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08-15 投稿


fawner 中文意思翻译



fawner 词性/词形变化,fawner变形

副词: fawningly |动词现在分词: fawning |名词: fawner |动词过去分词: fawned |动词第三人称单数: fawns |动词过去式: fawned |

fawner 短语词组

1、fawner meaning ─── 小鹿的意思

2、fawner crossword ─── 纵横字谜

3、fawner definition fawner ─── 定义

4、fawner morden ─── 小鹿谋杀案

fawner 相似词语短语

1、fawnier ─── 奉承者

2、awner ─── n.去芒器

3、dawners ─── 舞者

4、pawner ─── n.交当人;抵押人

5、fanner ─── n.通风机;电风扇;摇扇人

6、dawner ─── 道纳

7、frowner ─── 皱眉者

8、yawner ─── n.(非正式)及其乏味的事;打哈欠的人

9、fawned ─── n.(未满周岁的)幼鹿;浅黄褐色;v.讨好;(鹿)生小鹿;(尤指狗)摇尾乞怜;adj.浅黄褐色的;n.(Fawn)(美)福恩(人名)

fawner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was insolent to the poor, But would fawn upon any one of wealth, or position ─── 他对穷人蛮横无礼,对有钱有势的人则阿谀奉承.

2、Drawing back his head and gazing far from beneath his veiled eyelids he saw the bright fawn skin shine in the glare, the braided drums ─── 他仰着脸,眯起眼睛,看见颜色鲜艳的鹿皮手套在强烈的阳光下闪烁着,也看见镶在手套背上的饰钮。

3、large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in black and white and fawn. ─── 产于马达加斯加的短尾大狐猴,毛厚而如丝,有黑色、白色和浅黄色。

4、Old playwrights advise young actors, promising artists question acknowledged geniuses, would -be poets fawn over literary lions. ─── 年长的剧作家建议那些被公认是有前途有天份的青年演员,应该成为文学方面的王者。

5、1 Leaf blade apex acute, apiculate, abaxial surface pale brown to fawn, with thin, powdery indumentum, hair arms short and pyriform; ─── 先端锐尖的叶片,背面,具细尖淡褐色到淡黄褐色,瘦,敷粉的具,毛具刺短和梨形;

6、To behave in a servile way; fawn. ─── 卑躬屈膝;阿谀奉承

7、While Lake Show fans continue to fawn over the health of young pivot Andrew Bynum, the status of its point guard position is drawing little fanfare. ─── 年轻小将安德鲁-拜纳姆的健康问题依旧是湖人球迷关注的重头戏,但湖人“控球后卫”问题也有不少人关心。

8、Later they heard the sad news.The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter. ─── 后来,它们得知这个不幸的消息,逃课的小鹿已经掉入陷阱被猎人捕杀了。

9、But when you feign complete indifference, it will fawn upon you, lean close to you and live with you. ─── 你摆出满不在乎的样子,她却来讨好你、靠近你、依附你。

10、apex acute;abaxial surface indumentum thin silvery-white felty to fawn plastered; ─── 先端锐尖背面毛被薄的银白色毡状淡黄褐色粉饰;

11、The fawn timidly say:An Niang said, tattoo of is all juvenile delinquent. ─── 小鹿胆怯地说:俺娘说了,纹身的都是不良少年。

12、The expert thinks, of color of this Christmas demarcate brown, in order to wash the shadow of refine and meticulous brightness, create the eyes of be puzzled giving fawn on. ─── 专家认为,这款圣诞限定色的棕色,以洗炼的阴影与细致的光辉,创造出媚惑的眼神。

13、1.to fawn on; to curry favor with; to flatter; to toady to; 2.charming; fascinating; enchanting ─── 媚

14、musk deer ( Mosohus berezovskii) fawn ─── 幼麝

15、Abaxial leaf surface with a few darker scales intermixed with fawn scales. ─── 叶背面具一些深色的鳞片混合具淡黄褐色鳞片。

16、Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn! ─── 为森林小鹿可怕的愤怒而恐惧吧!

17、1.to truckle to; to fawn; to lay the butter on; to make up to; 2.insinuation ─── 巴结

18、He can stoop to fawn. ─── 他能够自贬身份,讨好拍马。

19、Fawn: to seek favor or attention by flattery ─── 引起注意或讨好奉承的意思

20、'Dewey is developing normally for a fawn his age and appears healthy,' said Dr. ─── 作为这么大的幼鹿,它发育得很正常,看上去也很健康。"

21、base tapering;margin revolute;apex obtuse or acute;abaxial surface with indumentum 1-layered, spongy or somewhat agglutinated, whitish to fawn, glabrescent; ─── 基部渐狭边缘外卷先端钝或锐尖背面具毛被1层,海绵状的或稍微地粘结,带白色到淡黄褐色,后脱落;

