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08-15 投稿


animator 发音

英:['?n?me?t?]  美:['?n?'met?]

英:  美:

animator 中文意思翻译



animator 网络释义

n. 鼓舞者;赋与生气者;卡通片绘制者(等于animater)

animator 短语词组

1、character animator ─── 角色动画师

2、chunk animator up ─── 将animator块向上

3、animator salary ─── 动画师工资

4、rough animator ─── 粗糙动画师

5、animator vs animation game ─── 动画师vs ─── 动画游戏

6、animator controller ─── 动画控制器

7、Gif Animator ─── 经典GIF动画制作软件GIF Animator的最新版本。在功能方面有了大幅度的翻新——色盘建构引擎、新增支持Adobe Photoshop相兼容的外挂特效滤镜、新添自动休移动精灵功能及增强各式影像档案输入输出。

8、image animator ─── 图像动画师

9、birdie animator ─── 小鸟动画师

10、photo animator studio ─── 照片动画工作室

11、animator layer animator ─── 层

12、animator pro animator pro

13、photo animator ─── 照片动画师

14、animator guild ─── 动画师协会

15、flex gif animator flex gif ─── 动画师

16、animator studio ─── 动画师工作室

17、chunk animator ─── 区块动画师

18、setup animator ─── 设置动画师

19、cartoon animator ─── 卡通动画师

animator 词性/词形变化,animator变形


animator 相似词语短语

1、animate ─── vt.使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动;adj.有生命的

2、agitator ─── n.搅拌器;鼓动者;煽动者

3、animated ─── v.(使)生机勃勃;把……制成动画片;(使)有生命;鼓励,激励(animate的过去式及过去分词);adj.生机勃勃的;活跃的;热烈的;栩栩如生的;动画的;活动的

4、animation ─── n.活泼,生气;激励;卡通片绘制

5、animaters ─── 动画师

6、animato ─── adj.(尤指演唱演奏指示)生气勃勃的,活跃的;(表演)栩栩如生的;adv.(尤指演唱演奏指示)生气勃勃地,活跃地;(表演)栩栩如生地;n.生气勃勃的乐章;n.(Animato)保加利亚的一部动画短片电影

7、animater ─── n.动画片绘制者;鼓舞者;赋与生气者(等于animator)

8、animates ─── vt.使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动;adj.有生命的

9、animators ─── n.动画家;赋予生气者(animator的复数)

animator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was for several years the main prop and animator of Roosevelt himself ─── 他有几年是罗斯福本人的主要支持者和鼓舞者。

2、” While there, he fell in love with a fellow animator, Akemi Ota, who later became his wife. ─── 在那儿他与同为漫画家的大田明美相恋并结为夫妻。

3、Alert: China Dog Massacre: Nov 7, 2006. We Need Your Help! Focus: Anim....... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏看看现在的中国人...(一)查看全文2006-11-1811:42:02

4、Exaggeration does not mean just distorting the actions or objects arbitrarily, but the animator must carefully choose which properties to exaggerate. ─── 夸张并不只是扭曲的行动或任意物体,但漫画家必须慎重选择性能夸大。

5、Tex Avery was an American animator cartoonist and director famous for producing animated cartoons during Hollywood animation's "Golden Age". ─── 特克斯?艾弗里是知名的美国动画家、漫画家和导演,尤其以在好莱坞动画的黄金年代制作一系列动画而著名于世。

6、charge anim should be played. Defaults to 0,0. ─── 决定超级暂停载入动画的(在游戏者坐标中的)位置偏移量。缺省为0,0。

7、Anim Quality: These settings represent the same settings as the Warcraft III in-game animation quality settings. ─── 动画质量:这个参数代表着魔兽三游戏中同样的动画质量参数。

8、Andrew was a famous animator many years ago. ─── 很多年前安德鲁是个著名的卡通片绘制者。

9、Well on average, on Loaf and Death, each animator may have gotten an average of five seconds a week. ─── 恩,在做《面包房生死对战》时,平均每个动画师每周会获得5秒的镜头。

