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08-15 投稿


photosphere 发音

英:['f??t?sf??]  美:['fot?,sf?r]

英:  美:

photosphere 中文意思翻译



photosphere 词性/词形变化,photosphere变形

形容词: photospheric |

photosphere 短语词组

1、photosphere apk ─── 光球apk

2、photosphere facts ─── 光球现象

3、photosphere definition ─── 光球定义

4、photosphere depth ─── 光球深度

5、photosphere is the ─── 光球是

6、photosphere define ─── 光球定义

7、photosphere ios ─── 光球ios

photosphere 相似词语短语

1、blogosphere ─── n.博客圈(网络上博客的总称);博客世界

2、homosphere ─── n.[地物]均质层

3、phyllosphere ─── 叶际

4、chromosphere ─── n.色球层

5、photospheric ─── 光球

6、ionosphere ─── n.[地物]电离层

7、podosphere ─── n.播客圈子

8、chemosphere ─── n.光化层;臭氧层

9、photophore ─── (尤指海洋动物的)发光器官,发光点;内腔照明器

photosphere 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The resulting shock wave, known technically as a Moreton wave, compressed and heated up gasses including hydrogen in the photosphere of the Sun, causing a momentarily brighter glow. ─── 发生的冲击波被称为莫尔顿波,它挤压了周围包括太阳光球层内氢气的气体并使其温度上升,从而造成了瞬间发出明亮光芒的现象。

2、The brightness of the photosphere prevents people from seeing the outer layer of the sun's atmosphere. ─── 光球层的亮度阻止了人们看到太阳大气层的外层。

3、But during total eclipse of the sun, when the photosphere is hidden by the moon, that outer layer of sun becomes visible. ─── 但在日全食过程中,当月亮遮住了太阳的光球层时,太阳的外层就变得可见了。

4、The glowing gas flowing around the relatively stable magnetic field loops above the Sun's photosphere has a temperature of over ten million degrees Celsius. ─── 围绕在太阳光球层上空相对较稳定的磁环附近的气流温超过1000万摄氏度。

5、Any of various large, bright spots or veined patches on the sun's photosphere, usually near sunspots. ─── 光斑太阳光球上大的亮点或有脉纹的亮区,通常靠近黑子处

6、Furthermore, people can see blue, white color light of directly shoot out from crevice of terra and drop pink photosphere from surficial spout. ─── 此外,还有人看到从地裂缝直接射出的蓝白色光,以及从地面喷口中冒出的粉红色光球。

7、model photosphere ─── 光球模型

8、A continuous flow of energy is supplied to the photosphere to make good the prodigious losses by radiation ─── 有一种连续不断的能流供给光球,以弥补辐射造成的巨大损耗。

9、Such images emphasize the solar chromosphere, the region of the Sun's atmosphere immediately above its photosphere or normally visible surface. ─── 这张影像突出了太阳的色球层,该区域位于太阳大气中光球层之上,或者说是正常可见表面的正上方。

10、The visible surface of the Sun (the photosphere) has a granular appearance with a typical dimension of a granule being 1000 kilometers. ─── 有形的太阳表面(光球),有颗粒状的外观与一个典型的维某颗粒被1000公里。

11、Starting at the outside and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromosphere, photosphere . convection zone. and finally the core. ─── 从太阳外部开始进入内部这些区域为:光环带、色球带、光球带、对流带,最终为核心带。

12、The enemy will launch the bullet attack to play the family, by now played the family to move the touching pen to let the photosphere nimbly fend enemy's bullet. ─── 敌人会发射子弹攻击玩家,这时玩家要灵活移动触摸笔让光球闪避敌人的子弹。

13、The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere ─── 色球层在光球层气体的搅拌下是个多泡层。

14、Thus , the photosphere defines the surface of the Sun. Its temperature is about 6000K . ─── 所以,光球层界定了肉眼可见的太阳表面,它的温度约为绝对温度6000度。

15、extended photosphere ─── 延伸光球

16、The interaction of velocity and magnetic fields on the photosphere is the primary cause of transporting the magnetic energy and complexity to the corona; ─── 光球层等离子体的运动和磁场的相互作用,是造成磁能和磁复杂性向日冕传播的主要根源;

17、An incandescent, transparent layer of gas, primarily hydrogen, several thousand miles in depth, lying above and surrounding the photosphere of a star, such as the sun, but distinctly separate from the corona. ─── 太阳的色球层白热的透明气体层,主要是氢气,有几千英里厚,在恒星(如太阳)的光球外围和四周,但同日冕可以清楚地分开

