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08-15 投稿


greenly 发音


英:  美:

greenly 中文意思翻译



greenly 短语词组

1、greenly beach ─── 绿色海滩

2、greenly challenged ─── 绿色挑战

3、greenly sc ─── 绿利sc

4、greenly place ─── 绿色广场

5、greenly hat ─── 绿色帽子

6、greenly inc ─── 格林公司

7、glinting greenly from ─── 绿色闪烁

greenly 相似词语短语

1、greeneye ─── n.青眼鱼

2、greedily ─── adv.贪婪地;贪食地

3、greenlet ─── n.一种绿色小鸟

4、greedy ─── adj.贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的

5、greenway ─── n.园林路;林荫道路;n.(Greenway)人名;(英)格林韦

6、greenlit ─── 绿光

7、greeny ─── adj.略带绿色的,浅绿色的

8、greenfly ─── n.蚜虫;牙虫的一种

9、greenery ─── n.绿色植物;温室

greenly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves. ─── 即使是空气过滤下跌格林利通过树叶。

2、Most green fruits are sour. ─── 大多数未熟的水果都是酸的。

3、Mission Sat teen: Working in faith in collaboration with our customers to build tidy, beautiful greenly homes! ─── 我们衷心希望同广大客户诚信合作,共创一个整洁美好的绿色家园!

4、The primary colors of the spectrum are red, green and blue. ─── 光谱的原色是红、绿、蓝。

5、Along with the our country city horizontal increases continuously city park greenly developments also is more and more valued. ─── 随着我国城市水平的不断提高城市公园绿地建设也越来越受重视。

6、The greenly most nations in world BE? ─── 世界绿地最多的国家是?。

7、For Verge-lovers, they do have a lot of fresh greenly vegetables. ─── 喜欢蔬菜的朋友们,这里的蔬菜种类又多,而且还很青脆!

8、She said with a straight face she saw green spacemen in the back yard. ─── 她面无表情地说她在後院看到绿色外星人。

9、Meyer Sedge fiber is a new type of green fiber. ─── 乌拉草纤维是一种新型的绿色环保纤维。

10、The driver is trying to jump the green light. ─── 司机试图抢绿灯把车开过去。

11、Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, you will be full of intelligently , greenly. ─── 2008年北京奥运会,您将是充满智慧的、绿色的。

12、George offered to escort Mrs. Green home. ─── 乔治表示愿意护送格林太太回家。

13、The traffic lights have changed (from red to green). ─── 交通灯由红灯变绿灯了。

14、People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land. ─── 在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。

15、They use their tongues to suck in the green food. ─── 它们用舌头吮吸着绿色食品。

16、She say with a straight face she see green spacemen in the back yard. ─── 她面无表情地说她在后院看到绿色外星人。

17、The place where they sat was shaded from the sun by green awnings. ─── 他们坐的地方有绿色的天篷遮阴。

18、He has run into a girl that the eyes are green color. ─── 他遇到了一个眼睛是绿色的姑娘。

19、By common consent the village green was turned into a playground for children. ─── 大家一致同意把村中的草地改为儿童游戏场所。

20、The blue of the sky melted into the green landscape. ─── 天空的蓝色消溶在绿色的风景之中。

21、The walls are green, while the ceiling is white. ─── 墙是绿色的,而天花板是白色的。

22、Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants that absorbs energy from sunlight and helps them grow. ─── 叶绿素是生长在植物中的绿色物质,它能吸收阳光,促进植物生长。

23、At night, ships at sea carry a red light on the port side and a green light on the starboard. ─── 夜晚,海上的船亮起左舷的红灯和右舷的绿灯。

24、The room was painted white,with green shutters. ─── 屋里漆成白色,而百叶窗则是绿色。

25、Do you want him to paint the door into green color? ─── 你要他把门油漆成绿色的吗?

26、On a table with a green cover lay a number of open books. ─── 一张铺着绿色台布的桌子上放着几本掀开的书。

27、She put pink and green stripes in her hair and looked rather like a Neapolitan ice cream. I couldn't keep a straight face when she asked me what I thought about it. ─── 她在头发上扎着粉红夹绿色的布条,看上去就像夹层花色冰砖当她问我象什么时,我禁不住笑了出来。

28、Green glass globes glow greenly . ─── 绿色玻璃球闪闪发出绿光。

29、The greenly most nations in world BE? ─── 世界绿地最多的国家是?

30、The first thing to turn green in the spring is Christmas jewelry. ─── 到了春天,头一个变青色儿的东西是圣诞节时收到的珠宝。

31、"Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much, " said Mrs. Green to Mr. Green. ─── "对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。"格林太太向格林先生交代说。

32、Greenly pointed to the tiniest letters Miss Joan had ever almost seen. ─── “这些钱都是我从学生那里收来的。”

33、When she left school and started her first job, she was as green as grass. ─── 她走出校门刚开始工作时非常幼稚。

34、She had dark red curls and round green eyes. ─── 她长着深红色卷发和绿色的圆眼睛。

35、The firm hired Mr Green to be hatchet man; his title is that of Executive Vice President. ─── 公司雇用格林先生专门负责整顿工作,他的头衔是行政副总裁。

36、She looks rather curious with green hair. ─── 她头发是绿的,样子有点古怪。

37、She was wearing a string of green beads. ─── 她戴着一串绿色的珠子项链。

38、In China postman subdues all wearing green color. ─── 在中国邮递员都穿绿色制服。

39、Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. ─── 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。

40、She was dressed in green. ─── 她穿着绿色的衣服。

41、Would you tell Mr. Green that I called? ─── 你能告诉格林先生我给他打了个电话吗?