10、Walter Elias Disney was a multiple Academy Award-winning American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. ─── 沃尔特?迪士尼是一个多次摘取奥斯卡奖的美国电影制片人、导演、编剧、配音大师、动画家、企业家以及慈善家。

11、In Japan, Studio Ghibli used digital technology to enhance, for the first time, the rich hand-painted watercolor appearance of revered animator Hayao Miyazakis artwork in the animated production Princess Mononoke. ─── 在日本,吉卜力工作室将首度用数字技术去加强动画大师宫崎骏作品《幽灵公主》里的手绘水彩画。

12、For the experienced animator, the animatic provides the opportunity to assess the timing of movement and soundtrack. ─── 对一个具有丰富设计经验的动画师来说,动画广告草稿的建立能提供给其一个对角色动作和配乐出现时机的预估。

13、David Ehrlich is an award-winning independent American animator, living with his Czech wife, Marcela, in the Vermont mountains. ─── David Ehrlich 是一位来自美国的、获奖的独立动画家, 他与他的捷克妻子Marcela居住在 美国的佛蒙特。

14、I hope to do an animator in the future, I would like to live in shanghai. I am most interested in advertising design and aspire to be a movie Director. ─── 我希望将来做一个动画设计师,我想留在上海工作。我对广告设计十分感兴趣,立志成为一名电影导演。

15、That could be a 3D tracker, modeler, character TD, animator, lighter, or even a compositor. ─── 工作经验的要求是为了筛选人,但是公司知道毕业生仍然会不断投送简历。

16、J. P. Grime (University of Sheffield, Dept Anim &Plant Sci, Unit Comparat Plant Ecol, Sheffield S10 2TN, S Yorkshire, England ─── 主要从事种群生物学,生态学和生态系统生态学。是被引用频次最高的科学家之一。

17、But here's the punch line: Laughter and joy are not unique to humans, the study says. Ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other anim... ─── 一项最新的研究结果显示,由于大脑的进化,人类在能够说话之前就已经学会笑了。

18、Every animator's desk has a mirror on it that the animator uses to draw his own exaggerated facial expressions. ─── 每一个动画师的桌子上都有一面镜子,动画师利用它来画出他特有的夸张表情。

19、By employing more than one animator tag, you can move an object simultaneously in two or more directions. ─── 通过使用多个animator标记,可以使一个对象同时沿着两个以上的方向移动。

20、It is a rare and touching local animation, both in its topic and the production format.It shows the heart and talent of a young animator. ─── 不论在题材或是在制作形式上,这是香港近年难得一见难能可贵的动画作品,也在在表现出制作人对动画创作的心思、心机与深情。

21、The animation movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese director and animator, are a major Oriental force to contend in the animation circle with those of Walt Disney Television Animation or DreamWorks Animation. ─── 日本导演宫崎骏的动画片是能够和迪斯尼,梦工厂共分天下的一支重要东方力量。

22、What is the Animator application? ─── 什麽是动画制作者程序?

23、Doing a fluid simulation is similar to clicking the ANIM button - you currently have to take care of organizing the fluid surface meshes in some directory yourself. ─── 做一个流体模拟与点一下类似的ANIM按钮-你现在组织流体表面网格在你自己的一些目录中。

24、AJAX Animator 0.2 was released in early August. ─── AJAX Animator 0.2在八月初发布。

25、Being an excellent animator himself, Miyazaki 's directing style requires him to personally check drawings by other animators and often redraw them to make them closer to his image. ─── 作为卓越的漫画家,宫崎骏的监督风格需要他亲自检查其他人的画并且经常地重画以便更接近自己的想象。

26、METHODS:According to evaluation index of dependence in Morphine addicted anim als,we chose pain threshold and naloxone urged jumping response as items to obs erve. ─── 方法:依据吗啡成瘾动物的依赖性评价指标,选择痛阈和纳络酮跳台反应作为观察项目。

