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08-15 投稿


disinclined 发音

英:[?d?s?n?kla?nd]  美:[?d?s?n?kla?nd]

英:  美:

disinclined 中文意思翻译




disinclined 网络释义

adj. 不想的,不愿的v. 使讨厌(disincline的过去分词)

disinclined 反义词


disinclined 同义词

unenthusiastic | opposed | averse |reluctant | hesitant | backward | loath | unwilling

disinclined 词性/词形变化,disinclined变形

动词过去分词: disinclined |动词第三人称单数: disinclines |动词过去式: disinclined |动词现在分词: disinclining |

disinclined 短语词组

1、disinclined from ─── 不感兴趣

2、disinclined to do ─── 不愿做的事

3、disinclined meaning ─── 不情愿的意思

4、disinclined mean ─── 不情愿的平均数

5、disinclined antonym ─── 不感兴趣的反义词

6、disinclined definition ─── 不情愿的定义

7、disinclined clue ─── 不感兴趣的线索

8、disinclined to apply ─── 不愿意申请

9、disinclined to ─── 不愿意

10、disinclined reticent ─── 不愿沉默

11、disinclined to conversation ─── 不愿交谈

disinclined 相似词语短语

1、disciplined ─── adj.遵守纪律的;受过训练的;v.使有纪律(discipline的过去分词);训导

2、disentwined ─── 解开

3、disimagined ─── 想不到的

4、disinclines ─── v.使不愿,使不欲;不感兴趣

5、disincline ─── v.使不愿,使不欲;不感兴趣

6、disenchained ─── 醒悟

7、disinclose ─── 解除封闭

8、disinclining ─── v.使不愿,使不欲;不感兴趣

9、disinclosed ─── 取消关闭

disinclined 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was strongly disinclined to believe anything that she said. ─── 她说什么他都坚决不肯相信。

2、A man like Luke had no need to force his attentions on disinclined women. ─── 像卢克这样的男人没必要向不情愿的女人献殷勤。

3、The rumor that is disinclined to dispute be bought inside school. ─── 懒得辩驳校内被收购的谣言。

4、Be/feel disinclined for sth. ─── 1.不想做某事

5、feel disinclined for any more sleep ─── 不想再睡下去

6、Be disinclined to be with you. ─── 意思是:不愿和你在一起。

7、The setting for love affects your mood, but you are disinclined to pretentiousness. ─── 在恋爱中的状态将影响你的情绪,并讨厌那些虚伪做作的感情。

8、The hot weather made me be disinclined for work. ─── 炎热的天气使我不想工作。

9、I'm well aware that before such thinking becomes part of common knowledge, many people will be disinclined to believe that an understanding of life and the truth of the universe, are one. ─── 我当然知道,在成为大众的思维常识之前,相信人生认知与宇宙真实为一体的人不会太多。

10、Some of the best are now disinclined to leave in the first place. ─── 一些最优秀的球员最初并不情愿离开。

11、Her delicate constitution disinclined her from such an arduous job. ─── 她纤弱的体质使得她不欲担任如此艰钜的工作。

12、Israel is disinclined to wait and find out. ─── 以色列不愿意坐以待毙,走一步看一步。

13、But Mr Penny is disinclined to go on concentrating on big-name monographic shows. ─── 但是佩尼先生不愿意再把注意力集中在这些大人物的专题作品展示上。

14、She was not disinclined to believe that it suited her character too ─── 她还甘愿它和自己的性格也衬

15、Turks in Germany have until recently seemed disinclined to violent Islamism, in part because their community had close ties to the secular Turkish state. ─── 德国的土耳其族人直到最近才摆脱出激进伊斯兰主义的困扰。一部分原因是他们的社区与具有宗教性质的土耳其断绝了联系。

16、But the coaches on the other side of Redwood City’s lopsided scores were disinclined to be so philosophical. ─── 但是那些自己球队被红杉队打得落花流水的教练们可不愿思考这些哲学。

17、"Well , I feel rather disinclined to talk about the accident . " ─── 嗯,我觉得很不愿意谈这事故。

18、Although is carrying the photographic camera throughout, inside has packed the beautiful scenery, but throughout is disinclined in Lijiang to photograph actually. ─── 尽管始终背着照相机,里面装满了美丽的风景,但在丽江却始终懒得拍照。

19、But some people busy the job, 10 days of half moon also are disinclined to irrigate, rangjigan is withered to death; ─── 但有的人忙于工作,十天半月也懒得浇灌,让其干枯至死;

20、He was disinclined to go ─── 他无意去;他不想去。

21、Bennet seemed wholly disinclined at present, to leave London, and promised to write again very soon. ─── 信上还说,班纳特先生暂时根本不想离开伦敦,他答应不久就会再写一封信来。

22、He wanted the comfort of feminine companionship, but he was more and more disinclined to give up his personal liberty in order to obtain it. ─── 他需要女性伴侣的安慰,但他不愿意因此而牺牲个人自由的那种倾向却一天强似一天。

