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08-15 投稿


endodermal 发音

英:  美:

endodermal 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 内胚层的


endodermal 短语词组

1、endodermal groove ─── 内胚层沟

2、endodermal cell ─── 内胚层细胞

3、endodermal tumor ─── 内胚层肿瘤

4、endodermal initial ─── 内胚层起始

5、endodermal cytoplasm ─── 内胚层细胞质

6、endodermal layer ─── 内胚层

7、endodermal cells ─── 内胚层细胞

8、endodermal sinus ─── 内胚层窦

9、endodermal epithelium ─── 内胚层上皮

10、endodermal sheet ─── 内胚层片

11、endodermal sinus tumor ─── 内胚窦瘤

12、endodermal def ─── 内胚层def

13、endodermal tube ─── 内胚层管

14、endodermal cloaca ─── [医] 内胚层性泄殖腔

15、endodermal buds ─── 内胚层芽

endodermal 词性/词形变化,endodermal变形

异体字: entoderm |形容词: endodermal |

endodermal 相似词语短语

1、endoderm ─── n.[胚]内胚层;内皮层;下胚层

2、endodermic ─── adj.内皮的

3、exodermal ─── 外皮

4、endoderms ─── n.[胚]内胚层;内皮层;下胚层

5、endodermis ─── n.内皮

6、ectodermal ─── adj.[胚]外胚层的

7、endothermal ─── adj.吸热的

8、entodermal ─── 内胚层

9、endometrial ─── adj.[解剖]子宫内膜的

endodermal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objectives To describe the clinical characteristics and the role of chemotherapy in endodermal sinus tumor of the vagina. ─── 目的探讨阴道内胚窦瘤的临床特点及化疗效果。

2、The endoderm is covered by a band of the continual stone cells whose cells are individually thickened on the five walls.The central column occupies a major proportion in the cross section of root. ─── 根内皮层细胞五面强烈加厚,内皮层外侧为连续的石细胞带,中柱在整个横切面上占的比例较大;

3、Successive section sees endoderm has exfoliate phenomenon. ─── 连续切片见内皮层有剥脱现象。

4、Endodermal sinus tumor; Tomography; Xray computer; Diagnosis. ─── 内胚层窦瘤;体层摄影术,X线计算机;诊断。

5、any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops ─── 指任何可生长成内胚层的胚胎分裂球

6、primordisl endoderm cells ─── [医] 原内胚层细胞

7、Clinical Significance of Determination of Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein in Monitoring Endodermal Sinus Tumors of Ovary ─── 血清甲胎蛋白测定在卵巢内胚窦瘤的临床应用

8、Objective To summarize the clinical character,treatment and prognosis of adult testis endodermal sinus tumor. ─── 目的:总结成人睾丸内胚窦瘤的临床特点、治疗方法和影响预后的因素。

9、primordial endoderm cell ─── 原内胚层细胞

10、In terms of arrangement patterns of endodermal cells and thickening mode of Casparian strips, two types could be identified among the leaves of ten genera. ─── 根据内皮层细胞排列模式和凯氏带加厚程度,我们将松科的10属分成两大类。

11、Methods Fifteen children with mediastinal tumours were studied retrospectively. There were neuroblastoma (NS, 5), ganglioneuroma (3), Schwannoma(1), thymoma (2), teratoma (2), lymphangioma (1) and endodermal sinus tumour (EDST 1). ─── 方法 15 例小儿纵隔肿瘤, 其中神经母细胞瘤5 例, 神经节细胞瘤3 例, 神经鞘瘤1 例, 胸腺瘤及畸胎瘤各2 例, 淋巴管瘤和内胚窦瘤各1 例。

12、Through a step-wise differentiation protocol modeled after pancreatic development, we have generated pancreatic endoderm progenitor cells from human embryonic stem cells. ─── 我们将该人胚胎干细胞来源的胰腺祖细胞植入小鼠,有效生成了对葡萄糖有反应的内分泌细胞。