27、The Boardroom: Storyboard With Commentary By Animator Phil Tippet featurette ─── 会议室:动画师菲尔·提普特评论的故事板

28、John is always an animator in our office. ─── 在我们办公室里约翰总是个赋予生气的人。

29、to jump exercise in rabbits. J Anim Sci. 2009;87(2):544-553. ─── 刘波,尹立,李雪梅,等.大强度训练配合治疗对兔小腿结缔组织的形

30、I haven't tested the other object anim methods as the BF+LC methods seems to be the preferred choice. ─── 我还没有测试的其他物体阿尼姆方法作为高炉+液相色谱方法似乎是首选。

31、After having completed studies in economics at Gakushuin University, Tokyo, in 1963, he took a position as an entry-level animator at Toei Doga, Asia's largest animation studio. ─── 在东京学习院大学完成经济学学业后,1963年,他在东京的东映动画--亚洲最大的动画制作公司获得了初级绘画师的职位。

32、Decay Tail UV Anim - Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequence ofthe second half of the Tail particle’s life.Repeat will cause this animating textureto cycle. ─── 尾部粒子衍生贴图行列数: 尾部粒子衍生阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。

33、And Anab, and Eshtemoh, and Anim; ─── 50亚拿伯,以实提莫,亚念,

34、Based on the course of design of die-casting mould,the CAI courseware was developed with Animator Pro and Authorware 6.5 software,and the making processes and system flow chat were introduced in the paper. ─── 以《压铸模具设计》课程为研究对象,利用AnimatorPro动画软件以及多媒体编辑软件Authorware6.5开发出《压铸模具设计》CAI课件,介绍了课件的开发过程和系统流程图。

35、But no matter how hard I work at it, I know I will NEVER be as great an animator as Doug Sweetland (or some of the other fantastic animators at Pixar). ─── 但是不管我怎么努力,我知道自己也永远做不到像DougSweetland那样优秀(或者其他一些神奇的Pixar动画师那样)。

36、But the face of the toy soldier was still manipulated entirely by an experienced human animator. ─── 不过,玩具的脸仍然完全是由一位经验丰富的动画师人工操纵的。

37、With his partner Bill Hanna (right), who died in 2001, he rivalled Walt Disney as the most talented animator of his generation. ─── 与合作伙伴比尔·汉纳(右)的合影,汉纳于2001年去世。在汉纳的协作下,巴伯拉与竞争对手沃尔特·迪斯尼成为当时最具天赋的动画家。

38、Communicate and collaborate with the Lead Animator and other members of the VFX team. ─── 与主管动画师及特效团队的其他成员沟通、协作。

39、Therefore,to know som e basic knowledge aboutthe culture of the English-speaking countries becom es anim portant part in English com m unication. ─── 因此,对英美文化的基本了解是英语交际能否成功的重要因素。

40、Listing 23 shows code using multiple animator tags. ─── 清单23显示使用多个animator标记的代码。

41、The Do-It-Yourself Cartoon Kit sends up the myth of the lone animator who spends hundreds of hours on a brief sequence, only to see it cut from the final film. ─── “自己动手做卡通”节目讲述了一个故事,一名孤独的动画制作人如何耗费了数百小时来制作一段短短的连续镜头,但是最终却没能出现在影片里。

42、Tamminga S. Environmontal impacts of nutritional strate gines in ruminants[J]. J Anim Sci 1996. ─── 李小荣.过量蛋白质对奶牛生殖能力的影响[J].湖南饲料,2000,(4):17.

