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08-15 投稿


abortional 发音

英:[[?'b?:??n?l]]  美:[[?'b?:??n?l]]

英:  美:

abortional 中文意思翻译




abortional 短语词组

1、abortional act on self ─── 自我堕胎行为

abortional 相似词语短语

1、abortionist ─── n.(尤指非法)为人堕胎者

2、attritional ─── 磨耗的;磨损的

3、abortion ─── n.流产,堕胎,小产;流产的胎儿;(计划等)失败,夭折

4、avocational ─── 业余爱好的;副业的

5、abolitional ─── 废除

6、aberrational ─── 离开轨道的,越轨的,脱离常规的

7、aboriginal ─── adj.土著的;原始的;n.土著居民;土生生物;n.(Aboriginal)澳大利亚土著居民

8、aborting ─── n.异常终止;v.流产(abort的ing形式)

9、abortions ─── n.[妇产]堕胎(abortion的复数);多次流产

abortional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Not accept by most of the state,the equal rights amendment is abort in 1982. ─── 因不能为大多数州接受,平等权利修宪案于一九八二年夭折了。

2、States it has found a virus, but it only offers me the choice of: "Abort connection". ─── 发现一个病毒,但是只提供选项:"终止连接"。为什么不能删除病毒?

3、Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? ─── 中止,重试,忽略,失败?

4、It may complain about module mismatches (from modutils) and ask if the installation should abort. ─── 在安装时它可能警告模块不匹配(来自modutils)并询问是否继续安装。

5、The doctor had to abort the baby. ─── 医生只好将胎儿引产。

6、Abraham Lincoln: Most people are abort as happy as they make up their minds to be. ─── 亚伯拉罕·肯:一个人打算要有多快乐,他就有多快乐。

7、The doctor had to abort the pregnancy. ─── 医生只得给孕妇堕胎。

8、Once prepared, a resource manager must wait until it gets a commit or abort callback from the transaction manager in phase 2. ─── 一旦准备好后,资源管理器必须等待,直到在阶段2中它获取了来自事务管理器的提交或中止回调。

9、DATA: Not ready reading right nostril. Abort, Retry, Fail? ─── 右鼻孔读取尚未就绪。放弃、重试、失败?

10、Abort a trip because of illness;abort a spaceflight;abort a takeoff. ─── 因病而中止旅行;取消一次太空飞行;取消起飞

11、The MLAS consists of four solid rocket abort motors inside a bullet-shaped composite fairing attached to a full-scale mockup of the crew module. ─── MLAS系统由整合在整流罩中的四个固态脱离火箭发动机组成,它们隶属于全尺寸飞船实体模型。

12、Overall analgesic effects, Cervix laxation and abortional general reaction were observed. ─── 观察镇痛 、 宫颈松弛及人工流产综合征反应等情况.

13、Not ready reading drive A, Abort, Retry, Fail? ─── 含义:A驱动器没有准备好中止、重试、失败?

14、A traditional preference for male heirs, which has prompted some families to abort female foetuses. ─── 中国大陆也有这种事情发生,不过原因在于一胎化政策,见下句。

15、Aptitude will alert you of this and abort the upgrade. ─── aptitude将警告您这种情况并终止升级。

16、Do you really want to abort the uninstallation process? ─── 24你真的要终止卸载进程吗?

17、About the problem of abort, help solve? ─── 关于打胎的问题,帮忙解答一下?

18、If do not take care,abort and after the event did not go to a hospital in time checking, may cause consequence? ─── 如果不小心流产而事后没有及时去医院检查,可能会导致后果?

19、EXPECT_* versions generate nonfatal failures, which don't abort the current function. ─── EXPECT_*版本产生一个非致命失败,但并不终止当前函数。

20、Bradycardia during intraoperative device testing is no reason to abort the operation. ─── 在手术中的装置测试期间出现心搏徐缓,不是放弃这种手术的理由。

21、A transaction cannot be set to SNAPSHOT isolation level that started with another isolation level; doing so will cause the transaction to abort. ─── 不能将通过其他隔离级别开始的事务设置为SNAPSHOT隔离级别,否则将导致事务中止。

22、If all that is necessary for handling the error is to abort the procedure, no hook is necessary as long as the user code can handle the exception. ─── 如果处理错误所需做的只是中止过程,那么只要用户代码能处理异常,挂钩就不需要。

23、Write fault error writing device PRN , Abort , Retry? ─── 含义:向打印设备输出时遇到写故障中止,重试?

