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08-15 投稿


culler 发音

英:[['k?l?r]]  美:[['k?l?r]]

英:  美:

culler 中文意思翻译



culler 短语词组

1、culler beauty ─── 卡勒美女

2、culler jones ─── 杀了琼斯

3、culler one ─── 卡勒一号

4、culler middle school ─── 卡勒中学

5、culler nc ─── 扑克器nc

6、culler middle culler ─── 中间

7、culler mcalhany funeral home obituaries ─── 卡勒·麦克哈尼葬礼人讣告

8、culler mcalhaney ─── 卡勒·麦 ─── 卡尼

9、culler 1999 ─── 卡勒1999

culler 相似词语短语

1、cruller ─── n.油炸小煎饼

2、Muller ─── n.研磨机;粉碎机;搅棒;n.(Muller)人名;(德、罗、俄、意)穆勒;(英)马勒;(法)米勒

3、buller ─── 难配准母牛;n.(Buller)人名;(英、葡)布勒

4、caller ─── n.访客;[通信]呼叫者;打电话者;召集员;adj.新鲜的;n.(Caller)人名;(西)卡列尔

5、cullers ─── n.(Cullers)人名;(英)卡勒斯

6、culled ─── v.拣选;剔除(cull的过去分词)

7、sculler ─── n.划船的人;比赛用小艇;摇桨

8、cullet ─── n.碎玻璃

9、Fuller ─── n.漂洗工;套柄铁锤;v.用套锤锻制(铁);用套锤在……上开凿;n.(Fuller)(英、德、匈、葡、捷)富勒(人名)

culler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Culler, Jonathan. On Deconstraction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism. Trans. Lu Yang. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1998. ─── 乔纳森·卡勒:《论解构——结构主义之后的理论与批评》,陆扬译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998年。

2、We have heard about Beijing's recent massive dog cull targeting at big breed dogs and unregistered dogs. ─── 我们听说北京’s最近巨型的狗拣掉瞄准在大养殖狗和未登记的狗。

3、diffi- cull position ─── 困境

4、We need to do more research into their population, and we may need to cull more. ─── 我们需要对它们的数量进行更多的研究,而且可能会增加人工淘汰的数量。

5、Jonathan Culler ─── 乔纳森·卡勒

6、'Ifwe find another positive detection in another market, then we willassume that the risk is much higher and we need to cull all thechickens in all the markets,' he said. ─── 周一岳说,如果我们在其他市场再发现一例阳性报告,那么我们就会认为风险还要高,我们需要对所有市场的全部禽类进行检查。

7、Probably we did not cull it all out at that; but we took the best and the fairest that we could find. ─── 也许我们没有剔除干净,不过我们已经尽力挑出了最后、最公正的人

8、During the next month, a subcommittee of the corporate safety steering committee will reanalyze data from the past four years of incidents at Company X facilities to cull the human factors that played a role in those accidents. ─── 接下来的一个月,公司安全运营委员会小组委员会针对X公司各种设施在以往四年内所发生的事故数据进行再次分析,挑出在这些事故中起重要作用的人的因素。

9、In accepts time the interview, Cull first spoke on the season playoff: “if you thought on the team the season playoff performance is bad I do not have any comment. ─── 在接受采访时候,卡尔首先说到了上赛季季后赛:"如果你认为球队上赛季的季后赛表现糟糕的话我没有任何意见。"

10、Having completed the signing of Patrick Vieira from Arsenal, Juve are looking to trim their wage bill, with Appiah and Fabrizio Miccoli the likely victims of any cull. ─── 在成功从阿森纳签入维埃拉后,尤文试图收支平衡,阿皮亚和米科利成为裁员的牺牲品。

11、But here's what we've been able to cull from Web search about Obama's half-sibs. ─── 但以下是我们通过网上搜索“奥巴马的同胞”,然后提炼出来的一份名单。

12、Fear of Bird Flu Prompts Indonesian Capital to Begin Bird Cull ─── 印尼首都担心禽流感开始宰杀家禽

13、cull /kQl/ vt. culled;culling;culls; ─── 挑选从其他东西中选出;

14、Erdnase system of cull shuffling ─── 式洗牌选牌法

15、sell the cull as meat ─── 出售被剔出来杀掉的动物以供食用.