23、Although the sun of bolide appearance drops downhill, but still do not have a wind, lian Shuxie is disinclined to move, only cicada cries irritatingly:" Hot, hot. ─── 火球样的太阳尽管坠下山了,但仍没有一丝风,连树叶都懒得动,只有知了烦躁不安的叫:"热啊,热啊。"

24、Both Mr. Lorry and Defarge were rather disinclined to this course, but in favour of one of them remaining ─── 劳雷先生和得伐石都不赞成这种办法,主张留下他们之中的一个。

25、However, its senior executives are feeling strangely disinclined to enjoy their good fortune. ─── 然而,该行业的高管人士却不愿享受他们的好运。

26、Now they are perhaps disinclined to submit to other people's ethical standards, but that may be just a matter of personality. ─── 现在他们也许拒绝接受别人的道德标准,但那可能是性格使然。

27、He was yoked to an disinclined partner. ─── 他不得不与一位不情愿的伙伴合作。

28、He was disinclined to go. ─── 他无意去; 他不想去。

29、Her background disinclined her from resistance. ─── 她的背景使她无意抵抗。

30、Anyway its quite certain that I was disinclined to stay within the terrible trees any more. ─── 我不知道娘、妹妹还有小哥哥在哪儿,也不知道我应该到哪儿去,可我也不想在这个可怕的林子里再呆下去。

31、She felt disinclined, almost repelled, by the thought of intimacies and scenes of contacts ─── 一想到跟人家亲近,酬酢往返,她就觉得讨厌,甚至觉得厌恶。

32、For the weakness of the heart and kidney marked by feeling of dizziness and tinnitus amnesia and insomnia,poor eyesight and disinclined to speak,pain in the waist and the knee. ─── 主治:温肾固精,用于心肾哀弱,目眩耳鸣,腰膝酸痛,四肢无力,遗精骨精,阳痿少寐,夜寐过频。

33、His timidity disinclined him from such an arduous enterprise ─── 他的怯懦使他不愿从事一项如此艰巨的事业。

34、Gender upturned out to be a disinclined impact on interactions: still after their low lottery were buy wow gold condemned into ground, soul players avoided interacting with apiece other. ─── 想想过去的四年大学生活,总会有很多的感触。

35、In contrast, he says, American bosses still seem disinclined to have such a dialogue. ─── 与此相反,他认为,美国的高管们似乎一直在回避此类话题。

36、She is, to some degree, disinclined to believe me. ─── 她有点不相信我。

37、Afterwards, disinclined either to take them back or return the extra land it had gained in battle, Israel was relieved that the Arab states, traumatised by the rout, made no serious offer of peace. ─── 之后虽然以色列不情愿地让这些移民在回来,并且把他们在战争中得到的土地归还给巴勒斯坦人,他们还是很欣慰,因为这些受到战争伤害的阿拉伯国家也不会对和平进程很认真。

38、She is,to some degree,disinclined to believe me. ─── 某种程度上说,她不愿意相信我。

39、He gave me a disinclined assistance. ─── 他很不情愿地给了我帮助。

40、It has reduced barriers to domestic investors investing overseas, which is sensible, but investors are disinclined to diversify when they think returns will be better in their own market. ─── 政府已降低了国内投资者投资海外的门槛,此举颇为明智,但在投资者认为本土市场的回报率会更高时,他们不愿意将其投资多样化。

41、All his pushing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend. ─── 他一再催促逼迫,使我都不愿意去参见下一周末的集会了。

42、I feel disinclined for an argument. ─── 我不愿意争论。

43、Since it could be a formidable task, after a while the other directors were disinclined to pick a fight with him. ─── 自从他变成了一个难缠的对手,不久其他的董事便不再与他展开争斗。

44、for different reasons, the leaders of Spain and Italy are disinclined to pursue it. ─── 为了各自不同的原因,西班牙和意大利的领导人不愿推行改革。

45、If our soldiers are not overburdened with money,it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity. ─── 吾士无余财,非恶货也;无余命,非恶寿也。

46、feel disinclined for study, argument, discussion, etc ─── 不愿意学习﹑ 争辩﹑ 讨论等

47、I'm disinclined towards yet another transfer. ─── 我不愿再调动了。

48、He was strongly disinclined to believe anything that she said. ─── 她说什么他都坚决不肯相信。

49、Lazy: disinclined to activity or exertion, not energetic ─── 懒惰,不愿意活动或努力,缺乏活力

50、be disinclined for sth. ─── 不想做某事

51、He had a disinclined smile on his face. ─── 他脸上带着一丝勉强的微笑。

52、He is disinclined to study ─── 他不愿求学。

53、be disinclined to do sth ─── 无意干某事, 不愿干某事

54、He is disinclined to be photographed. ─── 他不情愿被人照相。

55、Fortunately for him, Mr Bush, unlike some members of Congress, appears disinclined to take up cudgels. ─── 对胡来说幸运的是,布什不同于国会的一些议员,他不愿采取强硬政策。

