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08-15 投稿


aeronautical 发音

英:[?er??n??t?kl]  美:[?e?r??n??t?kl]

英:  美:

aeronautical 中文意思翻译



aeronautical 短语词组

1、aeronautical radio service ─── [电] 航空无线电服务

2、aeronautical radionavigation ser-vice ─── [电] 航空助航业务

3、aeronautical fixed station ─── [电] 航空固定电台

4、aeronautical radionavigation mob-lie station ─── [电] 航空助航移动电台

5、aeronautical marker-beacon station ─── [电] 航空无线电位置标电台

6、aeronautical broadcasting service ─── [电] 航空广播服务

7、aeronautical advisory station ─── [电] 航空询问电台

8、aeronautical radionavigation land ─── [电] 航空助航陆地电台

9、aeronautical ground station ─── [电] 航空地面电台

10、aeronautical satellite communication ─── [计] 航空卫星通信

11、aeronautical fixed service ─── [电] 航空固定服务

12、aeronautical radionavigation stati-on ─── [电] 航空无线电航行电台

13、aeronautical mobile servicen ─── [电] 航空移动服务

14、aeronautical application ─── [计] 航空学的应用

15、aeronautical radio beacon station ─── [电] 航空无线电位置标电台

16、aeronautical broadcast station ─── [电] 航空广播电台

17、aeronautical engineer ─── [医]航空工程师

18、aeronautical communication satellite ─── [计] 航空通信卫星

19、aeronautical engineering ─── [机] 航空工程

aeronautical 常用词组

aeronautical engineering ─── 航空工程

aeronautical 词性/词形变化,aeronautical变形

副词: aeronautically |异体字: aeronautical |

aeronautical 相似词语短语

1、aerographical ─── 气象学

2、hermeneutical ─── 解释学的

3、aeronautic ─── adj.航空的

4、aeronautically ─── 航空

5、astronautical ─── adj.宇航的;太空航行学的;航天员的(等于astronautic)

6、astronautically ─── adv.太空航行地;太空航行员地

7、aerodynamical ─── 空气动力的;气动的

8、aeronautics ─── n.航空学;飞行术

9、aerostatical ─── 空气静力学

aeronautical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The applications of the structures, especially to the field of aeronautical and aerospace engineering. ─── 以及智能结构在航天、航空工程中的应用。

2、The advent of aircraft brought with it aeronautical engineering. ─── 宇宙飞船的问世导致了航天工程的出现。

3、SUN Han-fen.The Principle and Appliance of FieldProgrammable Periphery Chip MCU[M].Beijing: Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical University Press,1998. ─── [1]孙涵芬. 单片机现场可编程外围芯片原理及应用[M]. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,1998.

4、A new study may inspire aeronautical engineers to be more flexible with their designs. ─── 一项新的研究可能引发航空工程师们更“柔性”的设计。

5、Amendments to the Annex of this Agreement may be agreed directly between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties. ─── 对于本协定附件的修改可在缔约双方航空当局之间直接商定。

6、Besides,it presents several questions on the large-scale application of FSW in the aeronautical repair of battleplans... ─── 最后指出FSW技术在军用飞机航空修理中大规模推广应用需解决的几个问题。

7、Remarkable achievements were scored in such fields as information technology, life science and aeronautical and space technologies. ─── 信息技术、生命科学、航空航天技术等领域成就突出。

8、Job Prospects: Aeronautical engineer, mechanical engineer. ─── 就业前景:航空工程师,机械工程师。

9、Stuart Anstee, “Removal of Range-dependant Artifacts from Sidescan Sonar Imagery,” DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, 2001. ─── 吴声玮,“垦丁附近海域珊瑚礁分布现况之调查与研究”,国立中山大学海洋环境及工程研究所硕士论文,民94.6。

10、PAL (Pacific Aeronautical Library) ─── 太平洋航空图书馆

11、Modeling of gas transport and calculation during CVI processing[J].Journal of Aeronautical Materials, 2002, 22(1): 11-15. ─── CVI工艺过程中气体传质模型与计算[J]. 航空材料学报, 2002, 22(1): 11-15.

