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08-15 投稿


folio 发音

英:[?fo?lio?]  美:[?f??li??]

英:  美:

folio 中文意思翻译






folio 网络释义

n. 一页,页码;对开纸;对开本的书adj. 对开的,对折的vt. 编页码n. (Folio)人名;(西)福利奥

folio 词性/词形变化,folio变形


folio 短语词组

1、folio investing ─── 对开投资

2、folio no ─── 对开本编号

3、French folio ─── [化] 稿纸; 存根纸

4、folio magazine ─── 对开本杂志

5、folio volumes ─── 对开本卷

6、folio society books ─── 对开社会书籍

7、bogus folio ─── [计] 假页号

8、folio column ─── [经] 页数栏

9、folio investments ─── 资产负债表投 ─── 资

10、drop folio ─── [计] 页码

11、folio touch ─── 接触片

12、folio society ─── 对开协会

13、expressed folio ─── 快速页码

14、folio reference ─── [经] 参见页数(号数)

15、blind folio ─── [计] 隐蔽面页码

16、in folio ─── 对开

17、crossgrain leather folio tote ─── 十字纹皮革对开本手提包

18、ledger folio ─── [经] 分类帐页数

19、folio institutional ─── 对开机构

folio 习惯用语

1、in folio ─── 对开

folio 相似词语短语

1、folia ─── n.叶形线(folium的复数)

2、foliole ─── n.小叶;叶状突

3、folic ─── 叶酸

4、polio ─── n.小儿麻痹症(等于poliomyelitis);脊髓灰质炎

5、folioed ─── n.一页,页码;对开纸;对开本的书;adj.对开的,对折的;vt.编页码;n.(Folio)人名;(西)福利奥

6、folios ─── 一页;页码

7、olio ─── n.什锦菜,杂烩;混杂物

8、folie ─── n.精神错乱;疯狂;n.(Folie)人名;(法)福利

9、fonio ─── n.福尼奥米,非洲小米

folio 特殊用法

1、journal folio ─── 日记帐页码[次]

2、elephant folio ─── 最大开本

3、French folio ─── 稿纸; 存根纸

4、chart folio ─── 海图夹

5、long folio ─── 纸张短边对开折叠

6、ledger folio ─── 总帐页数

folio 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Registration Cards need to be checked in order to ensure that the Front Desk Agent check in the folio after registration. ─── 核对登记卡以便前台员工在登记后为其办理入住手续。

2、Branded Horses: A Discussion of the Boston Folio of Hujia shiba pai tu in Light of Horse Brands ─── 烫印的破绽:由马臀烫印质疑波士顿本《胡笳十八拍》册之版本年代

3、Does a pedant digest his commonplace book into a folio? he quickly becomes great: ─── 平庸的学者压缩他的著作出对开本了,很快也成为伟人;

4、He attended our meeting in full folio. ─── 他身着礼服出席我们的会议。

5、Yang Li: The only surviving signature of William Shakespeare and his first folio. ─── 唯一一份现存的威廉·莎士比亚签名以及沙翁第一部对开本的书。

6、Multiple guest folio format. ─── 多种客人帐单格式选择。

7、Keep copy of folio and Check-Out Agreement for 180 days ─── 在180天内保留旅馆帐单及结帐协议副本

8、He next makes his appearance in the republic of letters, and publishes his folio. ─── 接着,他在文学界暂露头角,出版对开本。

9、elephant folio ─── 最大开本

10、folio folding machine ─── 对开折页机

11、The Registration Cards need to be checked in order to ensure that the Front Desk Agent check in the folio after registration. ─── 核对登记卡以便前台员工在登记后为其办理入住手续。

12、Odd pages: Books pages bearing odd folio numbers. For books open by the righ, these pages are the right-hand pages. ─── 奇数页:带有单数页码的书页。从右翻开的书,奇数页在右边

13、on the agenda c monkey business mace safeguarding confabulation folio along unsuitable fully courtliness examine candidly allocation out. ─── 共[166316]个留言分[16632]页首页上一页下一页尾页歌词,搜索,歌词搜索,放肆音乐通,音乐,歌词网站,歌词库

14、royal folio ─── 王裁纸(20×25英寸)

15、this year, the show won a Folio Award from the Fair Media Council. ─── 今年,这档节目获得了由公平媒体委员会颁发的弗里欧奖。

16、In the decision layer travel industry and agriculture, folio hair agriculture travel the resources be cold to stare at it and cause the country travel of investment severity shortage; ─── 在旅游业和农业的决策层中,对开发农业旅游资源漠然视之,导致乡村旅游的投资严重不足;

17、Type area: Area occupied by text and illustration on a page, including running head and folio. ─── 版心:正文及插图,包括书眉和页码,在书页内所占的面积.

