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08-15 投稿


conjunction 发音

英:[k?n?d???k?(?)n]  美:[k?n?d???k?(?)n]

英:  美:

conjunction 中文意思翻译



conjunction 词性/词形变化,conjunction变形


conjunction 短语词组

1、adversative conjunction ─── 转折连词

2、disjunctive conjunction n. ─── 反意连词

3、copulative conjunction ─── [网络] 共同连结

4、subordinate conjunction ─── 从属连词

5、in conjunction with... ─── 与...联合, ─── 与...连接, ─── 与...协力, ─── 与...连同

6、enumerative conjunction ─── 枚举连词

7、junction and conjunction ─── 连接和 ─── 连接

8、query conjunction ─── [计] 询问合取

9、satellite conjunction ─── 卫星连接

10、inferior conjunction ─── 下合

11、coordinating conjunction ─── 并列[对等]连词

12、correlative conjunction ─── 关联连词

13、superior conjunction ─── 上合

14、prepositional conjunction ─── 介词连词

15、conjunction data ─── [计] 会合数据

16、adverbial conjunction ─── 状语连词

17、in conjunction with ─── 连同…;与…一起

18、conjunction search ─── [计] 按"与"检索, 逻辑乘检索

19、subordinating conjunction n. ─── 从属连词

conjunction 反义词


conjunction 同义词

conjunctive | connected | concerted | cooperative |joint

conjunction 常用词组

in conjunction with ─── 连同,共同;与…协力

in conjunction ─── 互相协调

conjunction 相似词语短语

1、conjuration ─── n.魔法;祈祷;咒语

2、compunction ─── n.悔恨,后悔;内疚

3、conjunctive ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

4、conduction ─── n.[生理]传导

5、cofunction ─── n.[数]余函数

6、conjunctiva ─── n.[解剖]结膜

7、conjunctional ─── adj.连结的;连接词的;逻辑乘的

8、conjunctions ─── n.连词;[语]连接词;[数]合取(conjunction的复数形式)

9、conjugation ─── n.结合,配合;动词的词形变化

conjunction 特殊用法

1、causal conjunction ─── 原因连接词

2、conjunction of propositions ─── 命题的合取

3、correlative conjunction ─── 关联连词

4、conjunction of digraphs ─── 双图的并合

5、concessive conjunction ─── 让步连接词

6、negative conjunction ─── 否定连词

7、track conjunction ─── 轨道联结; 轨道连结点

8、pseudo conjunction ─── 假拟连接结构

9、conditional conjunction ─── 条件合取

10、conjugate conjunction ─── 共轭相合[契合]

11、subordinate conjunction ─── 从属连词

12、sentence conjunction ─── 句连(接)词

13、conjunction of the comparative ─── 比较连词

14、coordinating conjunction ─── 并列[对等]连词

15、superior conjunction ─── 【天】上合

16、temporal conjunction ─── 时间连词

17、disjunctive conjunction ─── 转折[反意, 区分]连词

18、suppositive conjunction ─── 假定连词

19、pronoun conjunction ─── 代连词

20、adversative conjunction ─── 转折连词

conjunction 习惯用语

1、in conjunction with ─── 和...一道, 结合

conjunction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Logically the elastic model investigations can proceed in parallel with and in conjunction with theoretical analyses. ─── 在逻辑上弹性模型试验能够与理论分析平行并可同时进行。

2、Because' is a causal conjunction. ─── because一词是表示原因的连接词.

