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08-15 投稿


pied 发音

英:[pa?d]  美:[pa?d]

英:  美:

pied 中文意思翻译



pied 网络释义

adj. 杂色的;斑驳的;穿花衣服的n. (Pied)人名;(法)皮耶

pied 短语词组

1、Pied Piper of Hamelin ─── [网络] 哈梅林的花衣吹笛手;花衣魔笛手;吹笛人

2、pied piper fansub ─── 花椒粉

3、Malabar Pied Hornbill ─── 马拉巴·皮德·霍恩比尔

4、Pied Starling ─── 派了史达琳

5、pied-a-terre n. ─── 临时住宿处

6、pied piper lyrics ─── 彩绘风笛手歌词

7、pied piper n. ─── 穿花衣的吹笛手, 善开空头支票的领导者

8、Pied Shrike babbler ─── 派了史瑞克巴伯

9、pied-billed grebe ─── [网络] 斑嘴巨鸊鷉;斑嘴巨鷿鷈;斑咀鸊鷀

10、pied-piping n. 【 ─── 语法学、转换 ─── 语法用 ─── 语】随伴法则

11、Pied Lapwing ─── 拉普荣

12、Fulvous-breasted Pied Woodpecker ─── 丰满的胸脯啄木鸟

13、pied lemming ─── [网络] 馅饼馅饼

14、pied piper tt ─── 花椒

15、pied noir (pl. pieds noirs) ─── [法](在阿尔及利亚的)欧洲人(特指法国移民)

16、pied piper fb ─── 花边吹管器fb

17、pied piper bts pied piper ─── 基站

18、Sulawesi Pied Imperial Pigeon ─── 苏拉威西派帝国鸽子

19、the pied piper ─── 脚派珀

pied 词性/词形变化,pied变形


pied 相似词语短语

1、pined ─── n.松树;松木;凤梨,菠萝;v.渴望;痛苦;憔悴;为……悲哀;哀悼;n.(Pine)派因(人名)

2、piked ─── adj.尖的;v.用矛刺穿(pike的过去分词和过去式形式)

3、piped ─── adj.(服装)拷边的;滚边的;v.吹奏管乐(pipe的过去式和过去分词)

4、pized ─── v.打(某人一拳)

5、piend ─── 小

6、-pied ─── adj.杂色的;斑驳的;穿花衣服的;n.(Pied)人名;(法)皮耶

7、spied ─── v.侦探,找出(spy的过去式)

8、piled ─── adj.有细毛的;v.堆积;积累(pile的过去分词)

9、-ied ─── abbr.瞬间弹性变形(InstantaneousElasticDeformation);工程设计师学会(InstitutionofEngineeringDesigners)

pied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No matter how fuzzy the slippers, how tasty the pi?a colada, there are skies upon skies still waiting to be explored. ─── 不管那双拖鞋有多舒适,或是那杯饮料有多美味,还有好几层的天空等待著你去探索。

2、Wu XJ, Li WH, Pi GF, Yin L, Li JZ, Bao H, Hu JM. ─── 关键词:基因治疗;

3、Also, you can use the M_PI constant which yields identical results to pi(). ─── 你也可以使用M_PI常量,该常量产生与pi()完全相同的结果。

4、The total Huisman Group employs about 2, 000 employees pied over The Netherlands, China, Czech Republic, Brazil, USA and Singapore. ─── 豪氏威马集团总共有近2,000名员工分布在荷兰、中国、捷克共和国、巴西、美国和新加坡。

5、A pied myna is caught in a bird trap in the Barpeta district of the north-eastern state of Assam, in north-east India. ─── 印度东北部阿萨姆。在该省东北地区的Barpeta,一只花八哥落入陷阱。

6、Most people ascertained that Pi Sia had deceived his friend. ─── 人们议论纷纷,都说达蒙上了皮斯阿司的当。

7、Many foreign guests like the Er Hu, Pi Pa, and the flute. ─── 外国客人都喜欢二胡、琵琶和笛子。

8、PCB materials, including flexible PCB, CCL, PI film, negative film and other substrate materials. ─── 印刷电路板材料:软性电路板、铜箔基板、PI薄膜、底片等基材。

9、Rajani K. Mudi, Nikhil R. Pal.A self-tuning fuzzy PI controller[J], Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2000) 327-338. ─── 周箴,万淑芸等.模糊控制在无速度传感器交流调速系统中的应用[J].兵工自动化,1999,20(2),1-4.