12、To the numeri- cal results, one can see that the performance of the aeronautical communication system is worse than that for terrestrial cellular sys- tems and also depends logarithmically on both the cell radius and height. ─── 从数据分析的结果可以看出航空通信系统的性能不如陆地蜂窝系统,并且与小区半径和高度成对数函数关系。

13、The aeronautical engineer from Seattle works for Boeing, and he said: 'This is an F-22 at Miramar at the top of a loop. ─── 波音公司一个在西雅图的航空工程师介绍说:“在这个环形物的顶端是一架F-22战机”。

14、One of the professors was a Romanian who is known for his research in aeronautical engineering. Another was considered one of the top five Biomechanics researchers in the country. ─── 其中一位教授是以航空机械学研究而著称的罗马尼亚人。另外一位教授是全美排名前五位的生物学研究学者之一。

15、The Chengdu FC-1, which will also be manufactured by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) as the JF-17, is an export-orientated programme under joint development by the two countries. ─── 成都FC-1,也将会被巴基斯坦航空公司(PAC)制造被称为JF-17,是二个国家联合发展的一个定向-外销计划。

16、terrestrial aeronautical environment ─── 地面航空环境

17、In the past year, AVIC I has made great achievements in critical aeronautical technologies. ─── 多年来航空关键技术领域科研成果丰硕。

18、Aeronautical Advisory Station An aeronautical station used for advisory and civil defense communications primarily with private aircraft . ─── 航空咨询电台一种航空电台,主要为私人航空器提供咨询和民防通信。

19、JIANG An-long, GUO, Yun-ying, Gao Da-zhao, Experiment investigation of determining preconsolidation pressure[J].Journal of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, 2003, 17(3): 5-8. ─── [2]姜安龙,郭云英,高大钊.确定先期固结压力的试验研究[J].南昌航空工业学院学报,2003,17(3):5-8.

20、One local map or aeronautical chart of an adequate scale which must clearly indicate ALL take offs, landing fields, vehicular access routes , restricted airspace and restricted areas. ─── 一份适当比例的当地地图或航空图,必须清楚地指出起飞区、降落(著陆)区、车辆进出路线、限制的空域和禁区。

21、Such a code-sharing and blocked-space arrangements are subject to approval by the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties. ─── 此代号共享及包座位安排须得到缔约双方航空当局的批准。

22、The consistency of our adhesives are critical in fusing mechanisms for components of aeronautical tools. ─── 我们胶粘剂的坚固性在熔合航空零件的机械装置上是必不可少的。

23、This thesis presents the research on DC/DC converter for high voltage dc(HVDC) input Aeronautical Static Inverter(ASI). The converters presented are composed of the TTFC topology cell. ─── 本文以双管正激变换器为基本拓扑单元,针对高压直流输入航空静止变流器DC/DC级进行了研究。

24、Aeronautical radio navigation satellite service ─── 卫星航空无线电导航业务

25、Since 1935, gliders have gained in reputation as tools for aeronautical and meteorological research. ─── 1935年以来,滑翔机作为航空和气象研究的工具获得好评。

26、ARINC Communication Addressing Reporting System, airline system developed at VHF and also implemented in aeronautical satellite communications systems. See ARINC. ─── ARINC通信寻址和报告系统,使用甚高频的航线系统,也可使用航空卫星通信系统。参见ARINC。

27、International Aeronautical Federation ─── 国际航空运动联合会

28、Government-Furnished Aeronautical Equipment List ─── 政府提供的航空装备单

29、The method proposed in this thesis is developed under the financial support of an aeronautical project named "Correction of the reduced FE model of a certain airplane". ─── 本文所述的静力、模态协同修正方法已经成功应用于某研究所的工程项目:“某型飞机简化有限元模型修正”。

30、Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(ATN) under the construction in China or other counties is the basis for the CNS/ATM system. ─── 摘要 航空电信网是实现新航行系统的基础,目前国际国内都已经开始了航空电信网的建设。

