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08-15 投稿


symphony 发音

英:['s?mf(?)n?]  美:['s?mf?ni]

英:  美:

symphony 中文意思翻译



symphony 词性/词形变化,symphony变形

名词复数: symphonies |

symphony 短语词组

1、composing of symphony ─── 交响乐的创作

2、a bit symphony ─── 一点交响乐

3、Eroica Symphony ( ─── 贝多芬的)(即)

4、symphony orchestra n. ─── 交响乐团

5、Dallas Wind Symphony ─── 达拉斯管乐团

6、Toy Symphony ─── 玩具交响曲

7、choral symphony ─── 合唱交响乐; ─── 合唱交响曲

8、Lyric Symphony (Zemlinsky) ─── 抒情交响曲(泽姆林斯基)

9、symphony orchestras ─── 交响乐团( symphony orchestra的名词复数 )

10、Bamberg Symphony ─── 班贝格交响曲

11、Vienna Symphony ─── 维也纳交响乐团

12、Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra ─── 巴伐利亚广播交响乐团

13、Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra ─── 广州交响乐团

14、coda symphony ─── 尾声交响曲

15、determination symphony ─── 决心交响曲

16、Hamburg Symphony Orchestra ─── 汉堡交响乐团

17、flanders symphony orchestra ─── 佛兰德交响乐团

18、Symphony Holdings Limited ─── 交响乐控股有限公司

19、dreams of symphony ─── 交响乐之梦

symphony 相似词语短语

1、symphonist ─── n.创作交响乐的人

2、symphonise ─── 交响乐

3、symphonion ─── 交响曲

4、symphonia ─── 中世纪各种乐器

5、symphonize ─── vi.协调;奏出和音

6、symphily ─── 客栖

7、symphonies ─── n.交响曲(symphony的复数)

8、symphonic ─── adj.交响乐的;交响性的;和声的

9、homophony ─── n.同音异义;齐唱

symphony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra. ─── 他是交响乐团中的大提琴手。

2、Do you like Schubert's Unfinished Symphony? ─── 你喜欢舒伯特的<未完成交响曲>吗?

3、Indeed the finale of his Symphony no. 9 can be thought of as a sort of combination of sonata form and theme and variations. ─── 实际上,他的第九交响曲的最后一乐章可以被看作是奏鸣曲式、主题和变奏曲的结合体。

4、He was working,he had told his brother,on a new symphony,his sixth. ─── 他告诉他的兄弟,他正在创作一支新的交响曲,他的第六交响曲。

5、In romantic despair,he wrote a symphony telling the tale of his love. ─── 在自作多情的绝望之中,他写下了一部交响曲来记述他这段恋爱故事。

6、Exclusion to cover up the distance the roar of waterfalls, and the bursts of pines roar, like a symphony, led us into a fairy-tale world. ─── 远处飞瀑排挤掩饰的轰鸣声和着松涛的阵阵呼啸,好像一首交响乐,领着我们走进童话世界。

7、They decide to chant beethoven's symphony no.9 on the mayor's birthday. ─── 他们决定在市长生日那天咏唱贝多芬的第九交响曲。

8、In 1967, I played three concerti with the Toronto Symphony. ─── 一九六七年时,我在多伦多交响乐团举办了三场协奏曲演奏会。

9、The modern day version of the zurna is the oboe, which is a staple of any symphony orchestra. ─── 唢呐的现代版本为双簧管,而双簧管是交响乐团的主要乐器。

10、His next symphony draws on this experience. Harold in Italy is based on Byron's poem Childe Harold. ─── 他的下一部交响曲《哈罗德在意大利》即是取材于这段经历,根据拜伦的长诗《蔡尔德·哈罗德》创作而成的。

11、In romantic despair, he wrote a symphony telling the tale of his love. ─── 在自作多情的绝望之中,他写下了一部交响曲来记述他那一段恋爱故事。

12、Cos'it's a bittersweet symphony this life. ─── 因为生命是一首苦乐参半的交响乐。

13、Barry Tuckwell was principal horn with the London Symphony Or-chestra. ─── 巴里·塔克韦尔是伦敦交响乐团的主号手。

14、I hear that you have a Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening. ─── 听说15号晚上意大利交响乐团要在贵院演奏。

15、He conducts the London Symphony Orchestra. ─── 他指挥伦敦交响乐团。

16、The rhythmical roar of the breakers sounded like a symphony. ─── 击岸浪有节奏的汹涌澎湃的声音,听起来象一首交响乐。

17、Gustav Mahler conducted the premier of his Symphony # 6 in Essen, Germany. ─── 奥地利作曲家,指挥家古斯塔夫-马勒(1860-1911)指挥他的第六交响曲在德国埃森首演.

