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08-15 投稿


compunction 发音

英:[k?m?p??k?(?)n]  美:[k?m?p??k?(?)n]

英:  美:

compunction 中文意思翻译



compunction 词性/词形变化,compunction变形

副词: compunctiously |形容词: compunctious |

compunction 短语词组

1、compunction definition ─── 内疚定义

2、compunction clue ─── 内疚线索

3、compunction syn ─── 内疚综合征

4、compunction noun ─── 内疚名词

5、compunction f ─── 内疚

6、compunction about ─── 对……内疚

7、without compunction ─── 不在乎地, 无动于衷地

8、compunction ed ─── 内疚

9、compunction define ─── 内疚定义

10、compunction s ─── 内疚

compunction 相似词语短语

1、conjunction ─── n.结合;[语]连接词;同时发生

2、cofunction ─── n.[数]余函数

3、compaction ─── n.压紧;精简;密封;凝结

4、complanation ─── n.平面化;变成平面

5、complication ─── n.并发症;复杂;复杂化;混乱

6、compunctious ─── adj.内疚的;惭愧的;后悔的

7、compurgation ─── n.旧指:根据他人保证宣告被告无罪;免罚宣誓

8、compensation ─── n.补偿;报酬;赔偿金

9、computation ─── n.估计,计算

compunction 习惯用语

1、without (the slightest) compunction ─── 毫不在乎, 无动于衷

compunction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you don`t hear my counsel,you will be compunction someday. ─── 如果你不听我的劝告,总有一天你会后悔的。

2、While they may not be household names, they became hugely successful in part because of the generosity of the young Dennis, who felt no compunction about sharing his skills with others. ─── 年轻的丹尼斯很大方,他把自己的技术都分享给别人了,这些人都取得了巨大的成功。

3、The Conservatives, who are likely to form the next government after an election in the spring, should have no compunction about revisiting this deal and, if necessary, unwinding it (see article). ─── 如果保守党赢得春季竞选成为下届政府的执政党,就应无可厚非地重温这桩交易,如有必要,解除两银行联姻合约。

4、Worry and be worried must not be frowzily in the heart, alone compunction, distressed, get into a dead end, should tell bluntly as far as possible come out. ─── 忧虑和烦闷千万不要闷在心里,独自一人悔恨、痛心、钻牛角尖,应该尽量坦率地讲出来。

5、If I can find the people responsible,I will have no compunction about telling the police. ─── 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不后悔。

6、extreme and sudden risk-taking;and no compunction to explain or confer. ─── 做事喜欢冒险以及对于向他人解释或与人商议从不迟疑。

7、ended the relationship without compunction; ─── 毫不后悔地结束了关系;

8、She had no compunction about telling him a lie. ─── 她对于跟他说了谎并没有良心不安。

9、compunction; self-reproach; guilty conscience ─── 良心责备

10、If I could find the people responsible, I would have no compunction about telling the police ─── 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔.

11、feel compunction; have qualms of conscience ─── 感到内疚

12、He might have spared his compunction, for Catherine had not noticed the lapse ─── 不过他也大可不必感到不安,因为凯瑟琳根本没有注意到(他说话的)疏忽。

13、I answer compunction:"Wen, sorry!" ─── 我内疚地回答:“雯,对不起!”

14、Dragon kingly way: “you do not want the compunction, this is his fate willed it so, has not related with you. ─── 龙王道:“你也不要内疚,这是他命该如此,与你没有关系。

15、The compunction is less: making a boy or a young man miserable is likely to cause you remorse, which is unlikely to occur when making an old man happy; ─── 不会有负罪感:让一个少男迷失会让你后悔,但让一个老男人快乐却不会;

16、He has no compunction about relating how he killed his father. ─── 他毫无悔意地讲述了他如何杀死自己的父亲。

17、If i can find the people responsible, i will have no compunction about tell the police ─── 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔

18、7. The compunction is less: having made a young girl miserable may give you frequent bitter reflections, none of which can attend the making an old woman happy; ─── 不会良心不安:使一个少女迷失会让你时不时的感觉到苦涩的悔意。

19、I have little compunction in doing it. ─── 做这件事我没有什么不安。

20、He might have spared his compunction, for Catherine had not noticed the lapse. ─── 不过他也大可不必感到不安,因为凯瑟琳根本没有注意到(他说话的)疏忽。

21、6. I would have broken my word without compunction . ─── 我会毫无内疚地食言。

22、With Light Rail in the future I will have no compunction about town to watch. ─── 如果有了轻轨,将来我就可以毫无顾虑地去城里看球。”

23、She kept us waiting without the slightest compunction. ─── 她一直让我们等著却毫无歉意。

24、And feel, an ego is in suffer torment, very scared, fear, another ego is in aside compunction ought not to take this kind of matter, want for certain mad, aux would rather jump from building window. ─── 而且感到,一个自我在受折磨,十分恐惧,害怕,另一个自我在一旁悔恨不该服这种物质,肯定要疯了,宁愿从楼窗里跳出去。

