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08-15 投稿


accedes 发音

英:[?k?si?dz]  美:[?k?si?dz]

英:  美:

accedes 中文意思翻译



accedes 短语词组

1、accedes meaning ─── 同意意思

2、accedes def ─── 加入def

3、accedes definition ─── 同意定义

4、accedes fluid ─── 加入流体

5、accedes crossword ─── 加入纵横填字游戏

6、accedes medical ─── 继续医学

7、accedes define ─── 继续定义

accedes 反义词


accedes 同义词

permit | conform | inherit | let | attain | take over | adhere | approve of | grant | succeed | soften | submit | ascend | approve | consent | enter upon |assent | bow | defer | comply | give in | come into | yield | acquiesce | give | harmonize | concede | in | agree | of | allow | enter

accedes 词性/词形变化,accedes变形

动词第三人称单数: accedes |动词现在分词: acceding |动词过去分词: acceded |名词: accedence |动词过去式: acceded |

accedes 相似词语短语

1、reaccedes ─── 达到

2、acceder ─── 同意者;继承者;即位者;加入者

3、accends ─── 口音

4、accended ─── 口音

5、accretes ─── v.合生;增大生长;依附;使连接;把……吸引过来;adj.合生的;增积的

6、accents ─── n.口音;[语]重音(accent的复数);v.重读;强调(accent的第三人称单数)

7、accede ─── vi.加入;同意;就任

8、accesses ─── 接近

9、acceded ─── vi.加入;同意;就任

accedes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Excellent staable are from Ac square wave, avoid high frequency hazard. ─── 交流方波自稳弧性能优异,免除高频危害。

2、AC may be more important for theantinociceptive system than AL,BNST and AHL. ─── AC 可能在杏仁复合体镇痛中起着重要作用。

3、Kaka: AC Milan fans must stick with us! ─── 卡卡:米兰球迷必须和我们一起坚持!

4、Low voltage is around the screen, creating a low-voltage AC field. ─── 在屏的四周分布着低电压。形成一个低电压交流电场。

5、Palermo are interested in AC Milan midfielder Yoann Gourcuff. ─── 巴勒莫对我们的中场球员古尔库夫有兴趣.

6、It must ac cording to actual use -process.sele ct the correct type. ─── 在实际使用过程中,必须根据现场实际情况进行合理选型。

7、Ac is a global variable that can only be used in Actions scripts. ─── ac是一个只能用在活动教本中的全局变量。

8、In this famous economics book, marshall accedes not only.. ─── 在这本著名的经济学著作中,马歇尔不仅继承...

9、AC type for AC fault current. ─── AC型用于交流故障电流。

10、Keywords: Positioning Module, Home position return, M code, AC Servo Driver. ─── 关键词:定位模块,回原点,M代码,伺服驱动器。

11、The decisive decimal point made ac the acid man decide to suicide. ─── 决定性的小数点使刻薄之人决定自杀。

12、Tighten the N coupling nut on the AC servo motor side temporarily. ─── 临时拧紧马达边的N型连接螺母.

13、Steere AC: Lyme disease. N Engl J Med 1989;321:586-96. ─── 师健民:台湾地区莱姆病感染之现况。新兴及再浮现病媒传染病研讨会手册2002:39-52。

14、Figure 1 shows two popular designs of 0V synchronization with ac. ─── 图1显示了两个通用的0V同步交流设计。

15、AC or DC Power: 500mA peak start-up current for 10 msec. ─── 交流或直流电源: 500mA峰值启动电流为10毫秒。max. 马克斯。

16、The annoyed narrator accedes to their demands and starts the story again in a dramatically different arrangement. ─── 备受叨扰的原作者同意了他们的要求,并且用戏剧手法重新编排了故事。

17、AC internal model kit plugs three other plastic sheathing products. ─── AC内模套,三插头护套等塑胶类产品.

18、Lenin accedes and developed this one idea of Marx, clear communism the first phase is called " socialism " . ─── 列宁继承和发展了马克思的这一思想,明确将共产主义第一阶段称为“社会主义”。

19、In the US most household current is AC at 60 cycles per second. ─── 在美国,大部分家用电器使用赫兹的交流电。

20、They play an important role in the generation,migration and ac... ─── 同时走滑构造对油气的生成、运移与聚集起着重要的控制作用。

21、The principle and construction of the AC arc. ─── 介绍了交流电弧离子镀的原理和结构。

22、Southern China AC Milan Fan Club This site is listed in. ─── 华南AC米兰球迷俱乐部。

23、AC Milan is the current European Cup champion. ─── ac米兰队是今年欧洲冠军杯冠军。

24、In 1968 AC Milan won the Scudetto and the Cup Winners Cup16. ─── 1968年,米兰队先后获得意甲冠军杯和优胜者杯冠军。