18、He helped to accouche choral symphony. ─── 他曾帮助创作合唱交响曲。

19、The London Symphony Orchestra broadcasts every Sunday on London Station. ─── 伦敦交响乐团每星期日都在伦敦电台演出节目。

20、The symphony finishes with a flourish. ─── 交响乐在响亮的乐曲声中结束。

21、During which he has assisted and rehearsed many sets of large-scale chorus and symphony works. ─── 在任内曾协助并排练多套大型合唱交响乐作品。

22、Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read. ─── 交响乐乐师不一定能视奏。

23、Mr. Karl plays first violin in these symphony . ─── 卡尔先生在这个交响乐队中担任第一小提琴手。

24、Symphony No. 6 in F major ("Pastoral"), Op. ─── 交响乐团第6号在F大(“田园”),作品。

25、They want the entire universe to orchestrate a new symphony in consciousness. ─── 他们想整个宇宙用意识编写为一新的交响乐。

26、His symphony was laughed off the stage at its first rehearsal. ─── 他的交响曲在第一次预演时就受到嘲笑而不能上演。

27、The troupe's dance performance nicely complemented the symphony's musical program. ─── 剧团的舞蹈表演很好地为交响乐团的音乐节目锦上添花。

28、Carlos Kleiber conducts Brahms Symphony No. ─── 卡洛斯·克莱伯指挥勃拉姆斯第四交响曲。

29、Since I'm a student of classical music, I prefer symphony and orchestra. ─── 因为我是一个学古典音乐的学生,所以我更喜欢交响乐,

30、Reading how our symphony caused you sleepless nights, I felt my heart constricted. ─── 你信中说,我们的交响曲使你连夜不能入眠,我听了不由心痛如绞。

31、The good teacher is like the conductor of the symphony orchestra. ─── 好老师象交响乐队指挥

32、An extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra, essentially a large-scale, complex sonata. ─── 交响乐:为交响乐团谱写的含有三个或多个乐章的一段连续的音乐,尤指大规模的、复杂的奏鸣曲。

33、We are your symphony, Mr. Holland. We are the melodies and the notes of your opus. We are the music of your life. ─── 先生,我们是你的交响曲,我们是你作品的旋律和音符,我们是你生命的乐章。

34、Usually symphony is absolute music . ─── 交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。

35、It also means you will be able to have projects using different versions of symphony, and upgrade them one at a time as you see fit. ─── 这也意味着你将能够使用symfony的项目有不同的版本,其中一个升级的时间在您认为合适的。

36、Its peaks are the symphony and the oratorio. ─── 其顶峰为交响乐和清唱剧。

37、Symphony: the White and Black are harmony and kindhearted! ─── 交响曲:表明白人和黑人和睦充满仁慈!

38、There's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony. ─── 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

39、Next season it even plans to perform a Schumann symphony. ─── 奥菲斯甚至计划在下一季度演奏舒曼的交响曲。

40、Among those records, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is one of my favorites. ─── 在那些唱片中,贝多芬的第五交响曲是我最喜欢的之一.

41、Listened to an engrossing symphony. ─── 听一首引人入胜的交响乐

42、It is much easier to improvise a song than it is to improvise a symphony. ─── 即兴创作一支歌曲比即兴创作一部交响曲要简单得多。

43、He is conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra. ─── 他正在指挥波士顿交响乐队。

44、Today I seem to be flying on wings to the sound of a mighty, magnificent symphony. ─── 在信中,我这样叙说:“这一天,我象在一支雄伟而瑰丽的交响乐中飞翔。

45、Cut out that longhair Mozart Symphony and put on a decent pop record! ─── 关掉那古典的莫扎特交响乐,放一张优雅的流行音乐唱片吧!