31、The legislation that created it speaks of the expansion of human knowledge of the atmosphere and space, and the improvement of the usefulness and performance of aeronautical and space vehicles. ─── 是法律创立了国家航空航天局,并使它显示出人类对大气层和太空知识的扩张,显著提高了航空航天器的有效性和性能。

32、University of Sydney - Aeronautical Engineering vT ─── 悉尼大学航空工程系

33、The first domestic fine grain cast vacuum furnace on mold agitation process has been developed successfully by Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials. ─── 北京航空材料研究院研究制造了我国第一台铸型搅动工艺细晶铸造真空炉。

34、Companies in the automotive, aeronautical and marine markets share the same problem: the need for high precision and flexibility in an increasingly fast turnaround production environment. ─── 有关汽车、航天和船舶业的公司都面临着一个相同的问题:在生产更新速度不断加快的市场环境中,保证高度精确性和高度灵活性。

35、Especially,the amorphous Ti-based braze materials which are widely used in astronautical and aeronautical fields were elaborated particularly. ─── 对不同状态钎焊料的性能特点进行了全面的比较,特别是对在航天、航空领域广泛应用的非晶钛基钎焊料进行了重点介绍。

36、Digital Aeronautical and Flight Information System ─── 数字航空与飞行信息系统

37、Curtiss.After Wilbur's death from typhoid, Orville established a new aeronautical research company. ─── 威尔伯死后,奥维尔成立一家新的飞机研发公司。

38、Since the successful launch of V-2 rocket, INS has been widely used in aeronautical, astronautical vehicle rapidly and has been extended to other departments of civil applications. ─── 从V-2火箭发射成 功以来,惯性导航系统迅速在航空、航天和航海运载器上取得广泛的 应用,并很快向民用的其他部分推广。

39、When America stepped out of the cockpit of his Aeronaut, both England and Switzerland were already crowded around Prussia’s fallen form. ─── They muttered(自言自语) obscenities(下流) and their postures(姿势) were panicked and distraught as America walked over behind them.

40、Advanced composite grid structure (AGS) is one of the most efficient lattice structures with many potential advantages,which own good application foreground in aeronautical and space engineering. ─── 具有空间点阵的先进复合材料格栅结构(AGS)是一种新型高效的结构形式,在航空、航天结构中具有良好的应用前景。

41、International Committee of Aeronautical Navigation ─── 国际航空导航委员会

42、An eminent aeronautical engineer's perspective on the history of engineering. ─── 一位杰出航天工程师关于工程历史的观点。

43、aeronautical radionavigation mobile station ─── 导航流动电台

44、PED was founded under the sponsorship and guidance of the former State Pharmaceutical Administration, the Ministry of Aeronautical Industry and the Ministry of Astronautical Industry. ─── 北京制药装备联合开发公司是在原国家医药管理局、航空工业部、航天工业部的创导下成立的。

45、Believe it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject. ─── 信不信由你,他俩既没有航空工程或是数学专业的学士学位,也没有物理或其他任何科目的毕业证书。

46、Aeronautical Multicom Service A mobile service not open to public correspondence, used to provide communications essential to conduct activities being performed by or directed from private aircraft. ─── 未对公用通信开放的移动通信业务,用来提供通信,对于执行由私人航空器完成或指导的各种活动非常重要。

47、Government Furnished Aeronautical Equipment ─── 政府供应的航空设备

48、National Aeronautical and Space Administration ─── 国家航空航天局(前身为NACA美国国家航空咨询委员会,1958年被NASA代替)

49、German academy for aeronautical research Badge ─── 德国航空研究学院奖章

50、Many of the pilots were to achieve eminence in the aeronautical world. ─── 的很多飞行员后来在航空界都取得了显赫的声名。

51、In automobile and aeronautical manufacturing fields, the optimal approach of fixture locating scheme has more theoretical and applied values. ─── 在汽车、航空航天等制造领域中,定位方案的优化方法具有理论与应用价值。

