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08-15 投稿


delegacy 发音

英:[['del?g?s?]]  美:[['del?g?s?]]

英:  美:

delegacy 中文意思翻译



delegacy 短语词组

1、delegacy synonym ─── 委派同义词

2、delegacy definition ─── 委派定义

3、delegacy food ─── 代表团食物

4、delegacy sentences ─── 授权判决

5、delegacy def ─── 代表团定义

6、delegacy people ─── 代表团成员

delegacy 词性/词形变化,delegacy变形

名词复数: delegacies |

delegacy 相似词语短语

1、inelegancy ─── n.不雅;粗俗

2、delicacy ─── n.美味;佳肴;微妙;精密;精美;敏锐,敏感;世故,圆滑

3、legacy ─── n.遗产;遗赠财物;遗留问题;后遗症

4、delegate ─── n.代表,会议代表;委员会成员;v.授(权),把……委托给他人;委派……为代表,任命

5、delegated ─── v.授权;委托;下放(权利);派……代表;委派;任命;选派(delegate的过去式和过去分词)

6、delegable ─── adj.可委托的;可以委托的

7、delegacies ─── n.代表团;代表的地位;代表制度;代表的派遣

8、delegatory ─── adj.代表团的;委托授权的

9、elegancy ─── n.优美;优雅;雅致

delegacy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Member of delegacy of many 130 China attended flag-raising ceremony. ─── 130多名中国代表团成员参加了升旗仪式。

2、Delegacy member comes from Austria, Belgian, Colombia, Denmark, Finnish, Germany.. ─── 代表团成员来自奥地利、比利时、哥伦比亚、丹麦、芬兰、德国...

3、Chinese sports delegacy achieved 21 gold, 16 silver and the result of 12 copper, rank after gold gross is located in Russia 2. ─── 我国体育和运动代表团取得了21金、16银和12铜的成果,金牌总数处于苏联而后名列第二。

4、Through attending this meeting, delegacy widened horizon, increased experience, be opposite especially.. ─── 通过参加这次会议,代表团开阔了眼界,增长了见识,非凡是对...

5、Second qusetion: What kind of delegacy in fact you expecting to participate in this conference? Are they more from oversea or from domestic China? ─── 问题二:您希望参与这次文化节的代表团是外国代表团多一些还是中国国内代表团多一些?

6、Mix in the center of delegacy inspected this federation in Han the federation of a few path, county, look around inspected faithful north, faithful south.. ─── 代表团在韩考察了该联合会的中心和几个道、郡的联合会,参观考察了忠北、忠南...

7、The whole nation in after this on two meetings, ma Yun visited Guangdong delegacy on a special trip on March 7. ─── 在此后的全国两会上,马云3月7日专程造访了广东代表团。

8、Egypt sericulture delegacy inspecting Guangdong province ─── 埃及蚕业代表团来广东考察

9、Ma Yun is an action creed person, this year " two meetings " during after visitting Guangdong delegacy mysteriously before long, had real operation. ─── 马云是个行动主义者,在今年“两会”期间神秘造访广东代表团后不久,就有了实际行动。

10、Hong Kong Yin Yi learns to celebrate hold water 20 years when, invite two sides 5 ground presswork a person of same business in all 12 delegacy visit harbor, held 2 seminars at the same time. ─── 香港印艺学会庆祝成立20周年之时,邀请两岸五地印刷同业共12个代表团访港,同时举办了2场研讨会。

11、However , from the system consistency and the law culture, it is more reasonable for our country to use Germanic law for reference and accepts the delegacy theory. ─── 但从体系的连贯性和法律文化传承的角度讲,我国借鉴德国法的规定采纳代表说更为合理。

12、Time of elegant hock ground on August 9 morning, attend the Olympic Games village that the flag-raising ceremony of Chinese sports delegacy of the 28th Olympic Games is here to hold. ─── 雅典当地时间8月9日上午,参加第二十八届奥运会的中国体育代表团升旗仪式在这里的奥运村举行。

13、On the basic connotations of delegacy, it sets forth the definition and properties of it, and discriminates the operation enforcement right which is more easy confused with the delegacy. ─── 在代表权的基本内涵问题上,阐述了代表权的定义、代表权的性质,并对与代表权易混淆的业务执行权进行了甄别。

14、Macau delegacy was formed by more than seventy persons from our church, including branches. ─── 我们的教会,连各分堂,一行共七十多人,代表澳门区一同参与这次会议。

15、Shang Fulin is to attending clearance of conference of delegacy of Shanghai of countrywide National People's Congress to make this state. ─── 尚福林是在出席全国人大上海代表团会议间隙作这番表述的。

16、the text is divided into three sections : the first section introduces the legal principle base of delegacy ─── 正文分为三大部分:第一部分介绍了代表权的法理基础。

17、On opening ceremony of the 10th Olympic Games, chinese delegacy enters. ─── 奥运会开幕式上,中国代表团入场。

18、Chinese sports delegacy achieved 21 gold, 16 silver and the result of 12 copper, rank after gold gross is located in Russia 2. ─── 我国体育和运动代表团取得了21金、16银和12铜的成果,金牌总数处于苏联而后名列第二。

19、Chinese delegacy attended plenary meeting of the 3rd miniascape at coming to will go to Singapore on June 1 on May 26, 1995. ─── 中国代表团于1995年5月26日至6月1日赴新加坡参加了第三届盆景大会。

