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collagen 发音

英:['k?l?d?(?)n]  美:['kɑl?d??n]

英:  美:

collagen 中文意思翻译



collagen 短语词组

1、collagen peptide ─── 胶原蛋白肽

2、fibrillar collagen ─── 纤维胶原

3、collagen helix ─── 胶原三股螺旋

4、collagen family ─── 胶原蛋白家族

5、microfibrillar collagen ─── [医]微原纤维胶原

6、collagen sugar ─── [医] 胶原糖, 甘氨酸

7、collagen disease ─── [医] 胶原 ─── [疾]病

8、collagen fibre ─── 胶原纤维;骨 ─── 胶纤维

9、collagen cream ─── 胶原蛋白霜

10、collagen fibril ─── 胶原原纤维

11、lyophilized collagen ─── [化] 冻干胶原

12、collagen gene ─── 胶原蛋白基因

13、collagen fiber ─── 胶原纤维

14、collagen thesaurismosis ─── [医] 胶原沉着病, 硬皮病

15、modified collagen fiber ─── [化] 变形胶原纤维

16、intracellular collagen ─── 细胞内胶原

17、collagen fibrils ─── [医] 胶原纤维

18、collagen disorder ─── [医]胶原(代射)障碍

19、denatured collagen ─── 变性胶原

collagen 词性/词形变化,collagen变形

形容词: collagenic |

collagen 相似词语短语

1、collagenic ─── adj.胶原的;产生胶原的

2、collaging ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

3、collate ─── vt.核对,校对;校勘

4、collaret ─── n.针织领圈,项圈

5、collaged ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

6、collages ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

7、collated ─── v.核对(不同来源的信息);整理(文件等);收集并组合(文本);检验(印张顺序);授予(牧师)有俸圣职(collate的过去式和过去分词)

8、collage ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

9、collared ─── adj.有领圈的;成卷的

collagen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Super Collagen is enzymatically processed into its amino acid form with a very low molecular weight, which can be utilized 100% by the body. ─── 超级胶原蛋白是酶加工成的氨基酸形成一个非常低分子量,可被人体利用100%。

2、The molecular component of a collagen fiber, consisting of three polypeptide chains coiled around each other. ─── 原胶原(蛋白)胶原纤维之组成分子,由三条互相盘绕在一起的多肽链组成

3、The percentage of collagen staining area in ATD group was less than the other two groups ( P

4、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, red ginseng, saffron, chamomile, vitamin E, levorotatory VC, collagen etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、红参、藏红花、洋甘菊、维他命E、左旋VC、胶原蛋白等。

5、Collagen in the skin of fast complement. ─── 快速补充皮肤中的胶原蛋白。

6、Ingredients: Squalane, essence from creme, HA from tremella, and hydrolyzed collagen, etc. ─── 成份:角鲨烷、乳酪精华、银耳透明质酸、水解胶原蛋白等。

7、Type III collagen is one main type of IMC, which is encoded by Col3a1(collagen type III alpha 1 gene). ─── III型胶原是IMC的主要类型之一,其编码基因为Col3a1(Collagen type III alpha 1 gene)。

8、Ingredients: Essence from Hamamelidaceae, cerasomes, HA from tremella, and hydrolyzed collagen, etc. ─── 成份:金缕没提取液、神经酰胺脂质体、银耳透明质酸、水解胶原蛋白等。

9、Assists with bone and collagen formation. ─── 帮助骨骼和胶原蛋白形成。

10、Ingredients:Elderflower essence、Witchhazed extract、Collagen protein etc. ─── 主要成份:接骨木花精华、金缕梅、胶原蛋白等。

11、Amino acids, algae, Spirulina, bone collagen, hyaluronic acid, and so on. ─── 份:氨基酸、海藻、螺旋藻、骨胶原、透明质酸等。

12、The molecular component of a collagen fiber,consisting of three polypeptide chains coiled around each other. ─── 原胶原(蛋白)胶原纤维之组成分子,由三条互相盘绕在一起的多肽链组成

13、A protein similar to collagen that is the principal structural component of elastic fibers. ─── 弹性蛋白与胶原白相似的一种蛋白质,是形成弹性纤维的主要成分

14、In the skin, GHK Copper Peptides help to: 1. Stimulate Collagen Formation, diminishing fine line... ─── 发布者:尹桂兰所在地:四川成都市行业:精细化学品职位:业务主管工作年限:五年以上

15、Scientists at Hiroshima University inserted human collagen genes into the DNA of silkworm eggs. ─── 广岛大学的科学家把人的胶原基因加入到蚕卵的DNA中。

