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08-15 投稿


undertake 发音

英:[?nd?'te?k]  美:[,?nd?'tek]

英:  美:

undertake 中文意思翻译



undertake 短语词组

1、undertake doing sth ─── 承诺做某事

2、to undertake an enterprise ─── 承办企业

3、undertake disease surveillance ─── 进行疾病监测

4、undertake an ascent of ─── 攀登, ─── 攀爬…

5、undertake a study ─── 进行研究

6、the undertake ─── 承担

7、undertake to do ─── 设法做成……

8、undertake alone ─── 独自承担

9、undertake a task ─── 承担一件工作

10、undertake to do sth ─── 承诺做某事

11、undertake an obligation ─── 承担义务

12、undertake the preparation of ─── 着手准备…

13、undertake responsibility ─── [财]承担责任

14、undertake the responsibility for another ─── 为他人承担责任

15、undertake an enterprise ─── [经] 创办企业

16、undertake works ─── 承接工程

17、undertake an action ─── 采取行动

18、undertake to ─── 答应,同意

19、undertake activities ─── 开展活动

undertake 词性/词形变化,undertake变形

动词第三人称单数: undertakes |动词过去式: undertook |动词现在分词: undertaking |动词过去分词: undertaken |

undertake 相似词语短语

1、undertakers ─── n.承担者;承办人;殡仪业者

2、underbakes ─── 背

3、undertaker ─── n.承担者;承办人;殡仪业者

4、underbake ─── 背

5、undertakes ─── vt.承担,保证;从事;同意;试图

6、understate ─── v.轻描淡写;避重就轻地说;不充分陈述

7、underbaked ─── adj.未烘透的

8、undertaken ─── v.从事;开始进行(undertake的过去分词)

9、undertaxed ─── vi.课税太低;vt.对…征税不足

undertake 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Three Waller undertake the same work, but the net result is quite different. ─── 三个砌墙工人从事相同的工作,最终结果却迥然不同。

2、The Standards Body appoints Intertek to undertake the testing. ─── 国家标准机构委托Intertek承担检测工作。

3、Adopting new technologies is "difficult, " and FDA "is not always willing, or able, to undertake the work. " ─── 采用新技术十分“困难”,而食品药监局“并不总是乐于或者有能力承担这项工作。”

4、Campden BRI has been contracted to undertake all of these. ─── 坎普登亮已签订合同承担所有这一切。

5、Take bridal chamber key when you, how to undertake checking and accept? ─── 当你拿到新房钥匙,如何进行验收?

6、We must therefore resolve to undertake the most difficult tasks. ─── 因此,我们必须下决心今后要更加努力学习。

7、He was reluctant to undertake the work. ─── 他不情愿的从事这项工作.

8、Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges. ─── 双方承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。

9、Do not undertake a project unless you can implement it. ─── 不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成它。

10、When does Xi Che's operation undertake? ─── 希澈的手术什么时候进行?

11、Carbonado at the beginning of cent and answer carbonado two paces undertake. ─── 分初烘和复烘两步进行。

12、The company also like to undertake, plans to design and manufacture. ─── 同时公司还承接客户来样来图设计制造。

13、Are you sure you are strong enough to undertake the trip? ─── 你可以肯定你的身体受得了这趟旅行吗?

14、As inobservant as what undertake determining concerned. ─── 与进行测定有关的不遵守。

15、Another to undertake a variety of metal stampings. ─── 另承接各种五金冲压件。

16、When computational income tax, undertake amortize minute years. ─── 在计算所得税时,分五年进行摊销。

17、Groovy investment project can undertake assessment with this law. ─── 常规投资项目都能用该法进行评估。

18、The computer is not the electricity "angry" the worry does not need you to undertake, you have the electricity to be angry? ─── 电脑不是电“恼”烦恼不需要您来承担,您有电恼吗?

19、They want me to undertake all the arrangements. ─── 他们要我来安排整个这件事。

20、Use 3193 wattmeter or similar instrument, can undertake power is measured. ─── 使用3193电力计或类似仪器,可进行功率测量。

21、Whether it is able to undertake these heavy tasks given by Deng? ─── 它能否担当起邓先生所赋予它的那些重任?