25、without compunction ─── adv. 毫不在乎地(若无其事地)

26、Rule 4: "After writing something, read it over twice at least, and do your utmost to strike out non-essential words, sentences and paragraphs, without the slightest compunction. ─── 第四条:“写完后至少看两遍,竭力将可有可无的字、句、段删去,毫不可惜。

27、When arrive hastily when him and putting on the dress and shoe for the mother with one's own hands, the sort of compunction is pricked he is black and bluely. ─── 当他匆忙赶到并亲手为母亲穿上衣服和鞋子时,那种悔恨刺得他遍体鳞伤。

28、I felt some compunction at having kept her waiting. ─── 我有点后悔要她等我。

29、have no compunction about ─── 不后悔

30、Why is it that New Delhi is so sensitive about stepping on Beijing's toes, when China has no compunction about stomping on Indian toes, and with hobnailed boots at that? ─── 为什么新德里如此敏感,担心踩着北京的脚趾,而北京对穿着钉鞋践踏印度的脚趾却毫无悔恨之意?

31、You simply do not need the compunction, I am voluntary. ─── 你根本不需要内疚,我是自愿的。

32、I might feel a trifle of compunction if I had to deal with a President of the United States ─── 要是我不得不和一位美国总统打交道的话,我可能会感到有点内疚。

33、We shall have no compunction in throwing overboard our ancient manners, nor any in emulating their lack of courtesy. ─── 我们将不再对自己遗忘祖国传统礼仪而感到羞愧,却急于弥补他们谦恭有礼的缺失。

34、Have you even pay out expense for compunction? ─── 你曾经为后悔而付出代价吗?

35、Afterward compound was because of hers compunction, the separation once more to her is also one kind of extrication. ─── 后来的复合不过是因为她的内疚,再次的分离对她来说又是一种解脱。

36、She felt no compunction about leaving her job. ─── 她对自己的辞职一点儿也不感到懊悔。

37、Do you still have a thread of compunction in the heart? ─── 你心里还有一丝内疚吗?

38、Some people can deceive others without compunction. ─── 有些人可以毫无顾忌的欺骗他人。

39、I knew that you said have sorry, I knew that is I is not good to your all sorts of manner, I did not know that oneself present is should the compunction or should confess. ─── 我知道你已说过对不起,我知道对你的种种态度都是我的不好,我不知道现在自己是应该内疚还是忏悔。

40、He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs. ─── 他对于打扰他的私生活毫不愧疚。

41、He had lied to her without compunction. ─── 他向她撒了谎却毫无愧疚。

42、He had lied to her without compunction. ─── 他向她撒了谎却毫无愧疚。

43、She kept me waiting without the slightest compunction ─── 她使我久候而丝毫没有歉意。

44、He stole the money without the slightest compunction. ─── 他偷钱却丝毫不感到良心受谴责。

45、If I can find the people responsible, I will have no compunction about telling the police. ─── 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔。

46、And Saddam Hussein has no compunction about using them again, against his neighbors and against his own people. ─── 他并没有因为使用这些药剂反对他的邻国和人民而感到忏悔。

47、without compunction or human feeling. ─── 没有良心的谴责或者人类的感觉。

48、But whenever it was possible to send a house-serf for a soldier in place of a peasant, he did so without the smallest compunction. ─── 只有在可以用家奴代替农民去当兵的时候,他就会毫不犹豫地派家奴去当兵。

49、At Roma he had no compunction over fielding a three-man attack because he had excellent forwards. ─── 在执教罗马队的时候他使用三前锋的阵型,因为他手下有出色的锋线球员。

50、Life in the college is colourful and bright, which predicate that when you recall it many years later, there is so many nice memory in your mind and nothing to compunction. ─── 大学生活是丰富多彩的,这意味着当你多年后再回想起时,原来有如此多美好的记忆,而不为任何的事情忏悔。

51、feel compunction; have qualms of conscience; be conscience-stricken ─── 内疚于心

52、The kid spoke out the truth without compunction. ─── 小孩毫无顾忌地说出了真相。

53、I might feel a trifle of compunction if I had to deal with a President of the United States. ─── 要是我不得不和一位美国总统打交道的话,我可能会感到有点内疚。

54、He might have spared his compunction, for Catherine had not noticed the lapse. ─── 不过他也大可不必感到不安,因为凯瑟琳根本没有注意到(他说话的)疏忽。

55、1.guilty conscience; the pricks of conscience; compunction; guilt; qualms about; 2.to be guilty about ─── 内疚

56、He was, he liked to say, a "corsair of the Republic" , implicitly given permission to proceed with dash and without compunction. ─── 德纳尔总是会说,他是“共和国的一个清道夫”,政府暗暗地允许他进行破坏活动而无需有良心的谴责。

