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08-15 投稿


strawberry 发音

英:['str??b(?)r?]  美:['str?b?ri]

英:  美:

strawberry 中文意思翻译



strawberry 词性/词形变化,strawberry变形


strawberry 短语词组

1、strawberry blite ─── [植物]头状藜 (Chenopodium capitatum)

2、Irish strawberry ─── [网络] 爱尔兰草莓

3、beach strawberry ─── [网络] 海滩草莓

4、strawberry blonde n. ─── 头发略带红色的金发女子

5、strawberry blond ─── 微红金黄色; ─── 微红金黄色头发的女郎

6、strawberry gum ─── [医] 草莓状龈

7、purple strawberry guava ─── [网络] 紫色草莓番石榴

8、strawberry guava ─── [植物]草莓番石榴(Psidium littorale)

9、strawberry haemangioma ─── [网络] 草莓血管瘤

10、strawberry hemangioma ─── 草莓样血管瘤

11、strawberry gallbladder ─── [医] 草莓状胆囊

12、strawberry daiquiri ─── [网络] 草莓戴克利;草莓得其利;草莓达其利

13、strawberry bush = wahoo

14、cultivated strawberry ─── [网络] 栽培草莓

15、scarlet strawberry un. ─── 深红草莓 [网络] 弗吉尼亚草莓

16、strawberry aldehyde ─── [化] 草莓醛(俗称); β-苯基环氧丁酸乙酯

17、strawberry geranium ─── [网络] 草莓天竺葵

18、Chilean strawberry ─── [网络] 智利草莓

19、garden strawberry ─── [网络] 花草莓

strawberry 相似词语短语

1、shadberry ─── n.唐棣;唐棣果实

2、strawberries ─── n.草莓(strawberry的复数);(粤)士多啤梨

3、strawier ─── adj.稻草的;像稻草般的(strawy的变形)

4、cranberry ─── n.蔓越橘

5、soapberry ─── n.无患子属植物

6、strawboard ─── n.硬纸板

7、snowberry ─── n.雪果,毛核木

8、crowberry ─── n.岩高兰,红莓苔子

9、coralberry ─── n.珊瑚莓果;珊瑚莓

strawberry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What flavor would you like, chocolate or strawberry? ─── 你要什么味的,巧克力还是草莓?

2、She likes strawberry ice cream. ─── 她喜欢草莓冰淇淋。

3、Say no more. I want that fresh strawberry pie with whipped cream. That's my favorite. ─── 别再说了,我要新鲜的奶油草莓饼,这是我最喜欢的。

4、His father prepares a strawberry cake for him at the birthday party. ─── 他的爸爸在生日聚会上给他准备了一个草莓蛋糕.

5、The strawberry Shinigami in question, let out a groan. Rukia glared at him, her back against the wall of his bedroom. ─── 正在问着问题的草莓死神忽然呻吟一声。露琪亚背靠着卧室的墙瞪视着他。

6、High pressure inactivation of yeast cells in saline and strawberry jam at low temperatures. ─── 低温下,高压失活盐、及草莓酱中酵母细胞。

7、Top with scoops of strawberry sorbet. ─── 上面浇上一勺草莓冰糕。

8、Good. A strawberry and a vanilla. ─── 好的,一份草莓的,一份香草的。

9、You might be able to buy papaya or strawberry. ─── 你可能会买木瓜和草莓。

10、The use of strawberry jam made the product full of nutrition. ─── 同时由于果浆的应用,赋予产品丰富的营养。

11、The Mayor inquires about strawberry production and sales. ─── 市长关心草莓产销情况

12、The only other refreshments are mint and strawberry syrups. ─── 唯一的其他点心就是薄荷,草莓糖浆。

13、No, thanks. I don't like chocolate. I'd rather have the strawberry pie. ─── 不,谢谢。我不喜欢巧克力。我想要草莓派。

14、Another big brother said, "I still Buhe strawberry juice, I still drink milk. ─── 另一个大哥哥就说了,“我还是不喝草莓果汁了,我还是喝牛奶。”

15、Henry prefers strawberry pie , but his wife always bakes apple pie. ─── 亨利喜欢吃草莓派,但是他的妻子却常常烤苹果派。

16、Jun : Great! Order me a fresh pina colada, followed by a strawberry daiquiri. Mmmmm! ─── 小君:太好了!替我点一杯新鲜的凤椰兰姆酒,之后再来一杯草莓代基里酒。呣!

17、I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and praline. ─── 我这有好多口味让你挑,有草莓的、桃的、巧克力的、咖啡的、香草的,还有果仁的。

18、Kamikaze, 3 layers drinks included the strawberry juice, mango juice and Ribena juice, filling mouth with fruity taste. ─── 一道结合3层颜色的饮品,味道也各有不同,当中有草莓汁、芒果汁还有利宾纳汁,让口中充满果味。

19、A romantic set of delicious strawberry flavored body treats. ─── 一个浪漫的一套美味的草莓味的机构对待。

20、All of a sudden become the drinking strawberry juice! ─── 一下子变成好喝的草莓果汁了!