16、For example, this type of yoghurt, which contains collagen, is clearly labeled as being unsuitable for vegetarians. ─── 像是瓶含胶原蛋白的优格很明显就是荤的。

17、Ingredient and function: Rosemary, Hyaloplasm acid, Collagen, Coconut oil. ─── 成分功效:迷迭香、透明质酸,胶原蛋白,椰子油等。

18、In fact, Elastin is as important as Collagen because sagging skin also affects your outlook. ─── 其实,弹性蛋白也相当重要,因为对抗衰老除了要解决皱纹外,皮肤松弛问题亦不可忽略。

19、The capsule and septula were consisted of loosely arranged collagen fibrils. ─── 囊和隔由疏松排列的胶原细纤维构成。

20、Contains collagen ,lychee essence ,allantoin ,rose essence & so on. ─── 主要成份: 蕴含胶原蛋白、荔枝精华、尿囊素、玫瑰精华等。

21、Ingredients: vegetal botulinum, placenta essence, HA, ceramide, collagen. ─── 成份:植物肉毒杆菌、胎盘素、玻尿酸、神经酰胺、胶原蛋白。

22、The animal experiments suggest the new, all-collagen vessels are capable of lasting at least a year without noticeable deterioration. ─── 动物实验表明,新型全胶原蛋白的血管有能力至少维持一年而没有明显恶化。

23、The sea cucumber has a type of collagen in its skin capable of excreting or absorbing more water effectively changing from a liquid to a solid. ─── 海参的肌肤内有一种胶原质,能有效排出或者吸收更多水,在液态和固态之间转换。

24、Ingredient: Aweto, Microelement, switch Hazel, Collagen. ─── 主要成分:冬虫草,熊果苷.原胶质。

25、Results There were multiple layers of the cells and much collagen on FDB before the impaction. ─── 压缩后即刻,冻干骨与冲击器接触的外表面基本无细胞存在,剖开面可见细胞片状掀起,碎片多;

26、In this paper, bone collagen extraction, isolation, purification and its main property characterization are reviewed. ─── 对动物骨胶原蛋白的提取、分离纯化及主要性能研究现状进行了综述。

27、Centella Asiatica is said to have a stimulating effect on collagen production and cellular growth. ─── 依兰有平衡皮脂的功能,积雪草就是促进胶原蛋白产生了。

28、Ingredients: arbutin, liquorices extract, green tea extract, collagen etc. ─── 成分:熊果苷、甘草提取液、绿茶精华、胶原蛋白等。

29、The stromawas thicken and collagen fibers were edema and hyperplasia. ─── 基质增宽,胶原纤维增生、水肿。

30、Ingredients: hamamelis extract, hydrolyzed protein, collagen, whitening factor, squalane, lotus flower extract etc. ─── 成份:金缕梅提取物、水解蛋白、胶原蛋白、多美白、角鲨烷、莲花提取液等。

31、Unlike collagen injections, hyaluronic acid injections do not include an anesthetic agent. ─── 与胶原注射一样,透明质酸注射剂不包括麻醉剂。

32、Super Collagen is neutral in taste and specially formulated in an easy to take powered form. ─── 超级胶原蛋白是中立的,特别的口味在一个易于参与制定供电形式。

33、When skin collagen is damaged, it leads to skin wrinkles and sagging. ─── 当皮肤中的胶原被破坏,将会让皮肤松弛和下垂。

34、Outer it is the network that forms by collagen fasciculus, be linked together with arachnoid Xiaoliang. ─── 外层是由胶原纤维束组成的网,与蛛网膜小梁相连。

35、Ingredients: Hydrolyzed collagen, HA, arbutin, and essence from balsam pear, etc. ─── 成份:水解胶原蛋白、透明质酸、熊果苷、苦瓜提取液等。

36、Pepsin-soluble collagen(PSC) was extracted from scales of grass carp(Ctenopharyndogon idellus) by pepsin. ─── 利用胃蛋白酶从草鱼鱼鳞中提取酶溶性胶原蛋白(PSC)。

37、Ingredients: Essence from green tea, HA from tremella, hydrolyzed collagen, and cerasomes, etc. ─── 成份:绿茶提取物、水解胶原蛋白、银耳透明质酸、神经酰胺脂质体等。

38、When skin is injured the weave-like structure of collagen fibers, the skin's glue, is destroyed. ─── 一旦受伤,皮肤的胶原纤维组织及胶质均会遭到损伤。

39、It is composed mainly of bundles of interlacing pink collagen. ─── 它主要由成束相互交织的粉红色胶原纤维组成。