3、An unusual conjunction of circumstances led to the incident. ─── 各种情况的偶然巧合导致了这件事的发生。

4、He undertook the research in conjunction with colleagues at Wroclaw University, Poland. ─── 他是与波兰弗罗克劳大学的同行们共同进行这项研究的。

5、GROUPING is the T-SQL aggregate function that works in conjunction with ROLLUP in the body of a GROUP BY clause. ─── GROUPING是一种T-SQL聚合函数,它与ROLLUP一起工作于GROUP BY子句的主体中。

6、The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise. ─── 低通货膨胀与低失业的同时出现是一大惊喜。

7、To encourage this new eating habit, the company used samples and demonstrations in conjunction with a heavy advertising campaign. ─── 为了培养这种新的早餐习惯,该公司发动了强大的广告攻势,同时开展了样品品尝和示范活动。

8、Vendors can use these settings in conjunction with the XML configuration file. ─── 供应商可将这些设置与XML配置文件一起使用。

9、He managed a store in conjunction with his relative. ─── 他与亲戚共同经营一家商店。

10、In conjunction with the toasty oak flavours, it provides for a smooth finish. ─── 单宁结构紧密,余香极长。

11、They are used in conjunction with some ad banners and text links to determine marketability. ─── 他们习惯于与一些广告横幅、文本链接确定销路。

12、A natural protein in human blood serum that participates in the body's immune response by working in conjunction with the complement system. ─── 备解素,血清灭菌蛋白血清中与防御素协同参与身体的免疫反应的人体血液的天然蛋白

13、This is catalyzed by a transaminase enzyme in conjunction with the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. ─── 催化这个反应的酶是氨基转移酶,其上连接有磷酸吡哆醛作为辅酶。

14、As such it is deduced, it can only be the conjunction of the symbolic with a real of which there is nothing more to be expected. ─── 真理要体现成为一种绝对知识,只有当象徵符号界与真实界完全弥合,中间不再有任何罅隙存在,才有可能。

15、Configurations. In most cases, the server will be used in conjunction with a web server. ─── 一般情况下,可以与网页服务器配合使用。

16、Recession or low growth in conjunction with high inflation rates. ─── 在高通货膨胀率的同时衰退或低增长。

17、Webinar series by AAM, in conjunction with the book publication, Feb to May. ─── 下面的连结是由美国博物馆协会举办的网路线上研讨会,内容与本书相关,时间自二月到五月。

18、Do not use a comma to join two coordinate clauses; use a comma and a conjunction, or a semicolon. ─── 两个并列句不能用逗号连接,应使用连词。

19、The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto shows amazing reserves of tenacity and self-discipline. ─── 土星与冥王星的合相显示出令人惊奇的坚强意志及自我管制的保留态度。

20、The adversative conjunction but. ─── 反意连词但是

21、Can you join the two sentences with a conjunction? ─── 你能用连接词把这两个句子连接起来吗?

22、This is an odd conjunction. ─── 这是一个奇怪的组合。

23、The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques. ─── 催眠分析和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用

24、Use this test in conjunction with the Fuel Pump Pressure Test and Fuel Pump Capacity Test. ─── 与油泵压力测试和油泵容量测试一起进行该测试。

25、One of the seven revolving astrological celestial bodies that in conjunction with the stars are believed to influence human affairs and personalities. ─── 命运星辰七个涉及占星术的天体之一,它与恒星一起被相信能影响人类事务和人的性格

26、All of the drawing methods of the Graphics class work in conjunction with a Pen object. ─── Graphics类的所有绘制方法与Pen对象共同工作。

27、Do not use this water heater in conjunction with a spa or hot tub. ─── 不要把热水器直接与按摩浴缸或热浴缸直接连接。

28、As well as is a conjunction which is used regularly in English language. ─── as well as是英语中常用的一个连接词。

29、The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry. ─── 在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。

30、Two or more sentences may be joined together by a conjunction. ─── 两个或两个以上的句子可以用连词连接。

31、The VGA connects the conjunction computer the display, diagram to resemble the accuracy higher. ─── VGA接口连接电脑显示器,图像精度更高。

32、Use wayfinding and sign systems in conjunction with these kiosks for the most effectiveness. ─── 为了便于人们找到它们,可以在同时安放指路牌标志或者周边地图等。

33、Allows the user to run the wizard in autorun mode. This can only be used in conjunction with batch mode. ─── 允许用户以自动运行模式运行向导。这只能跟批处理模式一起使用。

34、The cause of the accident is the conjunction of technical and managerial factor. ─── 事故的原因是技术因素和管理因素共同造成的。

35、The pilot could then call in ground attack aircraft operating in conjunction with him to attack those troops. ─── 试点,然后请在地面攻击飞机的配合攻击他的部队。

36、When" in "I will come when I can" is a subordinating conjunction. ─── 在“I will come when I can”中,“when”是从属连词。

37、Does replication work in conjunction with clustering? ─── 复制是否可与聚类分析一起进行?

