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08-15 投稿


guan 发音

英:[gwɑ:n]  美:[gwɑ:n]

英:  美:

guan 中文意思翻译



guan 词性/词形变化,guan变形


guan 短语词组

1、guan xiaotong ─── 关晓彤

2、guan min ─── 关敏(音)

3、guan mu ─── 关木(guan mu)

4、White winged Guan ─── 白翼关

5、guan xinyi ─── 中国关

6、guan yi ─── 关毅

7、guan xin yu ─── 关新宇

8、guan xin ─── 关新(音)

9、Trinidad Piping Guan ─── 特立尼达皮平关

10、guan xi n.( ─── 中国的)关系,人脉

11、piping guan ─── [医]尖声冠雉

12、guan xingxing ─── 关兴兴

13、guan xiaotongs fans ─── 赢得小童粉丝

14、guan sir ─── 关先生

15、guan x y ─── 关x y

16、guan xiao ting ─── 关晓婷

17、guan xiao ya ─── 关小雅

18、guan hai ─── 关海(guan hai)

19、guan xiao tong ─── 关晓彤

guan 相似词语短语

1、gan ─── v.将去;开始,着手(gin的过去式);n.(Gan)赣语,赣方言;n.(Gan)(美、马、新、俄)加恩(人名)

2、guans ─── n.冠雉;冠雉属;n.(Guan)(美)古安(人名)

3、Juan ─── n.胡安(男子名)

4、duan ─── n.杜安(男子名)

5、guano ─── n.海鸟粪;鱼肥料;鸟粪石;vt.施海鸟肥料;n.(Guano)人名;(意)瓜诺

6、gean ─── n.欧洲甜樱桃;n.(Gean)人名;(意)杰安

7、Yuan ─── n.元朝

8、gran ─── abbr.全球救援警报网(GlobalRescueAlarmNetwork);n.(Gran)人名;(瑞典)格兰;(法)格朗;(德、西、俄、芬、挪)格兰

9、guac ─── 关岛

guan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two years, Li Qinzhou zong guan dang state House. ─── 二年,宕州隶秦州总管府。

2、So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death. ─── 于是,孙权处死了关羽父子。

3、Guan Chao is studious and methodical, able to think independently and analytically, and interested in a wide range of subjects. ─── 关超学习勤奋有条理,可以独立思考(问题)并且进行分析,他感兴趣的科目范围很广泛。

4、Mr. Guan Wei was writing a calligraphy in the opening ceremony and giving it to the host organization for memorial use. ─── 关伟先生即席挥毫并赠送当地主办机构。

5、SHANGHAI GUAN TOU ELECTRIC CO., LTD. ─── 上海冠头电子电器有限公司。

6、When Guan Yu learned that Jingzhou was conquered, he came back at once with his son Guan Ping. But it was too late. ─── 关羽得知荆州失守的消息后,赶紧带着儿子关平回来救援,但是已经来不及了。

7、His sense of humor made me laugh too, and I said we have wrapped this shot so Guan Hua could come down and get some rest. ─── 我也被他的幽默逗笑了,立即说这个镜头拍毕,放冠华下来休息。

8、Kiel Harell works full-time as a RCEF Teaching Coach at the Guan Ai Primary School. ─── 侯杰是RCEF在关爱小学的全职教员。

9、Contacts with friends, tolerance is more to the Guan Zhong gold. ─── 与朋友交往,宽容是鲍叔牙多分给管仲的黄金。

10、Guan Hanqing, numbers have been vegetarian gentleman, Anguo Wu Ren village. ─── 关汉卿,号已斋叟,安国市伍仁村人。

11、Thoughts and practice of cohesion engineering Guoyi Guan Abstract Cohesion is an important component of a hospital's. ─── 凝聚力工程的思考与实践。

12、Guan Z,Lu JF.Basic of Numerical Analysis.Beijing:Higher Education Press,1998 (in Chinese). ─── 关治,陆金甫.数值分析基础.北京:高等教育出版社,1998.

13、Today is the anniversary of Guan Yin's renunciation of worldly life, and the Chinese files reached 1500 tonight. ─── 今天是观音出家日,中文档案今晚达到1500件。

14、They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. ─── 交谈中得知,此人名关羽。

15、Guan often said there were some kind of foreordination between him and stones. ─── 关柏春常说自己和石头之间有一种缘分。

16、Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei from here completely changed the destiny laid a strong career. ─── 刘备、关羽、张飞从这里彻底改变了命运,奠定了一个强大的事业基础。

17、Guan Junjie: I see. Nice to meet you. ─── 关俊杰:我知道了。很高兴认识你。

18、Hence the erection of Guan Yu Temples everywhere in the country. ─── 关帝庙因此遍布全国。

19、Hui-tong-si-yi Guan was also a site for trade between Qing Dynasty and those tributary ambassadors. ─── 会同四译馆还是清政府与周边藩属国贡使进行经济贸易的场所。

20、They are going to Guan Zhou on Sunday. ─── 他们星期日去广州。

21、GUAN Wei is introducing his paintings in the press conference. ─── 关伟先生在新闻发布会上介绍自己的作品。

