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08-15 投稿


emarginate 发音

英:[??mɑ?rd???ne?t]  美:[??mɑ?d??ne?t]

英:  美:

emarginate 中文意思翻译



emarginate 词性/词形变化,emarginate变形

名词: emargination |

emarginate 短语词组

1、emarginate caudal fin ─── 尾鳍微缺

2、emarginate leaf apex ─── 微缺叶尖

3、emarginate definition ─── 微缺定义

4、emarginate dogwinkle ─── 微缺角

5、arcuate-emarginate ─── [医]有弓状切的

6、emarginate leaf definition ─── 缺叶定义

7、emarginate leaf ─── [网络] 微笑的叶子

emarginate 相似词语短语

1、ecardinate ─── 协调

2、emarginately ─── 微缺

3、emarginated ─── 消瘦的

4、ecarinate ─── adj.无隆线的

5、immarginate ─── adj.无边缘的

6、marginate ─── adj.有边缘的;vt.加边于

7、marginated ─── adj.有边缘的;v.加旁注于;加边(marginate的过去形式)

8、marginates ─── adj.有边缘的;vt.加边于

9、evaginate ─── v.使(管状、袋状器官或构造)外翻;使(器官或部位)表层外翻

emarginate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Petals broadly obovate, very short, ca. 1 mm, apex emarginate, hooded. ─── 花瓣宽倒卵形,非常短,约1毫米,先端微缺,盔状。

2、Petals obovate-orbicular, apex emarginate, rarely absent. ─── 花瓣倒卵形的圆形,先端微缺,很少无。

3、lobes cuneate-obovate, apex slightly emarginate to irregularly denticulate. ─── 裂片楔形倒卵形,对具不规则小齿的先端稍微缺。

4、free tepal elliptic-obovate, ca. 1.5 cm, apex truncate or emarginate and shortly cuspidate. ─── 离生花被片椭圆状倒卵形,约1.5厘米,先端截形或微缺和短骤尖。

5、Stigmas 2, unequal, smaller 1 semiorbicular, undivided, larger 1 broadly flabellate, emarginate. ─── 柱头2,半圆形的不等长,小1,不裂,宽扇形,微缺的大1。

6、Calyx teeth triangular-subulate. Corolla dark red, 3(-3.5) cm, upper lip emarginate, middle lobe of lower lip slightly longer than lateral lobes. ─── 萼齿三角形钻形。花冠暗红色,3(-3.5)厘米,微缺的上唇,下唇稍长于侧面裂片的中部裂片。

7、Petals usually longer than sepals (but sometimes smaller, cleistogamous flowers present), apex emarginate or shallowly bifid or toothed. ─── 花瓣通常长比萼片(但是有时小,闭花受精花宿存),先端微缺或浅2裂或齿。

8、stigma purple, peltate, 1--1.2 cm in diam., convex, 4-ridged at center adaxially, 4-lobed at margin, lobes emarginate at apex. ─── 紫色,盾形的柱头,1-1.2厘米直径,凸,正面4棱在中心,4裂的在边缘,裂片微缺的在先端。

9、Bracts equaling or slightly longer than seed scales, apex rounded, slightly emarginate, with an abrupt, short, central cusp. ─── 苞片稍长或近等长种鳞,先端圆形,稍微缺,具一突然,短,中心尖突。

10、Plants usually 20--40(--45) cm tall; lobes of lower corolla lip indistinctly emarginate; basal leaves fewer; inflorescences interrupted. ─── 通常的植株20-40(-45)厘米高;不清楚的更低的花冠唇的裂片微缺;基生叶更少;花序间断。(3

11、Staminode limb broadly obovate, emarginate, yellow barbate.Filaments glabrous. ─── 退化雄蕊的瓣片宽倒卵形,微缺,黄具髯毛。

12、Capsule ovoid-conical, slightly compressed, tapered apically, almost entirely hirsute, apex obtuse and emarginate. ─── 圆锥形蒴果卵球形,顶部的稍压扁,渐狭,几乎完全具粗毛,先端钝的和微缺。

13、Petals yellow, slightly longer than sepals, apex emarginate or rounded. ─── 花瓣黄色,稍长于萼片,先端微缺或圆形。

