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08-15 投稿


vehement 发音

英:[?vi??m?nt]  美:[?vi??m?nt]

英:  美:

vehement 中文意思翻译



vehement 网络释义

adj. 激烈的,猛烈的;热烈的

vehement 短语词组

1、vehement definition ─── 激烈的定义

2、vehement meaning ─── 强烈的意思

3、vehement pronunciation ─── 激烈的发音

4、vehement synonym ─── 激烈同义词

5、vehement knives ─── 凶猛的刀

6、vehement in a sentence ─── 句子中的激烈

7、vehement crossword ─── 激烈的纵横字谜

vehement 词性/词形变化,vehement变形

副词: vehemently |名词: vehemence |

vehement 相似词语短语

1、element ─── n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;n.(Element)人名;(德)埃勒门特;(英)埃利门特

2、cerement ─── n.蜡布;寿衣

3、virement ─── n.转帐;票据交换

4、vehemence ─── n.激烈;热烈

5、avalement ─── n.滑雪时保持身体放低的姿势;下坡时转弯加速

6、vehemently ─── adv.激烈地;暴烈地;竭尽全力地

7、vehemency ─── n.激烈;热心;愤怒

8、tenement ─── n.房屋;住户,租户;租房子

9、vengement ─── 收入

vehement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are vehement in their praise of the new system ─── 他们热烈地赞扬这一新制度

2、To give rein to vehement desire ─── 恣意所欲

3、North Korea issued one of its most explicit and vehement denials Friday of U. ─── 北韩在周五发表一份声明,直截了当的拒绝了美国代表团。

4、Nay, what is so bitter and vehement as the torment of love? ─── 不,有什麽痛苦像爱的折磨那麽强烈呢?

5、He seemed now to be a megalomaniac, his speeches filled with “vehement irrationality” and all power revolving round himself. ─── 在1959年1月尝到推翻巴蒂斯塔政权的喜悦之后,他的战友变得对待人权和自由漠不关心。

6、a vehement urge, impulse, desire, etc ─── 强烈的欲望、 冲动、 愿望等

7、10And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is situated beyond the Jordan: where celebrating the exequies with a great and vehement lamentation, they spent full seven days. ─── 当他们到了约但河对岸的阿塔得打禾场,就在那里举行了极备哀荣的隆重丧礼;若瑟又为自己的父亲举哀了七天。

8、Do you desire to sense the song of firebird from ice-cold meditation, vehement flaming and profound inquiry? ─── 你想感受到由冰冷沉思、激越燃烧与深度叩问所唱出的一曲火鸟之歌吗?

9、When questioned, he came right back with a vehement denial ─── 当被问起时,他立即断然否认。

10、For tea industry, following more and more vehement competition, the importance of creating tea brand is becoming more and more apparent. ─── 于茶叶来说,随着竞争的日趋激烈,打造茶叶品牌的重要性日益突显出来。

11、His proposal met with vehement opposition. ─── 他的倡导遭到了激烈的反对。

12、He was a vehement critic of both German and Soviet historical crimes against Poland, and a strong supporter of countries such as Georgia. ─── 他强烈抨击德国与苏联对波兰犯下的历史罪行,坚定支持格鲁吉亚之类的国家。

13、there be none of the affections, which have been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy. they both have vehement wishes; ─── 世人历来注意到,所有情感中最令人神魂颠倒着莫过于爱情和嫉妒。

14、One of those calm, quiet, sedate natures, to whom the temptations of turbulent nerves or vehement passions are things utterly incomprehensible(Harriet Beecher Stowe. ─── 对具有沉着的、温和的和稳重的性格的人来说,好骚动的神经或热烈的感情诱惑是完全不可理解的事(哈丽特 比彻 斯托)。

15、But they were vehement, saying, He stirs up the people, teaching throughout the whole of Judea, beginning from Galilee even to this place. ─── 5但他们越发极力的说,?煽动百姓,在犹太遍地施教,从加利利起,直到这里。

