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08-15 投稿


ginseng 发音

英:['d??nse?]  美:['d??ns??]

英:  美:

ginseng 中文意思翻译



ginseng 短语词组

1、Asiatic ginseng ─── [化] 人参

2、Radix Ginseng ─── [化] 人参

3、Panax pseudo-ginseng Wall. ─── [医] 人参三七

4、ginseng radix et rhizoma ─── 人参

5、ginseng coffee ─── 人参咖啡

6、ginseng root ─── [医] 人参 ─── [根]

7、ginseng oil ─── [化] 人参油

8、Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. ─── [医] 人参

9、concentrated ginseng renewing cream ─── 浓缩人参更新霜

10、ginseng root ontario canada ─── 加拿大安大略省人参根

11、ginseng renewing serum ─── 人参更新精华液

12、American ginseng ─── [化] 西洋参

13、Panax pseudo-ginseng ─── [医]三七,田三七,参三七

14、Panax ginseng na. ─── 人参 [网络] ─── 人蔘;神草;亚洲 ─── 人参

15、cultivated ginseng ─── 栽培人参

16、of ginseng extract ─── [医] 人参 ─── [浸]膏

17、ginseng root extract ─── 人参根提取物

18、radices ginseng ─── [医] 人参 ─── [根]

19、radices ginseng sylvestris ─── [医] 野山参

ginseng 相似词语短语

1、ginning ─── n.轧花;轧棉

2、gin slings ─── n.杜松子斯林酒

3、Finsen ─── 芬森(人名)

4、gingering ─── n.姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味;vt.用姜给…调味;使某人有活力;adj.姜黄色的;n.(Ginger)人名;(法)然热;(英)金杰

5、tinseling ─── n.金属箔;俗丽的东西;adj.华而不实的;闪亮的;金属箔制的;俗丽的;vt.用金属箔装饰;使显得浮华

6、tinselling ─── 马口铁

7、ginsengs ─── n.高丽参,人参

8、gin sling ─── n.杜松子斯林酒

9、Pinsent ─── 平森特

ginseng 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ginsenoside Rg3 is a drug isolated from ginseng which had been proved to have the effect of anti-tumor . ─── 人参皂甙Rg3(Ginsenoside Rg3)是人参中已被证明具有抗肿瘤疗效的一种皂甙。

2、The ginseng of northeast China is known to be the best. ─── 关东人参号称极品。

3、The ginseng essence, the amino acid, the collogen, guarantees the wetfactor and the vitamin. ─── 人参精华、氨基酸、胶原蛋白、保湿因子及维他命。

4、Our main products: Ginkgo biloba Extract, Huperzine-A, Panax Ginseng Extract, Waxberry bark Extract ect. ─── 主要产品:银杏叶提取物、石杉碱甲、杨梅树皮提取物、人参提取物、枳实提取物等。

5、Where is the best ginseng produced? ─── 哪里的人参最好?

6、Ginseng Extract : A blood circulation stimulant and damaged skin healer. ─── 人参精华:促进血液循环和修复受损肌肤。

7、This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast. ─── 这是道地的东北人参。

8、Radix Ginseng, Lac Regis Apis, Mel , Distilled Water. ─── 人参,蜂王浆,蜂蜜,蒸馏水。

9、A Study on AFLP Fingerprinting of Land Races of Panax ginseng L. ─── 人参农家类型的AFLP指纹研究。

10、For example, one company that makes bottles of tea sells a popular grean green tea with ginseng and honey. ─── 例如,一家从事瓶装饮料的生产商家,生产的一款含有人参和蜂蜜成分的绿茶很受欢迎。

11、Ginseng can be grown from seeds or roots. ─── 人参可以从种子或根来开始种植。

12、With the cultivated method, the ginseng is densely planted in raised beds. ─── 另一种方法是人工栽培的方法,人参被密集地种植在凸起的苗圃里。

13、Main ingredients: Crystal active gold, Lubrajel oil, ginseng extract, Angelica extract etc. ─── 主要成分:水晶活性金,芦芭油,人参提取液,当归提取液等。