25、Remove the AC supply lead before servicing or cleaning heads, rollers etc. ─── 切断交流电源才能维修、清洗磁头、压轮等部件。

26、For example, the spell foresight provides a +2 insight bonus to AC. ─── 举例来说,"预警术"这道法术可以给你的AC带来+2的洞察加值。

27、On human thought phylogeny, any holds to theoretically (show continuance does not decline) the close together tie that hang on accedes and develops, develop even if innovate. ─── 在人类思想发展史上,任何一个理论的坚持(指延续不衰)都有赖于继承和发展的紧密结合,发展就是创新。

28、Type DJJ1high-speed EMU uses advanced AC drive system of the world. ─── 在广深铁路已投入商业运营的DJJ1型高速交流传动高速电动车组采用了世界先进水平的交流传动系统。

29、The CPU contains an accumulator( AC) to temporarily store data. ─── cpu有一个累加寄存器用于临时存储数据。

30、But analysis of Korea combination news service thinks, this shows Li Zairong accedes Li Jianxi " legacy " pattern did not produce substaintial sex to change. ─── 但韩国联合通讯社分析认为,这表明李在荣继续李健熙“衣钵”的格局并未发生本质性改变。

31、The line AC is cut by line PQ at a point. ─── AC线和PQ线交于一点。

32、The DC into AC current adjustable frequency that the inverter on. ─── 将直流变为频率可调的交流电流就称逆变。

33、I hope by Gago that Madrid accedes to the last proposal of Mouth and if no, Gago will remain in Mouth. ─── 2300万,在目前的情况下,已经能买到一名世界一流球星,但皇马却有可能不得不将他投注在加戈,这位没有欧洲比赛经验的年轻球员身上。

34、The government will have been announcing many polities for one month when the new president accedes . ─── 当新总统就职时,政府宣布许多政策将持续一个月了。

35、The ac power produced by APU generator is of constant frequency. ─── APU发电机产生的交流电源是恒频的。

36、If we die, can be, the belongings in real life accedes by the family member, how should these digital bequest do again? ─── 可是如果我们离世,现实生活中的财产由亲人继承,这些数字遗产又该怎么办呢?

37、Only AC current above certain frequency can be measured accurately. ─── 只有高于某些频率的交流电流才能被准确的测到。

38、Can AC Single-phase Series Connection Supersede AC Three-phase Temperature Rise Test? ─── 交流三相温升试验能用交流单相串联试验替代吗?

39、Upon accession, China accedes to the WTO Agreement pursuant to Article XII of that Agreement and thereby becomes a Member of the WTO. ─── 自加入时起,中国根据《WTO协定》第12条加入该协定,并由此成为WTO成员。

40、AC excitation is a good solution to this problem. ─── 交流励磁是一种好解法对这个问题。

41、It possesses outputs of AC, DC, AC pulse and DC pulse current. ─── 它可以输出矩形波交流、直流、交流脉冲和直流脉冲四种电流。

42、But he has had mixed season with AC Milan in front of goal. ─── 在本赛季,比埃尔霍夫为ac米兰队踢球,但是,他在球门前显然不在状态。

43、Turn the ac meters switch to INV. ─── 将交流表开关置于INV位。

44、The relation between of AC physical quantity and DC phys. ─── 介绍了恒容量输出的整流变压器交流物理量与直流物理量之间的关系,并给出了计算实例。

45、Insert the plug of the AC adapter into a wall outlet. ─── 将变压器插头插入交流电源插座。

46、The development that the scientific progress view that the Party Central Committee offers is pair of Marxisms accedes theoretically and significant progress. ─── 党中央提出的科学发展观是对马克思主义的发展理论的继承和重要发展。

47、Noise from the AC adapter does not always indicate defect. ─── 也就是说,电源适配器的噪音不一定意味着是缺陷。

48、Since China accedes to WTO, the domestic enterprises are confronted with fierce competition for talents. ─── 中国加入WTO后,国内企业面临着日益激烈的人才竞争。

49、Insert the plug into the AC outlet to recharge the battery. ─── 将插头插入交流输出插座以进行充电。

50、Remove the AC servo motor from the bracket. ─── 从支架上取下马达。

51、The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits. ─── 上述定理和定律不但对直流电路而言是正确的,对交流电路而言也同样是正确的。

52、Includes special cartridge, AC adapter and original box as shown. ─── 包括特殊盒,AC电源适配器和原来的方框所示.