38、Though is a concessive conjunction. ─── though 是让步连接词。

39、IL-4 in conjunction with IL-13 signals the switch from IgM to IgE antibodies. ─── IL-4和IL-13转导信号使产生抗体的类型由IgM变为IgE。

40、For maximum results, use it in conjunction with your medicine. The fever might be gone in a day or two. ─── 为得到最大效果,和药结合起来使用,一两天后就会退烧。

41、A severe illness in conjunction with the hot weather made him so weak. ─── 一场重病再加上炎热的天气致使他的身体如此虚弱。

42、Alternatively, or to be used in conjunction with special end sections, peaked roof conversion kits may be used on all "A" framed structures. ─── 此外,或将要使用的特殊路段配合年底达到高峰,屋顶转换装置,可在所有“A”的框架结构中使用。

43、A special issue of the WMO Bulletin will be issued in conjunction with the Year during 2003. ─── 《世界气象组织简报》将结合2003 年国际年出版一期特刊。

44、Provides a safe way to implement multithreading in conjunction with user-interface objects. ─── 为结合用户界面对象与多线程处理提供了一种安全方法。

45、A severe illness in conjunction with the hot weather has left the baby very weak. ─── 一场重病,再加上炎热的天气,使这个婴儿非常虚弱。

46、A Sun Saturn conjunction will be located at 14 Leo and Neptune will be at 18 Aquarius. ─── 太阳土星契合将位于14狮子星座并且海王星将是在18宝瓶星座。

47、They were about nine feet tall, had scaly skin with an aqua cast, which changed from blue to green in conjunction with two seasonal cycles each year. ─── 他们大概是九英尺高,拥有有鳞的身体,带有浅绿色的脱落物,在每年的季节转变中会从蓝色变成绿色。

48、Fibre Channel can be used in conjunction with existing LAN technologies such as Ethernet and ATM. ─── 光纤通道可与现有的局域网技术(如以太网和ATM)一起使用。

49、Venus and Saturn are in conjunction on July1. ─── 在七月一号这一天金星和土星将会很近。

50、The conjunction of heavy rains and strong winds caused flooding. ─── 大雨和大风加在一起造成了洪水泛滥。

51、He opened a store in conjunction with his relative. ─── 他和一个亲戚合开了一家商店。

52、August 26th A Venus Saturn conjunction will be less than one degree from opposed to Neptune. ─── 8月26日金星土星契合将是少于一度从反对海王星。

53、The CMC practice is to begin any prevention work as soon as feasible and in conjunction with the investigation. ─── CMC采用的方法就是尽早展开防贪研究,并与调查行动互相配合。

54、The relationship between the components of a conjunction. ─── 复合命题中分子句间的关系

55、SOP software should provide for conjunction, ease of deployment, mobility, security, and availability. ─── SOP软件应该具有联合性、易部署性、移动性、安全性和可用性。

56、How can I make my transfer conjunction? ─── 外宾: 我怎样中转呢?

