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08-15 投稿


unaffectedly 发音

英:[[??n?'fekt?dl?]]  美:[[??n?'fekt?dl?]]

英:  美:

unaffectedly 中文意思翻译



unaffectedly 短语词组

1、unaffectedly civil ─── 不做作的文明

2、unaffectedly meaning ─── 自然的意思

3、unaffectedly def ─── 不受影响地

unaffectedly 相似词语短语

1、affectedly ─── adv.假装地;做作地

2、unaffectedness ─── 不受影响;不矫揉造作;自然

3、uneffected ─── 未受影响的

4、affected ─── adj.受到影响的;做作的;假装的;vt.影响;假装;使…感动(affect的过去式和过去分词)

5、disaffectedly ─── 不满地

6、unaffected ─── adj.不受影响的;自然的;真挚的;不矫揉造作的

7、unsuspectedly ─── 出乎意料地

8、unexpectedly ─── adv.出乎意料地,意外地

9、unconnectedly ─── 不相连的

unaffectedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Night captures a moment, maybe the last, when rock stars didn't take themselves seriously and could unaffectedly enjoy the pleasure of being rich, famous, adored. ─── 一夜狂欢》捕捉了也许是最后的,摇滚明星不太在意自己而且可以自然的享受富有、名气以及崇拜所带来的快乐时光。

2、Cen discovered a natural infusion region, which is located in front of entrance of bronchia and in which the mixture of blood and drug is unaffectedly infusing into the bronchia artery. ─── 岑人经等人发现在支气管动脉入口附近存在一个药物自然灌注区,在此区域内药液可以高度集中,且沿靶动脉均匀扩散至瘤体内。

3、Bingley is most unaffectedly modest. ─── 彬格莱为人极其诚恳谦虚。

4、Gas abnormity and precaution of unaffectedly fire in 3206 work face in Daxing coal mine ─── 大兴煤矿3206工作面瓦斯异常和自然发火的防治

5、They unaffectedly sought each others company; in her honest faith she did not disguise her desire to be with him. ─── 他们相互邀请作伴,毫无忸怩之态;在她坦诚的信任里,她从来也不掩饰想和他在一起的愿望。

6、Bingley was unaffectedly civil in his answer, and forced his younger sister to be civil also, and say what the occasion required. ─── 彬格莱先生回答得极其恳切而有礼貌,弄得他的妹妹也不得不讲礼貌,说了些很得体的话。

7、Somebody said she would be green,unaffectedly, the harmonious China would bring the green olive to incarnate peace and harmoniousness all over the world. ─── 有人说她是绿色的,自然,和谐中国的和谐之音将绿色和平的橄榄枝带到世界的每个角落。

8、Mr.Bingley was unaffectedly civil in his answer, and forced his younger sister to be civil also, and say what the occasion required.She performed her part, indeed, without much graciousness, but Mrs. ─── 彬格莱先生回答得极其恳切而有礼貌,弄得他的妹妹也不得不讲礼貌,说了些很得体的话她说话的态度并不十分自然,可是班纳特太太已经够满意的了。

9、The foreign media gave the comments saying that it was a indefective and unaffectedly moving film. ─── 外国的媒体评价说“它是一部毫无瑕疵、真挚感人的电影”。

10、Somebody said she would be green, unaffectedly, the harmonious China would bring the green olive to incarnate peace and harmoniousness all over the world. ─── 有人说她是绿色的,自然,和谐中国的和谐之音将绿色和平的橄榄枝带到世界的每个角落。

11、When each enterprise realizes the importance of doing this, the objective of constructing a harmonious society will be achieved unaffectedly. ─── 当每一个企业都能自觉地做到这一点的时候,自然,和谐社会的目标就会离我们越来越近。

12、The foreign media gave the comments saying that it was a indefectible and unaffectedly moving film. ─── 外国的媒体评价说“它是一部毫无瑕疵、真挚感人的电影”。

13、Gas abnormity and precaution of unaffectedly fire in 3206 work face in Daxing coal mine ─── 大兴煤矿3206工作面瓦斯异常和自然发火的防治

14、Customer can tie the umbrella on the back to prevent from the sunlight while doing other things freely and unaffectedly. ─── 本实用新型只需将伞背在身上即可,不仅起到遮阳的作用,还可以随意的去做别的事情,毫不影响。

15、Whenever singing the song Why The Flowers Are So Red, in my brain, something came unaffectedly, that were a piece of clean and blue sky, brilliant flowers, and beautiful and sunny young Uigur girls. ─── ”唱完,我眼前便自然的会浮现出一片洁净的蔚蓝色天空、灿烂的花儿以及美丽而阳光的维吾尔族少女。

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