53、Do not staple or otherwise attach the ac power supply cord to building surface. ─── 不要把交流电源线固定或附于建筑物的表面。

54、Topologies of Main Circuits for AC. ─── 几种交流稳压电源主电路拓扑。

55、Baggage from flight AC 123 is on carousel number 4 AC . ─── 123次班机的行李在4AC号行李传送带上。

56、Note that Ohm‘s law holds true for DC as well as for AC circuits. ─── “感抗”这个术语只适用于交流电路,其测量单位为欧姆。

57、AC voltages change their polarity, or direction, over time. ─── AC电压随著时间改变它们的极性,或方向。

58、In Figure 1, ABCD is a rhombus. The diagonals AC and BD cut at E. ─── 图1中,ABCD为一菱形。对角线AC与对角线BD相交于E。

59、On the design, total stylist accedes already forefathers and breakthrough outmodel conventions, contain is in Yu Wen word. ─── 在设计上,总设计师既继承前人而又突破陈规,寓在于文字之中。

60、AC power sockets are receptacle for US 2 or 3 pins plug and European standard. ─── 交流电源插座适合美式2或3脚插头及欧洲制式插头使用。

61、Phoebe: Deftly done, Agent Mulder. Casually disregard her indiscretion. A firm but polite manner until she accedes to cooperate. ─── 菲比:处理得很巧妙,穆德探员。不著痕迹地忽略她的轻率,以坚定但客气的态度直到她同意合作。

62、he accedes, the us campaign in Afghanistan may be seriously undermined. ─── 他的支持,美国在阿富汗的行动不可能成功。

63、Fanatic about AC Milan, Ultras and Tattoos. ─── 个人简介:Well nothing special to say.

64、Iu this paper, A new Multibus-Based AC CNC system structure is proposed. ─── 基于数控系统的高性能要求,提出了一种新的计算机数控(CNC)系统体系结构。

65、How Chinese state-owned commercial banks will increase her competitive ability is a major problem at the moment when China accedes to WTO. ─── 中国即将加入WTO,国有商业银行如何提高竞争力是一个重大课题,本文概述世界银行业的发展趋势及国有商业银行现状与问题。

66、AC electric motor is widely used in cranes. ─── 交流电动机在起重机上得到了广泛的应用。


68、Medium Voltage AC system operating voltages from 601 to 15000 VAC. ─── 中压交流电系统中从601到15000VAC的电压称为中压。


70、Operation From AC Power Supply. ─── 使用交流电源。

71、Zizi the occasional sound: AC power supply line crosstalk. ─── 偶尔的滋滋声:交流供电线路的串扰。

72、The AC Milan has a deeper bench than the Sampdoria. ─── ac米兰队的板凳深度强于桑普多利亚队。

73、This delegation of rights accedes to demands of dual political system in UK. ─── 这种权力下放政策符合英国二元政体的要求。

74、The biological behavior of ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) is unclear. ─── 对于造釉细胞癌的临床生物学行为尚缺乏足够的认识。

75、A lava elemental ignores half its enemy's armor bonus to AC. ─── 一个熔岩元素可以无视它敌人一半来自护甲的防御等级加成。

76、If we die,can be, the belongings in real life accedes by the family member, how should these digital bequest do again? ─── 可是如果我们离世,现实生活中的财产由亲人继承,这些数字遗产又该怎么办呢?

77、AC Hotel Arlux Ardennes: Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

78、AC Milan are seeking talks with Chelsea over Brazilian defender Alex. ─── AC米兰正在为了巴西后卫阿莱士和切尔西进行谈判。

79、"I would like to face either Villarreal or AC Milan," he told Chelsea TV. ─── “就个人而言我想对阵比利亚雷亚尔或者AC米兰”,他对切尔西电视台说道。

80、Low Voltage AC system operating voltages from 120 to 600 VAC. ─── 低压交流电系统中从120到600VAC的电压称为低压。

81、Campania Naviera Vascorgado v.Christina SS [1938]AC 485,P496-497. ─── 参阅陈隆志、许庆雄,当代国际法文献选集,页二五。

82、Remove the AC supply lead before servicing or cleaning heads, roller etc. ─── 切断交流电源才能维修、洗清磁头、压轮等部件。

83、Musical Instrument Used - Focalink AC Triple Ocarina ... ─── 你不是真正的快乐五月天Mayday ...

84、Sucre: Can you get to the prison AC unit? ─── 你能到监狱的电脑控制单元吗?

85、Vestibulum vel purus ac pede semper accumsan. ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 nonummy mollis.

86、Brazilian against AC Millan. ─── 巴西对AC米兰。

87、How Chinese state-owned commercial banks will increase her competitive ability is a major problem at the moment when China accedes to WTO. ─── 中国即将加入WTO,国有商业银行如何提高竞争力是一个重大课题,本文概述世界银行业的发展趋势及国有商业银行现状与问题。

88、Hence, the degradation will be more serious in ac circuit application. ─── 因此应用在交流电路之劣化情况会较直流电路严重。

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