14、This species is easily distinguishable from other species in the genus by having suborbicular leaves usually obtuse or emarginate at their apices. ─── 本种通过其具近圆形的叶,叶先端通常钝或微缺,容易与本属的其它种区分。

15、Verticillasters not secund; middle lobe of lower corolla lip emarginate or 2-lobulate at apex, not ligulate. ─── 轮状聚伞花序偏向;更低的花冠唇全缘或微缺在先端的中部裂片,舌状,狭椭圆形,到长圆形。(78

16、Petals yellow, obcordate, nearly equaling or longer than sepals, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣黄色,倒心形,近等长或更长于萼片,先端微缺。

17、upper lip narrow, erect to arcuate, apex entire to emarginate; ─── 上唇狭窄,对弧曲,先端全缘到微缺直立;

18、Lower stem leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound, leaflets few. Middle lobe of lower corolla lip obcordate, margin crenulate, apex emarginate. ─── 下部茎叶1或2羽状复叶,小叶很少。倒心形的下部花冠唇,边缘具细圆齿,先端微缺的中部裂片。

19、Middle lobe of lower corolla lip emarginate or 2-lobulate; lobules never fringed apically or on 1 side. ─── 更低的花冠唇的中部裂片2具小裂片;不正规的小裂片具圆齿具小齿顶部,作为边缘,或者作为在一边上边缘。(57

20、Stem 50--60 cm, simple. Raceme retrorsely puberulent and yellow glandular puberulent. Petals emarginate. ─── 茎50-60厘米,单。总状花序反曲被微柔毛和黄具腺被微柔毛。花瓣微缺。

21、Petals yellow, obovate, slightly longer than sepals, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣黄色,倒卵形,稍长于萼片,先端微缺。

22、palea ca. 4 mm, keels sparsely ciliate, apex obtuse or arcuate, sometimes emarginate; ─── 内稃约4毫米,龙骨疏生缘毛,先端钝或者弧曲,有时微缺;

23、Sepals deep blue; spur slightly shorter than sepals, 1.2--1.6 cm, usually slightly upcurved. Staminode limb distally emarginate. ─── 萼片深蓝色;距稍短于萼片,1.2-1.6厘米,通常稍上弯上部的退化雄蕊的瓣片微缺。

24、Labellum white, rarely purple, with a central, yellow blotch, apex emarginate or shortly 2-lobed. ─── 唇瓣白色,很少紫色的,具一中心,黄斑点,先端微缺或短2裂的。

25、Leaflet apex rounded to obtuse and emarginate; filaments very short; anthers incurved; fruit dehiscent. ─── 小叶先端圆形的到钝和微缺;花丝非常短;花药弯曲;果开裂。(5

26、Staminode limb obovate, emarginate to 2-cleft, yellow barbate. ─── 退化雄蕊的瓣片倒卵形,对2半裂微缺,黄具髯毛。

27、middle lobe of lower lip reniform, base white barbate, margin erose, apex emarginate. ─── 中部裂片的下唇肾形,白色的基部,边缘啮蚀状,先端微缺。

28、Petals obovate, slightly longer than stamens, clawed at base, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣倒卵形,稍长于雄蕊,瓣爪在基部,先端微缺。

29、Petals yellow, obovate, equaling sepals, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣黄色,倒卵形,等长萼片,先端微缺。

30、Sepals triangular, adaxially medially keeled.Petals obovate, shorter than stamens, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣倒卵形,短于雄蕊,先端微缺。

31、Capsule globose, obtusely angled, 5-valved, ca. 1 cm in diam., verrucose, apex truncate or slightly emarginate. ─── 蒴果球状,钝具角,瓣裂,直径约1厘米,瘤状,先端截形或稍微缺。

32、Upper petal pink, orbicular, ca. 1 cm in diam., apex emarginate, abaxial midvein thickened, narrowly cristate, crista ca. 1.5 mm high; ─── 旗瓣粉红色的,圆形,直径约1厘米,先端微缺,背面加厚,狭鸡冠状,约1.5毫米高;