13、liver of Alligator sinensis was formed by the endodermal epithelia invigilated from the edge of foregut door and by surrounding mesoderm during early stages of pre-natal development. ─── 扬子鳄肝脏由早期胚胎前肠门边缘内陷的内胚层上皮和脏壁中胚层组织共同发育形成。

14、endodermal sinus carcinoma ─── 内胚窦癌

15、3.An endodermal sinus tumor (yolk sac tumor) of the testis is shown composed of primitive germ cells that form glomeruloid or embryonal-like structures. ─── 睾丸的内胚层窦肿瘤(卵黄囊肿瘤)由原始生殖细胞构成,这些细胞形成血管球或胚芽样结构。

16、A Novel Amphioxus Gene sfy 1 Expressed in Developing Pharynx and Gut Endoderm ─── 文昌鱼sfy1基因的克隆及其在早期发育中的表达

17、Mesenchymal stem cell cultured in vitro adheres to the wall and diplays the fibro-like phaenotype and differentiates to the cells of endoderm、mesoderm、ectoderm under certain condition. ─── 在体外培养时,细胞贴壁生长,呈成纤维样细胞表型,在一定条件下可分化内胚层、中胚层和外胚层细胞。

18、Keywords Child;Testicular neoplasms/diagnosis;Endodermal sinus tumor/diagnosis;Diagnostic errors; ─── 关键词儿童;睾丸肿瘤/诊断;内胚层窦/诊断;误诊;

19、endodermal sinus tumor (Yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma) ─── 内胚窦瘤(卵黄囊瘤, 胚胎性癌)

20、tumor endodermal sinus ─── 内胚窦瘤

21、The phosphatases are weakin the fertilized ovum and morula but increase considerably during blastocystformation and differentiation of ectoderm and endoderm.... ─── 据现在所知,磷酸酶和核蛋白的形成及能的利用有关,所以观察胚胎的磷酸酶的改变和分布对于发生问题当可有进一步的认识。

22、endoderm disk ─── [医] 内胚层盘

23、Conclusions: Endodermal sinus tumor is a malignant germ-cell tumor that usually involves the gonadal tissue.Primary extragonadal sites occur rarely, and include the orbit. ─── 结论:内胚窦瘤是一种恶性生殖细胞肿瘤,常常使生殖腺组织受累,包括眼眶在内的其他部位和少发生。

24、Between the ectoderm and endoderm is mesoderm, which forms the muscles, reproductive organs, blood vessels and excretory organs. ─── 在外胚层和内胚层之间是中胚层,它形成肌肉、生殖腺、血管和排泄器官。

25、The Clinical Marker Significance of AFP Value in Endodermal Sinus Tumor ─── AFP值在内胚窦瘤临床的标记意义

26、Other modifications include the uneven thickening of guard cells, the sieve plates in phloem, the suberization of endodermal cells, the waterproof coverings of epidermal and cork cells. ─── 此外还有其他的一些修饰形式,包括不均匀的加厚保卫细胞和韧皮部中的筛板,内皮细胞的栓化等。

27、retroperitoneal endodermal sinus tumor ─── 腹膜后内胚层窦瘤

28、Objective To study the CT manifestation of testicular endodermal sinus tumor in childhood. ─── 目的提高对小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤CT表现的认识。

29、primary endoderm ─── 原内胚层

30、Histology admiral is corneal by before divide backward it is 5, go up namely cerebral cortex, before bounce layer, matrix layer, hind bounce layer and endoderm. ─── 组织学上将角膜由前向后分为5层,即上皮层、前弹力层、基质层、后弹力层及内皮层。

31、endoderm lamella ─── 内胚层板

32、endoderm disc ─── 内胚层盘

33、Endodermal sinus tumor arises from the primitive germ cells or Polyderivative embryonic cells. ─── 内胚窦瘤来源于原始生殖细胞或多源性胚胎细胞,常发生于卵巢、睾丸。

34、Objective To study the CT manifestation of testicular endodermal sinus tumor in childhood. ─── 目的提高对小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤CT表现的认识。

