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08-15 投稿


determining 发音

英:[d?'t?:m?n??]  美:[d?'t?:m?n??]

英:  美:

determining 中文意思翻译



determining 词性/词形变化,determining变形

动词现在分词: determining |动词第三人称单数: determines |动词过去式: determined |动词过去分词: determined |

determining 反义词


determining 同义词

iron | earnest | untiring | decisive | driven | emphatic | set | gritty | decided |resolute | bent | sure | single-minded | heroic | firm | stony | inflexible | indomitable | definitive | strong-minded | unwavering | constant | zealous | resolved | convinced | dogged | serious | insistent | fixed | compulsive | dictated

determining 短语词组

1、critical factor determining ─── 关键因素确定

2、rate-determining step ─── [化] 速控步; 决速步; 速率控制步骤

3、determining equation ─── 决定方程

4、self-determining a. ─── 自己决定的, 民族 ─── 自决的

5、determining cause ─── [医] 定因

6、determining range ─── 确定范围

7、sex-determining adj. ─── 决定性别的

8、determining factor ─── 决定因素; ─── 决定性因素

9、determining the items of work ─── [经] 确定工作项目

10、determining section ─── 确定部分

11、potential determining reaction ─── [化] 电极反应

12、complementarity-determining region ─── [医]互补性决定区

13、over-determining (over-determine ─── 的现在分词) vt. 由多种因素决定

14、determining tendency ─── 决定趋势

15、measure determining ─── 衡量标准

16、potential-determining ions ─── [机] 确定电位离子

17、determining molecular weight ─── 测定分子量

18、determining inert component ─── 确定惰性组分

19、determining factors ─── 决定因素(determiningfactor的复数形式)

determining 相似词语短语

1、determinants ─── n.决定因素(determinant的复数);[数]行列式

2、redetermining ─── v.再决定,再确定;重新决定,重新确定

3、extermining ─── vt.消灭(等于exterminate)

4、determinant ─── n.决定因素;行列式;adj.决定性的

5、detraining ─── v.(使)下火车;帮助(某人)下火车

6、predetermining ─── vt.预先确定;预先决定;预先查明

7、determinism ─── n.[力]决定论

8、determinists ─── n.决定论者;adj.决定论的

9、determinist ─── n.决定论者;adj.决定论的

determining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or modifying factor. ─── 境遇参与事件并与其有某种联系的条件或事实; 决定因素或影响因素

2、HPLC had best stability and creditability when determining single component. ─── HPLC法针对单一成分测定,数据稳定,可信度高。

3、It is less reliable than serologic tests in determining immune status . ─── 其可靠性较测定免疫状态的血清试验为差。

4、The brain, not the genitals, could be the determining factor in whether a person is male or female. ─── 一个人是男是女的决定因素是大脑而并非生殖器。

5、The date of onset of the illness may be important in determining the incubation period and the source of infection. ─── 发病的日期对确定潜伏期和传染源可能是很重要的。

6、The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned,positively determining only the elect. ─── 基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民。

7、Now in determining how we deal with this issue, we must find the answer to a very important, but simple question: who threatens the peace? ─── 为了决定如何解决它,我们必须先回答一个简单而又重要的问题:谁在威胁着和平?

8、Once again,customization is king,with the user determining the types of information and the frequency of updates. ─── 再次表明,定制化是至高无上的,由用户决定(要收到的)信息类型和更新频率。

9、The third tone in a diatonic musical scale, determining the major or minor quality of the tonic chord. ─── 中音大小音调中的第三音阶,其决定注音和弦的主音色或次音色

10、Determining what these services would be in a given organization and actually getting them created and made available can be a challenge. ─── 确定在给定组中的这些服务,并实际创建和提供它们,可能是一大挑战。

11、Affordability is the primary consideration in determining the price of HOS, PSPS and FFSS flats. ─── 在厘定居屋计划、私人参建计划及住宅发售计划单位的售价方面,市民的负担能力是主要的考虑因素。

12、The interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable. ─── 对符合门起决定作用的间隔距离是可以调整的。

13、This sample is an absolute necessity in determining the best policy. ─── 对制定最佳策略而言,这种尝试是绝对必要的。

14、It seldom happens that all the determining variables on the right-hand side of any single equation are exogenous. ─── 任何单一方程式的右方的独立变量并非都是局外变量。

15、Determining destiny; controlled by fate. ─── 命中注定的决定命运的;由命运控制的

16、How they play role in determining the geometry of universe? ─── 它们又怎样决定宇宙的几何结构?