33、Flowering stems 9-14 cm. Leaf blade less than 1 cm. Nectar scales linear-spatulate, ca. 1 mm, apex emarginate. ─── 花茎9-14厘米叶片1厘米花蜜鳞片线形匙形的不到,约1毫米,先端微缺。

34、emarginate Concave; used to describe the posterior border of a caudal fin which is inwardly curved; a caudal fin with a slightly concave margin. ─── 边缘微凹的凹面;用来描述尾鳍的后缘向内的弯曲;一尾鳍有微凹的边缘。

35、Stigmas 2, unequal, subsemiorbicular to ligulate or ringlike, emarginate. ─── 柱头2,不同的事物,对环形的舌状或,。

36、Cyathium involucre broadly campanulate, to 2 mm wide, glabrous, lobes subrounded, emarginate, glabrous; ─── 杯状聚伞花序总苞宽钟状的,达2毫米宽,无毛,裂片近圆形,微缺的;

37、Petals obovate, slightly longer than stamens, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣倒卵形,稍长于雄蕊,先端微缺。

38、Petals yellow or yellowish-green, obovate, apex emarginate, narrow, inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣黄色或黄绿色,倒卵形,先端微缺,狭窄,内折。

39、palea slightly shorter than lemma, keels ciliate near apex, 2-veined between and scabrous on either side of keels, apex obtuse or sometimes emarginate; ─── 内稃稍短于外稃,龙骨纤毛近先端,2脉在和在龙骨的两边上粗糙,先端钝和有时微缺之间;

40、Disk annular, almost divided into 10 emarginate lobes. ─── 花盘环状,几乎分为10微缺的裂片。

41、Style persistent;stigma capitate.Capsule subglobose, slightly laterally compressed, apex rounded-obtuse and emarginate, loculicidal. ─── 花柱宿存柱头头状蒴果近球形,稍侧面压扁,先端圆形的钝的和微缺,室背开裂。

42、Petals yellow, white, pink, or purple, obovate, spatulate, oblong, or suborbicular, apex obtuse or emarginate; ─── 花瓣黄色,白色,粉红色,或紫色,倒卵形,匙形,长圆形,或近圆形,先端钝的或微缺;

43、Upper petal suborbicular, 1-1.1 cm in diam., base truncate, apex emarginate, mucronulate, abaxial midvein cristate; ─── 近圆形的旗瓣,直径的1-1.1厘米,基部截形,先端微缺,具小短尖,背面中脉鸡冠状;

44、Calyx teeth obsolete.Petals greenish, emarginate, apex inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣带绿色,微缺的,内折的先端。

45、callose staminode yellowish, ca. 1.5 cm, apex usually emarginate; ─── 胼胝质退化雄蕊淡黄,约1.5厘米,先端通常微缺;

46、lunate Sickle-shaped; used to describe a caudal fin which is deeply emarginate with narrow lobes; shaped like a crescent moon. ─── 新月状的镰刀形状的;用来描述一个尾鳍是边缘深凹而有狭窄的叶;状似一个新月形的月亮。

47、Upper petal broadly reniform, apex emarginate, abaxial midvein carinate, cristate above middle; ─── 旗瓣宽肾形,先端微缺,背面的中脉龙骨状突起,鸡冠状的在中部以上;

48、free tepal emarginate and shortly cuspidate at apex. ─── 离生花被片微缺和短骤尖的在先端。

49、Petals yellow, obovate, slightly longer than sepals, apex rounded or emarginate. ─── 花瓣黄色,倒卵形,稍长于萼片,先端圆形或微缺。

50、Leaf blade obovate to flabelliform, apex rounded to truncate and emarginate. ─── 根茎块茎状;叶片具三叶;3浅裂的花瓣,裂片披针形。(5

51、Stipules greenish, interpetiolar, connate, ovate or oblong-ovate, 4-6 mm, membranous, with several ribs, apex shallowly 2-cleft or emarginate; ─── 托叶带绿色,叶柄间,合生的,卵形或长圆状卵形,4-6毫米,膜,有几肋,顶浅2半裂或微缺的;

52、Petals white, rarely pink, distinct or near so, apex emarginate or 2-lobed. ─── 花瓣白色,很少粉红色,离生或近如此,先端微缺或2裂。