43、Abstract Objective: The research was designed to study t he meridian tropism theory of traditional Chinese drug through experiments in anim als. ─── 摘要目的:应用动物实验的方法研究中药的归经理论。

44、The animator bent it into its poses by moving a cursor, and then the computer filled out the "between" frames. ─── 动画师通过移动光标来把它弯成各种姿势,接下来再由计算机把那些[各姿势之间的]“中间”帧填上。

45、It is helpful to have some background in acting, and certainly taking an acting or improv class as an animator is a good idea. ─── 如果有表演经验对做动画是非常有帮助的,在条件允许的情况下参加表演的提高培训课程对动画师来说也是很必要的。

46、Raman Hui began his animation career in Hong Kong , at Quantum Studio where he worked as a cel animator. ─── 场的主力军,带领动画组创作各式的商业片、动画短片和故事片。

47、Reporting to the Lead Animator and VFX TD, Animators are responsible for modeling, rigging, lighting, texturing and rendering of various types of CG elements. ─── 向主管动画师和VFX技术指导汇报,主要从事建模,蒙皮,灯光,材质及渲染各种CG元素。

48、Lifespan Tail UV Anim - Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequenceof the first half of the Tail particle’s life.Repeat will cause this animatingtexture to cycle. ─── 头部粒子衰亡贴图行列数: 头部粒子衰亡阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。

49、A testing specialist for more than a decade, she previously worked as a software developer, a technical animator for television, and a developer of puzzles. ─── 她是一个拥有十多年经验的测试专家,先前曾做过软件开发人员、电视技术动画师和难题开发人员。

50、Differences Between Plants and Anim ─── 沙漠植物

51、When an animator wants to have Moxy dance, the animator puts on a yellow hardhat with a stick taped to the peak. ─── 当一个动画师想让莫西跳舞的时候,这个动画师就会戴上一顶黄色的安全帽。

52、HENDERSON C R,QUASS R L.Multiple trait evaluation using relative's record[J]. J Anim Sci, 1976,43:1188. ─── 杨春德,王冠立.南阳牛主要性状遗传参数的初步估测[J].中国畜牧杂志,1987(1):44-45.

53、Machinator Director Original painter Animator ─── 导演原画

54、I don't think that everyone has the capacity to be a great animator. ─── 我不认为人人都能成为了不起的动画师。

55、wedekind k j,baker dh.zinc bioavailability in feed-grade sources of zinc.[j].j anim sci,1990,68:684 ─── 孔林,郝勃,喻子牛。富锌酵母的选育及其培养工艺。食品与生物技术学报2006,25(6)97-101,123

56、Animator: the technician who produces animated cartoons ─── 动画片绘制者,设计、创作或制作动画片的人

57、There is a zoom tool, and a GIF animator allows you to produce video of zoomed images. ─── 提供一个缩放工具,以及一个允许你生成可缩放的视频图像的GIF动画编辑器。

58、As a labor leader, he made many valuable career connections and met his future wife, animator Akemi Ot. ─── 作为工党领袖,他提出了许多宝贵的职业联系,并会见了未来的妻子,漫画家明美体。

59、Do a animator...hmm still need many years to do that.... ─── 做一个动画师=-='...还要很久之后的事吧..=='

60、I was interested in art from a young age and by the time I was a teenager, I wanted to be an animator. ─── 我是对艺术感兴趣从年轻年龄,并且,当我是少年的时候,我想是设计卡通者。

61、I am an animator and concept artist by trade. ─── 我的职业是动画师兼概念艺术家。

62、Sylvain Chomet is an animator and film director. ─── 乔曼是一个动画和电影导演。

63、Job DescriptionWe are looking for an experienced, energetic and motivated individual to lead the Laboratory Anim...... ... ─── 公司名称:诺华(中国)生物医学研究有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-19

64、Bretzlaff K.Rationale for Treatment of Endometritis in the Dairy Cow[J].Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract,1987,(3):5932. ─── 吴金海,李德生,汪志,等.复合溶菌酶剂治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的试验效果[J].黑农江畜牧兽医,2004,(12):43.