17、They are determining the serum-protein and cholesterol levels. ─── 他们正在测定血清蛋白和胆固醇的浓度。

18、A method for determining hydroxyl value of epoxy-containing polyester,namely acetyl chloride method is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种含环氧基聚酯的羟值测定方法,即乙酰氯法。

19、In seminar classes that's an important factor in determining a student's grade. ─── 在讨论课上,这是决定学生成绩的一个重要的因素。

20、In that sense it satisfied my original criterion for determining where the Nobel Laureate was "from". ─── 在某种层面上,这达到了我当初预测诺贝尔得奖人“出”自香港的准则。

21、The analyst's objective is determining what the user (in this case, the store's owner) needs. ─── 分析员的目标是确定用户需求是什么(本例中就是店主需求什么)。

22、A keen awareness of right from wrong is essential for determining appropriate social behavior . ─── 对正误的深刻认识是判定得体的社会行为所必需的。

23、Dynamics is the study of the motion of bodies and the relation between the motion and the forces determining. ─── 动力学所研究的是物体的运动及其与力的关系。

24、The navigation structure of your Web site is critical in determining how visitors experience your site. ─── Web站点的导航结构是决定访问者如何浏览站点的关键因素。

25、Use of empirical or experimental methods in determining the validity of ideas. ─── 实验主义用观察或实验的方法确定观点的正确性。

26、A committee within a political party charged with determining policy. ─── 决策委员会政党内负责决策的委员会

27、This experiment is an absolute necessity in determining the solubility. ─── 对确定溶解度来说,这次试验是绝对必要的。

28、Personal elements should have little sway in determining the limits of legislative power. ─── 个人因素在决定立法权限时不应起支配作用。

29、This method depends on determining the change in stress distribution within the model when it is turned upside down. ─── 倒置法的依据是在模型倒置时测定模型内应力分布的变化。

30、In determining class status care must be taken to avoid the mistake of classifyi ng middle peasants as rich peasants. ─── 在划分阶级成分时,必须注意不要把本来是中农成分的人,错误地划到富农圈子里去。

31、One of the chief factors in determining maturity is user adoption. ─── 判断成熟度的一个主要因素是用户的采用程度。

32、He is determining if there is a single. ─── 他企图确定一个信号是否存在。

33、The IOC oversees such functions as determining the site of the Olymopic Games. ─── 奥委会有权决定奥运会的举办地。

34、The log decrement are suitable for determining interface bond damage. ─── 对数衰减率适宜于测定界面粘结的破坏。

35、So property ownership is a key factor determining the performance of companies. ─── 可见产权所有制性质是决定公司绩效的关键因素。

36、The Kjeldahl is a general analysis method for determining nitrogen in rubber. ─── 凯氏定氮法是测定橡胶中氮含量的常规分析方法。

37、The complexity of tax laws is also a consideration when determining probability of conviction. ─── 在确定定罪的可能性时,税法的复杂性也是一个考虑因素。

38、If possible, include them in determin ing terminology and style. ─── 如有可能,在决定术语和风格的时候也将他们包含在内。

39、BCP was better for determining serum albumen in pregnant women than BCG method. ─── BCP法测定孕妇血清ALB优于BCG法。

40、The IOC oversees such function as determining the site of the Olympic Games. ─── 国际奥委会有权决定奥运会的举办地。

41、Perfecting the Budget Determining System. ─── 五、完善预算核定办法。

42、In determining how elements are to be nested, AUTO mode heuristics compare column values in adjacent rows. ─── 在确定嵌套元素的方式时,AUTO模式试探法将比较相邻行中的列值。

43、Countries differ greatly in determining taxable earnings. ─── 各国对哪些收入应纳税的决定差别很大。

44、Determining overall product strategic direction. ─── 制定全盘产品策略,定义产品发展方向。

45、What I needed was a means of automatically determining the best scale to use for each set of data. ─── 我需要一种能够自动确定每组数据使用的最佳比例的方法。

46、Regulators in the G20 want to reduce the role of credit rating agencies in determining how much capital reserves banks must set aside. ─── G20监管者亦希望削弱信用评级机构对决定银行资本储备规模的影响。

47、It is the determining factor of their academic success. ─── 这是他们学业成功的决定性因素。

48、Determining whether these small nodules are cancer is challenging. ─── 具有挑战性的是如何确定这些小结节是不是肝癌。

49、This experiment is an absolute necessity in determining the best plan. ─── 对于最佳的计划而言,这次试验是绝对必要的。

50、IKE negotiates security policy,determining which algorithm may be used to set up the tunnel. ─── IKE谈判安全政策,确定哪种算法可以用来建立隧道。

51、A considerable body of expertise has been developed for determining the size of the rate base and the rate of return. ─── 一个庞大的专家鉴定机构,决定估价基数和回报估价的数目。

52、As inobservant as what undertake determining concerned. ─── 与进行测定有关的不遵守。

53、Guidance relative to setting standards or determining a course of action. ─── 与设定标准或确定行动进程相关的指导。

54、In your opinion,what factors are important in determining whether to shop? ─── 你认为在决定是否购买某种东西时,有哪些重要因素?