52、Henri Coanda, an aeronautical engineer from Rumania, was living in Paris at the turn of the century. ─── 亨利coanda ,航空工程师从罗马尼亚,是生活在巴黎举行的世纪之交。

53、It is also equipped with aeronautical communication station and a freeway to connect the airport with the center of Shengzhen. ─── 一个航空通讯站,以及一条连接深圳市中心的高速公路。

54、CAI Lixun,FAN Xuanhua,LI Cong,et al.Effects of the elevated temperature on the low cycle behaviors of zircaloy-4[J].Journal of Aeronautical Materials,2004,24(5):1-6(in Chinese). ─── [4]蔡力勋,范宣华,李聪,等,高温对Zr-4合金低循环行为的影响[J].航空材料学报,2004,24(5):1-6.

55、We know that students are eager to come to school early to become Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management of a large family, you start colorful colorful campus life. ─── 我们知道,同学们都迫切希望早日来到学校,成为郑州航空工业管理学院大家庭中的一员,开始你缤纷多彩的大学生活。

56、China Gas Turbine Establishment (GTE) is an aeronautical research organization specializing in the advanced study of aero propulsion technology, product development and engine certification tests. ─── 中国燃气涡轮研究院近20年来,充分发挥航空动力高科技优势,积极开发市场所需的民用机械产品。

57、One of the professors was a Romanian who is known for his research in aeronautical engineering. ─── 一名教授是美籍罗马尼亚人,以其航空工程领域的研究闻名。

58、The Aeronautical Weldable Titanium Alloy of Russia ─── 俄罗斯的航空可焊钛合金

59、Aeronautical Information Publication( AIP)-- Taipei Flight Information Region is a large loose leaf book. The Taiwan Civil Aeronautics Administration doesn't put it on line, but sells it. ─── 台北飞航情报区飞航指南为一大本活页书,台湾民航局不放网路上但有卖。

60、Many representatives expressed appreciation to the Hong Kong Observatory for its contributions to international aeronautical meteorology. ─── 很多代表祝贺岑智明当选和正面评价香港天文台在国际航空气象的贡献。

61、Indulge your aeronautical whims. ─── 尽情沉醉于你的航空奇想吧。

62、The JF-17 Thunder is a lightweight and multi-role combat aircraft, a collaborative project between China's Chengdu Aircraft Corp and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. ─── JF - 17雷电是一种轻型、多用途作战飞机,是中国的成都飞机公司和巴基斯坦航空联合体的合作项目。

63、Such designation shall be effected by virtue of a written notification between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties. ─── 该项指定依据缔约双方航空当局之间的书面通知而生效。

64、Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is the world's oldest, largest, and most prestigious university specializing in aviation and aerospace. ─── 世界上最大、历史悠久、最具声望的航空航天大学。

65、WANG Zhan-lin.Hydraulic servocontrol[M].Beijing:Beijing Aeronautical Engineering Institute Press, 1987. ─── [8]王占林.液压伺服控制[M].北京:北京航空学院出版社,1987.

66、Earlier this month, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. began test-flying the newest model in its Predator line of unmanned attack craft. ─── 本月早些时候,通用原子航空系统公司开始试飞最新型号的“捕猎者”系列无人驾驶攻击机。

67、The speed table and the ratemeter altered to aeronautical instrument's double ring chrome-plating design, the night light also transformed hotter red from the green. ─── 时速表和转速表则改成了航空仪表的双圆环镀铬设计,夜灯也从绿色转化成了更加火辣的红色。

68、About 40 students who come from Dongnan University、Nanjing Polytechnic University、Nanjing aeronautical and astronautical University take part in this course. ─── 东南大学、南京理工大学、南京航空航天大学大约40名同学参加了这次讲座。

69、Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical Ins ─── 北京航空学院

70、ZHANG Ya-ni,XU Yong-dong,Lou Jian-jun,et al.The analysis of friction and wear performance of C/C-SiC composites[J].Journal of Aeronautical Materials,2005,25(2):49-54. ─── [5]张亚妮,徐永东,楼建军,等.碳/碳化硅复合材料摩擦磨损性能分析[J].航空材料学报,2005,25(2):49-54.

