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08-15 投稿


visitation 发音

英:[v?z?'te??(?)n]  美:['v?z?'te??n]

英:  美:

visitation 中文意思翻译



visitation 网络释义

n. 访问;探视;视察;正式访问

visitation 短语词组

1、visitation bvm ─── 访问bvm

2、visitation rights ─── [法] 探视权利

3、state visitation frequency ─── 州探视频率

4、right of visitation ─── [法] 检查权

5、mute by visitation of god ─── [法] 先天性的哑巴

6、conjugal visitation right ─── [网络] 婚姻访问权

7、visitation reflection ─── 探视反射

8、visitation scheduling gtl app ─── 访问计划gtl应用程序

9、conjugal visitation ─── [网络] 婚姻访问

10、visitation of Providence ─── 天灾 [法] 灾难, ─── 天灾, 考验

11、visitation right ─── [网络] 探视权;探望权;会客时间

12、visitation church westchester ─── 西切斯特教堂探访

13、visitation parish ─── 探访教区

14、visitation hours ─── 探视时间

15、visitation images ─── 探访图像

16、die by visitation god ─── [法] 突然死亡

visitation 词性/词形变化,visitation变形

形容词: visitational |

visitation 习惯用语

1、visitation of providence ─── 天灾, 非人为能控制的事故

visitation 相似词语短语

1、visitations ─── n.访问;探视;视察;正式访问

2、miscitation ─── 错误的引用

3、imitation ─── n.模仿,仿造;仿制品;adj.人造的,仿制的

4、limitation ─── n.限制;限度;极限;追诉时效;有效期限;缺陷

5、visitational ─── 探视

6、Visitation ─── n.访问;探视;视察;正式访问

7、digitation ─── n.指状突起;指状分裂

8、hesitation ─── n.犹豫

9、revisitation ─── 重访

visitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are here on a three-day visit. ─── 他们在这作为期三天的访问。

2、There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country. ─── 在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。

3、He meets his future father-in-law during his visit to boston. ─── 他在波士顿小住期间遇见了他未来的岳父。

4、House-to-house visitation has been carried on, under the regulations of the General Board of Health. ─── 卫生委员会的规定,挨家挨户的访问持续进行了下去。

5、The hospital denied her claim for a change in visitation hours. ─── 医院拒绝了她提出的改变探视时间的要求。

6、Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly. ─── 兼职音乐教师定期到校授课。

7、People went to visit the Museum on and on. ─── 参观博物馆人们络绎不绝。

8、The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. ─── 女王正对加拿大进行私人访问。

9、Perhaps I shall pay a visit to them this winter. ─── 今年冬天我或许要访问他们一次。

10、They can visit many places and see many things. ─── 他们可以参观许多地方并且看到许多事物。

11、He thinks himself so important that he won't vouchsafe to visit us any more. ─── 他以为自己很了不起,所以不会纡尊再来看我们了吧。

12、He might think it polite to return the visit. ─── 他可能认为回访比较合乎礼仪。

13、The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down. ─── 她常去的那家电影院已经拆除了。

14、I will go to visit my grandmother next week. ─── 下星期我要去看我的外婆。

15、A nation at war has the right of visitation of the neutral ships. ─── 一个处于战争中的国家有视察中立国船只之权。

16、They were off to visit a friend of theirs. ─── 他们动身去拜访他们的朋友。

17、They are looking forward to her visit. ─── 他们在期待着她的来访。

18、Flags were hung out in honour of the state visit. ─── 到处悬挂旗帜以庆祝这次国事访问。

19、Stolte finishes shaving Lincoln's head, and thanks him for keeping his word, "We'll be moving you to final visitation soon. " ─── Stolte完成了为Lincoln剃头的工作,他感谢Lincoln守住他的承诺,没有给他添麻烦,“我们马上就把你送到临终探访室去。”

20、Compared with ADO, the way of visitation to data in ADO. ─── ado. NET中的数据访问方式与ado相比发生很大的变化.

