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08-15 投稿


amoeba 发音

英:[?'mi?b?]  美:[?'mib?]

英:  美:

amoeba 中文意思翻译



amoeba 网络释义

n. 阿米巴;变形虫(单细胞生物)

amoeba 短语词组

1、Amoeba coli ─── [医] 结肠阿米巴, 结肠变形虫, 结肠内变形虫, 结肠内阿米巴

2、Amoeba proteus ─── [医] 变形阿米巴

3、Amoeba verrucosa ─── [医] 疣状核变形虫

4、Amoeba meleagridis ─── [医] 黑头变形虫, 黑头组织滴虫

5、Amoeba dentalis ─── [医] 牙阿米巴, 牙变形虫, 龈内变形虫, 龈内阿米巴

6、Amoeba dysenteriae ─── [医] 痢疾阿米巴, 痢疾变形虫, 痢疾内变形虫, 溶组织内阿米巴

7、Amoeba histolytica ─── [医] 溶组织阿米巴, 痢疾内阿米巴, 痢疾内变形虫, 溶组织内阿米巴

8、Amoeba urinae granulata ─── [医] 尿粒形阿米巴

9、amoeba disease ─── 阿米巴病

10、genus Amoeba ─── [网络] 变形虫属

11、unencysted Amoeba ─── [医] 活动型阿米巴, 滋养体型阿米巴

12、Amoeba urogenitalis ─── [医] 尿 ─── [生]殖器阿米巴, 尿 ─── [生]殖器变形虫

13、Amoeba coli mitis ─── [医] 非病原性结肠阿米巴

14、Amoeba encysted ─── [医] 被囊阿米巴

15、amoeba cyst ─── 阿米巴囊肿

16、Amoeba buccalis ─── [医] 颊阿米巴, 颊变形虫, 龈内变形虫, 龈内阿米巴

17、Amoeba tetragena ─── [医] 四联核阿米巴

18、Amoeba cachexica ─── [医] 恶病质阿米巴

19、Amoeba limax ─── [医] 小内涎, 微小内涎阿米巴

amoeba 词性/词形变化,amoeba变形

形容词: amoebic |

amoeba 相似词语短语

1、amoebas ─── n.阿米巴;变形虫(单细胞生物)

2、ameba ─── n.变形虫;[无脊椎]阿米巴

3、amoebae ─── n.阿米巴;变形虫(amoeba的复数)

4、amoebic ─── adj.变形虫的,变形虫状的;变形虫引起的

5、amebae ─── n.阿米巴原虫;变形虫(等于ameba)

6、amoebans ─── 变形虫

7、amoeban ─── 变形虫

8、amoebean ─── 变形虫

9、ameban ─── 阿米巴

amoeba 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Amoeba dentalis ─── [医] 牙阿米巴, 牙变形虫, 龈内变形虫, 龈内阿米巴

2、Free - living amoeba ─── 自由生活阿米巴

3、A microscopicor minute organism, such as an amoeba or a paramecium, usually considered to be an animal. ─── 微动物通常被认为是动物的微生物或小生物,如阿米巴或草履虫。

4、Amoeba or Henpecked Husband? Hey? E One and the Same! ─── 变形虫还是惧内的丈夫?本是同根生!

5、Guido van Rossum : In 1986 I moved to a different project at CWI, the Amoeba project. ─── 1986年,我转向了CWI的另一个叫Amoeba(阿米巴虫)的项目。

6、It sounds like science fiction but it's true:A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die. ─── 听起来像是科幻小说,却是真的:一种生活在湖水中、致命的阿米巴虫,经鼻腔进入人体,并以脑为食,直至你死亡。

7、The ectoplasm of certain protozoans, such as the amoeba. ─── 原虫外膜某些原虫如阿米巴变形虫的外质

8、According to the CDC, the amoeba called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 2004. ─── CDC指出,从1995至2004年,被称为福氏耐格里阿米巴的原虫在美国造成23人死亡。

9、The Amoeba certainly was not responsible for doing it.And it couldn't develop itself. ─── 当然这不是由变形虫自己决定要如何变化的,它自己也变不出来。

10、Amoeba encysted ─── [医] 被囊阿米巴

11、Other important examples are planktonic organisms called foraminifera (which are related to amoeba) and pteropods (small marine snails). ─── 另一个重要例子,是有孔虫(变形虫的亲戚)和翼足类(一种小海螺)两种浮游生物。

12、small amoeba ─── 小变形虫

13、Are you a man or an amoeba? ─── 是个男子汉,还是条变形虫?

