of his mind with anxiety. ─── 他焦急得差不多精神都错乱了。

53、An idea popped into his mind like a flash. ─── 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。

54、His mind was throbbing with expectation. ─── 他的心因期待而柁柁地跳着。

55、The idea of writing a novel slowly grew at the back of his mind. ─── 写小说的想法慢慢地在他脑子里形成了。

56、He is a person with a nasty mind. ─── 他是个思想肮脏的人。

57、The spectre of unemployment was always on his mind. ─── 他心头一直萦绕著可能失业的恐惧感。

58、You should not be absent from class. ─── 你不应当旷课。

59、He gave a lame excuse for being absent. ─── 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。

60、He was absent from the meeting for one reason or another. ─── 他为某种理由而没有出席会议。

61、Never mind, we can doss down in the car. ─── 不要紧,我们可以睡在汽车里。

62、His mind ran on his own troubles. ─── 他老在想自己的烦恼事。

63、She's very direct, believes in speaking her mind. ─── 她为人直率,喜欢有什么说什么。

64、He did not rule out changing his mind. ─── 他没有排除改变主意的可能性。

65、At last, among friends, he was free to speak his mind. ─── 他终於向自己人倾诉衷肠。

66、Once he's made up his mind, he never budges. ─── 一旦下了决心,他就毫不动摇。

67、As you were absent-minded, it's no wonder that you know nothing about the speech. ─── 你心不在焉的,难怪你对讲演一无所知。

68、Don't clog your mind with cares. ─── 不要因虑而变得闷闷不乐。

69、A suspicion sprang up in her mind. ─── 在她头脑里出现了一个疑团。

70、He's very learned but rather absent minded. ─── 他很有学问,可是好忘事.

71、Mind you, I was not born yesterday. ─── 告诉你,我不是小孩子。

72、He weighed the ideas in his mind. ─── 他在脑中权衡着这些想法。

73、You are just like an absent minded professor. ─── 你真是一个没头没脑的人。

74、His mind was reeling with all that he had seen and heard. ─── 他的所见所闻使他内心大为震动。

75、His mind was blind by wealth and fame. ─── 他的心智为名利蒙蔽。

76、A contented mind is a perpetual feast. ─── [谚]知足长乐。

77、I lose my mind just standing next to him. ─── 和他站在一起就使我意乱情迷。

78、No doubt about it, my fellow monk, Father Martin, was a bit of an absent-minded professor. ─── 毫无疑问,我的同事、Martin神父是个有点健忘的教授。

79、Do you mind reading hack the text of my message? ─── 你把我的电文重念一遍,好吗?

80、She had a mind for worldly honor. ─── 她希望得到人世间的荣誉。

81、He lit a cigarette in order to calm his mind. ─── 他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。

82、You should remind him the submission deadline of the project because he is an absent-minded man. He might be late if you don't remind him. ─── 你必须提醒他递交报告的限期,因为他是一个很善忘的人。若你不提醒他,他便很有可能迟交报告了。

83、Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind. ─── 他脑海里时刻萦绕着复仇的念头。

84、He was surely about to change his mind. ─── 他一定会改变主意。

85、A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. ─── 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。

86、There was one especially absent-minded young man in the assembly line who sewed on buttons. ─── 在装配线上有个缝钮扣的年轻人特别心不在焉。

87、As we're too absent-minded by what's happening in the virtual some of us have lost conversational skills and sometimes can't even tell whether a person is happy or not. ─── 由于我们对虚拟世界中发生的事情太过心不在焉,我们中的一些人已经失去了交谈技巧,有时甚至无法分辨一个人是否快乐。

88、She's always shown an academic turn of mind. ─── 她总是表现出学究式的思想方法。

89、Why was it that he was absent? ─── 他为什么缺席呢?

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