21、They long for a chance to visit Shanghai. ─── 他们渴望有机会访问上海。

22、On the day subsequent to his visit, she disappeared. ─── 在他访问的第二天,她失踪了。

23、I have never seen a mouse in a Tokyo restaurant and can only imagine the panic that such a rodent visitation would set off. ─── 我从没在一家东京餐厅里见到过老鼠,因此只能臆测这种情形可能带来的恐慌。

24、We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area. ─── 他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客。

25、He purposed to visit South America. ─── 他计划去南美。

26、Several students were seat down after incidents during the visit of a foreign Prime Minister. ─── 在外国首相访问期间发生的事件之后,有几个学生被开除学籍了。

27、He has been burning for a chance to visit Beijing. ─── 他一直渴望着有机会参观北京。

28、This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital. ─── 今天下午我们将去探望一位住院的朋友。

29、The girl put her lunch up in a paper bag and started on a visit to a zoo. ─── 女孩把午饭装在纸袋里出去参观动物园了。

30、She is very keen to visit Canada. ─── 她渴望访问加拿大。

31、Are you just back for a visit, or do you plan to settle down and work here? ─── 你是回来看看,还是准备住下来在这儿工作?

32、She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter. ─── 她正在寻求对女儿更自由的探视权。

33、Everything is in gear for the visit. ─── 为这次访问所做的准备工作一切就绪。

34、Back in the attorney-client visitation room, Lincoln is livid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution. ─── 在律师会客室,由于一个谎报的电话并不足以作为证据而延迟执行死刑的时间,Lincoln极为恼火。

35、He comes to visit me frequently. ─── 他经常来看我。

36、The children on the study tour have to keep a diary of the place they visit. ─── 参加修学旅游的孩子们必须将所到之处写入日记。

37、They tightened security during the President's visit. ─── 他们在总统访问期间加强了安全防卫。

38、The village was buzzing with excitement at the news of the Queen's visit. ─── 全村的人都兴奋地谈论着女王莅临的消息。

39、He was not given any visitation rights by the divorce court. ─── 离婚法院没有给予他任何探视权。

40、In the ordinary course of events, I visit her once a week. ─── 在一般情况下,我每周去看她一次。

41、He has some more places to visit on his itinerary. ─── 他在旅途中还有几个地方要游览。

42、He will stop over at Shanghai for a brief visit on his way home. ─── 在回国途中,他将在上海停留,作短期访问。

43、She gave a talk on her visit to China. ─── 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话。

44、Jim went down well with Mary's parents on his first visit. ─── 吉姆对玛丽父母的初次访问给他们留下了良好的印象。

45、He decided to round off his trip to Europe with a brief visit to Germany. ─── 他决定以对德国作短暂游览来结束他的欧洲旅行。

46、He requested joint custody and a visitation schedule with the children. ─── 他要求享有同样的监护权,并且能够探视孩子。

47、The doctor made periodic visit to the house to see if the baby was all right. ─── 医生定期到这家进行拜访,检查婴儿的健康。

48、What is the purpose of his visit? ─── 他来访的目的是什么?

49、I can see she is a woman of her word. Most people would have made this weather an excuse not to come so far to visit a grumpy old man. ─── 可以看出她是个守信用的人。遇到这种天气,大多人会以此为借口,不来看望一个脾气不好的老人。

50、The delegation ended their visit to China on March30. ─── 代表团3月30日结束了对中国的访问。

51、She was greatly flattered by an invitation to visit the White House. ─── 她对受到邀请访问白宫感到很荣幸。

52、He wrote a meritorious theme about his visit to the cotton mill. ─── 他写了一篇关于参观棉纺织厂的有价值的论文。

53、They visit us every other week. ─── 他们隔周到我们这儿来。

54、He was filled with remorse for having refused to visit his dying father. ─── 他因不肯去看他垂死的父亲而深怀内疚。

55、He decided to visit a friend who lived very near where he was at that moment. ─── 他决定去拜访一位朋友,那位朋友离当时他住的地方很近。

56、The peasants thought that the storm was a visitation. ─── 农民们认为这场暴风雨是上帝对人们的惩罚。

57、He purposes to visit Taipei. ─── 他打算访问台北。

58、He said it would be a flying visit. ─── 他说那将是一次短暂的访问。

59、He made a regular visit to his parents. ─── 他定期看望父母亲。

60、Let's go and visit the place, say tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. ─── 咱们去参观一下这个地方,譬如说明天或是后天去。

