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08-15 投稿


adage 发音

英:[??d?d?]  美:[??d?d?]

英:  美:

adage 中文意思翻译



adage 网络释义

n. 格言,谚语;箴言

adage 短语词组

1、adage synonyme ─── 同义词

2、talmudic adage ─── 犹太谚语

3、adage synonym and antonym ─── 格言同义反义词

4、adage font ─── 格言字体

5、adage definition ─── 格言定义

6、adage crossword ─── 格言纵横字谜

7、adage pinterest ─── 平特雷斯

adage 词性/词形变化,adage变形


adage 相似词语短语

1、bandage ─── n.绷带;vt.用绷带包扎

2、adages ─── n.格言;[语]谚语(adage的复数形式)

3、Madag. ─── 夫人。

4、fardage ─── n.舱底垫货材;承载垫层

5、headage ─── n.(农场牲畜的)总头数

6、Sandage ─── n.桑德奇

7、yardage ─── n.码数;按码计算;火车站内栏舍之使用费

8、faldage ─── 瀑布

9、apage ─── 删除

adage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Citing a Chinese adage, he said: "If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail." ─── 他引用了一个中国的谚语:“不成功,便成仁。”(这句话不确定,是我自己想的。)

2、The adage that "Money can't buy happiness" is quite wrong, with even quite small lottery wins or inheritances able to produce lasting contentment, new research published in Britain has shown. ─── 在英国发表的一项新研究表明:“金钱买不来快乐”这句格言实在是大错特错,因为哪怕是非常小额的彩票奖金或是遗产也能带给人持久的满足感。

3、There's an old adage that goes, "Absence only makes the heart grow fonder" and the old-fuddy-duddy in me wants to believe in that.Till next time! ─── 我把我这样的做法和她一起分享,而且我们只有在对我们彼此来说都合适的时间里聊天。

4、The majority of investors in the beginning, often confusing the opportunities and benefits to the neglect of the "Legislative forearmed" the old adage. ─── 大多数投资者在开始之时,往往是被机会和利益迷惑,而忽视了“凡事预则立”的古老格言。

5、As the old adage goes, "the one thing that remains constant is change. ─── 如同一句古老的谚语说的,世界上唯一永恒的东西就是改变。

6、Chinese adage says, "We pass out as much as we ingest." From the dawn of time, people, rich or poor, have never stopped eating, and so have never stopped defecating. ─── 俗语有说“你吃多少你就拉多少”这点没错,还蛮有道理,所以从古至今,人民无论是穷还是富,从没停止过“吃”亦没停止过“拉”。

7、folk adage ─── 形象语言

8、Contrary to the political scientists' old adage "In China if something happens twice, it's a trend," the identification of trends in economic history is a bit more complicated. ─── 与政治学家的古老谚语不同,“在中国,如果一件事情发生两次,那就是一个趋势。”经济史中趋势的辨认多少有些复杂。

9、1 An old adage says : "There's no smoke without fire." ─── 古老的谚语说“无风不起浪”。

10、OK, that old adage might have had more merit fifty or more years ago, but I disagree with it in today’s business climate, and especially for user support professionals. ─── 当然了,倒退五十多年这句古训可能会更有价值,但是在现今的商业环境下,尤其是对从事用户支持的专业人员而言,我不敢苟同。

11、A computing adage, means that the quality of the output of a computer is dependent on the quality of the input ─── 一句计算机行业流行的成语,表示计算机输出的质量依靠于它输入的质量。

12、According to the Chinese adage, "failure is the mother of success". ─── 中国有句谚语说,“失败是成功之母”。

13、Next time you hear the old adage @Money doesn't grow on trees@ remember it's especially true when you retire. ─── 下回你听到这句谚语“树上不会长出钱来”,记住当你退休时这句话尤其真切。

14、You know the old adage. ─── 你们知道这个古老的谚语。

15、They think they're reducing risk and optimizing gains by following the adage, 'Invest in what you know. ─── 他们认为这样能降低风险、优化收益,因为老话不是说了嘛:投资你了解的东西。

16、There seems to be a growing sense of entitlement within society, but the adage remains true: "The world does not owe you a living. " ─── 社会上似乎愈来愈多人认为一切都是理所当然,但古谚说得好:「世界并没有欠你什麽而需要养活你。」

17、There is the old adage, "In the Spring and Autumn Era there were no righteous wars." ─── 古人说:“春秋无义战。”

18、We regard one organic whole of system as by folk adage name, many angles, many side analyzed name folk adage of Chinese. ─── 我们把人名俗语看成一个系统的有机整体,多角度、多侧面地分析汉语中的人名俗语。

19、ADAGEAdage-a new seed treatment insecticide for controlling stored grain beetles ─── 一种防治贮粮甲虫的新型种子处理剂

20、I remembered Yitzhak Rabin's adage: You do not make peace with your friends. ─── 我想起了伊扎克.拉宾的名言:“你与你的朋友是不需要讲和的。”

21、You've heard that old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know." But what if you don't know anybody, then what? ─── 你应该听过那句谚语,“重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁。”但是如果你谁都不认识怎么办呢?