42、Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency? ─── 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题?

43、Their eyes sparked with green in the dark night. ─── 在黑暗的夜里,他们的眼睛会发出绿色的闪光。

44、Not Daniel, if you don't mind-Mr Green to you. ─── 对不起,不是丹尼尔,你应该称格林先生才对。

45、Mr Wilson's neighbors say his flowers grow because he has a green thumb. ─── 威尔逊的邻居们说他的花长得好,因为他是园艺高手。

46、The hall looked splendid in green and gold. ─── 大厅里金碧辉煌。

47、I should do it over with green paint if I were you. ─── 如果我是你,我就再用绿色涂一遍。

48、He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably. ─── 他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。

49、See that man in front wearing the green jacket? ─── 你看见前面那个穿绿夹克衫的人了吗?

50、Mr Green went to see Mr White apropos of buying a house. ─── 关于买房子的事,格林先生去找怀特先生去了。

51、She never wears green. ─── 她从不穿绿色的衣服。

52、Often die of old age greenly , not easily the plant that reaches easy plant had better. ─── 常绿、不易凋谢及轻易栽种的植物为好。

53、The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. ─── 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。

54、Conduct and actions has in the ecosystem park city the ecosystem alleviate a function greenly system, its programming has the challenge; ─── 作为在生态园林城市中起生态缓解作用的绿地系统,其规划更具有挑战性;

55、After discovering these problems, changjiang Delta spring decides to defer to cooperate greenly with Zhao Song. ─── 在发现这些问题后,江南春决定暂缓与赵松青的合作。

56、But the park is a main type that city is greenlygreenly system inside. ─── 而公园绿地是城市绿地系统中的一个主要类型。

57、She wore a tight shrill green dress. ─── 她穿一件碧绿的紧身连衣裙。

58、People have known the park an ecosystem, beauty for bringing, recreational etcfunction greenly. ─── 人们已经认识到公园绿地所带来的生态、美观、休闲等功能。

59、The green fields came into sight. ─── 一片绿色的田野展现在眼前。

60、While Greenly's out gettin' coffee,|anybody else want anything? ─── |格林利要出去买咖啡|谁还想要点什么?

61、A small stream was mantled over with green mosses. ─── 小河被青苔所覆盖。

62、He hangs out at Green Street. ─── 他住在格林大街。

63、The gown a surgeon wears during an operation is usually green. ─── 外科医生在做手术时穿的手术服通常是绿色的。

64、She was green with envy. ─── 她因慕而面色发青; 她充满慕。

65、She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant. ─── 她有着一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。

66、Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves. ─── 连空气都像被叶子过滤了一样弥漫着绿意。

67、He is yet in green vigorous senility. ─── 他老当益壮。

68、Before the traffic signal turns to green light don't cross the street. ─── 在交通信号轮换到绿灯以前不要穿过马路。

69、What will you do with these green crepe? ─── 你用这些绿绉纱做什么?

70、Lend you50 dollars! Do you see any green in my eye? ─── 借50美元给你!你以为我就这么容易上当吗?

71、Mrs. Smith has a green thumb. Her garden is beautiful. ─── 史密斯太太精於园艺,她的花园很漂亮。

72、The city is greenly the principle of the convention programming and layout form. ─── 城市绿地体统规划的原则与布局形式。

73、Jack made a jack-rabbit start when the traffic light turned green. ─── 交通灯一变成绿色,杰克就马上开动车子。

74、Have you any squibs,any green man in your shows? ─── 你有爆竹吗?在你们表演中有放烟火的人吗?

75、He peppered the ball across the green. ─── 他一下子把球猛击过草地。

76、He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters. ─── 他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。

77、Don't blame on him, after all, he is a green hand. ─── 不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。

78、Suppose we are standing on the deck of a ship and see two lights, one red and the other green, one beside the other. ─── 假定我们站在一艘船的甲板上,看见两盏灯,一红一绿,一盏在另一盏的旁边。

79、The roof garden is in each kind of coping of building to plant tree, constructing what various park essay become greenly. ─── 屋顶花园是在各类建筑物的顶部栽植树木,建造各种园林小品所形成的绿地。

80、He has occupied a couple of years of green old age in writing memories of himself. ─── 他在老年健壮的时候花了一两年功夫写回忆录。

81、His story of being kidnapped by little green men is sheer absurdity. ─── 他说他遭到矮小的绿种人绑架,这纯粹是无稽之谈。

82、The primrose is set off by its nest of green. ─── 一窝绿叶衬托着一朵樱草花。

83、The man on Mr. Smith's right is Mr. Green. ─── 史密斯先生右边的那个人是格林先生。

84、She papered the room green. ─── 她用绿色壁纸裱糊房间。

85、She was as green as grass when she was sixteen. ─── 她16岁时,年轻无知,十分天真。

86、Are you going to get the house painted green? ─── 你打算要把房子漆成绿色吗?

87、To provide the high quality of food, they even brought greenly fresh vegetable from Genting's supplier. ─── 他们还有绝招-自制的手打丸类,鱼丸,虾丸,肉丸甚至鱼滑鱼面都是店家亲自炮制,坚持每天新鲜制作。

88、Mrs Green gave the notes and scraps of paper he had used to jog his memory. ─── 他把用来唤起自己的回忆的笔记和纸片从口袋里都掏了出来。

89、They spotted the wall with green paint. ─── 他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁。

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