35、These cells are known as endodermal cells. ─── 这些细胞称为内胚层细胞。

36、It is considered that they may originate frommultipotential differentiation of the subendocardiac multipotential mesenchyamal cells, with some of themhaving the charcaters of endodermal cells. ─── 并对心脏粘液瘤的组织发生进行了讨论,认为肿瘤可能源于心内膜下多能性间叶细胞的多向性分化,有的亦有产生内胚层细胞特征的能力。

37、An individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer. ─── 胖型体质者内胚层体型者,指以相对明显突出的腹部及其它由内胚房发展而来的身体柔软部分均较明显隆起的人

38、endodermal blastomere ─── 内胚层裂球

39、The endoderm will form the epithelial lining of the digestive system and its glands, the lining of the respiratory tract down to the alveoli, the epithelium of the bladder and urethra. ─── 内胚层的分化:分化为消化管、消化腺、呼吸管道、肺以及中耳、甲状腺、甲状旁腺、胸腺、膀胱等器官的上皮。

40、Objective To summarize the clinical character, treatment and prognosis of adult testis endodermal sinus tumor. ─── 目的:总结成人睾丸内胚窦瘤的临床特点、治疗方法和影响预后的因素。

41、Objective to summarize the clinical character, treatment and prognosis of adult testis endodermal sinus tumor. ─── 摘要目的:总结成人睾丸内胚窦瘤的临床特点、治疗方法和影响预后的因素。

42、The resulting gastrula consists of an outer ectoderm, an inner endoderm, and a mesoderm layer positioned between them. ─── 最终原肠胚由一个外肠胚,内肠胚,和一个中肠胚构成。

43、Methods Clinical and CT data in sixteen cases of testicular endodermal sinus tumor in children were retrospectively reviewed. ─── 方法回顾性分析16例经手术病理证实的小儿睾丸内胚窦瘤的临床和CT资料。

44、Keywords Endodermal sinus tumor;Carcinoma;embryonal;Mediastinum; ─── 关键词内胚窦瘤;胚胎性癌;纵隔;

45、Three cases w ith endodermal sinus tumor died of metastasis. ─── 3例内胚窦瘤术后均死于肿瘤广泛转移。

46、extraembryonic endoderm ─── 胚外内胚层

47、Keywords testis;cryptorchidism;endodermal sinus tumor;immunohistochemistry; ─── 睾丸;隐睾;内胚窦瘤;免疫组织化学;

48、endodermal cloaca ─── [医] 内胚层性泄殖腔

49、endodermal cyst ─── 内胚层囊肿

50、primitive endoderm ─── 原始内胚层

51、yolk sac endoderm ─── 卵黄囊内胚层

52、derived from two embryonic germ layers,the ectoderm and the endoderm;used of lower invertebrates,such as sponges and coelenterates ─── 来源于两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的,用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物

53、Early Embryonic Process and Molecular Mechanisms of Endoderm Development in Zebrafish ─── 斑马鱼早期内胚层发育及其分子调控机制

54、Endoderm is divided into the digestive system, respiratory epithelial tissue and the gland, bladder, vagina and vestibular lower section and so on. ─── 内胚层则分化成消化系统、呼吸系统的上皮组织及有关的腺体,膀胱、阴道下段及前庭等。

55、Casparian strip was frequently regarded as a specific structure of tracheophyta, which appeared as a lignified and suberized narrow zone encircling the radial and transverse walls of the endodermal cells. ─── 凯氏带(Casparian strip or Casaprian band)是维管植物根内皮层的一种特有结构,其主要特征是在内皮层细胞的初生壁上,围绕细胞径向壁和横向壁的木质和栓质的带状结构。

56、The middle embryonic germ layer,lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm,from which connective tissue,muscle,bone,and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. ─── 中胚层中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统。

57、HGF could promote the differentiation of ESC into endoderm, and more likely into myocardium. ─── HGF可促进ESC向内胚层进一步分化,但更可能诱导其向心肌分化。

58、allantoic endoderm ─── 尿囊内胚层

59、Any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops. ─── 内胚层指任何可生长成内胚层的胚胎分裂球