22、That might consign the adage “no pain, no gain” to the history books. ─── 所以“不劳而获”这句谚语可能要进入历史书本了。

23、I compared him with Mr. Rochester. I think the contrast could not be much greater between a sleek gander and a fierce falcon. A curious friendship theirs must have been: a pointed illustration, indeed, of the old adage that "extremes meet". ─── 我拿他和罗切斯特先生比较了一下。我想肥鹅和猛鹰也不可能比他们的对比更鲜明了,他们之间的友谊一定是一种奇怪的友谊,确实是谚语所谓“刚柔相济”的一个明证。

24、Evident in the adage, "the customer is always right" ─── “顾客永远是对的”的箴言显而易见

25、You've heard that old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know. " But what if you don't know anybody, then what? ─── 你应该听过那句谚语,“重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁。”谁都不认识怎么办呢?

26、the old adage" birds of a feather flock together" is one dating rule that will never go out of style. ─── 俗话中的“物以类聚,人以群分”是一个永不过时的约会规则。

27、Actually, although individual information protection is a of modern society new issue, but also be however " adage is inscribed " . ─── 实际上,个人信息保护虽然是现代社会的一个新问题,但却也是个“老话题”。

28、An old adage says:”There is no smoke without fire.” ─── 古老的谚语说:“无风不起浪。”

29、The adage "Trade is better than aid" is clearly of great relevance to agriculture. ─── “贸易胜于援助,”这一格言对于农业显然是十分中肯的。

30、The company is focusing on employees and sincerely follows the business adage “Xuema brings whiteness to every and each home”, while pressing forward with steady steps. ─── 公司以人为本,诚信立市,诚守“雪马跑天下,洁白美万家”之经营宗旨,迈着矫健步伐奋力向前。

31、The old adage, Go West, young man to make your way in the world, is fast becoming Go East, if it has not already. ─── 奔向西方。想要在世界上开辟自己天地的年轻人们,如果你们还没去东方的话,赶快去吧。

32、AdAge: I want to ask you one more thing: Those Mac ads -- how do you feel about the John Hodgman character? ─── 我想问你最后一件事:关于?

33、To err is human and to forgive divine, according to the old adage, but humans who forgive are known to experience significant physical and mental health benefits from doing so. ─── 俗话说"人孰能无过,宽恕为上",最近一项试验表明宽恕别人还能够有效促进人们自身的身心健康。

34、As the old Japanese adage puts it, "Keizoku wa Chikara nari" [keeping on doing offers great advantages to us;practice makes perfect]. ─── 听说很多大学都设有日语讲座,日语级别考试也很受欢迎,报考人数总是立即满员。

35、The first lesson about making decisions is summarized in the adage ─── 关于下决定的第一个功课被概括在格言

36、Gads, the data put a lie to the hoary Wall Street adage about 'Sell in May and go away. ─── 上述数据不禁让人对“五月卖出离场”这句华尔街老话感到质疑。

37、Jack of all trades, master of none. The old adage holds a lot of weight in today's entrepreneurial environment. No one can possibly run a small business alone. ─── 万事皆通的人,绝不是专家。这句谚语对于今天的企业环境来说仍然承载着许多意义。就想一个人运营一项小小的事业也是不可能的。

38、There is much truth in the old adage about fools and their money. ─── 在这本关于愚人及其钱财的古老谚语中, 蕴藏着很多真理。

39、The first lesson about making decisions is summarized in the adage: “There is no such thing as a free lunch. ─── 关于作出决策的第一课可以归纳为一句谚语:“天下没有白吃的午餐。”

40、As the old adage goes ─── 古人云;如同一句古老的谚语说的;正如古谚所云

41、For me, that adage would get harder and harder to live by. ─── 但是对我而言,这一信条变得越来越难以遵守。

42、He brings up the old advertising adage: “Selling implies someone wishes to buy”. ─── 他引用了一句老的广告谚语:“把东西卖给想买的人” 。

43、A plain white paperback would do just fine if we actually followed that particular ancient adage. ─── 如果我们真的遵循古老的谚语,一个简单的白色平装本可能更好。

44、ALSO REMEMBER the age old boxing adage: LEAD WITH SPEED and FOLLOW WITH POWER! ─── 同样的,记住那句古老的拳击格言:快拳开路,重拳跟上!