40、Ingredient: Helichrysum, collagen synthesizer and silk fibroin etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、胶原蛋白多肽、丝素蛋白、维他命、绿茶精华。

41、At the frozen storage of 90 days, some of collagen micro-fibrils in stoma showed intumescence. ─── 冷冻90d时,基质中部分胶原微纤维肿胀;

42、Collagen metabolism being out of control is an important factor in CSU. ─── 在慢性皮肤溃疡发病过程中胶原代谢失常起着至关重要的作用。

43、Ingredients: Collagen, essence from chamomile, honey, HA from tremella, etc. ─── 成份:胶原蛋白、洋甘菊提取物、蜂蜜、银耳透明质酸等。

44、Contrary to the case of the polyanion-polycation interaction, the latter seems to induce the denaturation of collagen. ─── 相反的阴离子案件阳离子相互作用,后者似乎诱导胶原变性。

45、Main ingredients:Civetdurian,lemon,pawpaw leaven,collagen,vitaminC and etc. ─── 主要成份:榴莲、柠檬、木瓜素、胶原蛋白、维生素C等。

46、Moroccan rose protoplasm, frankincense extracts essence, HA, collagen. ─── 成分:浓缩摩洛哥玫瑰原生质、乳香萃取精华、HA、胶原蛋白。

47、Activation of HSC is the main step of formation of collagen. ─── HSC活化是产生胶原的关键环节。

48、Collagen and reticular fibers were observed in theca of growing and vesicular follicles and atretic follicles. ─── 在生长卵泡、囊状卵泡及相应闭锁卵泡的卵泡膜中均见到了胶原纤维和网状纤维。

49、Helps to produce collagen, promoting healthy teeth and soft bone tissue. ─── 协助生产胶原质、促进牙齿及骨骼软骨组织健康。

50、As the matter of fact, collagen cannot be added to the skin topically. ─── 事实上,胶原蛋白无法局部生成皮肤。

51、Ingredients: Botanical collagen, amino acid, marine ossein, herbal extract. ─── 主要成份:植物胶原质、氨基酸、海洋骨胶原、草本精华等。

52、Reinforces collagen fibres, firms support tissues and reshapes. ─── 强化胶原纤维及结缔组织,营造曲线美。

53、The epithelioid cell participated the contraction of collagen fibers in epiretinal membrane. ─── 其视网膜表面膜组织中,以上皮样细胞为主介导胶原纤维的收缩。

54、MMP1 is an enzyme that degrades collagen, a protein found in bone and cartilage. ─── MMP1是一种可以降解胶原的酶,而胶原是一种存在于骨骼和软骨的蛋白质。

55、The physical strength of paper can be enhanced by appending propriety collagen. ─── 在植物纤维中添加适量的胶原纤维可以较大地提高纸页的强度性能。

56、Ingredients: Lotus extract, Saxifrage, Thyme cream, Whitening factor, hydrolyzed collagen, etc. ─── 成份:莲花萃取物、虎耳草、百里香精华、美白因子、水解胶原蛋白等。

57、There may be irregular dissection of collagen bundles by vessels. ─── 可有血管分割的不规则胶原束。

58、Aloe powder, VE, glycerine, silicone oil and collagen. ─── 成份:芦荟粉、VE、甘油、硅油、胶原蛋白。

59、Activates fibroblasts in the dermal layer to secrete collagen, inmroving aging problem caused by sunlight. ─── 可激活真皮层中纤维母细胞,分泌胶原蛋白,改善因阳光所形成的老化问题。

60、Ingredients: Vitamins, collagen hydrolysate, plant whitening essences and etc. ─── 成份:维生素,水解胶原蛋白,植物美白精华等。

61、Collagen of the heart was stained by sirius red to observe the effects of the drugs on myocardial fibrosis. ─── 天狼星红胶原染色大鼠的心脏切片,观察药物干预对心肌纤维化的影响。

62、The group of enzymes capable of degrading collagen under physiological conditions are the collagenases. ─── 在生理条件下能降解胶原的一组酶是胶原酶。

63、Our collagen is porcine collagen comes from Dayi zoology hoggery. ─── 我们的胶原蛋白来自大邑生态养殖区的猪。

64、Collagen fibers appear in the wound. ─── 在伤口中出现了胶原纤维。

65、PTF light penetrates into derma and stimulates fibroblast to produce new collagen and elastic fibres. ─── 平滑修复光能穿透真皮,可刺激纤维母细胞产生新的胶原蛋白及弹力纤维。

66、Ingredients : Aqua, Collagen, Cucumber, Chamomile, Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Squalene. ─── 成份:海底胶原、小黄瓜、甘菊、玻尿酸、芦荟、甘油、鲨烯。