53、lunate Sickle-shaped; used to describe a caudal fin which is deeply emarginate with narrow lobes; shaped like a crescent moon. ─── 新月状的镰刀形状的;用来描述一个尾鳍是边缘深凹而有狭窄的叶;状似一个新月形的月亮。

54、Petals yellow, obovate, nearly equaling or longer than sepals, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣黄色,倒卵形,近等长或更长于萼片,先端微缺。

55、Petals white, emarginate, glabrous. ─── 花瓣白色,微缺,无毛。

56、lower glume ca. 0.5 mm, veinless, obtuse or emarginate; ─── 更低的颖片约0.5毫米,无脉,钝的或微缺;

57、Pseudobulbs ovate, 1-leaved at apex. Leaves narrowly oblong, 10-14 cm long and 1.8-2.3 cm wide, apex emarginate, base attenuate; ─── 叶1片顶生于卵球形假鳞茎上,狭长圆形,长10-14厘米,宽1.8-2.3厘米,先端微凹,基部收窄成长约1.5厘米的柄。

58、Capsule oblong, compressed, shorter than calyx, hirsute, apex emarginate, with persistent style. ─── 蒴果长圆形,压扁,短于花萼,具粗毛,先端微缺,具宿存花柱。

59、Petals yellow, ovate, slightly longer than sepals, apex emarginate or subrounded. ─── 花瓣黄色,卵形,稍长于萼片,先端微缺或近圆形。

60、Petals 5, usually purple, sometimes white, rose to dark red, apex usually emarginate or with a prominent notch. ─── 花瓣5,通常紫色,有时白色,玫瑰色兑一暗红色,先端通常微缺或具突出凹缺。

61、Erect shrubs or scandent subshrubs; sepals elliptic or ovate to circular, apex rounded, obtuse, or emarginate. ─── 直立灌木或攀缘的亚灌木;萼片椭圆形或卵形到圆,先端圆形,钝,或微缺。(16

62、Pseudobulbs ovate, 1-leaved at apex.Leaves narrowly oblong, 10-14 cm long and 1.8-2.3 cm wide, apex emarginate, base attenuate; ─── 叶1片顶生于卵球形假鳞茎上,狭长圆形,长10-14厘米,宽1.8-2.3厘米,先端微凹,基部收窄成长约1.5厘米的柄。

63、Petals erect and enlarged in fruit, broadly obovate, nearly equaling sepals, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣直立和在果期扩大,宽倒卵形,近等长萼片,先端微缺。

64、Upper petal orbicular, base cordate, apex slightly emarginate, shortly rostellate, abaxial midvein thickened, entire or undulate; ─── 短,旗瓣圆形,基部心形,先端稍微缺具小喙,背面加厚,波状的全缘的或;

65、Petals 5, usually purple, sometimes white, rose to dark red, apex usually emarginate or with a prominent notch. ─── 花瓣5,通常紫色,有时白色,玫瑰色兑一暗红色,先端通常微缺或具突出凹缺。

66、3(2) Leaf blade suborbicular, apex obtuse to retuse or emarginate, abaxially densely white puberulous to glabrous, margin serrate. ─── 胚根叶子具3小叶,或顶生小叶深裂,白色绢毛。

67、Seed scales compressed orbicular, thick, apex truncate-rounded, broadly rounded, or emarginate. ─── 种鳞压扁圆形,厚,圆形的先端截形,宽圆形,或微缺。

68、lower glume narrowly lanceolate, villous with ca. 3 mm hairs, veins smooth, apex subacute or emarginate; ─── 狭披针形的下部颖片,具长柔毛具约3毫米毛,平滑的脉,先端近尖的或微缺;

69、corolla ventricose-campanulate, pink with crimson blotch at base, ca. 5 cm, lobes 8, emarginate; ─── 花冠钟状膨大,粉红色的具深红色斑点的在基部,约5厘米,裂片8,微缺;

70、Labellum reflexed, broadly cuneate, apex emarginate to 2-cleft. ─── 唇瓣反折,宽楔形,先端微缺到2的半裂。

71、lower lip somewhat larger, middle lobe trapeziform, apex emarginate, hirsute-puberulent inside. ─── 有点大的下唇,中部裂片梯形,先端微缺,在里面被微柔毛具粗毛。