18、drop folio ─── [计] 页码

19、Folio acid ─── 叶酸

20、The manuscript you sent us has a folio missing. ─── 你送来的原稿少了一页。

21、Well preparing the group guests folio, and ensuring smooth and fast check out. ─── 准备团队客人的帐单确保快捷顺利的办理团队离店手续。

22、The background and motivation of the development of public opinion survey report in China are the folio wings.Firstly, it is benefit from the acceleration of our country"s democratization. ─── 民意调查报道在我国发展的背景与动因是:首先得益于我国社会民主化进程的加快;

23、Certainly, its headway can not get away from everybody's common support, again concern of island heart and support of thankful everybody folio. ─── 当然,它的前进离不开大家的共同支持,再次感谢大家对开心岛的关心与支持。

24、Manufacturing of multi-color offset press for web and folio of paper or larger size ─── 卷筒纸和对开以上单纸张多色胶印机制造

25、Search methods and use techniques of SEA CD-ROM based on Folio Views ─── 基于Folio Views的SAE CD-ROM检索方法及使用技巧

26、Mail Receipt plus folio to cardholder within 3 business days ─── 在3个工作日内,邮寄交易收据及旅馆的帐单给持卡人

27、Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy. ─── 理查德告诉过我16 世纪的关于炼金术的三卷对开本书籍的事。

28、Even pages: Book pages bearing even folio numbers. ─── 偶数页:带有双页码的书页。

29、Each ACOS task is the smallest thread of execution which can compete on its own for system resources ,it may exist in one of the folio whig five states: executing, ready, blocked,dormant,non-existent . ─── ACOS任务是竞争系统资源的最小执行线程,任务存在于以下五种状态之一:执行、就绪、阻塞、休眠、不存在。

30、Folio Scrambling Algorithm and Degree of Scrambling Analysis ─── 对折置乱算法及置乱度分析

31、atlas folio ─── 对开本地图

32、Designed in-house at Apple, the P2 was to be a portable tablet-like device that was easily taken with a user, like a folio bag. ─── 在苹果的规划中:P2是一种像是平板形状的设备,易携带,甚至可以被放进文件包里。

33、A few years later, in 1623, two of Shakespeare's actor friends published a great folio volume with thirty-six plays and put Shakespeare's name on the title page. ─── 几年以后,于16n年,莎士比亚的两位演员朋友出版了包括36个剧的大对折本,并把莎士比亚的名字置于扉页。

34、Print a final copy of the folio for guest to sign on it. ─── 打印出复式帐单并请客人签名。

35、Portfolio Construction studies proportions among assets included in port-folio and responding distribution of the fund. ─── 所谓投资组合构建就是研究确定投资组合中包含的各种资产及其对应的资金分配的比例。

36、folio volumes ─── 对开本书籍

37、Inner forme: A forme containing the pages which fall on the inside of the sheet when folded. It therefore starts with the second lowest folio of the section. ─── 反面版(底版):装有折叠后在内的书页的大版;因此,它以每巾的第二个页码开始。

38、in six volumes folio ─── 分成六卷对开本

39、folio reference ─── 帐页参考

40、bogus folio (bf) ─── 临时对开页码

41、The machine is a medium-size single-blade paper cutting machine applicable for cutting folio paper and different kinds of printed products such as books, magazines, cards, etc. ─── 产品介绍:本机是一种中型单刀切纸机,适宜于裁切对开纸张与各种书籍、杂志、卡片等印刷成品与及其它软性材料,如塑料薄膜、皮革等制品。

42、journal folio ─── 日记帐页码

43、Four folio Germany colors Heidelbergs printing machine ─── 德国对开四色海德堡印刷机

44、Then he retired to his own room and set to writing, sometimes on loose sheets, and again on the margin of some folio. ─── 再回到自己的房间从事写作,有时写在单页纸上,有时写在对开本书本的空白边上。

45、She owns a Shakespeare first folio. ─── 她拥有一本莎士比亚最早的对开本。

46、A folio Dante served us as a table on which to eat merrily a centime's worth of chestnuts. ─── 把但丁的对开本拿来当作台子使,我们快乐无边,同吃了一百个栗子。

47、Dark folio small Japan five-color printing machine ─── 日本对开五色小森印刷机

48、The lessons and new words are designed into folio formats to facilitate the students to find the pronunciation, meanings and usages of the new words as soon as possible when they study the texts. ─── 每课课文和生词专门设计成对开页对应出现的版式,使学习者在学习课文过程中能快速查找到生词的发音、意思以及用法,为学习提供最大程度的便利。

49、Exclusive type area Type area exclusive of headline and folio See inclusive type area. ─── 内文版度不包括书眉和页码在内的版尺寸。参阅书页版度。

50、drawings published in folio ─── 以对开纸出版的画

51、Dark small Japan four folio colors printing machines ─── 日本对开四色小森印刷机

52、The price of the folio with the case if $49.95 and this includes the personal information added to the folio. ─── 和情形的对开纸价格如果 $49.95 而且这包括被增加到对开的纸个人的数据。