67、The mechanism of NUE works to loose the collagen fiber and the reason of grain looseness are talked. ─── 同时就本文浸灰酶NUE对胶原纤维松散的机理和制革中造成松面的原因作了简要分析。

68、It incorporated proline directly, and hydroxylated it subsequently in a manner reminiscent of collagen. ─── 它直接将脯氨酸并入,并且随后象骨胶那样使它羟基化。

69、Ingredients: deep sea fish oil, collagen, hamamelis, olive leave extract. ─── 成分:深海鱼胶油、胶原蛋白、金缕梅、橄榄叶翠取液。

70、Ingredients: vitamin A, AFGF, collagen protein, natural nutritious activated ingredients. ─── 成份:维生素A、AFGF、胶原蛋白、天然营养活性成份。

71、Ingredients: HA from tremella, Hydrolyzed collagen, coenzyme Q10, and cerasomes, etc. ─── 成份:银耳透明质酸、水解胶原蛋白、辅酶Q10、神经酰胺脂质体等。

72、PMPs generated in vitro using ADP or collagen were detected as positive controls,and the method systemically evaluated. ─── 以二磷酸腺苷(ADP)及胶原诱导血小板活化后释放的PMPs作为阳性对照。 同时检测不同保存时间血小板血浆中PMPs的释放量。

73、Primary sequences of collagen I-XVIII and differences between the various types of collagen. ─── 丝蛋白质的主要序列,以及短胜肽序列重复的重要性。

74、Main Compositions: Rose essence, hydration collagen, pecan oil, moisturizing factor. ─── 主要成份:玫瑰精华、水合胶原蛋白、山核桃油、保湿因子。

75、Ingredients: Cypress extracts, Geranium extracts, Collagen, Vitamin. ─── 成份:丝柏树精华,天竺葵精华,离子水,活化氧份。

76、This collagen is highly hydrated and it forms a gel that has water-like properties. ─── 这种胶原蛋白是高度水合的,它形成了一种凝胶,有水一样的性质。

77、Ingredient: High quality gooseberry acid, plant whitening factors, vitamins, collagen. ─── 主要成分:优等奇异果果酸,新鲜牛乳精华,植物美白,维他命群,胶原蛋白。

78、Ingredient: Placenta, microelement, hyaluronic acid, switch hazel, collagen. ─── 主要成分:羊胎素,微量元素,透明质酸,波尿酸,胶原蛋白。

79、Ingredients: Cerasomes, coenzyme Q10, collagen, and HA from tremella, etc. ─── 成份:神经酰胺脂质体、辅酶Q10、胶原蛋白、银耳透明质酸等。

80、The silica induces a fibrogenic response by macrophages to produce the nodular foci of collagen deposition. ─── 巨噬细胞吞噬二氧化硅诱发纤维组织增生,产生胶原纤维沉积结节。

81、Ingredient: Helichrysum, collagen synthesizer and micro-liposome etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、胶原蛋白多肽、微油脂质体、弹力素。

82、It also moisturizes skin, increases collagen and stimulates cell production. ─── 它还能使皮肤保持湿润,增加胶原和刺激细胞的增殖。

83、Main ingredients: NMF , activity collagen, proteins, hyaluronic acid, vegetable essence. ─── 成份:天然保湿因子,活性骨胶原,透明质酸,植物精华

84、Skin should contain elastin as well as collagen. ─── 应包含皮肤弹性,以及胶原蛋白。

85、Good-bye, collagen? There seems to be a better way to get full lips like a movie star! ─── 再见了,胶原!现在好像有更好的方法让你拥有跟电影明星一样丰满的嘴唇。

86、Efficacy: strengthen the skin collagen fibre and anti-oxidation, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging. ─── 功效:收紧眼周肌肤,强化肌肤胶原纤维和抗氧化机制,改善老化现象,重塑眼周青春完美状态。

87、Collagen is an essential and major component of muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels. ─── 胶原蛋白是构成肌肉,肌腱,软骨,韧带,骨骼,牙龈,牙齿,眼睛和血管的必不可少的重要组成部分。

88、Among their findings was that both samples featured the nanoscale periodic banding patterns that are characteristic of collagen fibrils. ─── 在他们的研究结果中,在纳米水平呈现周期性带状模式的木乃伊与现代人的皮肤样本都具有胶原原纤维的特征。

89、The heart was excised rapidly, the left ventricle was weighed and then subjected to collagen content analysis. ─── 天狼星红染色分析心肌胶原形态与含量;

collagen cream是什么意思?

collagen cream_百度翻译

collagen cream

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