55、They will have a determining say in their own future. ─── 他们有权决定自己的未来。

56、Spectrophotometer and Laser Roman Spectrometer have been used for determining the intensity of transmission and emission. ─── 用分光光度计和激光拉曼光谱仪分别测定了样品的可见光透过率和发光强度。

57、A new method of determining the concentration of LAS in wastewater. ─── 介绍了一种测定废水中LAS浓度的新方法。

58、Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate. ─── 年龄和经验是我们选择候选人的决定因素。

59、In determining whom foreign talents are, we must have well-defined criteria. ─── 在衡量这些外来人才时,我们必须有一个明确的尺度。

60、AI Missionary code adjusted- both when choosing destination and when determining the number needed. ─── ai的传教代码改进,在于选择传教目标以及需要多少教士。

61、Knowledge is crucial in determining an individual's intelligence! ─── 一个人的智慧取决于知识!

62、All the basic principles of Chinese geomancy point to the factors determining an ideal site for loess cave dwellings. ─── 中国风水所有的基本原则都指出确定黄土高原窑洞理想地点的因素。

63、The salinity of the water in the pores is probably the most critical factor determining the resistivity. ─── 孔隙内水的矿化度或许是决定电阻率的最主要因素。

64、To understand the influence of icterus on urease coupling method for determining the serum urea nitrogen(BUN) . ─── 了解黄疸对尿素酶偶联法测定血清尿素氮(bun)的影响。

65、Different languages have different rules for determining the order of letters. ─── 不同的语言用不同的规则来决定字母的次序。

66、You'll see other methods in this chapter for determining display sizes. ─── 在这章中你将看到其它确定显示器尺寸的方法。

67、Determining pay levels and adjustments for the senior Civil Service. ─── 厘定高级公务员的薪酬水平与调整幅度。

68、As it was last month, the determining vote may be Ping An Insurance Co. , the biggest shareholder in Fortis NV, with 5% of the company. ─── 与上个月的情况一样,决定性的投票或许来自中国平安保险(PingAnInsuranceCo.)。该公司持有富通5%股份,是其最大的股东。

69、An equivalent unit of composition measurement used in determining the dimensions of lines, illustrations, or printed pages. ─── 12点活字的字行长度排版计量的等义单位,相当于12点活字长度,用来确定行与行之间、插图与插图之间或打印页之间的距离

70、His character was the determining factor in his choice of career. ─── 他的个性决定了他对职业的选择。

71、Determining disk space required for file system conversion. ─── 决定文件系统转换所需的磁盘空间。

72、Over the years various methods of determining yarn number have been developed. ─── 在过去的岁月中,产生了多种测定纱线细度的方法。

73、There are many thingsthat should be considered in determining cutting speed. ─── 在确定切削速度时,有许多因素应当考虑。

74、Damage received is a key factor in determining the pet! ─── 伤害的承受的多寡在宠物的进化的过程上会是个关键的重点!

75、In your opinion, what factors are important in determining whether to shop? ─── 你认为在决定是否购买某种东西时,有哪些重要因素?

76、Your hairstyle also plays a role in determining the kind of hair perm you need. ─── 你的发型在决定你的烫发需要时也会起到重要作用。

77、The scientific part of a negotiation is in determining your strategy. ─── 谈判的科学性在于决定你的策略。

78、LCA technology is an effective means in determining sewage treatment processes. ─── LCA技术是确定污水处理工艺的一种有效手段。

79、Claims that the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus is influential in determining sexual orientation, have yet to be substantiated. ─── 大脑中被认作为“脑下丘”的那部分对性取向的决定有影响的主张已经被证实。

80、Oral health plays a vital role in determining the quality of life. ─── 口腔健康是决定生活质量的一个重要因素。

81、What is the formula for determining value? ─── 决定价值的规则是什么?

82、Overtime over, Bryant reflected on determining his approach to the night. ─── 加时赛结束后,科比谈到了这晚他决定用自己的方式来统治比赛的原因。

83、It includes finding out the causes of pest infestation and then determining the choice of control methods. ─── 工作包括找出虫鼠为患的成因,然后决定选用何种防治方法。

84、For instance, he knew the factors determining the sex of a child. ─── 例如,他知道什么因素决定一个孩子的性别。

85、The UPA set out the rules for determining whether or not a partnership exists. ─── 在没有合伙协议的情况下,由统一合伙条例(UPA)确定合伙人之间的关系。

86、When an underdog beats a superior opponent, what's the determining factor? ─── 如果输家打败了超级对手,那是什么因素决定的呢?

87、The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect. ─── 基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民

88、Penn Central can be read as establishing a three-part test for determining the existence of a taking. ─── “宾州运输”案分三步进行检验,以确定征用行为的存在。

89、Estimating: Determining the cost of printing a job before it is undertaken. ─── 估价:在末接受订单之前决定一件印刷品的成本。

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