10、In many ZhouYuMin said, "Pi" part is improvisation, he will not perform the standard, but moving naturally performance. ─── 周渝民表示,在剧中很多“痞”的部分都是即兴发挥的,他要的不是标准演出,而是感人自然流露的表演。

11、The agreement on a merger was a personal victory for Ferdinand Pi"ech Volkswagen's chairman. ─── 同意合并协议是大众首席执行官FerdinandPi"ech的一场个人胜利。

12、YSA PI is realized this mdl complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):YSA皮是认识到这一点的MDL完成的源代码可以直接使用。

13、Only in the Pied Piper of Hamelin are the children taken away, lost forever. ─── 只有哈梅林的花衣吹笛人中,孩子们被带走,永远丢失了。

14、The DNA index (DI) and proliferation index (PI) were remarkably heigher in SCC than in normal epithelium ( P

15、The DNA content and PI were higher in cases of p53 positive expression than those in negative ones. ─── 卵巢癌p(53)蛋白表达阳性的DNA含量、PI值均显著高于阴性者;

16、I am thrilled by seeking a story in pi. ─── 在其中寻找一个故事才是令我兴奋的事情。”

17、What fraction of alanine is in the completely uncharged form at its pI? Justify your assumptions. ─── 在等电点pH时,有多大比例的丙氨酸是完全不解离的?说明理由。

18、Here we investigate the population consequences of such mistiming in the migratory pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca4. ─── 对一种名为斑姬鹟的候鸟所做的新的研究工作,将这一话题又向前推进了一步,因为该研究让我们实际看到了气候变化会怎样引起种群数量的下降。

19、Finally,Mu Lan county had been combined into Huang Pi county in the Song period and upto modern times. ─── 宋初,并木兰县地入黄陂,此后,历明清至现代,建置没有变化。

20、VMR and pulsate index(PI) were significantly (P

21、A: What is the square root of the third power of Pi? ─── 圆周率三次方的平方根是什麽?

22、In the case above, use parenthesis to increment the value pi pounsigned chars to and to not increment pi itself. ─── 在上例中,可以价格括号,表示不是修改指针常量的值而是修改指针所指地址的值。

23、The correlation coefficient of cf and ICP is marked than those of PI, RI, Vd, Vm and ICP. ─── TCD频谱参数cf比目前的TCD频谱参数PI、RI、Vd和Vm更显著地提示颅内压升高。

24、It begins with the name of the application for which the PI is intended, followed by the data for the instruction. ─── 处理指令以PI所针对的应用程序的名称开头,后接指令的数据。

25、Meanwhile, the thermal imidizations of these PI precusors were also studied here by means of TGA and FIR analyses. ─── 同时,本文也对这些PI前体的热酰亚胺化反应做了一些有益的探讨。

26、Why is alanine predominantly zwitterionic rather than completely uncharged at its pI? ─── 为什么在等电点pH时,丙氨酸主要为兼性离子而非完全不解离的形式?

27、Don't you remember our classmates, Huang Pi and Chiang Meng-t'i? ─── 咱们同亘的黄璧、蒋孟是,你不记得么?

28、Knigi_pl Literatura pi?kna, non-fiction, s?owniki w j?zyku rosyjskim. ─── 上海文依电器有限公司电气连接与电缆保护系统供应商,提供拖链、软管、电缆防水接头等产品。

29、People with a strong 5th house attract children to them like the Pied Piper. ─── 第五宫强的人会吸引小孩子,就好像PiedPiper。

30、PI arithmetic is utilized in fuzzy controller to adjust the proportionality factor of fuzzy controller automatically. ─── 在简单模糊控制器的基础上,利用PI控制算法自动调整模糊控制器比例因子。

31、Their faithful love moved pied magpie. ─── 他们彼此忠诚的爱感动了喜鹊。

32、The sorption maxima of IHP on soils were generally higher than those of Pi. ─── 土壤对IHP最大吸附量比正磷酸盐还大。

33、The apoptotic percentage of UVC-treated-SL-1 cells was measured by flow cytometry using propidium iodide( PI) staining. ─── PI染色法检测其凋亡率,处理后8hr的凋亡率为47.08%。

34、But a thing that gets pied is dead, and for such there is no resurrection; its chance of seeing print is gone, forever and ever. ─── 可是只要字版一乱,稿子就算完了,不会起死回生,也就永远没有见报的机会了。

35、He speaks she will work under leader of Mr. Pi Te. ─── 他说她将在皮特先生领导下工作。

36、Yu xia lie deng tong ben: Jian gu zhai ri ji / Chen Shaoji zhuan ; Pi Xirui ping. ─── 与下列等同本:鑑古斋日记/陈绍箕撰;皮锡瑞评.