57、My heart in the pain, the apology cannot be throwing off with the compunction, perhaps is doomed to perhaps me is a person, for a lifetime a person. ─── 我的心在痛着,歉意跟内疚甩不掉,也许 对 也许 我注定是一个人,一辈子一个人。

58、He kept me waiting for half an hour without the slightest compunction. ─── 他让我等了半小时,却没有一点点良心不安。

59、7. Shame, compunction, sense of futility flooded his whole being. ─── 差耻,内疾和徒劳的感觉浸满他整个的人。

60、i feel compunction for having not tell her the truth. ─── 我因为没有告诉她事实真相而感到内疚。

61、I feel no compunction in doing it. ─── 做这件事我不感到负疚。

62、"I ought to have come with Kath", she thought; and felt a slight compunction at having become so wrapped up in Bette that she'd neglected Kath. ─── “我应该同凯丝一道来”,她想;觉得这一阵子同蓓蒂混得太多,以致冷落了凯丝,心里有点内疚。

63、I cant not bear to the heart lend wood steps.If let because of lending to my wood steps my suicide successful words, this person would compunction lifetime of. ─── 我不忍心去借木梯。如果因为借给我木梯而让我自杀成功的话,这个人会内疚一辈子的。

64、I've always had an overwhelming compunction to confess, to reveal the most revolting details of my existence to others. ─── 我总是有着需要为之忏悔的压倒性的良心的谴责,来向别人暴露我生活的最令人厌恶的细节。

65、1.with a clear conscience; without compunction; 2.to feel no qualms; to have a clear conscience ─── 无愧

66、The compunction programs are simple and there is no need of explicitly evaluating Special functions.It can give accurate data for dispersion characteristics, cut-off frequencies and modal fields. ─── 本法编程十分简单,不涉及特殊函数的繁复计算,有普适性,可精确求得色散曲线、截止频率与模场分布。

67、Margaret has never had any compunction about wearing other people's belongings, or indeed lending her own ─── 玛格丽特从不在乎穿、戴他人的衣服或首饰,也不在乎把自己的衣服借给别人。

68、On the night of their return, he went to bed full of compunction. ─── 抵家的那天晚上,他睡觉时充满了内疚。

69、Applying the vector representation of formula for definite proportional division point in vector algebra, this paper obtains a new useful method of compunction for segment ratio in volume ratio. ─── 利用向量代数中定比分点公式的向量形式,给出了一种非常简明有用的求容积比中线段比的新方法。

70、After seeing the obliteration of its sister ship, the Twilight Compunction had no desire to face them alone. ─── 看见它的姐妹舰的命运,黎明的谴责再没有欲望独自面对他们。

71、She felt no compunction about leaving her job. ─── 她对她的辞职一点儿也不感到懊悔。

72、Monk is also well aware of Ryder's dual nature and knows that he is capable of switching sides.If that happens, he is ready and willing to kill Ryder without compunction. ─── 道士也清楚莱德具有双重性质,他也有可能改变而去帮恶魔.如果那样地话他会准备杀掉莱德而不会感到内心不安.

73、I am very compunction ! ─── 标准分就是这样,过了瓶颈那块分数会非常的高。

74、In fact and originally I have some compunction, however now's felling very it good!I am again laughing wildly! ─── 其实原来我还有点内疚,不过现在感觉非常之良好!我又在狂笑了!

75、I silence, because of my compunction; I blind however, also because of my compunction; I absent minded also because of my compunction; ─── 我沉默,因为我内疚;我盲然,也因为我内疚;我恍惚还因为我内疚;

76、Lin Ming says, him compunction at the outset apathetic, caused the harm that offsets hard to the other side and his family, "Besides I am sorry, still I am sorry. ─── 林明说,自己悔恨当初的麻木不仁,对对方和自己的家庭造成了难以弥补的伤害,“除了对不起,还是对不起。

77、Mr Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water. ─── 林惇先生刹那间感到既悔恨、又恐惧,站在那儿望着她,吩咐我去拿点水来。

78、2.She kept us waiting without the slightest compunction. ─── 她一直让我们等著却毫无歉意.

79、Ten years on, those voices have triumphed.Today's Berlin republic has no compunction about putting its short-term national interests first. ─── 10年过后,这些建议成为了现实,今天的柏林并不后悔当初把短期的国家利益放在首位。

80、He felt a kind of compunction. ─── 他感到几分内疚。

81、We shall have no compunction in throwing overboard our ancient manners, nor any in emulating their lack of courtesy. ─── 抛弃我们古代的礼仪我们将不会产生内疚之情,效仿他们缺乏殷勤好客的态度我们也不会心生不安之意。

82、without the slightest compunction ─── 若无其事;毫不在意

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