22、Are you receiving Australian Government funding to undertake your study? ─── 你有否接受澳大利亚政府的学费赞助

23、Develop new customers; undertake the responsibility of developing. ─── 开发新客户,独立承担开拓市场的职责;

24、Can undertake medicaments remedies, but cannot heal. ─── 可以进行药物补救,但是不能痊愈。

25、They could confidently undertake their work. ─── 因此他们就能满有把握的担任他们的工作。

26、Their brief is to undertake outreach work aimed at young African Americans. ─── 他们的任务是承担主动帮助年轻美国黑人的工作。

27、Hxgift. Cn does not undertake any guarantee responsibility regarding this. ─── 华夏礼品网对此不承担任何保证责任。

28、To pressure(someone) to consent to or undertake something. ─── 强迫(某人)同意或做某事

29、He could not undertake to go down and pick up the litter they strewed. ─── 他不能上哪儿去跟在他们后面收拾他们扔得哪儿都是的垃圾。

30、At first we could only undertake repair jobs . ─── 开始时,我们只能干修理活。

31、TTT instructed MM to undertake work of other TTT group companies. ─── TTT曾指示MM担任TTT集团其他公司的工作。

32、She would have been glad to undertake to sweep the rooms and set them in order. ─── 她愿意负责把那些屋子打扫干净,整理得有条不紊。

33、Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it. ─── 不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。

34、You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying. ─── 你完全不懂你在婚姻方面所应承担的责任。

35、Non-standard to tree nurturance, unreasonable undertake transforming.. ─── 对树型养成不规范、不合理的进行改造 .

36、How to undertake examining to importing produce? ─── 如何对进口农产品进行检验?

37、Undertake otology examination can be differentiated carefully. ─── 仔细进行耳科检查可以鉴别。

38、having initially acquired the ability to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical work. ─── 具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。

39、We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly, with their eyes open. ─── 我们希望我们所有的成员都明白其中的困难、负责任地进行这次旅行。

40、The company's concept of win-win cooperation honest life friends are welcome, to undertake a large number of export orders. ─── 公司以以诚做人合作共赢的理念欢迎广大朋友,可承接少量出口订单。

41、He could undertake the work for the time being. ─── 他暂时能承担这项工作。

42、To undertake(a task, for example) with eagerness and vigor. ─── 冲劲十足地工作迫切而干劲十足地着手(如一项任务)

43、Fortunately, everything have not too late, purge begins to undertake. ─── 好在,一切尚未太迟,整肃开始进行。

44、Do not undertake this on the cheap. ─── 切勿草率行事。

45、The market, coerce we undertake adjustment to rasorial course of study. ─── 市场,逼迫我们对家禽业进行调整。

46、Don't undertake to live with your mother-in-law, but if worst comes to worst, let your mother-in-law live with you. ─── 千万别想到跟岳母住一起; 可是万一最坏的事情发生的话,就让岳母跟你住一起吧。

47、Do you have the appropriate toolbox to undertake your research? ─── 你有适当的工具箱承担你的研究吗?

48、In his letter he showed a disposition to undertake the work. ─── 信中他流露出有意担任这项工作的意思。

49、Get into a price war. Companies frequently undertake suicidal contests with rivals in a desperate attempt to seize market share. ─── 一些公司在拼命抢占市场份额时,常常与对手展开自杀性争夺。

50、What Can Children and Adolescents do?What Responsibility Could They Undertake? ─── 儿童和青少年能做什么?能承担什么责任?

51、Undertake candidates assesment and review. ─── 候选人的基本评估。

52、The Countess announced her willingness to undertake this feat . ─── 伯爵夫人宣称,她决心实行这一壮举。

53、He is unwilling to undertake this job. ─── 他不情愿地从事这项工作。

54、You undertake not to let anyone (other than Your Nominee) use Citibank Online. ─── 不要让任何人(除了您的被指定人)使用花旗网上银行。

55、Girls as well as boys eagerly undertake these difficult studies. ─── 不但是男孩子,女孩子也热衷于攻读这些困难的学科。

56、You are lucky in whatever you undertake. ─── 你做什麽事都运气好。

57、You jest my lord. None but a fool would undertake such a venture. ─── 你在和我开玩笑,除了傻瓜,没人会参加这个冒险行动。

58、His inability to undertake the work is due to his physical disabilities. ─── 他没有能力承担该工作,是由于他的残疾。

59、He should undertake the consequence which his behavior causes. ─── 他应该承担他的行为所导致的后果。