37、Mr Pi?ch set himself an extraordinary goal, given his grandfather's pre-eminence. ─── 在外祖父卓越成就的影响下,皮耶希给自己设定了一个非凡的目标。

38、An army without ranks will go to pi. ─── 一支没有阶级区分的军队会混乱不堪。

39、Meerkats are also mentioned in Yann Martel's Life of Pi. ─── 在迪士尼电影狮子王中登场的丁满是最广为人知的狐獴角色。

40、The resolving power of a photographic material can be determined by using of a PI C type resolution determinator. ─── 使用PI-C感光材料分辨力测定仪,测定了感光材料分辨力。

41、B: Pi is followed by the book. ─── 圆周率有书本相随。

42、To provide PMP,PI,FMEA and related documentation. ─── 准备PMP,PI,FMEA等相关文件.

43、There was no significant difference in PI between CD 1 negative group before TAC and the control group. ─── CD1阴性组化疗前的PI值与正常对照组比较无显著差异。

44、PI: This means good, but your wife when convenient? ─── 农夫:这办法不错,但您太太什么时候方便呢?

45、PI was higher in FH type than that in UH type(53.28% 20.56% / 22.00% 17.04%) (P < 0.01). ─── 83%/47.88%士21.69%)(P>0.05)。

46、By the 15th century, Madhava had calculated pi to more than ten decimal places. ─── 在15世纪,马德哈瓦将圆周率计算到了小数点十位以后。

47、Then the PI tuning method of SISO was used to obtain the optimal PI controller for each loop. ─── 利用SISO系统PI控制器设计方法确定每个环路的最优PI控制器。

48、Ot Pi Park is located in Itadori,named after worldchampion Ot Pi,Including Bike Museum and BMX(MTB)Venue. ─── 奥特.皮公园位与日本板取的21世纪森林公园,以世界攀爬冠军奥特.皮的名字命名,包括单车博物馆及BMX(MTB)泥地竞速场地。

49、The acos() function returns the arccosine of a number as a numeric value value between 0 and PI radians. ─── 函数的作用是:返回一个大小位于0到PI之间的反余弦值。

50、IEF study showed one band with pi value of 5.70. The optimum pH is 7.80 and the optimum temperature is 30?. ─── 其等电点为5.70,最适pH值为7.80,最适温度为30℃。

51、Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048. ─── 宋代1041到1048年间,毕升发明了活字印刷术。

52、Pi cannot be written as a quotient of two integers, and its decimal form goes on forever and never repeats. ─── 圆周率Pi不能写成两个整数的商,它的小数形式是无限不循环的。

53、Estimate the pI for this peptide. ─── 估算此肽的等电点。

54、Pi Yun, Song Defang son, Ye Laizhou City, Shandong people. ─── 宋德芳号披云子,山东莱州掖城人。

55、You are about to work here under Mr. Pi Te's leader from now on. ─── 今后你就要在皮特先生的领导下在这里工作。

56、But in infiltration furrow and Pi Qiu, input elite fluid effectively. ─── 可渗入皱纹与皮丘深处,将精华液有效输入。

57、At the age of just 17, she became the first female voice in the seven-man vocal act known as the Pied Pipers. ─── 当时才17岁,她成为第一个在七人声的斑点称为行为琵琶女的声音。

58、But he particularly sly, eat stuffing only, the needle loses bicephalous Pi Jian to go in the brook from the back. ─── 但他又特别刁,只吃馅,两头的皮尖尖就丢到后面的小河里去。

59、Absorbance value (AV) was determined at 0, 24, 48 and 72 h, and DNA proliferation index (PI) at 72 h. ─── 分别在0、24、48和72h进行光吸收度值(AV)检测,在72h进行流式细胞术DNA增殖指数(PI)及凋亡指数(AI)检测。

60、Its main products include candied peach,xing fu ,gua tiao , Greenxing mei ,guo dan pi , gold and other dates. ─── 它的主要产品有桃脯、杏脯、瓜条、青杏梅、果丹皮、金丝蜜枣等。

61、The key to development the PI is the industrialization of Biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride(BPDA). ─── 发展联苯型聚酰亚胺的关键是解决主要原料联苯四酸二酐的工业化生产。

62、Xiaoshi its stomachic, cough Runzao Liqiyi pi , Mingmu Xingnaojing such as the role of health care. ─── 其具有消食健胃、止咳润燥、理气益脾、明目醒脑等医疗保健作用。

