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08-15 投稿


ceramic 发音

英:[s?'r?m?k]  美:[s?'r?m?k]

英:  美:

ceramic 中文意思翻译



ceramic 词性/词形变化,ceramic变形


ceramic 短语词组

1、ceramic adhesive ─── [化] 陶瓷粘合剂; 陶瓷胶粘剂

2、acid-resistant ceramic pump ─── [化] 耐酸陶瓷泵

3、ceramic base sand ─── [机] 陶瓷基砂

4、ceramic colour ─── [化] 陶瓷颜料

5、ceramic colour(ant) ─── [化] 陶瓷彩料

6、ceramic dual in-line package ─── [计] 陶瓷双列直插式封装

7、ceramic coating ─── [化] 陶瓷涂层

8、ceramic color(ant) ─── [化] 陶瓷彩料

9、ceramic amplifier ─── [电] 陶瓷放大器

10、ceramic casting ─── [机] 陶模铸造法

11、acid-resistant ceramic slurry pump ─── [化] 耐酸陶瓷砂浆泵

12、anti-acid ceramic equipment ─── [化] 防腐陶瓷设备

13、ceramic core ─── [机] 陶瓷心型

14、ceramic capacitor ─── [电] 陶瓷电容器

15、anti-acid ceramic mechanical sealing ─── [化] 耐酸陶瓷机械密封

16、ceramic cap ─── [计] 陶瓷帽

17、acid-resistant ceramic jet pump ─── [化] 耐酸陶瓷喷射泵

18、acid-resistant ceramic pipeline ─── [化] 耐酸陶瓷管道

19、ceramic color ─── [化] 陶瓷颜料

ceramic 相似词语短语

1、ceramist ─── n.陶艺家,陶瓷技师

2、carbamic ─── adj.氨基甲酸的

3、keramics ─── 喀拉米斯

4、ceramal ─── 陶瓷金属;合金陶瓷(等于cermet)

5、ceramics ─── n.陶瓷工艺;陶瓷制品

6、ceramide ─── n.[生化]神经酰胺

7、keramic ─── adj.[陶瓷]陶器的

8、aceramic ─── adj.没有陶器的

9、cineramic ─── 骨灰

ceramic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Foshan 2002 International Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramic Art. ─── 2002佛山国际现代陶艺邀请展。

2、Special part in metallurgy,chemical,glass,ceramic industries,etc. ─── 冶金、化工、玻璃、陶瓷等工业窑炉的特殊部位。

3、It was the first to bear ceramic plates, making it a best vender. ─── 5年前,他毕业于某大学中文系,一直从事代写工作。

4、Born in 1931; lives in Seto; member of Seto Ceramic Art Association. ─── 1931年生。住濑户市。系濑户陶艺协会会员。

5、Ceramic injection molding of nonplastic slurry of water base is introduced too. ─── 并介绍了水基非塑性浆料的注射成形新工艺。

6、Foshan Shunde Lehua Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. ─── 佛山顺德区乐华陶瓷洁具有限公司

7、You can also use wooden or ceramic pots. ─── 你也可以使用木质或陶瓷盆。

8、Other special materials include ceramic rolling bearing components. ─── 其他特殊材料包括陶瓷滚动轴承组件。

9、An artistic or decorative ceramic vessel of any shape. ─── 壶,罐任何形状的艺术性或装饰性陶制器皿

10、Nantong Zhuangming Fine Ceramic Co., Ltd. ─── 南通庄明精细陶瓷有限公司。

11、We can breathe an ancient and fantastic chinese ceramic culture. ─── 我们可以感受古老而奇异的中国陶艺文化。

12、Taiwan's president in return handed Beijing's envoy a ceramic vase depicting orchids before both sat down together for a group photo. ─── 马英九回赠北京特使一个上面绘有兰花的陶瓷瓶。然后,双方坐在一起拍了一张合照。

13、A new type of alumina ceramic passed this test. ─── 一种新型氧化铝管通过了这个测试。

14、Foshan Desal Ceramic Co., Ltd. ─── 佛山德赛陶瓷有限公司

15、Use some glue to stick the ceramic tiles together. ─── 加一些墙面胶,把瓷砖和墙面贴合在一起。

16、Shandong: GuoTeng Functional Ceramic Material Co. Ltd. ─── 山东:国腾功能陶瓷材料有限公司。

17、It makes a classification for multitudinous ceramic products. ─── 它对诸多的陶瓷制品作了分类。

18、Effect of Porous Hydroxyapa tite Ceramic Arti ficial Bone on Culture Cells. ─── 多孔型羟基磷灰石陶瓷人工骨对培养细胞影响的研究

19、A narrow band ceramic filter with capacitor network. ─── 一种带电容网络的窄带陶瓷滤波器。

20、Our old ceramic sewer pipes collapsed a couple of years ago. ─── 我们家的古老的陶制下水管几年前爆裂了。