16、a vehement denial/attack/protest ─── 强烈的否认/攻击/抗议

17、Since China became the member of WTO, all industries are facing more vehement challenge on the market. ─── 我国加入世界贸易组织后,各行各业面临着更加激烈的市场竞争。

18、a vehement objection, protest, denial, attack, etc ─── 强烈的反对、 抗议、 否认、 攻击等

19、That helps explain why despite vehement opposition from both the church and the Korean Medical Association , the government recently approved Norlevo, the " morning-after" pill, in Korea. ─── 如此看来,尽管遭到来自教会和韩国医学会的激烈反对,政府最近仍核准了诺尔勒沃的合法性,它是韩国的一种女用避孕丸。

20、To utter in a loud, vehement voice. ─── 声嘶力竭地大叫,大喊

21、making,given to,or marked by noisy and vehement outcry ─── 制造、发出或带有大声叫嚷的

22、Triggered vehement protests throughout the country ─── 引来全国强烈抗议

23、3. Our staff pursue“ no best, only better” as our working credendum all along, that makes us overfly unceasingly in this vehement comparison. ─── 公司员工始终把“没有最好,只有更好”的格言作为我们工作的信条,使华亲电脑公司在竞争中飞跃。

24、Chinese enterprises needs the help of the modern management theories urgently when they had to face to more and more vehement market competition after China joined into WTO. ─── 当前,随着中国加入WTO,中国企业面临着越来越激烈的市场竞争环境,中国企业急需现代的管理思想和理论;

25、She made a vehement attack on the government's actions. ─── 她对政府的行动作猛烈的抨击。

26、She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality. ─── 她本人就热心提倡男女平等。

27、Your protest was too mild. If it had been more vehement, the dealer might have paid attention to it. ─── 你的抗议太客气了,如果你再强烈些,销售商可已经关注了。作者:山河行地

28、Our staff pursue “no best, only better” as our working credendum all along,that makes us overfly unceasingly in this vehement comparison. ─── 公司员工始终把“没有最好,只有更好”的格言作为我们工作的信条,使科尔电脑公司在竞争中飞跃。

29、The experts have been vehement about this point: Until I'm very ill, not a word. ─── 专家们都抱有这样一种强烈的观点:直到我病得真得不行了,否则什么也别说。

30、On the Vehement Heroic Spirit Displayed in the Poems on Zhaojun ─── 宋代昭君诗中的风云气

31、The movements are simple and the shouts vehement. ─── 动作朴质,喊声激越。

32、She was particularly vehement on this point: 'Chinese consumers are ready to pay [for real, legitimate games]. ─── 她特别地关于这点进行了激烈评论:“中国消费者已经准备好了买正版游戏。

33、They threw this eager vitality of theirs into a vehement striving after the ineffable ─── 他们把他们的这种热烈的精力都投入了对一种无法表达的事物的强烈追求。

34、9. fierce loyalty; in a tearing rage; vehement dislike; violent passions. ─── 忠心耿耿;大怒;强烈的讨厌;极大的热情。收藏指正

35、He slammed the door with a vehement fury. ─── 他愤怒地用力把门关上。

36、a man of vehement character ─── 性情激烈的人

37、The guards separated them and sent them off to a slave-labor camp, over the vehement protests of Lockhart and others. ─── 卫兵分开他们,把他们送去奴隶劳动营,不顾洛克哈特和其他人强烈抗议。

38、Making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry. ─── 叫喊的,吵闹的制造、发出或带有大声叫嚷的

39、When questioned by the reactionary police,she came right back with a vehement protest against the false charge. ─── 反动警察审讯她时,她针锋相对地对诬告提出强烈抗议。

40、and it is a kind of vehement spirit of reflection and eagerness of reformation, which is not just for the reflection and reformation's sake but is to convey a kind of strong unexpressive feeling. ─── 强烈的反思精神与变革的渴望,但其目的并非在于反思与变化本身,而是为了传达一种强烈的不可表现之感。

