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08-15 投稿


absently 发音

英:['?bs(?)ntl?]  美:['?bs?ntli]

英:  美:

absently 中文意思翻译



absently 网络释义

adv. 心不在焉地

absently 词性/词形变化,absently变形

副词: absently |动词过去式: absented |动词现在分词: absenting |动词第三人称单数: absents |动词过去分词: absented |

absently 反义词


absently 同义词

scatty | missing | far away | wanting |lacking | inattentive | nonexistent | gone | remove | absentminded | not at home | forgetful | out | abstracted | deficient | off | not in | elsewhere | away | lost | truant

absently 短语词组

1、absently read the paper ─── 心不在焉地读报纸

2、absently syn ─── 心不在焉

3、absently meaning ─── 心不在焉的意思

4、absently wiping ─── 不小心擦拭

5、absently into ─── 心不在焉地进入

6、absently antonym ─── 心不在焉的反义词

7、absently teeth ─── 心不在焉的牙齿

absently 相似词语短语

1、absent ─── adj.缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的;vt.使缺席

2、ardently ─── adv.热烈地;热心地

3、absents ─── adj.缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的;vt.使缺席

4、absenter ─── 缺席

5、absentees ─── n.缺席者;adj.缺席投票的;缺席的

6、abstinently ─── 禁欲

7、absented ─── adj.缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的;vt.使缺席

8、absentia ─── n.缺席;(拉)[内科]失神;失踪

9、absentee ─── n.缺席者;adj.缺席投票的;缺席的

absently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is absent because of illness. ─── 他因病而缺席。

2、He was absent from her work without leave. ─── 他外出去欧洲了。

3、Can you account for your being absent last Friday? ─── 你能说明上周五缺席的原因吗?

4、He had numerous excuses to offer for being absent from class. ─── 他有无数个借口来为他缺课做解释。

5、He is absent, as is often the case. ─── 他正如通常那样又缺席了。

6、"I know," she said, absently, feeling slightly guilty of neglect. ─── “我知道,"她心不在焉地说,对自己的疏忽感到有点内疚。

7、She held her sword in her right hand as she moved, and her eyes absently noted the baroque carvings that lined the tunnel wall. ─── 她在移动时用右手持剑,双眼则茫然地观察着通道墙壁上蔓延着的巴洛克式雕刻。

8、How many students are absent from class today? ─── 今天有多少学生出席?

9、He is absent from classes today. ─── 今天上课他缺席。

10、The cause that he is absent is not still clear. ─── 他缺席的原因还不清楚。

11、If he were to come, say that i am absent. ─── 他来了,只说我不在家。

12、What is your excuse for being absent? ─── 你缺席的理由是什么呢?

13、He's very learned but rather absent minded. ─── 他很有学问,可是好忘事.

14、He was absent under the plea of illness. ─── 他借口有病没有出席。

15、A number of members are absent . ─── 一些会员没有到会。

16、You were absent from class yesterday. ─── 你昨天没来上课。

17、She is absent today. Can she be ill again? ─── 今天她没来,莫非又生了病不成?

18、His reason for being absent is suspect. ─── 他缺席的理由不足为信。

19、He was absent from school on the pretext that he was ill. ─── 他借口病了没上学。

20、Was he absent from school last week? ─── 他上周没有上学?

21、Romola had had her eyes fixed absently on the arched opening, but she had not seen the distant hill. ─── 罗摩拉的眼睛刚才是失神地望着拱门的外面,但是她根本没有看见远处的山丘。

22、"I'm not going in, " I said absently, shaking her hand off. "I just want to see something. . . " ─── “我不进去,”我心不在焉地说,甩掉她的手,“我只是想看些东西……”

23、He was absent from the meeting last time. ─── 上次他没出席会议。

24、He looked at me in an absent way. ─── 他茫然地望着我。

25、He made that remark as if absently. ─── 他好像是漫不经心地说了那句话。

26、Love was totally absent from his childhood. ─── 他童年时代没受到丝毫的疼爱。

27、Three members of the class were absent this morning. ─── 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。

28、He was absent from the meeting. ─── 他今天开会缺席。

29、Everybody is present and nobody is absent. ─── 人人都出席,没人缺席。

30、Organic growth was 1% vs. 2% absent the withdrawal. ─── 内生增长率为1%,不包括召回部分为2%。

31、He was busted (to corporal) for being absent without leave. ─── 他因擅离职守而被降级(为下士).