21、We have peach, apple and fresh strawberry. ─── 我们有桃、苹果和鲜草莓。

22、What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch? ─── 当恐龙走过草莓堆时,你会得到什么?答:草莓酱!

23、Yes,I'd love a portion of that strawberry tart. ─── 好的,我要一份那种草莓馅饼。

24、Henry prefers strawberry pie, but his wife always bakes apple pie. ─── 亨利喜欢吃草莓馅饼,可他的妻子经常烤苹果馅饼。

25、Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this? ─── 或许是在那个星期六,在大草莓上放雏菊做帽子之后,我开始在想:我怎么才能够超过它?

26、Our new Harvest Flavors: Black Cherry, Mango And Strawberry naturally flavored wines made from honey. ─── 我们的最新口味:天然的黑莓,芒果,草莓口味的蜂蜜酒。

27、Do you prefer Strawberry or Chocolate Sundae? ─── 3.草莓圣代还是巧克力圣代?

28、Tim was sitting on the floor with the empty box. His mouth was red and he had strawberry juice all over his face. ─── 这时蒂姆正拿着空盒子坐在地上。他的嘴是红的,满脸都是草莓汁。

29、We have strawberry in summer and, a little later, raspberries, gooseberries and plums. ─── 夏天我们吃草莓。再晚些时候吃蔗莓、醋栗和李子。

30、One of the sweetest gifts of nature is a red, ripe strawberry. ─── 大自然赐给我们最美好的礼物之一是一颗成熟的红草莓了。

31、There were only strawberry fields where the plant is. ─── 公司的所在地那时还是草莓地。

32、We have three flavors of ice cream, vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. ─── 我们有三种口味的冰淇淋,香草,巧克力和草莓。

33、Guest: OK, and a grilled salmon with strawberry vinegar. ─── 好吧,再来一份草莓醋汁扒鲜三文鱼。

34、We have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. ─── 我们有香草的,巧克力的及草莓的。

35、Would you like some strawberry ice-cream? ─── 你要来一些草莓冰淇淋吗?

36、Remember the days when choosing a brand of yogurt was all about whether or not you preferred strawberry or liked your fruit on the bottom? ─── 还记得以前按照是否喜欢草莓口味或者是否喜欢酸奶底下水果来选择酸奶酪的品牌吗?

37、We soon realized, however, that the blood was really strawberry juice! ─── 可是我们很快就发现那血其实是草莓汁!

38、And when I asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam. ─── 当我要他们上橘子酱时,他们却给我拿来草莓酱。

39、No, it isn't. It's a strawberry. ─── 不,这不是。这是一颗草莓。

40、She ordered a strawberry ice cream . ─── 她要了一份草莓冰淇淋。

41、The Heart notes of Miss Dior Cherie is violette, pink jasmine, carmelized popcorn, and strawberry sorbet. ─── 充满温柔的牡丹花束香气,佐以恬淡清新果香,恰如亚洲女性温婉甜美的气质。

42、We have vanilla,chocolate,and strawberry. ─── 我们有香草的、巧克力的和草莓的。

43、Do you like strawberry jam? ─── 你喜欢草莓酱么?

44、Aroma of strawberry and other berry fruits with hints of oak. ─── 口感清新,草莓和樱桃的风味中带有一点橡木和牛油的味道。

45、Spread 3 tablespoon cheesecake filling and a few strawberry slices on a cookie. ─── 将3汤勺的酪饼馅料和少许草莓片涂于饼干上。

46、Drizzle wi th sauce. Set cod fish in the centre of a serving plate, asparagus,strawberry and hawthorn around fish. ─── 将芦笋,草莓,山楂分别放置再盘子的四周,淋上适量酱汁在中间部位,鳕鱼块放上即可.

47、We have fresh fruit in season such as strawberry, pineapple, banana and so on. ─── 我们有新鲜的时令果品,如草莓、菠萝、香蕉等。

48、The great grape of Burgundy that creates strong cherry and strawberry aromas. ─── 勃根底地区最好的葡萄,可酿出充满强烈樱桃和草莓果香味的葡萄酒。

49、B: What flavor would you like? Strawberry or marmalade? ─── 您要什么口味呢?草莓还是橘子的?

50、Mix all the ingridients over ice.Garnish with a fresh strawberry. ─── 加冰块添加原料,放入一颗大的新鲜草莓.