41、He had been vehement in his opposition to the idea. ─── 他一直强烈反对这一主张。

42、After Sokals hoax, a vehement "science debate" broke out in the global academic community between postmodernists and science warriors. ─── “索卡尔事件”后,在全球学术界掀起了一场激烈的后现代思想家与科学卫士之间的“科学大论战”。

43、in such cases the greatest poet is he who gives utterance to the most natural and vehement outburst of sorrow ─── 大家把他们的表情当作一种完美的语言,而且有理由以此为满足,尤其是当那种语言符合实际情况的时候。

44、He leans forward. "That's an awfully vehement reaction for a pretty tame epithet. Are you sure there isn't something you're not telling me? ─── 他朝前靠去。“对你这么好脾气的人来说,这反应可真够热烈的。你确定你没瞒我什么吗?

45、It focuses on the poor life of black slaves and their struggle to achieve freedom, and makes a vehement attack upon the chattel slavery. ─── 它描述了黑奴的苦难生活及为争取自由不懈奋斗的历程,愤怒地揭发和控诉了奴隶制的罪恶。

46、a more vehement explosion of anger or hatred directed at someone could result in a terrible case of ulcers or colitis, because that emotion is pounding your body. ─── 一次更加激烈的对别人愤怒或仇恨的爆发,能够导致严重的溃疡或结肠炎,因为这种情绪在不停地对你的身体进行攻击。

47、To speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave. ─── 大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂

48、"One of those calm, quiet, sedate natures, to whom the temptations of turbulent nerves or vehement passions are things utterly incomprehensible" (Harriet Beecher Stowe). ─── “对具有沉着的、温和的和稳重的性格的人来说,好骚动的神经或热烈的感情诱惑是完全不可理解的事” (哈丽特·比彻·斯托)。

49、In the past, televised confessions have been followed swiftly, as soon as the supposed penitent has been freed, by vehement repudiations. ─── 在过去,电视招供一播出,只要悔罪者得到释放,会立马引发轩然大波。

50、A vehement objection,protest,denial,attack,etc ─── 强烈的反对、抗议、否认、攻击等

51、Upon celebrating a wedding ceremony, Tajik people always hold a dancing party and have a game of lamb tussling, vehement and exciting. ─── 塔吉克族举行婚礼时,都要举办跳舞、刁羊等活动,在高原上的刁羊激烈、刺激。

52、and in saying this he would lift the last sounds into a vehement roar. ─── "在说这些话时,他会提高最后几个字音,变成咆哮。

53、When questioned by the reactionary police, she came right back with a vehement protest against the false charge ─── 反动警察当局审讯她时,她针锋相对地对诬告提出强烈抗议。

54、He was vehement as he said so. ─── 他说这些话的时候非常激动。

55、fierce loyalty; in a tearing rage; vehement dislike; violent passions. ─── 忠心耿耿;大怒;强烈的讨厌;极大的热情。

56、And still they sing a vehement, eager chant, the chant of the turbulent waters. ─── 就这样他们还是唱着激昂而热切的号子,那汹涌澎湃的河水号子。

57、marked by emotional heat; vehement. ─── 以情感上的热度为特点;激烈。

58、The debate between Laudan and Bloor, in which the explanation right of scientific beliefs are the bone of contention , is the influential vehement debate in the field of science studies. ─── 劳丹与布鲁尔关于科学信仰解释权之争是科学研究(science studies)领域有影响的一场激烈争论。

59、6 away defeat to Changchun Yatai team, alerted the football as a whole, the Guangzhou area are even more vehement. ─── 客场0:6惨败给长春亚泰队,惊动了整个足坛,广州方面的反应更为激烈。

60、But he was vehement in repeating his assertions and there was no doubt of his meaning. ─── 可是那位农民很坚决地重复了这个意思,使人无法怀疑。

61、They said: "We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war: but the command is with thee; so consider what thou wilt command." ─── 他们说:“我们既有武力,又有勇气。我们对你唯命是从,请你想一想,你要我们做什么。”