61、But no date has been set for the visit. ─── 但访问的日期尚未确定。

62、He is to visit his uncle during the Spring Festival. ─── 他要在春节期间拜访叔叔。

63、She went to visit her aunt every other week. ─── 她每隔一星期去看一次姑妈

64、He will soon visit Darwin. ─── 他不久将去达尔文港。

65、She comes to visit us every now and then. ─── 她时常来看望我们。

66、All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. ─── 因为访问取消了,一切准备工作都白费了。

67、He likes to visit place of interest. ─── 他喜欢参观名胜古迹。

68、Joe want to visit the Pacific island where his forefathers have live. ─── 乔想去访问祖辈住过的那个太平洋岛屿。

69、She comes to visit us sometimes. ─── 她有时来访问我们。

70、The meaning of your visit was translated to me as a sign of your affection. ─── 你的拜访对我来说是一种光荣。

71、They are planning to visit Palestine in September. ─── 他们正计划九月份访问巴勒斯坦。

72、Susan spits on the glass between them, and storms out of visitation. ─── Susan往他们之间的防护玻璃上吐了一口唾沫,大步冲出了探访室。

73、The Queen's last visit was in May, when she opened the new hospital. ─── 女王上次来访是在五月份,她那时主持了这座医院的落成典礼。

74、He said that they had paid him a visit two days previous to Easter. ─── 他说他们在复活节前两天访问过他了。

75、His visit to Paris was anything but a success. ─── 他的巴黎之行根本不成功。

76、The itinerary of their visit was so full;it simply ran them off their feet. ─── 参观日程排得满满的,简直把他们累坏了。

77、It's better not to outstay one's welcome, especially on a first visit. ─── 去做客最好不要呆得太久而惹人讨厌,特别是第一次拜访。

78、Our visit to the museum is postponed. ─── 参观博物馆被推迟了。

79、News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir. ─── 女王到访的消息轰动全城。

80、Made a flying visit to the neighbors' house; took a flying glance at the report. ─── 到邻家的一次极短促的拜访; 飞快地扫一眼报告

81、Let's go and visit with your grandmother this afternoon. ─── 今天下午让我们去同你奶奶聊聊天。

82、Oh, if it had been His will to take the grey head to rest before this awful visitation on my house and name! ─── 啊!要是在那个恶运降临我的门楣之前,上帝就让我这白发苍苍的老人与世长辞,那该多好!

83、In the meanwhile I'll visit an old friend of mine. ─── 在这期间我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。

84、I feel healthier after a visit to the countryside. ─── 到乡下走了一趟后我觉得身体更健康。

85、His visit to this island country created no small stir in the diplomatic world. ─── 他对这个岛国的访问在外交界引起了不小的震动。

86、The chinese government welcome your visit---your visit to our country. ─── 中国政府欢迎你们的来访---对我们国家的访问。

87、Preparations for the Queen's visit are almost complete. ─── 女王访问的筹备工作已基本就绪。

88、If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us. ─── 你要是到伦敦来,一定要到我们这里住住。


看到这个词,我就想到了**《不请自来》,这个**的英语原名叫“The Uninvited”,这属于典型的作品名称翻译,在这里也比较恰当。

其实“不请自来”的字面翻译就是:to join or enter(a party/dinner…) without invitation,从书面语的翻译来说,这样表达也是可以的。

我们通常在口语中可能比较随意,比如美国人常用的rock up,这是一个俚语,意思就是去找某个人或者某个地方,属于自主自发的,这也就是“不请自来”的意思,比如说:

I rocked up to her and asked her for a book. 我去找她借了本书。

I rocked up to KFC and got a hamburger. 我去肯德基吃了个汉堡。






1. Unexpected

美国有一部电影,名字叫unexpected guest,即“不速之客”,其实也就是“不请自来”的意思。

Last night we had an unexpected guest at our party.

2. Visitation

A visitation is a visit that carries the connotation of an unexpected or undesired.

You really made a visitation.




If a visit or a guest is unexpected,it means the visit or guest is not expected, or anticipated.

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