32、You were absent from school two days ago. ─── 两天前你没到校(缺席)。

33、He is absent from Hong Kong. ─── 他不在香港。

34、Prejudice is absent from his mind. ─── 他思想上没有成见。

35、A country in which morality is absent. ─── 一个缺乏道德的国家

36、He nodded absently, his attention absorbed by the screen. ─── 他全神注视着屏幕,只是心不在焉地点了点头。

37、Absently, he put the question to the two he had hoped were to be his first subjects, still stunned by what they had told him. ─── 他心不在焉地把这个问题扔给那两个他原本希望会成为他第一批臣民的因维人,仍旧处于被他们刚告之内容所造成的震惊当中。

38、You had an absent look on your face. ─── 你看起来心不在焉。

39、He was absent for no good reason. ─── 他缺席没有什么正当理由。

40、The absent are always in the wrong. ─── 不在场的人总有错。

41、He had an absent look on his face. ─── 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色。

42、Some few students were absent today. ─── 今天有不少学生缺席。

43、He was absent from his own country last year. ─── 他去年不在自己的国家里。

44、He is absent because he is ill. ─── 他因病缺席。

45、Why was he absent from school yesterday? ─── 他昨天为什么不上学?

46、Yes," she assented absently. ─── 是啊,”她心不在焉地赞同说。

47、Dobbins fingered his book absently for a while, then took it out and settled himself in his chair to read! ─── 杜宾斯先生把手伸进抽屉随便地摸了一会就拿出书,身体往椅子一靠看起来。

48、He looked absently at Carol. ─── 他茫然若失地看着卡萝尔。

49、Wang Tao has been absent for three days. ─── 他已经三天没来上课了。

50、They were absent because of sickness. ─── 他们因病缺席.

51、Supposing he is absent, what shall we do? ─── 假使他不在, 我们将怎么办呢?

52、B: He was absent from the meeting yesterday. ─── 他没有参加昨天的会议。

53、You were absent for three lessons last week. ─── 上个星期你缺了三节课。

54、You are really the typical absent minded professor. ─── 你真是典型的心不在焉的教授先生。

55、At times he would be absent for a couple of days. ─── 他有时会离开几天。

56、He was absent, as is often the case. ─── 他没有来,这是常有的事。

57、He remarked that he would be absent the next day . ─── 他谈到次日他是不会出席的。

58、J: Was he absent from school last week? ─── 上星期他没上学?

59、He is cherishing the memory of an absent friend who is far away. ─── 他怀念着一位远方的友人。

60、It is astonishing to me that he should be absent. ─── 他竟然缺席,使我大为惊异。

61、He nodded absently,his attention absorbed by the screen. ─── 他专心注视着屏幕,只是心不在焉地点了点头。

62、She calls out to her children almost absently. ─── 她心不在焉地唤着她的孩子。

63、Why were you absent from the meeting yesterday? ─── 你昨天为什么没来参加会议?

64、Do you know why he is absent from school? ─── 你知道他为什么旷课吗?

65、You are just like an absent minded professor. ─── 你真是一个没头没脑的人。

66、He read the letter absently. ─── 他茫然地读着这封信。

67、Focus activity in areas where vegetation is absent. ─── -营地范围尽量少,活动集中在无植物生态处。

68、He was busted for being absent without leave. ─── 他因擅离职守而被降级.

69、He had a bad cold. That's why he was absent. ─── 他患了重感冒,所以没有到场。

70、He was absent from work because he had the flu. ─── 他因流感未能上班。

71、He was absent from the meeting last Monday. ─── 他上个星期一没有去开会。

72、He made up a story to explain why he was absent. ─── 他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。

73、He laid up and was absent from his affairs. ─── 他卧病不能管事。

74、How many students are absent today? ─── 今天有多少学生缺席?

75、He was absent a number of days and got his leave. ─── 他好几天没上班,后来被解雇了。

76、You must not be absent from the meetings without cause. ─── 你必须叁加那些会议,不得无故缺席。

77、None of the students in the class is absent today. ─── 今天班里的学生一个缺席的也没有。

78、He was never long absent from my side. ─── 他从未长时间离开过我的身边。

79、Be sure not to be absent next time. ─── 下次一定不要缺席。

80、Absent or diminished fertility. ─── 不育没有生育力或生育能力减低

81、Calcium is absent from his diet. ─── 他的饮食中缺乏钙质。

82、An aoudad absently pawing the mud and chewing. ─── 一只非洲野绵羊心不在焉地扒着泥土,咀嚼着。

83、Why was it that he was absent? ─── 他为什么缺席呢?

84、Why else were you absent from class? ─── 你缺课还有什么别的原因?

85、He gave a lame excuse for being absent. ─── 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。

86、He was absent from the meeting for one reason or another. ─── 他为某种理由而没有出席会议。

87、Suppose he is absent, what shall we do? ─── 假使他不在,我们怎么办?

88、You should not be absent from class. ─── 你不应当旷课。

89、It's astonishing to me that he should be absent. ─── 他竟然缺席,这使我感到吃惊。

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