21、Just a week ago, the European commission has just announced on imports from China's ceramic tile anti-dumping investigation. ─── 就在一周前,欧盟委员会刚刚宣布对从中国进口的瓷砖发起反倾销调查。

22、Mireof strong dint Ceramic tile gum. ─── 强力瓷砖胶。

23、We'll now look at another ceramic which is made from mixing sand with minerals and heating to over 600 degrees Celsius. ─── 现在我们来看看另一种陶瓷,它是由沙子和矿物质混合,再加热到600多摄氏度制成的。

24、Inset ceramic piece in filar guide is used for yarn breaking. ─── 导丝器上嵌入陶瓷件,避免纱线刮断。

25、Design of broadband piezoelectric ceramic receiver. ─── 宽带化压电陶瓷受话器的设计。

26、Comparison of compressive strength:Ceram. ─── 压缩强度比较,Ceram.

27、It's detailed with soft scrolls and an ornate ceramic disk. ─── 它有柔软的卷轴和一个绚丽的瓷托盘。

28、It is widely used in ceram, building material and many other aspects. ─── 在陶瓷、建筑材料以及许多其它方面具有广泛的应用。

29、Packages canbe plastic, ceramic, Cer- DIP, or other type. ─── 封装类型可以是塑料型、瓷型、瓷双列直插型或其它类型。

30、Buying production line of Ceramic. ─── 伊朗客户求购陶瓷生产线。

31、The use of reticulated ceramic foam filters is often a very effective method to minimize casting inclusion defects. ─── 介绍通过网状泡沫陶瓷过滤器来减少铸件中夹杂物缺陷的原理和效果。

32、Participant in The New Ceramic Presence, Fine Arts Gallery, U.B.C. ─── 参加英属哥大美艺画廊的新陶瓷展。

33、We will seek for superexcellent and create wealthy ceramic culture constantly. ─── 企业将为自己的目标不断进步而奋斗、追求卓越,创造富有的陶瓷文化。

34、Specialists now debate over whether the kiln was meant for ceramic or lime production. ─── 专家目前意见不一,未知该窑状构筑物是用来制陶还是制造石灰。

35、Typical use : ceramic kilns, wide heat treat furnaces etc... ─── 典型应用:陶瓷窑炉,宽热处理炉等。

36、Packages canbe plastic, ceramic, Cer-DIP, or other type. ─── 封装类型可以是塑料型、陶瓷型、陶瓷双列直插型或其它类型。

37、Spindle support on ceramic balls bearings at oblique contact for high speed. ─── 为确保高速,采用陶瓷滚珠轴承与主轴斜向接触。

38、Develop new ceramic material for electronic ceramic component. ─── 为电子陶瓷原器件开发新的陶瓷材料。

39、Shanghai China Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. ─── 上海中陶卫浴有限公司。

40、Tangshan Monopy Ceramic Co., Ltd. ─── 唐山梦牌瓷业有限公司

41、The lamp is often made from ceramic, glass or marble with a small container for water that is heated by a tea light candle. ─── 小虫往往都是从陶瓷、玻璃或大理石与水就是一个小型集装箱加热茶蜡烛光。

42、K 30 C0G ceramic powder for sintering in reducing atmosphere. ─── K 30 C0G瓷粉,适于在还原性气氛中烧结。

43、Beijing Tianxing Ceramic Composite Material Co., Ltd. ─── 北京天兴陶瓷复合材料有限公司。

44、The differentia with it and the biggest ceramic tile is, piece bigger. ─── 它与瓷砖最大的不同点是,片更大。

45、Baotou Jingniu Glass Ceramic Co., Ltd. ─── 包头晶牛微晶股份有限公司。

46、Adopt ceramic pump to fill high precision, large range of adjusting dosage. ─── 性能特点:采用容积式陶瓷泵罐装、精度高、调节剂量范围大。

47、You may buy some similar ones at the ceramic shop. ─── 您可以在陶器店买到类似的。


49、Cast ceramic mold under vacuum. ─── 在真空环境下倒陶瓷模。

50、Tangshan Huida Ceramic Group Co., Ltd. ─── 唐山惠达陶瓷集团股份有限公司

51、F. bandpass ceramic filters, possibly with additional stages of I. ─── F.带通陶瓷过滤器,可能以I.

52、What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile? ─── 什么叫瓷砖的色差?

53、Our product is nanosized safe ceramic metal thermal insulation membrane. ─── 我们的产品全称:纳米陶瓷金属安全隔热膜。

54、There is a ceramic shop in the Arcade. ─── 商店街中有一家陶器店。

55、Multilayer Varistors or MLV's are tiny ceramic chips terminated on each end. ─── 多层变阻器或MLV是接在每个末端的小型陶瓷片。

56、An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas near Ceram. ─── 安汶岛印度尼西亚东部岛屿,位于塞拉姆附近的穆卢卡斯

57、Ceramic whisker reinforced ceramic matrix composites. ─── 将陶瓷晶须弥散在陶瓷基体内,起增强改善材料性能的复合材料。

58、RF CO2 laser ceramic substrate scriber[J]. ─── 引用该论文 侯廉平,陈陪峰,陈清明.

