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08-15 投稿


greengage 发音

英:[?ɡri?nɡe?d?]  美:[?ɡri?nɡe?d?]

英:  美:

greengage 中文意思翻译



greengage 短语词组

1、greengage berry wine ─── 青梅酒

2、greengage definition greengage ─── 定义

3、greengage cyanide ─── 绿计氰化物

4、greengage plum jam with honey ─── 蜂蜜青梅酱

5、greengage plums where to buy ─── 青梅李子在哪里买

6、greengage pie ─── 格林盖奇派

7、greengage plum ─── [网络] 绿色李子

8、greengage extract honey spoon greengage ─── 萃取物蜂蜜勺

9、greengage summer book ─── 格林盖奇暑期读物

greengage 词性/词形变化,greengage变形


greengage 相似词语短语

1、green bags ─── 律师;律师行业

2、greengages ─── n.青梅

3、reengage ─── 重新啮合;重新接入

4、re-engage ─── 重新啮合;重新接入

5、green algae ─── 绿藻类

6、green alga ─── [植]绿藻

7、preengage ─── 预紧

8、re-engages ─── 重新接合

9、re-engaged ─── 重新接入;重新啮合

greengage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Development of greengage tonic wine ─── 青梅补酒的研制

2、If produce greengage vinegar 1000 tons one year, the sales income could reach 2 0 million, and gain profit 12 million. ─── 以年产青梅调味香醋1000吨计,新增产值达2000万元,创利润1200万元。

3、Greengage wine and greengage base construction and development project ─── 青梅酒及青梅基地建设开发项目

4、Research on the Production of Greengage Jam ─── 青梅果酱工艺研究

5、non-enzymatic browning of greengage juice was restrained more remarkably by vacuum concentration than by normal pressure concentration; ─── 减压浓缩较常压浓缩明显抑制了非酶褐变的发生;


7、Greengage:Let's be in love. ─── 青梅:我们恋爱吧。

8、Keywords Greengage bittern;Waste water;Ultrafiltration;Reverse osmosis;Membrane filtration; ─── 梅卤;废水;超滤;反渗透;膜分离;

9、Keywords greengage juice;non-enzymatic browning;sodium erythorbate; ─── 青梅汁;非酶褐变;异抗坏血酸钠;

10、The path went on through an orchard of peach, pear, plum, greengage, nectarine and other trees, all laden with ripening fruit. ─── 小径继续穿过一片果园,桃树、梨树、李树、青梅、油桃和其他果树,全都缀满了正在成熟的果实。

11、gage | greengage ─── 青梅

12、Perilla greengage jam is made according to the principle of food process. The main raw material is perilla and greengage. ─── 紫苏梅酱以紫苏、青梅为主原料,配以其它辅料,加工研制而成。

13、Greengage Black Tea ─── 梅子红茶

14、Greengage:Ha ha, you good good lovely oh.Ising not my hair Dia is me to can not help worrying you. ─── 青梅:呵呵,你好好可爱喔。不是我发嗲,是我对你放心不下。

15、Using greengage as the raw material, the juice yield could improve 12% by the enzymatic hydrolysis technology. ─── 以适宜成熟青梅为原料,采取酶解技术,提高出汁率12个百分点;

16、Any of several varieties of plum, such as the greengage. ─── 变种的梅子多种梅子中的一种,例如青梅子

17、Keywords greengage;development;reseacrh;nutrition;current status; ─── 青梅;利用;研究;营养;问题;

18、a greengage tree ─── 青梅子树

19、Keywords half-fermentation technology;greengage;greengage wine; ─── 半发酵工艺;青梅;青梅酒;

20、nonenzymatic browning of greengage juice was restrained more remarkably by vacuum concentration than by normal pressure concentration; ─── 减压浓缩较常压浓缩明显抑制了非酶褐变的发生;

21、Research on the Production Techniques of Greengage Wine and Its Non-biological Stability ─── 梅酒生产工艺和非生物稳定性的研究

22、is the greengage flowering yet? ─── 青梅是否正在花开?

23、Study on the Technology of Half-fermentation in the Production of Greengage Wine ─── 半发酵青梅酒的生产技术研究

24、Greengage : Ha ha, you good good lovely oh. Ising not my hair Dia is me to can not help worrying you. ─── 青梅:呵呵,你好好可爱喔。不是我发嗲,是我对你放心不下。

25、Technology Optimization of Acetic Acid Fermentation of Greengage Vinegar ─── 青梅果醋醋酸发酵工艺的优化

26、The nutritive values of greengage, the current status of its development, the existing problem and the solution are all discussed in the paper. ─── 介绍了青梅的营养价值,开发利用的现状以及现阶段开发利用中存在的问题及解决措施。

27、Finally compounds the greengage tonic wine,in the liquor includes 0.15% amino acid and Vitamin C,nutrition ingredient and so on polysaccharide. ─── 最后配制成青梅补酒,酒中含有0.15%的氨基酸和维生素C、多糖等营养成份。

28、Greengage had high nutritional and medicinal value and preparation of greengage jam seemed to be a good way for the development of greengage resource. ─── 青梅是我国的一种特色资源,有较高的营养价值及药用价值,有待于很好地开发利用,而青梅果酱正是其中的一种好方法。

29、Greengage:Man not Ye, that is too the vegetables;The man is pretty good, woman not love. ─── 青梅:男人不拽,那是太菜;男人不坏,女人不爱。

30、Greengage wither, Chikuma old, and I fell in love with someone like you. ─── 青梅枯萎,竹马老去,从此我爱上的人都很像你。

31、greengage juice ─── 青梅汁

32、Process of perilla greengage jam ─── 紫苏梅酱的工艺技术

33、Lang ride bamboo hobby horse to get around the bed, greengage! ─── 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅!

34、Perilla greengage jam is made according to the principle of food process. ─── 紫苏梅酱以紫苏、青梅为主原料,配以其它辅料,加工研制而成。

35、The greengage nods to say with smile: "The maidservant definitely takes Ms. Zhi's words. " ─── 青梅点头笑道:“奴婢一定带去侄小姐的话。”

36、Hence, the scoundrel harassed my greengage again, the greengage was touched of cry.Greengage and bamboo hobby horse, now got formal sublimate! ─── 于是,歹徒没有再侵扰我的青梅,青梅感动的哭了。青梅和竹马,现在得到了正式升华!

37、Using greengage as the raw material, the juice yield could improve 12% by the enzymatic hydrolysis technology. ─── 以适宜成熟青梅为原料,采取酶解技术,提高出汁率12个百分点;

38、Techniques forcing greengage to give high yield and quality ─── 青梅优质丰产栽培技术

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