62、to have a vehement temperament; to have fiery temper ─── 性情暴烈

63、Would you flame with vehement love? ─── 你若与罪人相交就不能得到。

64、Inasmuch, however, as they are accompanied by a more or less vehement repugnance, they are said to be in a limited and partial sense involuntary. ─── 不过只要行为或多或少都伴随着一种激烈的抵触,那么据说它们就从某个限度和部分的意义来说是无意识的。

65、It is very natural for young men to be vehement, acrimonious, and severe.(No.121 ─── 年轻人热情,他们冷嘲热讽和苛刻待人,这是很正常的。

66、1. They expressed a vehement protest. ─── 他们表达了强烈的抗议。

67、he looked from the plate - glass windows in turn at the garden and the street , in a mood of vehement self - reproach. ─── 隔着厚玻璃窗他轮流看着花园和大街,怀着强烈谴责自己的心情。

68、To speak or declaim in a violent,loud,or vehement manner;rave. ─── 大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂

69、The experts have been vehement about this point: Until I'm very ill, not a word. ─── 专家们都抱有这样一种强烈的观点:直到我病得真得不行了,否则什么也别说。

70、Blatter was vehement in his opposition last week, so Scudamore has his work cut out. ─── 布拉特上周表达了反对意见,所以斯库达莫尔中断了自己的工作。

71、Indiana's legislators cast a suspicious eye toward Washington, passing a vehement resolution. ─── 印第安那州议员以怀疑的眼光来看华盛顿,通过了一项措辞激烈的诀议案。

72、Your protest was too mild.If it had been more vehement ,the dealer might have paid attention to it. ─── 你的抗议台温和了,如果当时你能在激烈点,商家就会留心。

73、Do you desire to sense the song of spritual from ice-cold meditation, vehement flaming and profound inquiry? ─── 你想感受到由冰冷沉思、激越燃烧与深度叩问所唱出的一曲心灵之歌吗?

74、In the immaterial assets accounting, the most vehement dispute is of goodwill;in the goodwill, the most vigorous controversy is recognition and gauging of goodwill. ─── 在无形资产会计中,争论最多的是商誉会计问题,商誉会计中,争论最激烈的又是商誉的确认和计量问题。

75、Your protest was too mild. If it had been more vehement, the dealer might have paid attention to it. ─── 你的抗议太温和了,如果当时你能再激烈点,商家就会留心。

76、But he was vehement in repeating his assertions and there was no doubt of his meaning. ─── 可是那位农民很坚决地重复了这个意思,使人无法怀疑。

77、When I saw some students playing together, I had a vehement desire to join them. ─── 当我看到许多同学在一起玩时,我是多么强烈地想参加到她们其中呀。

78、The connotation, Transmutation and Others About the Vehement Style of Jian An Period's Poetry ─── 建安诗歌慷慨风格的内涵、嬗变及其他

79、They are vehement in their praise of the new system. ─── 他们热烈地赞扬这一新制度。

80、She suddenly became very vehement and agitated, jumping around and shouting. ─── 她突然变得十分激动和不安,四处暴跳并大喊大叫。

81、At the beginning of the 20th century, the Americans carried on a vehement controversy over whether a dam should be built in here or not. ─── 20世纪初,关于是否在此建立大坝,美国人展开了一场激烈争论。

82、He slammed the door with a vehement gesture. ─── 他愤怒地用力把门关上.

83、She made a vehement attack on the government's policies. ─── 她强烈谴责政府的政策。

84、jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame... ─── 就在小骷髅出现的那一瞬间,女生赶紧迎着阳光的方向划十字,念颂着祷文。

85、In the modern society, as the rapid development of economics and the drastic competition of technology, the rivalry of people with ability becomes more and more vehement. ─── 当今世界,经济迅猛发展,科学技术竞争日趋激烈,而人才的竞争更是达到了白热化程度。

86、fierce loyalty; in a tearing rage; vehement dislike; violent passions ─── 忠心耿耿;大怒;强烈的讨厌;极大的热情

87、vehement speech ─── 慷慨激昂的演说

88、Advocates of such regulatory measures are equally vehement. ─── 主张上述监管措施的倡导者同样慷慨激昂。

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