14、Rogue Amoeba today announced the release of Airfoil 3.3. ─── 仿生学单细胞虫今天宣布发型了3.3版机翼。

15、9.Even amoeba are sensible creatures. ─── 即使是变形虫也是有感觉的生物。

16、Amoeba limax ─── [医] 小内涎, 微小内涎阿米巴

17、even amoeba are sensible creatures; the more sensible parts of the skin. ─── 即使是变形虫也是有感觉的生物;皮肤的敏感部分。

18、Amoeba urinae granulata ─── [医] 尿粒形阿米巴

19、Probe into Obtaining and Cultivating Slug Amoebas and Amoeba Proteus Pallas Indoors ─── 蛞蝓变形虫、大变形虫的采集和室内培养

20、a jellylike state of cytoplasm,characteristically occurring in the pseudopod of the amoeba ─── 原生质凝胶,变形虫的伪足中特有的细胞质的类似胶状物的状态

21、He developed diarrhea. There was pus and blood, but no amoeba or pathogenic bacteria when he finally sent for me. ─── 请我去的时候,他大便里有脓有血,但没有阿米巴菌也没有病原菌。

22、Check weekly 2 model of Legionella in water samples testing, frond, and a number of amoeba water quality parameters, for 4 weeks in a row. ─── 每周取2个模型中的水样测军团菌数、藻体数、阿米巴数和各种水质参数,连续4周。

23、Cultivation, Preservation and Staining of Free-Living Amoeba ─── 自生生活阿米巴的培养、保种和染色的再观察

24、In an enrichment medium, the rapid growth of most co-inoculated bacteria inhibited the growth and survival of the amoeba. ─── 在一增菌培养基,大多数公司的快速增长接种抑制细菌的生长和变形虫的生存。

25、“A process which led from the amoeba to man appeared to the philosophers to be obviously a progress though whether the amoeba would agree with this opinion is not known. ─── 从阿米巴变形虫到人类的这一过程对哲学家来说,很明显是个进步。但是变形虫怎么想我们就不知道了。”

26、genus of protozoans related to Amoeba. ─── 原生动物属同变形虫有亲密关系。

27、Now we will create an algae and amoeba in the ocean that will do the same. ─── 现在,我们将会在海洋中产生出一种海藻还有一种阿米巴变形虫,来做同样的事情。

28、Amoeba urogenitalis ─── [医] 尿[生]殖器阿米巴, 尿[生]殖器变形虫

29、The Amoeba was alone of all animal life upon the planet. ─── 当时地球上就只有变形虫这一种生物。

30、Amoeba discoides ─── 变形虫

31、Amoeba, unencysted ─── 活动型阿米巴, 滋养体型阿米巴

32、Amoeba cachexica ─── 恶病质阿米巴

33、Later I went to the hospital to see him, he was cream-faced, lying on the sickbed flabbily like a mollusk amoeba, and actually he was vivid before. ─── 后来我去医院看他,他脸色苍白,原本生龙活虎的小伙子像软体动物变形虫一样毫无生气的贴在病床上。

34、Investigation on Amoeba buccalis human injections in Lu-zhou City, Sichuan ─── 四川泸州市齿龈内阿米巴感染情况的调查与分析

35、The only thing that distinguishes us from amoeba floating in the sea is the desire to be loved and the struggle for the fulfilment of that desire. ─── 我们与海中的浮游生物只有一个差别那就是我们有被爱的渴望以及为实现我们的愿望而奋斗。

36、A microscopic or minute organism, such as an amoeba or a paramecium, usually considered to be an animal. ─── 微动物通常被认为是动物的微生物或小生物,如阿米巴或草履虫

37、called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the United States. ─── 被称为福氏耐格里阿米巴的变形虫在美国杀死了23人。