22、Such attitude reflection gives white-collar beauties not to trammels for life bagatelle, elegant and not fawn on common, missish and the leisurely and carefree voice that does not lose dignity. ─── 如此姿态折射出白领丽人们不为生活琐事羁绊,优雅而不媚俗,矜持而不失尊严的优游之态。

23、To fawn on and please superiors and to be proudly contemptuous to inferiors ─── 媚上骄下

24、The faeries approached cautiously so as not to startle me, the way one might approach a fallen fledgling or a fawn separated from its doe. ─── 他们为了不吓着我,小心翼翼地走过来,就像走近一只坠落的雏鸟,或是一头和母鹿走散了的小鹿。

25、Now, small De Hua already became Dadehua, there also is the girlfriend of an intimate in the United States, birdcall fawn on. ─── 今朝,小德华已成为大德华了,在美国也有一位知心的女朋友,叫子媚.

26、Finding the fawn who was playing dead, he slapped the puffed up belly and found it stiff. ─── 发现装死的小鹿,他拍拍肿胀的腹部,发现是僵硬的。

27、Come on, they're not at all that impressed with conversation.True gentlemen avoid it when they can, but they dote and swoon and fawn on a lady who's withdrawn. ─── 听我说,他们对谈话一点也不感兴趣,真正的绅士对谈话总是避之不及。

28、You must guard against those who fawn upon you and bow obsequiously before you! ─── 对阿谀奉承、点头哈腰的人要格外警惕!

29、He spotted a fawn coming out of the forest. ─── 他看到一头小鹿正从林子里走了出来。

30、The 2 beautiful fawn on that will help a person of the same trade on amice, prevent bask in. 3 come hotel sheet became dirty, take it to become sheet cough up. ─── 二来帮同行的美媚披肩上,防晒。三来旅馆床单脏了,就拿它当床单咯。

31、to fawn on foreign powers ─── 媚外

32、The topknot should be silver or fawn which is lighter than the tan points. ─── 头饰应该是银色或比其他棕色地方亮的杏黄色。

33、Leaf blade ovate to orbicular, indumentum thick, woolly, fawn to whitish, especially on adaxial surface. ─── 叶片卵形到圆形,毛被厚,具绵状毛,特别在正面上摇尾乞怜带白色。

34、"Flatter " , if sheet looks from literal, namely " adulatory " with " fawn on " combination. ─── “谄谀”,如果单从字面上看,就是“谄媚”与“阿谀”的组合。

35、Because women fawn over them, they reason that any woman would be happy to have them. ─── 因为是女人去讨好他们,所以他们就推想任何女人拥有了他们都会感到快乐。

36、A young boy finds a fawn whose mother has been hit by a car. He decides to raise it himself, despite the objections of his parents. ─── 一个年轻的男孩找到了一只被车闯死母亲的小鹿。之后,尽管他的父母很反对,但是男孩还是决定自己来养这只小鹿的故事。

37、He abandoned every particle of self-respect cringe and fawn. ─── 他把自尊心丢得一干二净。

38、He is upright and would never fawn on his boss deliberately. ─── 他有狷介之气, 绝对不会刻意讨好上司。

39、He will not fawn on others. ─── 也不会去奉承或讨好别人。

40、Underlings fawn on their bosses. ─── 奴才巴结主子。

41、And once you're rich, you fawn over others. ─── 你一有了钱,就会去巴结别人。

42、If you are rich, he does just fawn on you , you can give up him. ─── 如果只是因为你有钱他才奉承你,你可以放放弃这种朋友。

43、The absence of white markings, the so-called "plain" fawn or brindle, is perfectly acceptable, and should not be penalized in any consideration of color. ─── 其宽而钝的口吻是其最大的特点,最重要的就在于其恰当的位置和与脑袋的恰当比例。

44、To act in a servile manner; fawn. ─── 卑躬屈膝地听命;奉承讨好

45、[NIV] Even the doe in the field deserts her newborn fawn because there is no grass. ─── 5[和合]田野的母鹿,生下小鹿,就撇弃,因为无草。

46、to fawn on 12. He fawns on anyone in an influential position. ─── 他向一切身居要职的人谄媚。

47、4.Since they speak straightforwardly and selflessly and never appear to grovel or fawn. ─── 因为他们说话正直无私,容色也不阿谀谄媚。

48、perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United States: dogtooth violet; adder's tongue; trout lily; fawn lily. ─── 主要产于美国北部的多年生草本植物,具球茎;犬齿赤莲;瓶儿小草属蕨类;赤莲属的一种植物;赤莲。

49、he never fawn on his superior. ─── 他从不去讨好上司。

50、Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn? ─── 山岩间的野山羊几时生产,你知道么。母鹿下犊之期,你能察定么。

51、There was something of the fawn in her grace and startled eyes. ─── 她那腼腆的温文神情和受惊的眼神里有一种媚态。