59、XRD, SEM and EDS are also used to analyze the ceramic powder. ─── XRD、SEM和EDS分别用于分析和观察抗茵粉体的晶相结构、形貌及其元素成分.

60、Here the vision system of the robot for spraying ceramic glaze is discussed. ─── 介绍了在自动施釉生产线中机器人视觉系统的设计。

61、Drilling ceramic tile requires a speical bit. ─── 在瓷砖上钻孔需要特殊的钻头。

62、You may buy some similar ones at the ceramic shop in the Arcade. ─── 您可以在商店街的陶器店里买到类似的东西。

63、The circular ceramic pieces contain a stylized "longevity" character. 7. ─── 图7:剪黏工人正在屋顶上为脊尾添华饰。

64、The invention uses cheap, clean silicon powder as raw material, the product looks like one dimensional, easy to strength ceramic toughness. ─── 本发明方法使用廉价环保的硅粉为原料,所得产物形貌是一维的,易于加强陶瓷的韧性。

65、Ceramic Technology. Antique ceramics. Ceramic lamps. ─── 工艺陶瓷.仿古陶瓷.陶瓷灯.

66、Comparison of depth of curing:Ceram. ─── 固化深度比较,Ceram.

67、Levinson L M. Ceramic Bull, 1989; 68(4) :866. ─── 周东祥等.半导体陶瓷及应用.武汉,华中理工大学出版社,1991.

68、A painting, photograph, or a ceramic ase represent [sic] final solutions. ─── 一幅画、一张照片,或是一件瓷器花瓶都已经是最终的答案。

69、She put the roses in a white ceramic pot on the table. ─── 她把玫瑰插在桌子上的一个白色陶罐中。

70、The interior is ceramic and features a rotating turntable. ─── 内部是陶瓷制的,还有一个转盘。

71、Two dragons frolicking with a pearl and other large ceramic objects. ─── 双龙戏珠等许多大型陶瓷。

72、Longitudinal impedance calculation of coated ceramic vacuum chamber at HLS[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王琳,徐宏亮,尚雷,王相綦,李为民.

73、Develop new type electronic ceramic component. ─── 开发新型电子陶瓷原器件。

74、Electroplate saw is used for cutting marble and ceramic, etc. ─── 产品说明:电镀锯片可用于大理石,陶瓷等材料的切割。

75、Our corporation has engaged in ceramic production for many years . ─── 我们公司从事陶瓷生产多年。

76、A ceramic is often broadly defined as any inorganic nonmetallic material. ─── 陶瓷通常被概括地定义为无机的非金属材料。

77、The Special Ceramic CO., LTD of The Tangshan Ceramic Group. ─── 唐山陶瓷外贸。

78、Dynamic performance of a ceramic bearing spindle unit is studied in this paper. ─── 对陶瓷轴承主轴单元的动态性能特点进行了实验研究。

79、Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials K.K. ─── 圣徒-格贝恩陶瓷材料K.K。

80、Specialize in manufacture ceramic housing for power semiconductor devices. ─── 专业生产大功率半导体器件用陶瓷管壳。

81、For use in glaze,engobe,sanitary ware ceramic body blen ... ─── 内容简介: 适用于釉料,化妆土与高级陶瓷坯体原料。

82、Cadmium contained in the cadmium oxide of a thick film ceramic substrate. ─── 厚膜陶瓷基质的氧化镉中所含的镉。

83、Taihu region is one of the Chinese ceramics bases, of which the world-famous Yixing clay teapot is produced by Yixing's ceramic manufacturers. ─── 太湖地区是中国陶瓷生产基地之一,举世闻名的宜兴陶土茶壶就是由宜兴的陶瓷生产厂家生产的。

84、Tangshan Everson Ceramic Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ─── 唐山远威陶瓷制造有限公司

85、Overall, we are piezo ceramic element huge fans of this book. ─── “谢有机玻璃天谢地,你终于醒了。

86、Yixing Haldenwanger Fine Ceramic Co., Ltd. ─── 宜兴海登皇格精细陶瓷有限公司。

87、Study on Electronic Ceramic Materials. ─── 几种电子陶瓷材料的研究与思考。

88、The XRD result shows that the main crystalline phase of the ceramic is mullite. ─── 射线衍射分析结果表明,材料的主晶相为莫来石。

89、over half of those ships were carrying cargo stored in large ceramic jars, many of which were preserved largely intact on the ocean floor. ─── 这些船只中有一半以上装载着储存在大型陶瓷罐子里的货物,其中许多罐子被完好无损地保存在海底。

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