63、In conventional SVM-DTC, two PI controllers are used to generate the two components of reference voltage vector. ─── 传统SVM-DTC中使用两个PI控制器来产生参考电压矢量的两个分量。

64、PI coating: evenly covering the surface of the glass with a layer of PI fluid. ─── 定向层涂覆:在玻璃表面均匀涂覆一层定向层。

65、The value of solubility and WHC is lowest at PI. ─── 在等电点处,其溶解性和持水性最低。

66、God knew this and asked pied magpie to warn this couple to pay some attention to their job and control their love a little. ─── 于是玉皇大帝下旨,叫喜鹊告诉这两个热恋的情侣要节制,七日见一次面即可。

67、PId and PI ITAE tunning complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):PID控制和PI ITAE整完整的源代码可以直接使用。

68、The value of pi to a firstapproximation is 22/7. ─── 圆周率大约的数值是22/7。

69、The likelihood is skin allergy, or eczema, try with Pi Kangling. ─── 可能是皮肤过敏,或者湿疹,用皮康灵试试。

70、Mr.Yang Jian in Shijiazhuang.Five elements:Pi and Beng.... ─── 五行拳,内家,卢氏结构,大成拳,形意拳,意拳,杨俭,杨鸿尘,石家庄

71、PI is the AQM algorithm cased on control theory and has smaller queue length oscillation than RED. ─── PI算法是基于控制论的主动队列管理算法,具有队列长度抖动小的特点。

72、The grade of malignant of cervical carcinoma correlated positively with clinical stage of FIGO,MVD and PI(P

73、When compared with PN group,AI was significantly increased and PI was significantly decreased in APN group. ─── APN组AI明显升高 ,PI明显降低。

74、Subtyping of Gc and Pi System by Rapid andSensitive Isoelectrofocusing. ─── Gc、Pi蛋白亚型的快速微量电泳分析

75、In Germany, we went to the village of Hamelin, where the tale of the Pied Piper takes place. ─── 在德国,我们去了哈默尔恩村,花衣魔笛手的故事就是在那里发生的。

76、Miniature robots can act like pied pipers to lead cockroaches into shelters that they would not normally visit . ─── 有一种迷你机器人,它就象童话里的花衣风笛手,能把蟑螂引到它们通常不会去的栖息所。

77、A man attempted to smash a piñata with a telephone. ─── 一位男人尝试用一部电话来整碎纸做的陶饰物。

78、Besides, we can take some pied magpies home for BBQ. ─── 此外,我们还可以打一些喜鹊回家用来烧烤。

79、HVE had a significantly lower TIBC with a significant increase in PI and transferrin iron saturation. ─── HVE组Hb没有显著变化,但TIBC降低,PI升高,导致血浆铁饱和度升高。

80、Pi calculation program can be obtained after the input radius of the perimeter. ─── 圆周率计算程序,这个程序可输入半径后求得周长。

81、Pi Sia was a filial son, and he asked to see his old mother before death. ─── 国王感其诚孝,决定让他回家与母亲相见,但条件是必须找到一个人来代替他。

82、At one point, we had a crowd of several hundred people following us, a bit like the Pied Piper of Hamlin. ─── 有段时间,我们身后跟着几百名群众,我们几个人就像在吹魔笛,吸引他们一路跟随。

83、The variant(s) most likely to show pI values different from that of HbA when run on an isoelectric focusing gel. ─── 在跑IEF时最有可能表现出与HbA不同pI的变种。

84、If the issuance of the certificate is denied, the training center PI will state the reasons for certificate denial. ─── 如果拒绝颁证,训练中心主任监察员必须说明中断审定或拒绝颁发合格证的原因。

85、Types: "Xi Pi", "Er Huang", the "Baby tune" and "bo Zi". ─── 京胡发音清脆高亢,有西皮、二簧、娃娃调和拔子多种。

86、DNA aneuploidy, DI, SPF and PI are associated with malignant degree of gliomas. ─── DNA异倍体是恶性胶质瘤特征性标志 ; DI值 ,SPF值、PI值与胶质瘤的级别呈正相关

87、The Tipsy Fisherman Sings in the Evening was composed by Pi Rixiu and Lu Guimeng of the Tang Dynasty. ─── 《醉渔唱晚》,为唐代皮日休与陆龟蒙作。

88、The IHP depressed the sorption of Pi. ─── IHP会对正磷酸盐的吸附造成影响。

89、The pi() function returns the value of PI. ─── 函数的作用是:返回PI的值。

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