60、Concerning your L/C we undertake to "lever" all restraints. ─── 关于你的信用状我们承担“杆”所有的抑制。

61、Undertake reversely on the right side of exercise. ─── 反向进行右侧练习。

62、It is to pay attention to disentomb advantage, undertake amlposition competes. ─── 一是注重发掘优势,进行错位竞争。

63、An act, an offer, or a proposal that indicates readiness to undertake a course of action or open a relationship. ─── 主动表示指出准备好了采取行动或揭示关系的一个措施、提议或建议

64、The Insurers Undertake to deal with this information in strict confidence. ─── 保险人负责对此信息严格保密。

65、They decided to undertake a journey during the long holiday. ─── 在长假期间他们决定进行一次旅行。

66、You must undertake the responsibility when you undertake the job. ─── 在你从事这份工作的同时,你也必须承担责任。

67、Amalgamative will undertake in each level. ─── 合并将在各个级别进行。

68、Do not undertake to live with your mother- in- law, but if worst come to worst, let your mother- in- law live with you. ─── 千万别想到跟岳母住在一起; 可是,万一最坏的事情发生的话,就让岳母跟你住在一起吧。

69、To promote retail, undertake at the same time still have depreciate. ─── 为了促进零售,同时进行的还有降价。

70、He always undertake more than he can do. ─── 他总是尝试去做超出他能力所能做的事。

71、I cannot undertake to be impartial as between the fire brigade and the fire. ─── 在消防队和大火之间,我不能同意不偏不倚。

72、Can laborer undertake occupational disease diagnose in He De? ─── 劳动者可以在何地进行职业病诊断?

73、Do not undertake a project unless you can implement it . ─── 不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。

74、Their team will undertake exploration for oil. ─── 他们队将着手进行石油勘探工作。

75、It was Hitler who tersely forbade me to undertake any missions for the army. ─── 希特勒用寥寥数语不许我为军队承担任务。

76、If you undertake the project, you are bound to encounter difficulties. ─── 如果你承接这项工程的话, 免不了会遇到许多困难。

77、A ball joints institute was built up in the company to undertake development, design and test of new products. ─── 公司设有汽车球铰研究所,从事于新产品的开发设计和试验。

78、We undertake to replace any product not up to the specifications. ─── 产品不合规格,保证退换。

79、To undertake any other duties as dictated by the Hotel’s Management. ─── 勇于承担酒店管理层下达的其他任务。

80、You have our hest wishes for even greater success in all that you undertake. ─── 听说你最近得到升迁,真是棒极了。我希望你在新的岗位上工作愉快。

81、At first we could only undertake repair jobs. ─── 开始时,我们只能干修理活。

82、His silence indicated that he was unwilling to undertake the work. ─── 他的沉默表示他不愿意担任那件工作。

83、They are enjoying joy in the role, is actually not willing to undertake pain. ─── 他们在角色中享受着其中的快乐,却不愿承担其中的痛苦。

84、University professors both teach and undertake research. ─── 大学教授既要教学又要从事研究工作。

85、But the enterprise donates behavior to undertake very hard restraining. ─── 但企业捐赠行为很难进行约束。

86、To undertake other work arranged by the government. ─── 十四)承办市政府交办的其他事项。

87、What initiatives have you undertake recently? ─── 你目前在那些方面体现了你的主动性?

88、We must therefore resolve to undertake the most difficult tasks . ─── 因此,我们必须下决心从事最艰苦的工作。


动词是travel 中文意思是v. (尤指长途)旅行;走动,移动;(以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进;(光或声音)传播;(食品等)经得起长途运输;周游,走遍;(尤指车辆)快速行进;(消息)流传;盛行各地;(篮球运动中)走步;(目光)扫视,移动;交往;想象来到

It's cheaper to travel midweek.在星期中间旅行较便宜。


journey,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“旅行;行程,人名;(英)朱尼,朱妮(女名)”,作动词时意为“旅行”。它的短语搭配:Sweet Journey云下的日子 ; 浪漫旅程 ; 甜蜜旅行 ; 甜蜜之旅return journey往返旅行 ; 回程 ; 返航 ; 归航Soul Journey灵魂旅途 ; 灵魂旅程 ; 灵魂之旅 ; 唱片名Inner Journey神游 ; 探索之旅 ; 内蒙古之旅

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