45、Another suggestion we considered, captured in the old adage that necessity is the mother of invention, is that the Suaq animals, living at such high density, have much more competition for provisions. ─── 于是我们考虑了另一个理论:生活在斯瓦克的红毛猩猩实在太多了,于是对食物的竞争更为激烈。俗话说得好,需求为发明之母。

46、Olympic sports have a series of unique and vivid symbolistic symbols.For example: Olympic signs, adage, Olympic Games flag, song, logo, medals, mascots, etc. ─── 奥林匹克运动有一系列独特而鲜明的象征性标志,如奥林匹克标志、格言、奥运会会旗、会歌、会徽、奖牌、吉祥物等。

47、On slang and folk adage and local culture based on Chongqing's dialect and slang ─── 从重庆方言俚俗语看俚俗语与地方文化

48、The Meaning of Folk Adage "Yaomang'er" in Central Plains ─── 中原俗语"拗芒儿"释意

49、In line with the virologists’ adage that the only predictable thing about flu viruses is that they are unpredictable, the dog flu has baffled those following it. ─── 恰如病毒学家所言,对流感病毒唯一可预见的就是,它们流行起来出人意料,狗流感却阻挠了这些病毒成为下一个流行病源。

50、As the adage goes if you don't laugh you will cry. ─── 正如谚语所说,如果你不笑那便会哭泣。

51、In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn. " ─── 实际上,我仍记得鲍勃在解释为什么为我免费辩护时所用的格言:“实践长才干。”

52、Wall Street has an old adage: the market by two forces, one is the greedy one is fear. ─── 华尔街有句古老的格言:市场由两种力量推动,一种是贪婪,一种是恐惧。

53、The rush across the developing world to stop food leaving the region is a perfect example of the old adage: be careful what you wish for. ─── 在发展中世界,各国政府正在匆忙阻止食品离开本国。它们的举动完美地诠释了一句古老格言:小心你许的愿。

54、A curious friendship of theirs must have been a pointed illustration, indeed, of the old adage that "extremes meet." ─── 他们之间的友谊一定是一种奇怪的友谊,确实是谚语所谓“刚柔相济”的一个明证。

55、The other adage that I a olutely abide by is that you buy shares or a ets, propety in doom or gloom, and you sell it in boom. ─── 我完全信奉的另一条格言是要在经济低靡或处于黑暗时期购买股票或其他资产以及房地产,在繁荣时期出售。

56、The old adage "all panaceas become poison" applies to most new technologies, and it applies no less to Web Services. ─── 古老的格言“所有的万能药都变成毒药”适用于大多数新技术,并且它对于Web服务同样适用。

57、"Where there is sea water, there are Chinese"has become an ironic adage." ─── "有海水的地方就有中国人"竟是一句反讽的话。

58、But the old adage that men grow into office has not proved true in my experience. ─── 但是,根据我的经验,人们所谓的工作岗位造就人材这句古话并不正确。

59、The adage is you need money to trade mechanically because you can only expect to earn a certain percentage of your capital. ─── 人们说你用机械交易是因为你只期望赚一定比率的钱。

60、"Security through obscurity is no security at all." so the adage goes. ─── “通过隐藏是根本没有安全可言的”格言上是这么说的。

61、Her experience lends credence to the adage "We live and learn!" ─── 她的经验印证了一句格言:活到老,学到老!

62、I like adage, I always download many adages from Network, and so if I have time, I will look through for times. ─── 在课下同学们也可以聚集在一起互相帮助解决学习中遇见的问题。

63、I refur him to the adage"a rolling stone gathers no mass." ─── 我以"滚石不生苔"这格言规劝他。

64、No institution in Turkey lives up to that adage more than its meddlesome army, which is embroiled in yet another row with the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party. ─── 在土耳其,最符合这条格言的莫过于到处滋事的军队了,现在它正卷入又一轮与执政党正义与发展党(AK党)的对抗。

65、The old adage that out of sight is outof mind is directly applicable here. ─── 古语有云看不到,想不到,用在这里十分恰当。

66、Although the old adage about not buying a redesigned model in the first year generally no longer applies, varying body gaps may indicate the assembly process needs some adjusting. ─── 尽管那句老的“不在第一年买改型车”谚语不再适用,但车体间隙的不同可以表明装配工艺需要作一些改进。

67、Another important general finding is that expert performance is highly specific to limited domains, reflecting the adage that experts know more and more about less and less. ─── 另外一项重要的具有普遍性的发现就是专家们的专业表现高度集中在有限的领域。就如那格言所说,专家们学得越多,就知道得越少。

68、Is that old adage worth bearing in mind as consumer prices across the globe accelerate? ─── 当全球性消费者价格加速上升时我们是否该牢记这一旧训?