18、The solar atmosphere above that consists of the photosphere, chromosphere, a transition region and the corona. ─── 太阳大气则由光球层、色球层、过渡区和日冕组成。

19、Some photographs taken through a sophisticated telescope reveal that the photosphere is not uniform. ─── 一些通过精密望远镜拍摄的图片揭示了光球层并非始终如一。

20、Photosphere means “light sphere,' which is the brightest layer of the sun's atmosphere. ─── 光球层意味着“发光的球面”,是太阳大气层最明亮的一层。

21、There is no sharp break between the photosphere and the outer atmosphere of the sun on one side and the solar interior on the other ─── 无论在光球与它上面的太阳大气之间,或是在光球层与它下面的太阳本体之间,都没有明显的突变。

22、The temperature of the spots is lower than that of the surrounding photosphere; ─── 由于磁拴塞能够防止热流向太阳面,因此黑子下层温度逐渐升高。

23、For an active corona, a system consisting of the electromagnetic field and particles, the only open surface is the solar photosphere. ─── 活动日冕,作为由电磁场和粒子组成的系统,其唯一的开场表面是太阳光球。

24、Product range: Foaming rubber ball product material quality: Foaming rubber this product classification: This chromosphere, glimmer photosphere, bead photosphere. ─── 发泡橡胶球产品材质:发泡橡胶本产品分类:本色球,荧光球,珠光球.产品颜色:红/蓝/黄/绿等,可按客人要求的颜色生产。

25、The photosphere has a granular structure. ─── 光球还有颗粒结构。

26、Her hopes mingled with the sunshine in an ideal photosphere which surrounded her as she bounded along against the soft south wind. ─── 温柔的南风,她一路跳跃着向前走去,她的希望同阳光融合在一起,似乎幻化成了一道环绕着她的光环。

27、solar photosphere ─── 太阳光球

28、Velocity field of solar photosphere ─── 光球速度场

29、Photosphere Characteristic of Different Genotype America Black Walnut Under Drought Intimidate ─── 干旱胁迫下不同基因型美国黑核桃的光合特性

30、In the early 60s, astronomers discovered that the upper part of the photosphere moves in and out once every five minutes or so. ─── 六十年代早期,天文学家发现光球层的上部分大约每五分钟就就扭曲一次。

31、the prediction method for space weather disturbances in interplanetary space and geospace based on the observations of photosphere and corona. ─── 以太阳光球和日冕观测为基础的有关行星际和地球空间系统扰动的预报方法研究。

32、Thus, the photosphere defines the surface of the Sun. Its temperature is about 6000K. ─── 所以,光球层界定了肉眼可见的太阳表面,它的温度约为绝对温度6000度。

33、1. The visible surface of the Sun (the photosphere) has a granular appearance with a typical dimension of a granule being 1000 kilometers. ─── 有形的太阳表面(光球),有颗粒状的外观与一个典型的维某颗粒被1000公里。收藏指正

34、Any of various large, bright spots or veined patches on the sun's photosphere, usually near sunspots. ─── 光斑太阳光球上大的亮点或有脉纹的亮区,通常靠近黑子处

35、stellar photosphere ─── 恒星光球

36、There are darker areas called sunspots, which are the areas on the surface of the sun that are cooler and less bright compared with the rest of the photosphere. ─── 暗的区域叫做太阳黑子,这些区域在太阳表面,与光球层其他区域相比要温度低一些,光线少一些。

37、It turns out that zinc, gallium, and copper are very difficult to measure precisely in the solar photosphere so our measurements of the sun may not be quite right. ─── 其结果是在太阳光球层中的锌、镓、铜恰好是很难测定的,那么我们对太阳的测量方法可能不是很正确。

38、Beyond the photosphere in the chromosphere and the extremely rarified corona, which extends millions of kilometres into space. ─── 在光球层更外面的色球层以及极其稀薄的电晕,在空中延展几百万千米的范围。

39、The photosphere is the lowest layer of the sun's atmosphere, and emits the light we see. ─── 光球是太阳大气的最底层,我们看到的光线就是从它发出的。

40、The bubbling granularity and continuous activity of the Sun's photosphere is visible in the foreground. ─── 在背景影像中能看到泡状粗粒晶体和持续活跃的太阳光球。

41、A continuous flow of energy is supplied to the photosphere to make good the prodigious losses by radiation . ─── 有一种连续不断的能流供给光球,以弥补辐射造成的巨大损耗。

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