16、Culler R D, et al.Relationship of myfibril fragmentationindex to certain chemical, physical and se. ─── 哪位高手帮忙查找一篇文章啊,我做实验要参考的,多谢了。

17、If the luck is good, digs Jin Neng to win 32 regular season victories, Cull may be this year first head coach who dismisses. ─── 如果运气好,掘金能赢32场常规赛胜利,卡尔或许会是今年第一个被解雇 的主教练。

18、Most favor rural areas near their Kinfolk, often under conditions adverse enough to "cull the weak" from their human herds. ─── 不少喜欢住在乡下地方,靠近他们的亲属,那里一般有恶劣的环境以方便淘汰那些从人类中来的不够格的家伙。

19、cull fruit ─── 剔出的次果残次果

20、Cull from ─── 从 ... 选出

21、Especially faces with is wings player's Cull, the latter already in the Lakers second season, the superiority lay in the shooting ability. ─── 尤其是面对同是后场球员的卡尔,后者已经在湖人第二个赛季,优势在于投篮能力。

22、A mass poultry cull stopped the outbreaks by March 2004, by which time 23 people had died. ─── 2004年三月一场大的家禽筛选阻止了禽流感的爆发,截至此时已有23人死亡。

23、Also, make sure the cylinder's Backface Cull is turned off. ─── 右击圆柱体,进入属性框,关闭可渲染属性和BackfaceCull。

24、A good manager insures there are specific action plans for all major cull and rework defects. ─── 一个好的经理会有详细的行动计划去降低造成废品或返工的缺陷。

25、Abstract: Jonathan Culler, a famous American theorist and critic, makes an inquiry into the characteristics of literary signs based on linguistic resources. ─── 摘要:美国著名学者乔纳森.卡勒借助语言学资源对文学符号的特点做了深入的探究,认为文学符号的自指性是文学符号具有文学性的一个重要维度。

26、Cull back faces with counterclockwise vertices. ─── 按逆时针顶点剔除背面。

27、rapid cull ─── 快速筛选

28、We learn by listening and cull out the suggestions that we feel help us enjoy and improve at fitness swimming. ─── 我们通过听取建议和挑选我们觉得能够提高我们泳技建议进行学习。

29、H5N1 was found in a chicken at a Hong Kong poultry farm in December, prompting a cull of more than 90,000 chickens. ─── H5N1在十二月在一个香港家禽饲养场在一个小鸡里被找到,促使扑杀超过90,000个鸡.

30、The young Cull - content obtains these astonishing achievements, all are the results which his father educates devotedly. ─── 小卡尔-维特所取得的这些惊人的成就,全都是他父亲悉心教育的结果。

31、However, fears of a global epidemic have prompted calls for a cull of migratory birds in areas like Siberia, Southeast Asia and South Africa. ─── 但由于担心禽流感在全球大流行,一些人呼吁将西伯利亚、南亚和南非等地的侯鸟杀死。

32、cull of brick ─── 光端砖

33、His first big task was a contentious cull of around 15% of the staff. ─── 他的第一个任务就是裁掉大约15%的员工,这引发了很多争议。

34、Culler is professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, and was the founding director of Intel Research Berkeley. ─── 卡勒是美国加州大学柏克莱分校资讯科学系教授,也是英特尔研究部门柏克莱实验室的创始主持人。

35、HANS MULDER and DAVID E. CULLER have collaborated for many years on wireless sensor node research. ─── 穆德与卡勒在无线感测节点研究上已合作多年。

36、We have no idea what lead to this dog cull. ─── 我们没有想法什麽导致这狗拣掉。

37、Serial culture all cows and cull ─── 对所有牛只做系列培养,阳性淘汰

38、Here's an example of Chuck in action: At See's we regularly add new pieces of candy to our mix and also cull a few to keep our product line at about 100 varieties. ─── 以下是一个具体的例证,在喜斯我们通常会定期增添新的口味并删除旧的口味以维持大约一百种组合,

39、We pledge for your attention on the massive dog cull in Beijing and save them from this pitiful lot! ─── 我们承诺为您的注意在巨型的狗拣掉在北京和从这可怜的全部保存他们!