71、SHD-A model transmitter is applied to emit and convey baseband signal of sound, vibration and measure-control in aeronautical communication system from one point to mul-ti-point. ─── SHD-A型多通道固态调频发射机系统主要应用于航空通信系统一点对多点的声音、振动、测控等基带信号的发射与传输.

72、Chinese Aeronautical Establishment, CAE ─── 中国航空研究院

73、aeronautical radionavigation land station ─── 导航陆地电台

74、The research progress of the aeronautical Perspex aging is presented including aging properties, experimental method, and atmospheric aging lifetime. ─── 摘要介绍了航空有机玻璃老化的研究现状,包括老化性能研究、实验方法研究和老化寿命研究。

75、On the basis of the fuzzy theory, a self-adjusted fuzzy controller with state predictor for the aeronautical ground command systems is proposed. ─── 本文依据模糊理论提出一种用于航空地面指挥系统的带状态预测的自 调节模糊控制器。

76、Blanchard:French aeronaut who was the first to cross the English Channel by balloon (1785). He invented and demonstrated a parachute the same year. ─── 布朗夏尔:法国气球驾驶员,是第一个乘气球飞越英吉利海峡的人(1785年)。同年发明和演示了降落伞。

77、He was an honorary professor at several leading engineering schools and aeronautical institutes in China. ─── 他是一个在中国几个主要工程学校和航空研究所的名誉教授。

78、A new control method for the three-phase aeronautical active power filter was proposed. ─── 摘要提出了一种新型三相航空有源电力滤波器的控制方法。

79、Visible on Atlantis is the tail cone, which protects the aft engine area and provides a more efficient aeronautical dimension during flight. ─── 亚特兰蒂斯号后部是整流罩,既保护航天飞机的后部主引擎,又在飞行中提供更有效率的航空气动力特性。

80、BS or Master in Mechanical, Aeronautical, Applied Mechanics or related discipline. ─── 本科或硕士学位,主修机械学,航空学,应用机械或相关学科.

81、Ground personnel, including civil aircraft maintenance personnel, air traffic controllers, flight dispatchers and aeronautical radio station operators. ─── 地面人员,包括民用航空器维修人员、空中交通管制员、飞行签派员、航空电台通信员。

82、Aeronautical and astronautical engineering is a compulsory course for students whose specialties are aerospace propulsion, aerospace manufacturing and other related major. ─── 本课程是航空宇航推进理论与工程、航空宇航制造工程等专业的必修课程。

83、Civil Aeronautical Engineering Institutes Of China ─── 中国民用航空学院

84、We used partitioning method in ground detector of aeronautical equipment for realizing rapid test of aeronautical equipment on the ground. ─── 摘要针对航空设备地面测试的快速性要求,叙述了在航空设备地面检测仪器中应用分割法进行快速检测的原理;

85、Lectra addresses a broad array of major global markets, including fashion (apparel, accessories, footwear), automotive, aeronautical and furniture. ─── 力克的产品涉及多个行业领域,包括时尚(服装、配饰、箱包)汽车、航天、家具及家饰行业等。

86、All data about the planes must be transmitted to the aeronautical station. ─── 所有飞机的飞行数据都要及时传到对空台去。

87、The head of the Observatory Airport Meteorological Office, Ms Sharon Lau, Senior Scientific Officer is a member of the Management Group of the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology of the WMO. ─── 主管天文台机场气象所的高级科学主任刘心怡小姐是世界气象组织航空气象学委员会的领导小组成员。

88、Based on introducing the process and feature of aeronautical model research project, planning management is analyzed firstly. ─── 本文在介绍航空型号研制工作过程和特点的基础上,首先分析了项目的计划管理。

89、Aeronautical and astronautical periodicals of China ─── 中国航空航天期刊




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