14、Specification:Ginseng is a medicinal plant with wondrous powder.Light yellow,no pesticide insufflated during cul... ─── 五加科植物中国人参的干燥根,表皮黄白色,种植期间不喷洒农药。

15、Ginseng ---- each day that teachers participate in the relay team, we must make every effort. ─── 人参----老师说明天每个人参加大队接力时,一定要尽力。

16、CSI Ginseng Products are grown in Ontario's agricultural heartland near the shores of Lake Erie. ─── CSI人参产品生长在伊利湖岸边的安大略湖农业中心地区。

17、They came to the mountain in search of the wild ginseng. ─── 他们来到大山深处寻找野生人参。

18、Sam-gye-tang is the boiled chicken with ginseng, date, simple yet delicious. ─── 人参鸡汤简简单单地用了鸡、人参以及红枣烹煮,味道清香。

19、Ginseng is of great medicinal value. ─── 人参的药用价值很高。

20、One piece of big ginseng with bonniest body which over half catty in weight, can probably be treated as zilch. ─── 一支体形好,重量在半斤以上的大山参,在当今世上也是无价之宝。

21、Jilin Ginseng Pilose Anlter Co., Ltd. ─── 吉林省参茸公司。

22、Chinese tonics such as ginseng or swallow nest are most suitable gifts for elderly people. ─── 像人参、燕窝之类的中国滋补品对老人最合适。

23、HPLC Fingerprints Identification of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. ─── 人参、西洋参及三七参指纹图谱鉴别。

24、Product ingrents: instant coffee、ginseng extract、ang... ─── 产品成分:速溶咖啡、人参提取物、当归、红茶、薏仁。。。

25、even though roses are beautiful , sometimes we need ginseng to eat , to enjoy , to feel healthy , to make a medicine out of it. ─── 但有时我们需要吃人参享受人参,来使自己觉得健康,或拿它来制药。

26、The word "ginseng" comes from the Chinese word "Shen-seng." ─── 这个词来自中文的“人参”。

27、Ginseng [ace pack satisfies you with a totally new experience. ─── 人参面膜给您全新感受。

28、Ginseng exhibit each elite around move the theme of network, MP3, RECORDABLE CDS, rolled out respective new product. ─── 参展各路精英围绕着网络、MP3、RECORDABLE CDS 的主题,推出了各自的新产品。

29、Ju Yung: Not really. Our ginseng tea sales have remained stable. ─── 周永:没什么了。我们的人参茶销售仍旧是稳定的。

30、Ginseng; From the deep montain of DaXing AnLing ,have very high nutrition. ─── 产自大兴安岭深处的人参,营养价值非常高。

31、Ginseng tea makes you full of vigour and in a royal spirits. ─── 人参茶使您精神振奋,精力充沛。

32、He did not look back again but bear-crawled through the ginseng patch and up the ridge, his breaths loud pants. ─── 他没有再回头,爬过人参地,朝山脊爬去。他大口喘气。

33、Ginseng how to protect personnel to choose to nod medical establishment surely? ─── 参保人员如何选择定点医疗机构?

34、How is ginseng grown and harvested in the United States? ─── 在美国人参是如何生长并成熟的?

35、Why does ginseng eat much shed nosebleed? ─── 为什么人参吃多了流鼻血?

36、Ginseng chicken piece if why is soup made? ─── 人参鸡片汤如何制作?

37、Ginseng is the usual gift for a convalescent. ─── 人参是送给康复期病人的常见馈赠。

38、Even if sales have plateaued, the ginseng teas are doing well. ─── 即使销售额不变的话,人参茶也是有不错的表现的。

39、Ginseng is well known for its tonic effect. ─── 人参是滋补身体的名药。

40、Of all kinds red ginseng goes situation is passable, the price is stabler also. ─── 各类红参走势尚可,价格也比较稳定。

41、Main ingredients: ginseng extract, whitch hazel, ganoderma, crystal active gold etc. ─── 主要成分:人参提取液、金缕梅、灵芝、水晶活性金等。

42、Studies on Chemical Constituents of the Hydrolysate of the Fruit of Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. ─── 关键词:人参果;人参皂苷衍生物;水解产物;化学研究