38、Amoeba dysenteriae ─── 溶组织内阿米巴

39、Although fatalities have occurred from Naegleria fowleri , this free-living amoeba common to many surface water rarely causes disease . ─── 虽然灾祸因福氏耐格原虫而发生,但在很多表层水上存在的变形虫这种自由的生命很少造成疾病。

40、Amoeba buccalis ─── [医] 颊阿米巴, 颊变形虫, 龈内变形虫, 龈内阿米巴

41、tiny organisms, cells, and amoeba, ─── 微小的有机体、细胞,及阿米巴原虫,

42、This collection includes the Spike and Amoeba visualizations. ─── 本集合包括激光和变形可视化效果。

43、Most of the time the girl amoeba is absorbed with itself, laughing and moving to the music, faced inward in a circle. ─── 大多数时候,女孩阿米巴团体都非常专注,她们跟着音乐笑啊跳啊,慢慢地朝内围成一个圈。

44、In control group, amoeba was full of fragment of E. coli. There was merely little autophagy with fewer autophagic structures in amoeba. ─── 对照组阿米巴虫体内充满细菌碎片,只发生轻微的自噬,自噬结构数目较少。

45、The amoeba is a tiny, one-celled organism. ─── 如果不知道什么是阿米巴的话。

46、Amoeba histolytica ─── [医] 溶组织阿米巴, 痢疾内阿米巴, 痢疾内变形虫, 溶组织内阿米巴

47、Amoeba verrucosa ─── [医] 疣状核变形虫

48、Keywords Free;living amoeba;Candida albicans;Morphology of living object;Micro;culture; ─── 自由生活阿米巴;白色念珠菌;活体形态观察;微量悬滴培养;

49、A small tour puzzle hands! Game characters are two cell amoeba! ─── 一款小巧的益智手游!游戏主角是两个细胞变形虫!

50、You can't shrink down to the size of an amoeba without losing parts of yourself. ─── 你不可能不失去身体的一些部分就缩小到变形虫的大小。

51、In this case, the bacterium is the amoeba. ─── 多食棘阿米巴病毒所感染的细菌是变形虫(阿米巴)。

52、Results: T.vaginalis adhered to epithelial cells like amoeba, and formed pseudopodium or surface invagination surrounding or nibbling other par... ─── 虫体靠伪足及体表凹陷,来包绕、蚕食上皮细胞局部。结论:阴道毛滴虫对男性泌尿生殖道上皮细胞具有粘附性与吞噬性。

53、Of or resembling an amoeba, especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion. ─── 变形虫的变形虫的,象变形虫似的,尤指在形状变化和运动方式方面

54、Amoeba coli mitis ─── [医] 非病原性结肠阿米巴

55、We come out of the dead. We were first stones, then we became amoeba, then we gradually became human beings. ─── 我们由死物而来,我们最初是石头,接着成为阿米巴原虫,然后逐步成为人类。

56、He developed diarrhea.There was pus and blood, but no amoeba or pathogenic bacteria when he finally sent for me. ─── 请我去的时候,他大便里有脓有血,但没有阿米巴菌也没有病原菌。

57、When the blob-like amoeba reproduces by splitting into two parts, for example, it is essentially cloning itself ─── 例如当粘黑的变形虫分裂成两半繁殖时,这实质上就是无性繁殖。

58、Amoeba or Henpecked Husband?hey?e One and the Same!! ─── 变形虫还是惧内的丈夫?本是同根生!

59、According to the CDC the amoeba called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the United States from 1995 to 2004. This year health officials noticed a spike with six cases. ─── CDC指出,从1995至2004年,被称为福氏耐格里阿米巴的原虫在美国造成23人死亡。卫生官员注意到今年案例增加,有6个死亡案例。

60、I wound up becoming the world music buyer for Amoeba Records, and any name that was a little strange they would put in the Middle East section, so everything was in there. ─── 加利福尼亚是许多事情开始并且发生的一个地方。

61、Not even amoeba can survive on a keyboard you've touched. ─── 你摸过的键盘上,连阿米巴原虫都活不下去;