24、You are about to open the message body as a web page that may contain unsafe content. Click OK to proceed, Cancel to abort. ─── 准备按网页打开的邮件正文可能包含不安全内容。单击“确定”按钮继续,或单击“取消”按钮中止。

25、Girlfriend also seems to have a problem co-existing with my Golf program, often trying to abort Golf with some sort of timing incompatibility. ─── 女友软件似乎与我的高尔夫软件也有兼容问题,常常出现时间不相容并试图让高尔夫软件异常中断。

26、Calling RAISERROR with severity less than 20 from inside a remote stored procedure causes a statement abort error on the remote server. ─── 在远程存储过程内调用严重性低于20的RAISERROR会引起远程服务器上的语句中止错误。

27、To avoid this grueling, scary road, many geniuses think themselves into paralysis, finding reasons to abort their ideas almost before conceiving them. ─── 为了回避这一条劳苦、令人恐惧的道路,许多天才们“想”入了行为瘫痪中--几乎在孕育想法之前就找理由将它们流产。

28、The ignore_user_abort() function sets whether a remote client can abort the running of a script. ─── 函数的作用是:为远程客户端是否可以放弃执行一个脚本程序设置权限。

29、When a statement abort error occurs, the statement that caused the error is terminated, but the execution of the remote stored procedure or batch continues. ─── 发生语句中止错误时,引起该错误的语句将被终止,但远程存储过程或批处理仍会继续执行。

30、In this image, Gore and Lieberman, with a concession speech in hand, learn that the results have come under question and abort conceding to Bush. ─── 在照片中,手中拿着承认选举失败演讲稿的戈尔和利伯曼手得知结果仍有争议,暂缓宣布失败的演讲。

31、When her attempt to abort herself failed and the doctor threatened her, she gave up that method. ─── 她自己企图堕胎没有得逞,加上大夫吓唬她,她就放弃了那个办法。

32、Write protect error writing drive A Abort, Retry, Fail? ─── A驱动器写保护,异常结束、重试还是系统调用失败继续执行?

33、For sustainable development, it seems to abort humanism through two forms, the whole dialectic and the simple blief of science-technology. ─── 为使发展可持续,似乎必须走出人类中心主义,这主要有两种方式即全程辩证法和简陋科技主义。

34、Not accepted by most of the state,the equal rights amendment was abort in 1982. ─── 因不能为大多数州接受,平等权利修宪案于一九八二年夭折了。

35、A large cargo plane crashed and broke apart close to a row of houses while trying to abort a takeoff Sunday at Brussels Airport. ─── 一架大型货运飞机在周日试图降落在布鲁塞尔机场时,在地面坠毁并在靠近一排房屋处分离成数段。

36、It is scrupulous abort every detail and much steeled.The brand of Luhuan is popularin every place by adopting international quality contyoling system. ─── 一丝不苟,千锤百炼,采用国际化的质量保证体系让“鹤绿”品牌在每个角落都畅通无阻。

37、Unable to abort the system shutdown because no shutdown was in progress. ─── 因为没有任何进行中的关机过程,所以无法中断系统关机。

38、God wanted your mother to abort, and Jesus says that not even he couldforgive you for being such a daft git. ─── 如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

39、ABORT shall release all local storage resources, and CATCH / THROW (if implemented) shall release such resources for all definitions whose execution is being terminated. ─── ABORT必须释放所有的区域变数储存资源,并且(如果有实作)CATCH/THROW必须释放被终止的所有的定义的这类资源.

40、Because I' d already done this twice last night and both times I'd had to abort. ─── 因为这事我昨晚已经做了两遍,两遍我都失败了。

41、Of the four products of a megaspore mother cell, three usually abort. ─── 在大孢子母细胞分裂产生的四个孢子中,三个会解体消失。

42、Captain, further study of the documents you recovered revealed that to abort the launch, two control keys will be required. ─── 上校,根据你之前找到的文件,要让火箭发射程序终止,需要两支控制钥匙。

43、Hello? -Mr. Durst? Abort the mission. The men in the diner are decoys. Thanks, anyway. ─── 喂?-杜斯特先生?关于这个任务。饭馆里的人是假目标。无论如何,谢谢。

44、The crash probe said the first officer, with only two previous flights as a 767 copilot, was too focused on the weather and failed to warn the pilot early enough to abort. ─── 事故调查显示,飞机副驾驶在失事前仅有过两次波音767副驾驶的经验,当时他全部注意力都在天气上,而没能及早警告飞行员复飞。

45、Not accept by most of the state, the equal rights amendment is abort in 1982. ─── 因不能为大多数州接受, 平等权利修宪案於一九八二年夭折了。

46、Frequently the basal ovule, which is the last one to be fertilized would abort . ─── 中断一个不想要的请求很容易,但是等待请求加载很浪费时间。

47、Need certificate to hospital abort? ─── 到医院打胎需要证件吗?

48、Fixed When importing DVD content through the Source Wizard, a specific data condition would abort the importation. ─── 使用素材精灵导入DVD视频内容时,某种特定数据状态可能造成导入中止。

49、"Wireless Link is transferring files. Do you want to abort the transfer and shut down the machine? ─── "无线链接正在传送文件。要终止传送并关闭机器吗?

50、For example, if the specified file contains three tests, and one of them conflicts and then you select abort, none of those three tests will be loaded. ─── 例如,如果指定的文件包含三个测试,而其中一个引起了冲突,然后您选择了中止,则所有这三个测试都不会加载。

51、Basically, one should not abort the deficient fetus.Instead, one should have the baby, and thereby settle one's karmic debts and be free of negative affinities. ─── 基本上这一种胎,不应该堕掉的,而是要了了这种业缘。

52、English: Do you really want to abort the uninstallation process? ─── 你真的要终止卸载进程吗?