43、Ginseng, Bird's Nests, Herbs & Patent Medicine. ─── 参茸幼药,中国成药,药材海味。

44、Ginseng was reported to have increased energy and mental alertness. ─── 人参可以增进体力和提高精神敏捷性。

45、Ginseng is sessional, ma Long still the hand is holding notebook computer in both hands, "Fight with the hacker " . ─── 参会期间,马龙依然手捧着笔记本电脑,“与黑客作战”。

46、Different products may contain ginseng, but government rules limit health claims that marketers can made . ─── 不同的产品可能含有高丽参,不过政府的法例限制市场商人可以制造的健康宣言。

47、When the coffin was opened, the ginseng had indeed turned into a corpse of an old man with gray hair and a gray beard. ─── 那麽打开一看,果然这个人蔘居然就变成一个白头发、白胡子的老头子尸首。

48、The first merchant vessel to sail from New York to Canton in 1784 was on a tea-buying voyage, but the cargo it had to exchange was ginseng. ─── 1784年第一艘由纽约驶往广州的商船就是为了购买茶叶,但它用于交换的货物却是西洋参。

49、Fig.2.Dendrogram of ginseng cultivars constructed from the pro-portion of diversity coefficient values. ─── 图2.根据分化指数比率值画出的人参不同群体之间关系树形图。

50、People view it as one of the three optimal tonics with other two being ginseng and pilose deer horn. ─── 在我国丰富的药材资源中,它是既名贵又奇异且罕见的一种中药和藏药,人们把它与人参、鹿茸并列为三大特佳补品。

51、The prescription made by the doctor included ginseng. ─── 医生给他开的处方里有红参这味药。

52、For example, one company that makes bottles of tea sales sells a popular green tea with ginseng and honey. ─── 例如,有家生产瓶装茶的公司销售一种很受欢迎的添加了高丽参和蜂蜜的绿茶。

53、Its ingredients include the quintessence of such precious herbs as ginseng, ginkgo, honeysuckle, herba violae. ─── 含人参、银杏、金银花、紫花地丁等多种名贵草本植物精华。

54、Tonic jelly prepared from ginseng is the Best speciality for winter. ─── 人参补膏,冬令佳品。

55、Township Office winery production "backing card" by the High Country Gold ginseng wine. ─── 乡办酒厂生产的“靠山牌”高级人参葡萄酒获国家金奖。

56、Radix Ginseng, Fructus Capsici, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Radix Astragali, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Ethyl Alcohol, Aqua. ─── 人参,辣椒,丹参,黄耆,川芎,防风,酒精,水。

57、If you are just feeling week, use 15g Korean ginseng instead of American ginseng. ─── 体质虚弱者可用高丽参15克代替花旗参。

58、Asian-Americans are not the only one ones who uses use ginseng. ─── 亚裔美国人不是唯一爱用高丽参的人群。

59、Trade links with China in the 17th century made ginseng the rage among the aristocracy of Europe. ─── 十七世纪欧洲和中国通商,使人参在欧洲贵族中风行一时。

60、Ginseng is highly prized as an adaptogen (a product that does no harm, but increases the body's resistance to stress). ─── 人参的正面功能很难以现代科学加以证明,不同的研究报告往往出现相互冲突的结论。

61、Ginseng is good for colds and headaches. Some people take ginseng capsules to stay young. ─── 人参对伤风感冒和头痛很好。有些人会吃人参胶囊来保持年轻。

62、Main Ingredients: Gastrodia, Radix, ginseng, Eucommia, Astragalus, Earthworm, deer horn and Cordyceps 30 finish. ─── 主要成份:天麻、牛膝、人参、杜仲、黄芪、地龙、鹿茸、冬虫夏草等30余味。

63、Ginseng needs a place where it will not get much sunshine. ─── 人参需要种植在几乎没有阳光的地方。

64、The best kind of ginseng is produced in the North Eastern part of China. ─── 中国东北的野山参最好。

65、History of ginseng as a drug and its adulterates. ─── 人参的本草历史和混淆品种.