40、Crowford is Lakers in 2008 the competition congress, the inferior wheel 58th cis-position is selected, his outgoing means that tests compares - Cull to keep the team opportunity to increase. ─── 克劳福德是湖人在2008年选秀大会,次轮第58顺位被选中的,他的出局意味着考比-卡尔留队机会大增。

41、William Culler Dennis ─── 德尼斯(1878-1962),美国人,大学教授,曾任北洋政府的法律顾问。

42、an annual seal cull ─── 一年一度对体弱海豹的杀戮.

43、Kostya Kimlat - Roadrunner Cull. ─── 如果有可能,请上传这个.

44、A brief analysis of jonathan culler's view of literary institution ─── 试论乔纳森·卡勒的文学体制观

45、To sort out; cull. ─── 挑选,精选

46、Culler, Jonathan. (1997). Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ─── 中译本:吴新发译(1995):文学理论导读。台北:书林。

47、Stopping the dog cull in Beijing can also educate the rest of the Chinese cities to prevent a national dog cull. ─── 我们会承诺阻止北京捕杀狗的行动同时也教育其他中国城市来阻止大量的捕杀狗行动。

48、Dvide E Culler,Jaswinder Pal Singh,Anoop Gupta.Parallel Computer Architecture:A Hardware/Software Approach[M].Second Edition,Elsevier Science Pte Ltd,2002 ─── 傅强,郑纬民.一种适用于机群系统的任务动态调度方法[J].软件学报,1999;(1

49、Cull To remove rejected members or parts from (a herd, for example). ─── 去掉,剔除从(如牧群等)中剔除不好的成员或部分当时的首相。

50、And although some activists are calling for a cull, few MPs, even among the clean ones, have joined them. ─── 尽管一些激进分子要求挑选出某些议员,甚至一些清白的议员,加入他们。

51、Hu halts dog cull after reading petitions ─── 批阅请愿书后叫停杀狗行动

52、I daren't dispose of all of them, but I think I will risk a cull. ─── 我是不敢把这些都扔掉的,但是我会冒险挑一些来扔掉。

53、Emphasizing the literary acceptance is the core of Culler's poetics, affirming the reading theory of feminism is the distinctive qualities of Culler's Structuralism theories. ─── 摘要强调文学接受是卡勒诗学的核心,肯定女性主义阅读理论是其结构主义文论的独特之处。

54、We need to do more research into their population, and we may need to cull more." ─── 我们需要对它们的数量进行更多的研究,而且可能会增加人工淘汰的数量。”

55、'''Note:''' Displaying email addresses is not recommended, as it provides spam collection tools the opportunity to cull them from your site. ─── '''注:'''不推荐你显示电子邮件地址,因为垃圾广告收集工具,会利用这个机会,从你的站点上截取你的电子邮件地址。

56、Cull back faces with clockwise vertices. ─── 按顺时针顶点剔除背面。

57、World renowned enterprise shell Cull especially in 2006 achievement scanning ─── 世界著名企业贝卡尔特2006年业绩扫描

58、Unwilling to accept they’d made a mess, the authorities blamed the migration on carnivores and started a cull of wolves and bears. ─── 不愿意承认自己是始作俑者,当局把责任归咎到食肉动物身上,并开始捕杀狼与熊。

59、The child prodigies who premature loses the stamina with these are different, young Cull - content life teaches in Germany's famous university, his reputation wins universal praise. ─── 与那些过早失去后劲的神童们不同,小卡尔-维特一生都在德国的著名大学里授课,他的名声有口皆碑。

60、translated by Jane E.Lewin ;foreword by Jonathan Culler. ─── 书名/作者 Narrative discourse :/an essay in method //Gerrard Genette ;

61、Foreign lobbies, propaganda, and the press as influences on American foreign policy: Cull, Nicholas John ─── 影响美国外交政策的外国游说团体、宣传、和新闻界

62、Cull - Landry 16 point 6 backboard, Arab League prosperous - Brooks first round, 15 points, Luther - Hyde 13 points. ─── 卡尔-兰德里16分6个篮板,阿隆-布鲁克斯首发,得了15分,卢瑟-海德13分。

63、Do not cull back faces. ─── 不剔除背面。

64、Application of cull graceful filter with simultaneous determination of multi-compose ─── 卡尔曼滤波在多组分同时测定中的应用