52、From fawn to black, passing through salt and pepper, gray and brindle. ─── 从驼色到黑色、包括椒盐色、灰色、虎斑色都有。

53、GRE Word of the Day: They are mostly ambitious local politicians willing to fawn over anyone with money and influence. ─── 他们多半是有野心的当地政客,愿意去巴结任何有钱有势的人。

54、A: He said you fawn on the manager in order to get a promotion. ─── 他说你为了获得提拔,拍经理的马屁。

55、perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United States: dogtooth violet; adder's tongue; trout lily; fawn lily ─── 主要产于美国北部的多年生草本植物,具球茎;犬齿赤莲;瓶儿小草属蕨类;赤莲属的一种植物;赤莲


57、"Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn? ─── 山岩间的野山羊几时生产,你知道吗?母鹿下犊之期,你能察定吗?

58、The Fawn and the Little Tiger ─── 小鹿和小老虎

59、Unfortunately, one day the fawn who played hooky stepped in a snare and was trapped. ─── 一天,这只逃课的小鹿不幸踩到陷阱上被捕了。

60、' Dewey is developing normally for a fawn his age and appears healthy,' said Dr. ─── "作为这么大的幼鹿,它发育得很正常,看上去也很健康。

61、 双语使用场景

63、' Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn? ─── “山岩间的野山1羊几时生产,你知道吗?母2鹿下犊之期你能察定吗?

64、Knowest thou the time when the wild goats bring forth among the rocks, or hast thou observed the hinds when they fawn? ─── 你岂知道岩穴中野羊的产期,洞悉牝鹿何时生产?

65、Don't fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do. Power is alluring, and because it is alluring it is also extremely dangerous. ─── 不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。权力是个诱人的东西,正因为它诱人,所以才非常危险。

66、"Begin from now, fawn on of fierce criterion day should fight hard, hold to after all. ─── “从现在开始,武则天媚要努力作战,坚持到底。”

67、Yet for disport we fawn and flatter both, ─── 为了取乐,我们奉承低头,

68、The coat is smooth and dense, coming in all colours, from fawn to red and brindle, but is preferred in uniform white. ─── 它皮毛光滑厚密,有不同颜色,比如浅黄褐色、红色、带斑纹的等,最受欢迎的是全白色。

69、Your enemies fawn upon you, as you stride upon their heights. ─── 你的仇敌必将奉承你,而你却要践踏他们的背脊。

70、One day, the fawn stepped in a trap in the forest and was captured.He cried out in great pain.This frightened the other fawns, who ran back to the herd and told his mother. ─── 一天,这只小鹿在森林里踩到陷阱被夹住了,它痛得大叫,其它鹿儿吓得赶紧跑回鹿群告诉它妈妈。

71、large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in black and white and fawn ─── 产于马达加斯加的短尾大狐猴,毛厚而如丝,有黑色、白色和浅黄色

72、4.A: He said you fawn on the manager in order to get a promotion. ─── 下级也不应当对上级阿谀奉承,无原则地服从,“尽忠”。

73、be in fawn ─── (母鹿)怀孕

74、worship foreign things and fawn on foreign powers ─── 崇洋媚外

75、fawn over the nature by shape ─── 以形媚道

76、"fawn:To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing." ─── "摇尾乞怜狗:摇尾巴、哀鸣、卑躬屈膝,表示喜爱或试图讨好."

77、and, Demetrius, The more you beat me, I will fawn on you. ─── 你越是打我,我越是向你献媚。

78、2. No one should fawn on his superiors or be obedient and "loyal" to them in an unprincipled way. ─── 下级也不应当对上级阿谀奉承,无原则地服从,“尽忠”。收藏指正

79、apex obtuse;abaxial surface with persistent, 2-layered indumentum, upper layer fawn to rufous, hairs cup-shaped, only slightly fimbriate, lower layer thin, appressed; ─── 基部楔形先端钝背面具宿存的,2层的毛被,上层淡黄褐色到红棕色,杯状的毛,仅稍流苏状的,下层薄的,贴伏;

80、In in relief bright fawn on afternoon, lie in comfortable massage bath crock, let sunshine be aspersed on the body through white gauze, enjoy a kind another warm. ─── 在阳光明媚的下午,躺在舒适的按摩浴缸中,让阳光透过白纱洒在身上,享受一种别样的暖和。

81、With the men taking turns feeding the fawn, the little deer's wobbly legs and curiosity soon grew strong enough to bring it out from its bed behind the boiler. ─── 工作人员轮流喂奶,小鹿晃晃悠悠的腿很快长得有劲,好奇心也随之增长,开始从锅炉后面的床出来。

82、Abaxial leaf surface usually with fawn indumentum; corolla pink to red or white. ─── 叶背面通常具淡黄褐色毛被;花冠粉红色到红色的或白色。


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