72、32(31) Current year branchlets reddish brown; sepals orbicular, outside pubescent, margin ciliolate, apex emarginate; fruit globose. ─── 当年小枝红棕色;萼片圆形,外面被短柔毛,边缘具短缘毛,先端微缺;果球状

73、palea keels pilose, apex narrow or emarginate. ─── 具柔毛的内稃龙骨,顶狭窄的或微缺。

74、Petals white or whitish green, densely purple-brown punctate or not, obovate-oblong, ca. 7 mm, margin densely erose or shortly fimbriate, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣白色或带白色绿色具点的紫褐色与否,倒卵状长圆形,约7毫米,边缘密啮蚀状或短流苏状,先端微缺。

75、Petals 5, obcordate, ca. 2/3 as long as sepals, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣5,倒心形,约2/3的萼片长,先端微缺。

76、Petals narrowly oblong, elliptic, ligulate, or spatulate, glabrous outside, orange punctate, apex rounded or emarginate. ─── 花瓣狭长圆形,椭圆形,,或匙形,在外面无毛,具点的橙,先端圆形或微缺。

77、Flowers bisexual.Perianth segments 5, broadly ovate to elliptic, abaxially longitudinally keeled, farinose, margin membranous, apex acute or slightly emarginate. ─── 花两性花被片5,宽卵形到椭圆形,背面具纵向脊,被粉,边缘膜质,先端锐尖或者稍微缺。

78、Petals white, suborbiculate, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., apically emarginate and unevenly lacerate. ─── 花瓣白色,近圆盘状,直径约1.5毫米,顶部微缺和不均匀撕裂了。

79、Petals 5, red, white at base, broadly obcordate, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣5,红色,白色的在基部,宽倒心形,先端微缺。

80、It is characterized by longer plants, larger leaves with narrowed apex, apex subacute to acute (very rarely emarginate);underleaves bisbifid, with non-divergent, acute-acuminate lobes. ─── 其最主要的辨识特徵是植株较大、叶子较长,但先端窄缩、叶前端锐尖、基部叶两叉且伴随著缺刻。

81、Petals 5, pale yellow or white, broadly obovate, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣5,浅黄的或白色,宽倒卵形,先端微缺。

82、Petals white or whitish green, densely purple-brown punctate or not, obovate-oblong, ca. 7 mm, margin densely erose or shortly fimbriate, apex emarginate. ─── 浓密,花瓣白色或带白色绿色具点的紫褐色与否,倒卵状长圆形,约7毫米,边缘密啮蚀状或短流苏状,先端微缺。

83、Capsule purple-red at maturity, baccate, broadly reniform or slightly cordate, ca. 1 cm, ca. 1.3 cm in diam., margin winged, ciliate, apex emarginate, mucronate; ─── 成熟时蒴果紫红色,浆果状,宽肾形或稍心形,长约1厘米,直径约1.3厘米,边缘具翅,具缘毛,先端微缺,短尖;

84、Petals white or pale pink, obovate, base cuneate, apex emarginate, with small incurved lobule, outer petals in umbellule usually enlarged (radiant). ─── 花瓣白色或淡粉色,倒卵形,基部楔形,先端微缺,小弯曲小裂片,小伞形花序外部花瓣通常放大的(辐射状)。

85、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, 1-1.2 cm wide, apex slightly emarginate, abaxial midvein thickened, cristate above middle, crista long, elephant-trunk-shaped; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,1-1.2厘米宽,先端稍微缺,背面中脉加厚,鸡冠状的在中部以上,鸡冠状突起长,象鼻状;

86、Petals white, spatulate, ca. 0.8 mm, shorter than stamens, apex emarginate. ─── 花瓣白色,匙形,约0.8毫米,短于雄蕊,先端微缺。

87、Petals obovate-cucullate, ca. as long as sepals, base shortly clawed, apex rounded or emarginate. ─── 花瓣倒卵形兜状,与萼片近等长,基部短爪,先端圆形或微缺。

88、Lower corolla lip with lateral lobes rounded, not emarginate. ─── 更低的花冠唇具侧面裂片圆形,不微缺。

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