60、Woodbury D.Reynolds K.Black IB Adult bone marrow stromal stem cells express germline,ectodermal,endodermal,and mesodermal genes prior to neurogenesis 2002 ─── 牛朝诗.李健.傅先明.汪业汉骨髓间质干细胞的分离培养及向神经细胞分化的研究[期刊论文]-立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志2004(2

61、endoderm cancer ─── 内胚癌

62、Objectives To describe the clinical characteristics and the role of chemotherapy in endodermal sinus tumor of the vagina. ─── 目的探讨阴道内胚窦瘤的临床特点及化疗效果。

63、endoderm cell ─── 内胚层细胞

64、yolk endoderm ─── 卵黄内胚层

65、Surgery and pathology revealed endodermal cyst. ─── 手术及病理显示为内皮囊肿。

66、endodermal phagocyte ─── 内胚性吞噬细胞

67、Conclusions Endodermal sinus tumor of vagina in infant was very sensitive to the chemotherapy. ─── 结论小儿阴道内胚窦瘤对化疗很敏感,无需再行根治性手术和放疗。

68、Pancreatic endoderm derived from human embryonic stem cells generates glucose-responsive insulin-secreting cells in vivo. ─── 人胚胎干细胞产生的胰腺内层可在体内产生对葡萄糖产生反应的胰岛素分泌细胞.

69、an individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer ─── 以相对明显突出的腹部及其它由内胚房发展而来的身体柔软部分均较明显隆起的人

70、These epithelial elements arise embryologically from foregut endoderm in the process of bronchial tubular growth ─── 这些表皮细胞在胚胎学上把源于支气管生长过程中的前内脏叫内胚层。

71、endodermal groove ─── 内胚层沟

72、endodermal cell with casparian strip ─── 具有凯式带的内皮层细胞

73、An embryo at the stage following the blastula,consisting of a hollow,two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore. ─── 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围着通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠。

74、Keywords Ovarian endodermal sinus tumor;Chemotherapy;Recurrence; ─── 卵巢内胚窦瘤;化疗;复发;

75、Endodermal sinus tumor of testis ─── 睾丸内胚窦瘤

76、Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are total potent stem cells, which have properties of prolonged multiple-propagation in vitro, can differentiate into ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. ─── 摘要胚胎干细胞是具有在体外无限扩增且可向外、中、内三胚层分化的全能干细胞。

77、endodermal intradural cyst ─── 硬膜内内胚层囊肿

78、endodermal sinus tumor of ovary ─── 卵巢内胚层窦瘤

79、These congenital lesions arise from abnormal separation of the endoderm and neuroectoderm during embryogenesis. ─── 这些先天性的异常是因为再胚胎发育时,内胚层与神经外胚层不正常的分离所造成的。

80、An embryo at the stage following the blastula, consisting of a hollow, two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore. ─── 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围着通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠

81、2. The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. ─── 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物收藏指正

82、The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. ─── 中胚层中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统

83、Objective To study the CT manifestation of abdominal endodermal sinus tumor in childhood. ─── 目的提高对小儿腹部内胚窦瘤CT表现的认识。

84、endodermal sinus tumor ─── 内胚层窦瘤, 内胚窦瘤(卵黄囊瘤)

85、Conclusions Endodermal sinus tumor of vagina in infant was very sensitive to the chemotherapy. ─── 结论小儿阴道内胚窦瘤对化疗很敏感,无需再行根治性手术和放疗。

86、Woodbury D, Reynolds K, Black IB.Adult bone marrow stromal stem cells express germline, ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal genes prior to neurogenesis.J Neurosci Res 2002;69(6):908-17 ─── 徐如祥,戴宜武,姜晓丹,等.成年骨髓间质干细胞体外诱导分化神经细胞的研究[J].中华神经外科疾病研究杂志,2002,1(1):63-7

87、Electron microscopy disclosed fewer microvilli and pinocytotic invaginations on the apical surface of endoderm cells.Signs of apoptosis were also found. ─── 卵黄囊发育障碍与胚胎发育迟缓及畸胎发生率存在相关关系。

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