65、MULDER and DAVID E. CULLER have collaborated for many years on wireless sensor node research. ─── 穆德与卡勒在无线感测节点研究上已合作多年。

66、But not the thunder without doubt very much has the confidence, “acted according to the Cull past sickness, definitely had certain risk, but we felt that this risk was not difficult to deal with. ─── 但莫雷无疑很有信心,“根据卡尔过去的伤病,肯定是有一定风险的,但我们感觉这风险是不难应付的。”

67、Therefore a few years ago when the TaitungChristianHospital needed to cull the patient charts to make space, I volunteered to help. ─── 几年前台东基督教医院想缩减病历量以便有更大的利用空间,我自愿帮忙这件病历筛选工作。

68、cull ed wood ─── 废材, 边材

69、The decision had been expected: the firm had been saying it needed to cull its dealers for years. ─── 最近几个月,菲茨杰拉德先生竭尽所能利用所有关系,为克莱斯勒取得政府援助寻求支持。

70、I had learned to read the face of the water as one could cull the news from the morning paper. ─── 我象人们一眼就能够分辨晨报上的好坏消息那样,懂得了河水的喜怒哀乐。

71、The Cull - content has a basic education idea: That is child's education should work as soon as possible. ─── 卡尔-维特有一个基本的教育的理念:那就是孩子的教育应该尽早抓起。

72、Animal rights groups in and outside of China have expressed concern over the cull and it’s been hotly criticized by Chinese internet users, anger and upset at images of battered dogs posted online. ─── 国内外动物权利保护组织均对此举表示担忧。这次活动引发了中国网友的强烈批评,上传到网上的被屠杀的狗只的图片引发了人们的愤怒和不安。

73、Asking. The fist emperor 98 selects the biochemistry Lu Cull's method. ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>单机游戏>求.拳皇98选出生化卢卡尔的方法.

74、Previous attempts to cull pika numbers, including mass poisoning campaigns and the construction of hundreds of perches for owls and eagles, have failed or had limited success. ─── 以前也用过很多方法限制鼠兔的数量,如:大量投放毒药,为鹰和猫头鹰建立上百个栖息处,但是,最后都失败了,或是收效甚微。

75、Cull out, that is, remove back faces; assume counterclockwise winding order for primitives. ─── 剔除模式,剔除背面;假设图元顶点按逆时针顺序旋转排列。

76、Why should we submit to the new Impergium where humans cull wolves? ─── 凭什么我们要顺从这个人剔选狼的新农耕时代?

77、The case occurred in a 35-year-old woman, from the south-central province of Sichuan, who had been employed as a poultry culler. ─── 该病例发生于中南部四川省一名35岁妇女,她曾被作为禽类扑杀人员雇用。

78、Before Cull (Landry) and Arab League prosperous (Brooks), Rowen (Ataisite) equally is the season, the match man of the hour. ─── 卡尔(兰德里)与阿隆(布鲁克斯)、罗恩(阿泰斯特)一样都是季前赛的风云人物。”

79、After the hearing ended, Kilpatrick set out with wife Cull Li to hug, kisses the latter's forehead and the cheek. ─── 听证结束后,基尔帕特里克起身与妻子卡尔丽娜拥抱,亲吻后者的额头和面颊。

80、For the record, it's human flu he caught, not bird flu, lest the AVA (Agri-Food &Veterinary Authority) comes a-knocking on our door and cull all of us, like they did to the chickens on Ubin! ─── 在此郑重声明,他患的是“人流感”,不是“禽流感”,免得引来农粮局上门对咱们赶尽杀绝,像他们对付乌敏岛上的家禽那样。

81、Dennis, William Culler ─── 德尼斯

82、to eliminate; to cull out; to reject; to get rid of; to weed out; to screen out sb. ─── 剔除

83、cull tie ─── 不合格轨枕

84、On took the initial four great heavenly gods, they had Shakuier -, - Bryant, Cull - Malone and Gary - Peyton, the such formidable lineup has not been able to attain the total champion. ─── 就拿当初的四大天王来说吧,他们有沙奎尔-,-布莱恩特,卡尔-马龙和加里-佩顿,这样强大的阵容还是没能拿到总冠军。

85、cull ure medium ─── 培养基

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