22、Cause dissatisfaction from Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. ─── 却引起了张飞和关羽的不满。

23、GUAN Wei is painting in the press conference. ─── 关伟先生即席挥毫。

24、Every letter opens another world for us," said Guan Zhangwen, the director of the TV show. ─── 每一封信都为我们打开了另一个世界。”该剧的导演管章文说。

25、Main Items Anxi Tie Guan Yin Tea, Puer Tea, and other kinds of China Tea. ─── 主营:铁观音、普洱茶;全国各地茗茶。

26、Many days later, Guan Yu decided to make a break for it, despite his counselor's advice. ─── 又过了几天,关羽不顾手下的劝阻,决定带兵冲出去。

27、Dai Guan Shan is engaged in offering customer-oriented services that the customers want. ─── 代官山着力于以客户的角度去思考,尽可能提供客户想要得到的服务。

28、Guan laughingly said, "That's unnecessary." Then he gave orders to hold a dinner for Hua Tuo. ─── 关羽笑着说:"不用捆。"然后吩咐宴招待华佗。

29、Li Yingdu, the famous Guan School thinker, was one of the wellknown poets in the early Qing dynasty. ─── 李因笃不仅是清初著名的关学学者,而且是著名的诗人。

30、Teck Guan Trading S/B、Cowie Marine Transportation Sdn.Bhd. ─── 、拿督刘荣华准将、Chinka Realty Sdn.

31、Lord Guan eyed Liu Bei, who sensed his brother's intent and rose to bid Zhou Yu farewell. ─── 关羽给刘备使眼色,刘备会意,起身告辞。

32、Just then, Guan Yu blocked their way with his soldiers. ─── 华容道路口挡住了他们的路。

33、They did very well,Huand Huadong and Huang Liping came first and second in the men's overall events while Qiao Ya and Guan Yiqing led the women's. ─── 他们表现出色,黄华东和黄力平获男子全能比赛前两名。乔娅和关义青则获女子全能冠亚军。

34、However, in the exercise of this power, the citizen can Guan Dele how much? ─── 但是,这个权力在行使时,公民又能管得了多少呢?

35、During the fighting Lord Guan's cohort attacked savagely on all sides. ─── 云长引数骑东冲西突。

36、And nowadays year winter, did not rest Guan Xicu. ─── 且如今年冬,未休关西卒。

37、Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals in the Liu camp soon came to respect the new military adviser. ─── 使关羽、张飞等将佩服得五体投地。

38、Guan Yu vol.#252;nteered to meet Hua Xiong, saying if he failed to kill him he would kill himself. ─── 关羽立下军令状,愿去斩华雄的首级。

39、Guan Yu just wanted to go back to Shu as soon as possible and he did not care about Guan Ping. ─── 关羽一心想快点跑回蜀国,没注意关平他们落在了后面。

40、Why Did Guan Yu launch the Xiangfan Campaign? ─── 关羽为何要发动襄樊战役?

41、Guan Lin is situated in the southeast of Luoyang. ─── 关林位于洛阳市的东南部。

42、Guan Yu was extremely brave, but he was also extremely proud. Could he keep Jingzhou safe? ─── 关羽真是勇敢,但是他却太骄傲了,他能守住荆州吗?

43、Duke Huan appointed Guan Zhong the chief minister, and yet the state of Qi was not peaceful and orderly. ─── 桓公任命管仲作上卿,可是齐国还不太平。

44、Ashin gave flowers to Guan You, and asked him to sing the last sentence of Le Se Che. ─── 冠佑和阿信搞笑部分..阿信把花给了冠佑,叫他唱最后一句的"垃圾车"

45、GUAN XH. Diagnosis and treatment of acute alcoholism. Journal of General Hospital of Air Force, PLA. ─── 关小宏。急性酒精中毒的诊断与治疗。空军总医院学报。

46、Guan Yu powerless to resist, surrendered Caocao. ─── 关羽无力抵抗,投降了曹操。

47、Later, bei guan and Peking opera styles became popular. ─── 之后北管和京剧的曲调蔚为风潮。

48、A year ago, investors like Guan Ling were ebullient. ─── 一年前,像关林(音)一样的投资者都还满怀热情。

49、Jingzhou fell into Sun Quan's hands because of Guan Yu's overconfidence. ─── 为自己一时大意而没有守住荆州。荆州又落到了吴国手中。关羽因。

50、Their faith and worship are the representatives of Guan Yu and Matsu and Hill King III. ─── 他们信仰和崇拜的代表分别是关羽、妈祖和三山国王。

51、Every letter opens another world for us," according to Guan Zhangwen, the director of the TV show. ─── 每一封信都为我们打开了另一个世界的大门。”该电视剧的导演管章文表示。

52、Guan Yu:I prefer this Green dragon crescent moon blade. ─── 关羽:我喜欢这把青龙偃月刀.