57、Textbooks are designed to be used in conjunction with classroom teaching. ─── 教科书被设计成与课堂教学配合使用。

58、Conjunction may also occur between two planets, or between the moon and a planet or the moon and the sun. ─── 下合。除内行星外,行星与行星之间,行星和月球和太阳之间也有合的现象。

59、Work in conjunction with area sales force to ensure well execution. ─── 与区域内零售团队一起,确保各项活动得以执行。

60、Use conditionals, templates, and attributes sets in conjunction with attribute generation. ─── 在生成属性时使用条件、模板和属性集。

61、Delivery extensions work in conjunction with subscriptions. ─── 传递扩展插件可以与订阅协同工作。

62、Or, to build a list of two or three elements, you can use cons in conjunction with first and rest to simulate list and append. ─── 或者,若要构建包含两个或三个元素的列表,可以将cons和first、rest一起使用,来模拟list和append。

63、Conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry. ─── 在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。

64、Operating or acting in conjunction with another. ─── 共同行动和别人联合共同操作或行动

65、The makepipe utility tests the integrity of the network Named Pipe services, in conjunction with readpipe. ─── makepipe实用工具与readpipe一起使用,测试网络命名管道服务的完整性。

66、One of the components of a conjunction. ─── 合取支合取式的一个命题

67、S. 10 AB was originally designed in conjunction with the technical tyre division of Messrs.Dunlop Rubber Co.Ltd. ─── S.10AB型)最初设计用于邓禄普公司的技术配套中,来检测轮胎帘线在精确温度控制下的收缩率情况。

68、Most cursors can be used in conjunction with the query processor. ─── 大多数游标都可以与查询处理器结合使用。

69、A word, such as a conjunction, that connects words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. ─── 关联词连接单词、词组、从句和句子的词,如连结词

70、Written in conjunction with a leading edge naturopath from Australia. ─── 书面联同一个 领先naturopath来自澳大利亚。

71、In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last. ─── 在一系列三个或以上的名词以单一个连接词连结时,除了最后一个名词外,每个名词之后需以逗号分隔。

72、An auxiliary device, such as a printer, modem, or storage system, that works in conjunction with a computer. ─── 外部设备辅助设备,如与计算机连接工作的打印机、调制解调器或存储系统

73、If PHP can manipulate COM objects, can we imagine to use MTS to manage components resources, in conjunction with PHP? ─── 如果PHP可以操纵COM对象,那么可以设想结合PHP用MTS来管理组件资源吗?

74、Monitor Direct Selling Budget and Expenses in conjunction with Department Manager. ─── 协助部门经理管理直接销售预算和支出。

75、Can you join two words with a conjunction? ─── 你能以连接词连接两字吗?

76、She opened a store in conjunction with her friend. ─── 她和朋友合开了一家店。

77、Organize orientation/induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager. ─── 协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训。

78、Work in conjunction with brand team to develop KA marketing activities to ensure brand development in accounts. ─── 与品牌经理合作,制定主要客户的市场活动,以达成品牌发展目标。

79、The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program. ─── 本系统是为与文字处理软件配合使用而设计的。

80、FIRST and TOP should be used only in conjunction with an ORDER BY clause to ensure consistent results. ─── FIRST和TOP只能与ORDER BY子句联合使用,以确保获得一致的结果。

81、Can also be useful in conjunction with XML response data. ─── 与XML响应数据结合时也会有用。

82、Does replication work in conjunction with log shipping and database mirroring? ─── 复制是否可与日志传送和数据库镜像一起进行?

83、Sleeves can also serve as an original-packing guarantee in conjunction with a perforation feature. ─── 套标经打孔装置打上孔后,亦可作为正品包装的标志。

84、Manufacturing plants are established abroad, in conjunction with supporting marketing system. ─── 制造工厂以及与之相适应的推销网正在国外建立。

85、"When" is a temporal conjunction. ─── "when"是一个时间连接词。

86、The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form (abbreviate SAT problem) is an NP_complete problem. ─── 合取范式可满足性问题(简称SAT问题)是一个NP完全问题。

87、When is a temporal conjunction. ─── when是一个时间连接词。

88、Discovery tools work in conjunction with asset management tools. ─── 发现工具与资产管理工具配合使用。

89、"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. ─── “这个联合是一个及广大的军事组织,和一个大的武器工业,它在美国的经历中是全新的。






sbar分别代表子句(Subordinate Clause)和标记词(Subordinating Conjunction)的组合。



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