53、Abort what does half month after cross sexual life to have to endanger? ─── 堕胎后的半个月就过性生活有什么危害吗?

54、Our doctor even suggested us to abort it. ─── 医生建议把孩子拿掉。

55、But there are lots of problems abort the model, they exist in the theory or the practice. These problems are resolved through the unified law. ─── 但这种模式无论是在理论上还是在实践上,都存在着大量问题,这些问题亟待统一立法解决。

56、Not accepted by most of the state, the equal rights amendment was abort in1982. ─── 因不能为大多数州接受,平等权利修宪案於一九八二年夭折了。

57、A message indicating that a fatal error condition has occurred. If the program does not abort automatically, the fatal message describes the error and requests corrective action. ─── 一种指明发生致命错误情况的信息。如果程序不自动中断,致命错误信息将记述错误并请求校正措施。

58、Data error reading drive C, Abort, Retry, Ignore? ─── 含义:读驱动器C时数据错误,中止、重试、忽略?

59、Objects created during commit or abort phase of synchronous event are read-only. ─── 同步事件的提交或终止阶段创建的对象为只读。

60、In many situations, it is preferable to reorder or abort the sequence, to improve its efficiency. ─── 在很多情况下,要合理调整执行顺序或者干错禁用顺序结构,以此来提高程序效率。

61、Date error writing drive A Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? ─── A驱动器写错误,异常结束、试、顾错误状态继续执行还是系统调用失败继续执行?

62、Date error reading drive A Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? ─── A驱动器读取错误,异常结束、试、顾错误状态继续执行还是系统调用失败继续执行?

63、Abort Retry Fail? C. Data error reading drive A. ─── 一般性错误和失败。

64、Write fault error writing device PRN, Abort, Retry? ─── 含义:向打印设备输出时遇到写故障中止,重试?

65、But spring when the news that hears the cloud regretfully however to abort again. ─── 可春天的时候却遗憾地听到云再次流产的消息。

66、"His ox mates without fail; His cow calves and does not abort. ─── 他们的公牛孳生而不断绝。母牛下犊而不掉胎。

67、Why Chinese Star High Speed Train Project Abort? ─── “中华之星”缘何成了流星?

68、When times are tough, women tend naturally to abort a higher percentage of male fetuses. Researchers call it culling, but they don't know why it occurs. ─── 处于艰难时事中的怀孕女性,她的男性胎儿自然流产比例更高。研究者称这种现象为剔除,但不知其所以然。

69、Just minutes before liftoff, a boat drifts into the restricted area offshore, its pilot asleep at the wheel.The controllers abort and try for a second shot, at 12:37 A.M. ─── 在升空前几分钟,一艘船艇漂到海面限制区内,原来是船驾驶在方向舵上睡著了,控制人员宣布放弃这次升空,改到午夜12点37分再试第二次。

70、If two calls to Abort come at the same time, it is possible that one call set the state information and the other call executes the Abort. ─── 如果同时出现两次对Abort的调用,则可能一个调用设置状态信息,而另一个调用执行Abort。

71、Click OK to continue the upsizing process; click Cancel to abort now and change the locks setting. ─── 单击“确定”可以继续升级过程;单击“取消”可以立即终止,然后更改锁定设置。

72、Plug and Play registration failed. Abort printer installation. ─── “即插即用”注册失败,请终止安装打印机。

73、Will can in time be handled a few beyond state, 2 will also can judge medicaments to abort to whether succeed on the spot. ─── 一来可以及时处理一些以外状况,二来也可以当场判定药物流产是否成功。

74、Abort hind malcontent a month makes love, and do not have make contraceptive step, can you be pregnant? ? ─── 堕胎后不满一个月做爱,并且没有做避孕措施,会怀孕吗??

75、Well,well,'said the Rat.'I suppose we should think abort getting home. ─── “好了好了,”水鼠说,“我想我们应该准备回家了。”

76、The medical research has improved that Vitamin E is the stimulation of birth of germ cell, resistance to abort and premature delivery, barrenness. ─── 医学研究发现,维生素E能够刺激男性精子的产生、防止流产和早产、预防男女的不育症。

77、At this point in time, an asynchronous threadabortexception is injected into the child thread by the main thread using the abort() method call. ─── 一个异步threadabortexception至少这点中次,是注入子线程通过主线程使用abort()方法调用。

78、If SET ARITHABORT is set to OFF and an abort error occurs during the evaluation of the Boolean condition of an IF statement, the FALSE branch will be executed. ─── 如果SET ARITHABORT设置为OFF,并且对IF语句的Boolean条件求值过程中发生中止错误,则将执行FALSE分支。

79、Cummer was pregnant. The word of first time abort, can friendly sequela? ─── 女友怀孕了。第一次打胎的话,会不会友后遗症?

80、Abort plans for a corporate takeover. ─── 停止公司的接收计划

81、The captain instructed them to abort the mission. ─── 上尉指示他们中止执行任务。

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