53、Guan Qi, associate professor, was born in 1959 in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. ─── 关琦,副教授,1959年出生于山西省太原市。

54、There are Temples of Guan Yu all around the country. The only difference is that they are of various sizes. ─── 全国各地都有关帝庙,只是规模不同。

55、Shanghai Wan Guan Fashion Co., Ltd. ─── 上海万冠服饰有限公司。

56、Guan Zhi Di could be a fine regulator of blood lipid. ─── 冠脂迪有降血脂的作用

57、Zhongshan City Guan Sheng Coatings Co., Ltd. ─── 中山市广升粘合材料有限公司。

58、Guan Yu was hit by a poisonous arrow in the right arm while attacking Fancheng City. ─── 关羽攻打樊城时,被毒箭射中右臂。

59、Arrive from hypostatic inn net inn, guan Jianquan sees efficiency very again. ─── 从实体店到网店,官鉴权把效率看得很重。

60、He sang "Yang Guan San Die" while he played the ancient Chinese zither. ─── 他一边弹古琴一边歌吟《阳关三叠》。

61、Guan Junjie: Yes, Jun means handsome and Jie means excellent. ─── 关俊杰:是的,“俊”表示英俊而“杰”则表示杰出的意思。

62、Him Guan Guoguang painted a piece of picture, have quite " plutonomy " flavour. ─── 关国光自己画了一张图,颇有“政治经济学”的味道。

63、Guan Yu didn't want to go back to Jingzhou for treatment. ─── 关羽受伤之后,不肯退回荆州去治疗。

64、Guan Yu not only refused but also insulted Sun Quan. ─── 关羽不但拒绝,还侮辱了孙权。

65、Be brought up to be not caught for Guan Houqing cheap, have double shoulder bright moon, of remain uncorrupted praise. ─── 他从小工诗文,善书法,聪颖过人,才资出众。长大为官后清廉不染,有双肩明月,两袖清风之誉。

66、But Guan Yu remained unmoved, putting his loyalty to Liu Bei before all else. ─── 但是关羽始终以义气为重,对刘备忠贞不渝。

67、Guan Yu sent soldiers to Shu to ask for help, but they failed to arrive. ─── 关羽派手下回蜀国求助,但是好几次都没有冲出去。

68、Guan Yu volünteered to meet Hua Xiong, saying if he failed to kill him he would kill himself. ─── 关羽立下军令状,愿去斩华雄的首级。

69、Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, But they walked away sneeringly. ─── 关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。

70、After the wound was sewn up, Guan Yu could move his arm again easily. ─── 伤口缝好后,受伤的右臂很快就能活动了。

71、Meanwhile, the second phase of Hangzhou Southern Song Guan Kiln Museum is also being constructed. ─── 同时,南宋官窑博物馆二期工程也在建设当中。

72、President Mr. YE Xuanping is enjoying the painting from Mr. GUAN Wei. ─── 会长叶选平在兴致勃勃地欣赏关伟的作品。

73、He Wei " Guan De " ?It is the mitzvah with due be an official, as the professional morality that often says same. ─── 何为“官德”?就是做官应有的德行,如同常说的职业道德一样。

74、His horse, Chitu, ran very fast and it was hard for Guan Ping and others to keep up. ─── 关羽骑着他的赤兔马,跑得非常。

75、Guan Yeu Machinery Factory Co., Ltd. ─── 冠宇机械厂有限公司。

76、Liu let Guan and Zhang stand at the door, and he stood by the bed. ─── 刘备就让关羽和张飞守在门口,自己站在床边等他醒来。

77、EC successive military governments, right, Jingxing jun zong guan Jeju, etc.xiang zhou captaincy general. ─── 历任右一府统军、泾州道行军总管、襄州都督等职。

78、Scarcely had he finished speaking when Guan Yu stepped forward and declared, "I will bring you Hua Xiong's head! ─── 他刚说完,关羽就站起来大声地说:“我愿意去砍下华雄的!

79、Which exit is for Ke Xue Guan? ─── 去科学馆走哪个出口?

80、Guan Sheng, General Manager of Huanggang Branch. He is certified Land Valuer, Real Estate Appraiser. ─── 关胜,黄冈分公司总经理,土地估价师,房地产估价师。

81、Guan Cun, a quiet research environment. ─── 关村一个安静的科研环境。

82、"A great idea!" Agreed Liu Bei and Guan Yu. ─── 刘备和关羽都说:“真是太好了”。

83、Guan Junjie: Here is my name card. ─── 关俊杰:这是我的名片。

84、It is so auspicious, as if Guan Yin is rewarding me for writing the praise. ─── 这是如此的吉祥,犹如观音对我写此赞的奖赏。

85、Sany heavy machine Co., Ltd of Beijing locates in Sany industrial region of Zhong Guan Cun Economic Zone in Beijing. ─── 北京市三一重机有限公司位于北京中关村科技园区三一产业园。

86、Deeply enraged, Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town. ─── 关羽一怒之下,把虎员外杀了,逃亡他乡。

87、They include Liu Huanzhang's Young Girl, Guan Jing's Steel Egg and Wang Hejing's Small Deer. ─── 刘焕章《少女像》、关竞《铁蛋》、王合内《小鹿》等.

88、Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. ─── 关东从长江里救出了一位老太太。

89、The riding route, Beijing south station 943 group Guan willow tree netherworld Che Jidao. ─── 乘车路线,北京南站943路固安柳泉下车即到。

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