20、It is in such dangerous situation, all surveillance tail the activity that does not manacle delegacy. ─── 就在这样的险境中,一切监视盯梢都束缚不住代表团的活动。

21、delegacy litigation ─── 代表人诉讼

22、After annual meeting, by organizing committee arrangement, delegacy inspected the town planning of Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, environmental protection and large infrastructure project on the spot. ─── 年会后,由组委会安排,代表团实地考察了匈牙利、捷克、斯洛伐克的城市规划、环境保护及大型基础设施工程。

23、Chinese delegacy issue ─── 中国代表权问题

24、On March 23, delegacy is in Shanghai and Chinese haven, ship-owner undertook direct communication and recommend, hunting coact, conspire to develop. ─── 3 月23 日,代表团在上海与中国港口、船东等进行了直接的沟通与推介,探求共同合作、共谋发展。

25、Handicapped Olympic Games delegacy of every nation had been lived in the Olympic village. ─── 各国残奥会代表团已经陆续入住奥运村。

26、They, it is 60 delegates of delegacy of 16 big Hunan. ─── 他们,就是十六大湖南代表团的60名代表。

27、Delegacy first.. ─── 代表团先...

28、Chinese cartel meets standing vice-president Comrade Chen Chong to led delegacy of couplet of Chinese look forward to attend this meeting, it is this print compose this article. ─── 中国企业联合会常务副理事长陈重同志率中国企联代表团出席了这次会议,并为本刊撰写此文。

29、Before Chinese productivity learns chairman Zhang Sai to lead Chinese productivity to learn delegacy, go to attend. ─── 中国生产力学会会长张塞率中国生产力学会代表团前往参加。

30、As to Liu Xiang, rank the 30th, he experienced the biggest blow in life, also be to win the Chinese delegacy with a full full earthen bowl to carry in Benciao one of regrets of the meeting. ─── 至于刘翔,则排名第30位,他经历了人生中最大的一次打击,也是赢得盆满钵满的中国代表团在本次奥运会的遗憾之一。

31、The agreement is in committee of Syrian nuclear energy (a delegacy of SAEC) signs during the visit to Moscow. ─── 协定是在叙利亚原子能委员会 (SAEC)的一个代表团对莫斯科的访问期间签署的。

32、Economy of countryman of delegacy member Russia forecasts director of economic system lab Mr Bieluowusuofu at present with respect to Russia economic situation made more comprehensive introduction. ─── 代表团成员俄国民经济猜测所经济体制研究室主任别洛乌索夫先生就俄罗斯目前经济形势作了比较全面的介绍。

33、Macau delegacy was formed by more than seventy persons from our church, including branches. ─── 我们的教会,连各分堂,一行共七十多人,代表澳门区一同参与这次会议.

34、However, in this new addition site, the retention period of delegacy from predict 30 minutes to be lengthened. ─── 据说此前上海两会期间,还讨论了好一阵‘上海为什么出不了马云?’

35、Comrade Li Peng is in 15 big during, when attending Beijing delegacy to discuss, point out: "In Deng Xiaoping theory, economic theory is its main component.. ─── 李鹏同志在十五大期间,参加北京代表团讨论时指出:“在邓小平理论中,经济理论是其重要的组成部分...

36、Delegacy also discussed Syrian expert to be in during Russia institute of Muscovite project physics (the plan that MIFI) grooms. ─── 代表团在俄罗斯期间也讨论了叙利亚专家在莫斯科工程物理研究所 (MIFI)培训的计划。

37、SamSung business is used still offer safety of complete set shift to print a solution for the athlete delegacy place where troops are stationed such as Germany. ─── 三星商用还为德国等运动员代表团驻地提供全套移动安全打印解决方案。

38、The third section introduces the delegacy issues of corporation directors and supervisors. ─── 第三部分介绍了公司董事与监事代表权问题。

39、Egypt sericulture delegacy inspecting Guangdong province ─── 埃及蚕业代表团来广东考察

40、Delegacy member has the person such as Liu Yingqiu, Zun Dapei. ─── 代表团成员有刘迎秋、左大培等人。

41、Handicapped Olympic Games delegacy of every nation had been lived in the Olympic village. ─── 各国残奥会代表团已经陆续入住奥运村。

42、This is Japanese delegacy is visited China after giving Prime minister Zhou, the need that ensures foreign plane according to civil aviaton dials what use to civil aviaton. ─── 这是日本代表团访华赠予周总理后,根据民航保障外国飞机的需要拨给民航使用的。

43、Although the performance of China's delegacy in Athens Olympic Games was good,unluckily,its sprint has not got breakthrough. ─── 雅典奥运,我国体育代表团取得了辉煌的战绩,但令人遗憾的是在短跑项目上仍未有所突破。

44、Iranian delegacy visited 7 days in Russia. ─── 伊朗代表团在俄罗斯访问了七天。

45、Shang Fulin is to attending clearance of conference of delegacy of Shanghai of countrywide National People's Congress to make this state. ─── 尚福林是在出席全国人大上海代表团会议间隙作这番表述的。

46、Because Deputy mayor Zhao is being driven,should go a delegacy that Pudong interviews Dong Jianhua to lead, so, our interview entered a text nearly directly. ─── 由于赵副市长赶着要去浦东会见董建华率领的一个代表团,所以,我们的采访就直接近入了主题。

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