51、She seemed to take a fancy to the strawberry patch in our garden. ─── 她似乎开始喜欢我们花园里的那块草莓地。

52、They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake. ─── 他们拿出鱼片和草莓松脆饼盛情款待我们。

53、They planted out strawberry runners here. ─── 他们在这儿种植了草莓的藤蔓。

54、Guest: How much are a box of white chocolates and strawberry chocolates fixed price? ─── 买家:请问白巧克力和草莓巧克力的价钱各是多少?。

55、We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies. ─── 我们有不同的派,例如苹果、樱桃和草莓派。

56、We have vanilla,strawberry,chocolate and green tea ice cream. ─── 我们有香草、草莓、巧克力以及绿茶冰淇淋。

57、He spread some strawberry jam on his toast. ─── 他把草莓酱涂在烤面包片上。

58、Strawberry fool is my favorite. ─── 奶油拌草莓是我的最爱。

59、A cup of strawberry juice and a fried eggs with ham. ─── 一杯草莓汁和一份火腿煎蛋。

60、Contain a lot ofsolubility fibrous food to include strawberry, apple, pear, cornmeal and legume to wait. ─── 富含可溶性纤维的食物包括草莓、苹果、梨、麦片以及豆类等。

61、For example, we associate such flavors as cherry, raspberry, and strawberry with the color red. ─── 例如我们常将樱桃、木莓和草莓这类水果的风味与红色联系在一起

62、We have vanilla, mocolate, and strawberry . ─── 我们有香草冰淇淋,巧克力冰淇淋、草莓冰淇淋。

63、Mom: strawberry milkshake you like to eat it? ─── 妈妈:你们喜欢吃草莓奶昔吗?

64、A teaspoonful of my mother-in-law 's wild strawberry jam will entirely satisfy your jam desire . ─── 尝一茶匙我岳母做的草萄酱就能完全满足你的果酱欲。

65、You have choice of two flavors of ice cream----chocolate and strawberry. ─── 你可以选择要巧克力还是草莓口味的冰淇淋。

66、Like a strawberry colored dream. ─── 像个草莓色的梦。

67、Well, if H.323 can be considered vanilla, then Session Initialization Protocol (SIP) could be strawberry. ─── 如果说可以把H.323当作香草,那么会话初始化协议(SIP)就是草莓。

68、Clerk: The strawberry chocolate is in our shop best-selling product. ─── 卖家:草莓巧克力是我们店里的畅销产品!

69、I 'd like some strawberry if you have any . ─── 如果有的话,我想要点草莓。

70、A conservationist's eyes sparkle as he recalls building dams on Strawberry Creel in the California of his youth. ─── 一位环保员回忆他年轻时在加利福尼亚草莓溪筑水坝的经历时,双眼熠熠闪光。

71、They planted out strawberry runners here . ─── 他们在这儿种植了草毒的藤蔓。

72、Pinch your arm, feel this book, taste a strawberry and you're touching a piece of a star. ─── 你如果拧一下胳膊,摸一下书本,尝一下草莓,你就是在接触星星。

73、I have bought a jar of strawberry jam. ─── 我买了一瓶草莓酱。

74、Their strawberry sundae is on sale. ─── 他们的草莓冰淇淋圣代正在特价中。

75、Degradation of polysaccharide likes is the main reason strawberry soft in the can beaming. ─── 多糖类物质的降解是引起草莓罐头果实瘫软的主要原因;

76、He is a middle-aged man with a flaming strawberry mark on his left cheek. ─── 他中等年纪,左脸颊上有一块象草莓一般的火红色的胎记。

77、Raw material for frozen cake, Nut, Strawberry, Milk powder ;... ─── 意大利公司求购冷冻蛋糕原料,坚果,草莓,奶粉

78、Chocoballs:Wizarding sweets full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream. ─── 巧克力球。蜂蜜公爵糖果。

79、Which flavor would you prefer, strawberry or vanilla? ─── 您喜欢哪一种口味的,草莓味还是香草味?

80、We'll see to it that you have strawberry and vanilla ice cream. ─── 我们定让你吃到草莓和香草冰淇淋。

81、What made the little strawberry worried? ─── 什么事让小草莓忧心忡忡?

82、Her favourite fruit is strawberry. ─── 她最喜欢的水果是草莓。

83、Fig.8: Meloidogyne hapla contaminated strawberry roots. ─── 图八、感染北方根瘤线虫之草莓根系。

84、She put coral paint in the panels of the Strawberry Hill Gothic hall. ─── 她把珊瑚画放在草莓山哥特式走廊墙上的镶板中。

85、I want a strawberry milkshake. ─── 我想要杯草莓奶昔。

86、In most places, chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla are bestsellers. ─── 在大多数的地方,巧克力、草莓和香草是最畅销的口味。

87、We have three flavors of ice cream: vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. ─── 我们有三种口味的冰激凌,香草,巧克力, 草莓。

88、Do you want to eat the strawberry? ─── 你想吃草莓吗?

89、Bye-bye, strawberry. ─── 再见,草莓。


你好! strawberry 英[?str?:b?ri] 美[?str?:beri] n. 草莓; 草莓色; [网络] 士多啤梨; 听起来; [例句]Desserts like strawberry shortcake 草莓奶油酥饼之类的甜点

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