56、You feel you need others in order to be all that you can be, and you are disinclined to solitary activities and endeavors. ─── 你觉得你需要别人为你付出一切就可以了,你是不愿意孤立的活动和努力。

57、Be disinclined to do sth. ─── 无意干某事,不愿干某事

58、He was disinclined to talk about himself, especially to his students. ─── 他不愿谈论自己,尤其是对他的学生们。

59、feel disinclined for ─── ph. 不想做某事

60、be disinclined for ─── 无意于

61、Is also disinclined the heart pain. ─── 也不愿心脏疼痛.

62、If secrets start seeping out, countries that have been sharing information may be disinclined to do so. ─── 如果秘密开始透出,那些已经共享信息的国家可能不愿这样做。

63、Any creature that attempts to eat the slayer's brain must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or become disinclined to do so. ─── 任何试图吃掉杀戮者的大脑的生物都必须通过意志检定(DC=17),否则会不愿这么做。

64、Well, I feel rather disinclined to talk about the accident. ─── 嗯,我觉得很不愿意谈这次事故。

65、disinclined to work or exertion. ─── 不愿意工作或者不愿意努力。

66、She was disinclined to believe him. ─── 她对他的话半信半疑.

67、At ordinary times, you are placed in to the monkey really in front of, it looks to be disinclined to look repeatedly, it also can eat far from. ─── 平时,你真给猴子摆在跟前,它连看都懒得看,它也根本不会去吃。

68、adj. unwilling or disinclined ─── 不愿的,勉强的

69、More abhorrent is to connect shading very small also by abet unkennel, came to even that stain dog also be disinclined look you are one. ─── 更可恶的是连黑斑小不点儿也被教唆出洞,就连那斑点狗来了也懒得瞧你一眼。

70、She was disinclined for (towards) any more sleep ─── 她不想再睡下去了。

71、The hot weather made him feel disinclined for work ─── 炎热的天气使人感到不愿工作。

72、Is disinclined to explain. ─── 是不愿作出解释.

73、Not only was the counsel disinclined to pay very old bills on principle, it also transpired that the majority of the items were not legally recoverable. ─── 不仅法律顾问基本上不愿意为奇怪的账单付款,它也显示这些费用中的大部分是不合规定不能支付的。

74、Because at that time net fast very slow, somebody is disinclined to fall one by one! ─── 因为当时网速很慢,有人懒得一个一个的下!

75、if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity ─── 无余命,非恶寿也。

76、He had been talking all morning; he was disinclined for further argument. ─── 他谈了一个上午了,不想再争论了。

77、1. Overloading his stomach with a heavy meal, he was disinclined for any serious work. ─── 吃了不易消化的东西,他不愿去干那些难做的工作。

78、unwilling and hesitant; disinclined: [ with infinitive ] she seemed reluctant to discuss the matter. ─── 形容词,不情愿,犹豫;不想:她看起来不情愿讨论这件事。

79、When money is on the brain, people become disinclined to ask for help when faced with a difficult or even impossible puzzle. ─── 当人们脑袋里想著钱,在面对一个困难或甚至不可能解决的问题时,比较不愿意寻求协助。

80、But just because the assistant was obviously disinclined to let him go in, Rostov went into the soldiers' ward. ─── 但是正因为医士显然不愿意让他走进病房,罗斯托夫硬要走进士兵的病房。

81、disinclined to say anything to anybody. ─── 不愿跟任何人说任何事。

82、His rareness disinclined me to grant his request. ─── 他的粗鲁使我不愿意答应他的请求。

83、China is disinclined to consider drastic steps that the US might suggest. ─── 中国不愿意考虑美国所建议的激烈措施。

84、I had been talking all morning, I was disinclined for many argument. ─── 我谈了一上午,不愿再争辩了。

85、She felt disinclined, almost repelled, by the thought of intimacies and scenes of contacts. ─── 一想到跟人家亲近,酬酢往返,她就觉得讨厌,甚至觉得厌恶。

86、The state seems to be disinclined to do anything about such flagrant piracy, possibly because of the rumoured involvement of the People's Liberation Army. ─── 政府似乎是要放任这类公然的盗版行为,这可能和传闻中部队的干预有关。

87、Its troops are disinclined to kill their Muslim countrymen in a war that few Pakistanis support. ─── 同时,士兵们都拒绝在一场巴基斯坦人民不支持的战争中杀害自己的穆斯林同胞。

88、Disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy. ─── 懒散的不愿劳累自己的;习惯性懒惰的

89、When money is on the brain, people become disinclined to ask for help when faced with a difficult or even impossible puzzle. ─── 当人们脑袋里想著钱,在面对一个困难或甚至不可能解决的问题时,比较不愿意寻求协助。

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