66、Asian-Americans are not the only ones who use ginseng. ─── 亚裔的美国人不是使用高丽参的唯一人群。

67、North American woodland herb similar to and used as substitute for the Chinese ginseng. ─── 北美森林地区的一种草本植物,与中国的人参相似,通常被用作中国人参的替代品。

68、Done, I think they said, "Horsemeat popular," Horsemeat is all that we do, is ginseng, called "popular people"! ─── 做完了,我想起人家说“马肉全席”,是指全是马肉,那做的,全是人参,就叫“人参全席”吧!

69、Other herbs that may help memory include: ginko, ginseng, and gotu kola. ─── 其他可以帮助提高记忆力的草本植物包括:银杏、人参和雷公根。

70、Historically Chinese have been taken panax ginseng as a natural invigorant in nourishing and strengthening life. ─── 中国历史以来都用人参作为滋补强身的天然补品。

71、The essential ingredient of Hairer is Panax Ginseng C . A . Mey . and Polygonum Multiforum Thunb Extract . ─── 压力过大等因素,皆会破坏毛母细胞活力、进而影响发根的稳健度!

72、They are left to grow naturally so the most desirable roots -- those most similar to wild ginseng -- are produced. ─── 他们被留在那里自然地生长以获得最有价值的根,这些根与野生的人参最相似。

73、CODEX Ginseng standard to cover one species? ─── 国际食品法典委员会起草完成人参质量标准?

74、Cream made of Ginseng and Ganoderma can feed and moisturize skin. ─── 含珍倨人?、爨芝精攘,可提供肌镊所需的鹇分,滋?肌镊。

75、With the counterwited cultivated method, the ginseng is densely planted in race to beachraised beds. ─── 使用培育的方法,把人参密集地种植在高位栽培床。

76、There is a flourishing trade in ersatz ginseng. ─── 人参代用品的买卖很兴

77、I've tried ginseng, herbal teas . . . to deal with my stress, and nothing seems to work. ─── 我试了喝人参和花草茶等来减压,但是似乎都不管用。

78、Extracts of Ginseng, Pineapple, Chamomile, Yarrow Flower, St. John's Wort. ─── 人蔘萃取、凤梨萃取、洋甘菊萃取、蓍花草萃取、圣约翰草萃取。

79、With this approach,ginseng of diff... ─── 借助此方法,可以鉴别人参的生长年限。

80、As a model terpenoid, the ginsenoside is one of Panax ginseng's main effective components. ─── 人参皂苷是人参的主要有效成分之一,属典型的萜类化合物。

81、Country 5 protect door, low protect a ginseng to add up to fund to raise money by civil administration branch solve. ─── 农村五保户、低保户参合基金由民政部门筹措解决。

82、Shanghai Xiangyu Ginseng And Pilose Healthy Product Co., Ltd. ─── 上海翔宇参茸保健品有限公司。

83、A method of determination of mannite in taibai ginseng by gas chromatography is introduced. ─── 介绍了应用气相色谱法氢火焰离子化检测器检测太白洋参中甘露醇的方法。

84、So so the most desirable roots -- those most similar to wild ginseng -- are produced. ─── 人工养植方法,高丽参悲愁密的种植在突起的苗圃上。

85、Zhouzhuang is also produced in Anguilla, “Rice cooked eel game ginseng”, saying this township known. ─── 周庄还出产鳗鲡,“稻熟鳗鲡赛人参”,这句乡谚尽人皆知。

86、Ginseng is sessional, ma Long still the hand is holding notebook computer in both hands, fight with the hacker. ─── 参会期间,马龙依然手捧着笔记本电脑,与黑客作战。

87、The medical resources of ginseng family (Araliaceae) in China. ─── 中国五加科药用植物资源.

88、Juk is often made with rice, to which abalone, ginseng, pine nuts, vegetables, chicken, or bean sprouts can be added. ─── 粥的主要食材是大米,也可加入鲍鱼、人参、松子、蔬菜、鸡或豆芽等。

89、China Ginseng Wine is made of well aged choice grape wine and Ginseng produced in Northeast China by scientific method. ─── 中国人参钵酒是用上等葡萄酒,经过长期陈酿,配以我国东北人参,采用科学方法制成。

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