53、The F200-Series folios are a customizable federal style folio kit. ─── F200- 系列对开的纸是一个可订制的联邦风格对开的纸装备。

54、Exclusive type area: Type area exclusive of headline and folio. ─── 内文版度:不包括书眉和页码在内的版尺寸。

55、The strategy environment of the folio exhibition electronic commerce business enterprise proceeded the detailed analysis. ─── 对开展电子商务企业的战略环境进行了详细的分析。

56、Confirmation letter, register card, difference guest folio &group folio format, A/R statement. ─── 提供确认函,登记咭,不同的客人帐单,团队帐单,应收月结单。

57、Please quote your folio number without fail. ─── 请务必提供您的页码编号。

58、They even got Ben Johnson, Shakespeare's great rival playwright, to write a poetic introduction for the folio volume. ─── 他们甚至请到了莎士比亚的对手剧作家,本 - 约翰逊为对折本撰写诗体序言。

59、Can you remove these letters on the side of this folio with the alter liquid. ─── 你能用涂改液涂去这一页边上的这些字母吗?

60、bogus folio ─── 假页号

61、journal folio (JF) ─── 分录帐页码

62、Large-sized folio rice paper monthly calendars ─── 大度对开套装宣纸月历

63、Text area: Area occupied by text on a page, excluding running head and folio. ─── 正文版度:不计书眉和页码,正文在书页上所占的面积。

64、After supper he conversed for half an hour with Mademoiselle Baptistine and Madame Magloire; then he retired to his own room and set to writing, sometimes on loose sheets, and again on the margin of some folio. ─── 晚餐过后,他和巴狄斯丁姑娘与马格洛大娘闲谈半小时,再回到自己的房间从事写作,有时写在单页纸上,有时写在对开本书本的空白边上。

65、merchandise ledger folio ─── 商品分类帐页数

66、Suart has illustrated several books for The Folio Society in London and has given many talks on illustration in England and In Hong Kong. ─── 小话曾为伦敦的The Folio Society创作多部插图作品,并在英国及香港举行多个座谈会。

67、folio verso ─── 在书页后

68、Generally including the selection of paper, cover material, determine the Folio, font, size, design layout, decided to binding methods as well as printing and production methods. ─── 一般包括选择纸张、封面材料、确定开本、字体、字号,设计版式,决定装订方法以及印刷和制作方法。

69、The religious authority thought of the Shang dynasty's law take up a very important status in the course and leave over a precious folio. ─── 在这一过程中殷商时期的神权法思想占据了十分重要的地位,在我国法律思想史上留下了弥足珍贵的一笔。

70、Prepare the no-show folio(s) to be sent to the company or credit card company with a copy of the reservation correspondence. After for DOSM&RDM confirm. ─── 打电话给做预订的人询问预订未到的原因.如果原因成立,就将同样的记录输入相应的预订.

71、folio paper cutter ─── 对开切纸机

72、Does a pedant digest his commonplace book into a folio? he quickly becomes great ─── 平庸的学者压缩他的著作出对开本了,很快也成为伟人

73、a Shakespeare folio ─── 一部对开本的莎士比亚作品

74、Zerorise the Permanent Folio by city ledger at the end of guest stay. ─── 在客人离店时取消客人永久分类帐户记录。

75、File the folio in the check out file for zero balance account. ─── 把客人账单放在一个固定的地方。

76、chart folio ─── 海图夹

77、"Here, on the cushion, lay a folio tome, probably of the Chronicles of England, or other such substantial literature;" ─── 在这扇窗子的座垫上放着一部对开本的厚书,可能是《英格兰编年史》这一类的大部头著作

78、Folio-size specifications have been incorporated into international standards track. ─── 开本尺寸规格已纳入国际标准轨道。

79、Be prepared to substantiate any charges appearing on the folio and get all supporting bills ready in front of guests. ─── 打印出更新的客人账单交给客人检查,准备好(小账单)以资客人检查隔壁费用。

80、Folio acid and Vitamin B12 shows good eff... ─── 叶酸、维生素B12治疗效果及预后良好。

81、Assignments in early quartos and First Folio texts will use internet texts and facsimiles. ─── 早期的四开本和首页对折文章的作业将使用因特网正文和传真。

82、expressed folio ─── 对开纸

83、But he makes sure it is cashflow positive and the feeling persists that it would not be the same if it was part of a big publishing house. ─── 但他确信,Folio的现金流为正,而且他坚持认为,如果Folio被纳入一家大型出版社,将会是不同的情况。

84、ledger folio ─── 总帐页数

85、in folio ─── adv. 对开

86、odd folio ─── 书的单数页

87、blind folio ─── [计] 隐蔽面页码

88、Present the folio receipt to the guest with the printed side facing up and count back change if it is due. ─── 将账单收据交给客人时应将打字的一面朝上,把零钱找给客人。

89、volumes (in) folio (=folio volumes ─── 对开本

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