65、me gusta One should love anim als. They are so tasty. ─── 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。

66、I watched an animator fiddle with the virtual star. ─── 我看着一个动画师摆弄这个虚拟明星。

67、The goal of the animator is to expose emotion through the illusion of movement on screen. ─── 动画师的目标就是通过屏幕上运动的幻觉来表现情感。

68、The only thing we have to tell the animator is how the world looks like, how big the scene node is, how much gravity to apply and so on. ─── 对于animator,我们要做的唯一的事情就是告诉它世界是个什么样子,场景结点有多大,重力有多大等等。

69、Death, NonLooping Stumps are left in the end of the death anim ─── 死亡动画结束时遗留树桩

70、When an animator wants to have Moxy dance, the animator puts on a yellow hardhat with a stick taped to the peak. ─── 当一个动画师想让莫西跳舞的时候,这个动画师就会戴上一顶黄色的安全帽。

71、But the face of the toy soldier was still manipulated entirely by an experienced human animator. ─── 不过,玩具的脸仍然完全是由一位经验丰富的动画师人工操纵的。

72、11 Lloyd M. Mean crowing. J Anim Ecol , 1967 , 36 : 12230 ─── 12郑元润.几种方法在蒙古栎种群空间分布格局分析中的应用.

73、Parent the Spot to the Grid, select the Grid and in the Object Context Anim Settings Panel ( F7 ) press DupliVert and Rot. ─── 将聚光灯附着在网格上,选择网格,并且在对象上下文动画设置面板(F7)中按下垂直复制和旋转。

74、" I want to see the character move as a result of its own apparent intentionality, not just because that's where the animator put it. ─── 我觉得角色的移动应该是靠他自己本身的目的性来牵引着发生的,而只是靠动画师自己使它动起来。

75、In fact, I made my mind to become an animator because of western CG work. ─── 实际上,我决定成为一名动画师正是因为西方的动画。

76、So I became an animator ─── 我选择成为动画绘画者

77、senior 3d animator general description: creating 3d animations and characters, using both key-fra... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:500-999人

78、Lian LS, Wang HY.Biological characteristics of banna minipig [ J ].Shanghai Lab Anim Sci, 1993, 13(4): 185. ─── [4]连林生,王鹤云.版纳微型猪的生物学特性[J].上海实验动物科学,1993,13(4):185.

79、This class is exclusively for character animation and will guide students how to become an animator. ─── 本课程是专门研究角色动画并指导学生要怎样才能成为一名动画师。

80、The Game Animator's Guide to Maya ─── 游戏动画指南

81、Using MorphBuster, you can do everything a professional animator does to create amazing morph animations. ─── MorphBuster 一款动画制作软件,能将静态图片或电影变形,制成动画效果。

82、Decay Head UV Anim - Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequence ofthe second half of the Head particle’s life.Repeat will cause this animating textureto cycle. ─── 尾部粒子衰亡贴图行列数: 尾部粒子衰亡阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。

83、Effects of cysteamine compound on milk production and hormonal responses of lactating cow during heat stress J Anim. ─── 半胱胺盐酸盐对泌乳20-42周奶牛产奶性能和部分免疫指标的影响。

84、Bill Melendez, the animator who gave life to Snoopy, Charlie Brown and other "Peanuts" characters in scores of movies and TV specials, has died. He was 91. ─── 动画家比尔梅兰德兹于享年91岁去世,生前,他创造了史努比,查理布朗和其他很多电影电视节目中的小人物。

85、Persistence will pay off, as a skilled animator can very well be the most important team member to a production. ─── 坚持就是胜利,作为一个熟练的动画师可以成为最重要的团队成员的生产。

86、A simple workaround is to use an animated value as the square root of the destination value. This gives you that kind of there-and-back behavior with a single animator. ─── 一个简单的变通方法是用带动画价值的平方根目的值。这也能实现使用单个动画反复移动的行为。

87、A good animator can make an average model come to life, while even the best model can be made to look amateurish by a poor animator. ─── 一个好的动画能使平均模型来生活,而即使最好的模型可由贫穷到看动画技术。

88、ANIM, Eric ODOI- ─── 埃里克·奥多伊-阿尼姆

89、Brief Introduction to GIF Animator ─── GIF Animator简介

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