69、I refer him to the adage "a rolling stone gathers no mass." ─── 我以“滚石不生苔”这格言规劝他。

70、The other adage that I absolutely abide by is that you buy shares or assets, propety in doom or gloom, and you sell it in boom. ─── 我完全信仰的另一条格言是要在经济低靡或处于黑暗时期购买股票或其他资产以及房地产,在繁荣时期出售。

71、As an adage expresses it, we cannot prevent birds from flying over our heads, but we can keep them from building nests in our hair! ─── 如同谚语所说,我们不能防止鸟儿飞过我们头上,但我们可以不让牠在我们头上筑巢!

72、There is an old adage in the Middle East: If you give, you better get; otherwise, there will be no end to the giving. ─── 中东有句古老的谚语:如果你要给予,你最好得到回报;否则,你会无止境地付出。看来真的是这样。

73、the folk adage ─── 俗语

74、To paraphrase an old adage, what is fare for the US goose must be fare for the Chinese gander, even if the goose believes that the gander is becoming a little uppity. ─── 我们可以将一句古老的格言重新表述一下:美国鹅能吃的食物也一定适合中国鹅,即便美国鹅认为中国鹅正变得有点桀骜不驯。

75、In clinical guidelines, glycemic goals should be expressed in IFCC units, derived NGSP units, and as ADAG. ─── * 临床规范中,血糖目标必须以IFCC单位表达,来自NGSP单位和ADAG值。

76、This chapter believes that both of the two rights stemmed from the adage that on one has the right to accuse himself. ─── 总的来说,沉默权制度的规则内容包括沉默权的行使规则、沉默权的放弃规则以及沉默权的保障规则三个方面。

77、The first lesson about making decisions is summarized in the adage:“ There is no such thing as a free lunch. ─── 关于作出决策的第一课可以归纳为一句谚语:“天下没有白吃的午餐。

78、But, as the old adage says, "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. ─── 但是,就像那句老话说的一样,“差之毫厘,失之千里。”

79、Slang and folk adage,which have close relation with local culture,not only reflect local culture but also carry on local culture. ─── 俚俗语与地方文化密切相关,既是地方文化的反映,同时又使地方文化得以传承。

80、The other adage that I absolutely abide by is that you buy shares or assets, propety in doom or gloom,you sell it in boom. ─── 我信奉的另一条格言是要在经济低靡或处于黑暗时期购买股票或其他资产以及房地产,在繁荣时期出售。

81、rush across the developing world to stop food leaving the region is a perfect example of the old adage: be careful what you wish for. ─── 发展中世界,各国政府正在匆忙阻止食品离开本国。它们的举动完美地诠释了一句古老格言:小心你许的愿。

82、it's that Australian were used to sneer at the immigrants.As for “wogs marry to wogs,” it's an adage; ─── 如果你是西班牙移民来的人,就该嫁给西班牙人或者像你一样从西班牙移民来的人。

83、slang and folk adage ─── 俚俗语

84、Hence the adage, “Buy the rumor, sell the fact. ─── 所以格言说:“在流言出现时买入,在公布真相时卖出。”

85、and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. the latin adage meeteth with it a little: magna civitas , magna solitudo; ─── 因为在没有“仁爱”的地方,一群的人众并不能算做一个团体,许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;

86、The old adage," Do what you love, the money will follow" is actually very good advice. ─── 俗话说:”做你想做的,钱自然会到来“,它的确一个非常好的建议。

87、A curious friendship of theirs must have been a pointed illustration, indeed, of the old adage that "extremes meet. " ─── 他们之间的友谊一定是一种奇怪的友谊,确实是谚语所谓“刚柔相济”的一个明证。

88、So, personally, I don't like that old adage. ─── 所以说,我个人不同意这种古训。

89、Murphy's law is an adage that broadly states:Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. ─── 以为可以侥幸避免的错误,最后往往都会毫不留情的出现。

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