62、unencysted Amoeba ─── [医] 活动型阿米巴, 滋养体型阿米巴

63、A jellylike state of cytoplasm, characteristically occurring in the pseudopod of the amoeba. ─── 原生质凝胶变形虫的伪足中特有的细胞质的类似胶状物的状态

64、To capture this image, Springer induced the amoeba cells to undergo multicellular development on agar plates that were then held obliquely in a clamp under a stereo dissection microscope. ─── 斯普林格为了拍摄这张图片,他诱使琼指平板上的变形虫细胞进行多细胞发育,然后用一个夹钳把它倾斜放在立体解剖显微镜下。

65、Elemental Composition of the Shell of the Testate Amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera (Sarcodina: Rhizopoda) ─── 瘤棘砂壳虫(肉足亚门:根足总纲)壳体元素组成

66、parasitic amoeba ─── 寄生变形虫

67、The amoeba is a very simple organism. ─── 变形虫是很简单的生物体。

68、GPCRs can mediate chemotaxis of amoeba, leukocyte, migrating neurons and axons, suggesting that all kinds of cell motility may share similar molecular and cellular mechanisms; ─── G蛋白耦联受体能够介导阿米巴趋化,白细胞趋化,神经元迁移,生长锥导向等各种细胞运动形式,说明细胞运动机制高度保守;

69、sperm amoeba ─── 游动雄配子

70、The amoeba, a denizen of fresh water, is such a case ─── 变形虫,一种淡水生物,就是这种情况。

71、limax amoeba ─── 蛞蝓状变形虫

72、12 When they developed into the amphibious place, they formed a kind of inferior creatures, such as amoeba, infusorians and fungi and other small groups of protozoa. ─── 当它们发展到水陆交界的地方又形成了一种下等生物如变形虫、纤毛虫、黏菌、小型原生动物群。

73、Amoeba meleagridis ─── [医] 黑头变形虫, 黑头组织滴虫

74、like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape). ─── 象变形虫一样的(尤其是指那种形状可变的虫类)。

75、called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 2004. ─── 从1995年到2004年,一种叫做福氏纳格里阿米巴原虫的变形虫在美国杀死了23人。

76、Game characters are two cell amoeba! ─── 游戏主角是两个细胞变形虫!

77、"We already have some ideas about how to improve the sensitivity of the detector in water and next time we will also use a more active micro-organism such as an amoeba. ─── 毕竟酵母菌是被灌醉后才量测到讯号的,而且电讯号真的很弱。

78、Amoeba tetragena ─── [医] 四联核阿米巴

79、amoeba proteus ─── 变形阿米巴

80、Amoeba Server ─── 变形虫服务器, 阿米巴服务器

81、Amoeba coli ─── [医] 结肠阿米巴, 结肠变形虫, 结肠内变形虫, 结肠内阿米巴

82、Conclusions Acanthamoeba is an opportunistic pathogenic free living amoeba which can produce fatal GAE. ─── 结论棘阿米巴是一种机会性致病的自由生活阿米巴,可引起人的致死性肉芽肿性脑炎。

83、An amoeba forms a cyst when conditions are unfavourable. ─── 当环境不利时,变形虫产生包囊。

84、movement is typically found in amoeba. ─── 运动通常在变形虫中发现。

85、Gimenez Staining: A Rapid Method for Initial Identification of Legionella pneumophila in Amoeba Trophozoite ─── 吉曼尼兹(Gimenez)染色法快速筛选阿米巴滋养体内嗜肺军团菌

86、Objective Acanthamoeba keratitis,a severe corneal infective disease,is often caused by free-living amoeba Acanthamoeba. ─── 目的探讨有角膜环形基质浸润病变的棘阿米巴角膜炎的临床分期、治疗及预后。

87、like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape) ─── 像变形虫一样的(尤其是指那种形状可变的虫类)

88、microscopic organism such as an amoeba or paramecium. ─── 用显微镜可以看见的有机体(像变形虫或草履虫)。

89、This paper is indroduction to Amoeba system followed by an implementation of RPC communication over WAN. ─── 本文简要介绍实现广域网RPC通信的amoeba系统。

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