46、The symphony is in 4 movements. ─── 全(交响)曲共分四个乐章。

47、"The score was no sooner put upon his desk, than he began to play the symphony in a most masterly manner, " he wrote. ─── 他写道:“乐谱一摆上架,他就开始极其娴熟地演奏起交响曲了。”

48、Also in the programme is Rachmaninov ’ s sweepingly romantic Symphony No.3. ─── 同场更有拉赫曼尼诺夫创作、荡气迴肠的第三交响曲。

49、They act in harmony like unseen instruments in a muddy symphony. ─── 他们的行动协调一致,就像是一支音色重浊的交响乐队中看不见的乐器。

50、They gave an excellent rendition of a Beethoven symphony. ─── 他们将贝多芬的一篇交响曲演译得很优秀。

51、L.Nowak)Symphony No. 8 in C minor, WAB 108 (1887 version;ed.L. ─── C小调第八交响曲,WAB 108(1887年版本,ed.

52、In the fall the woods is a symphony in red, brown and yellow. ─── 在秋天,这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色,棕色和黄色。

53、The orchestra played a Mozart symphony. ─── 乐队演奏了一首莫札特的交响曲。

54、They played over the whole symphony. ─── 他们把这首交响曲完整地弹奏了一遍。

55、The short symphony he composed is really inspiring. ─── 他谱写的这段交响乐,发扬蹈厉令人振奋。

56、Nick is keen to get as many lemur calls as he can for his animal symphony. ─── 它们会爬上树,紧张地向下望。

57、Like the composer of a symphony, he ended by returning to his opening theme. ─── 他像一位交响乐的作曲家一样,最后又回到他开始的主题。

58、He made the piano and t he symphony orchestra more expressive than ever before. ─── 他使钢琴和交响乐队比以前支富于表现力了。

59、There's a wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony. ─── 在交响乐中间有一段美妙的抒情长笛独奏。

60、In a symphony show,an audience may feel a variety of mixed feelings. ─── 在一场交响乐音乐会中, 听众会产生各种复杂的 情怀.

61、A woman may, for instance, want to go to the symphony. ─── 例如,一个女人想去听一场交响乐.

62、Sound is coagulated into the stone, the sound of symphony, the sound of life. ─── 声音凝结在石头中,这是交响乐的声音,生活的声音。

63、Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity. ─── 不排练而直接指挥一部交响乐的首次公演是鲁莽的。

64、It takes special training to compose a symphony. ─── 一个人要有特殊训练才懂得谱写交响乐。

65、The orchestra played Mozart's Symphony No. 35 in D Major. ─── 该管弦乐队演奏了莫扎特D大调第35交响曲。

66、He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony. ─── 他是一位富有变化的艺术家,能从布鲁斯转换到民谣以及雄壮的交响乐。

67、It's Beijing Symphony Orchestra. ─── 北京交响乐团。

68、The Symphony orchestra we're going to hear tonight is one of the best in Europe. ─── 今天我们要听的交响乐团,是欧洲最好的乐团之一。

69、In the fall the woods are a symphony in red,brown and yellow. ─── 在秋天,这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色,棕色和黄色。

70、Behind me, the Washington Symphony Orchestra is playing Mozart's Requiem. ─── 在我身后,华盛顿交响乐团演奏着莫扎特的挽歌。”

71、Barry Tuckwell is principal horn with the London symphony orchestra . ─── 巴里塔克韦尔是伦敦交响乐团的主号手。

72、His symphony that would take the world of music by storm. ─── 他构思的交响乐将受到音乐界的欢迎。

73、Lily: A London Symphony Orchestra concert. ─── 伦敦交响乐团的演出。

74、D'INDY: Symphony sur un chant montagnard Francais, Op. ─── 丹第:法国山歌交响曲,作品二十五。

75、Symphony No. 9 in D minor ("Choral"), Op. ─── 9号交响曲在D小调(“合唱”),作品。

76、That's normal; in symphony, a page is always made of an action and a template. ─── 这是正常的,在symfony中,一个页面总是一个动作和一个模板制成。

77、But Berlioz insisted that it was to be called a dramatic symphony,not a cantata or opera. ─── 但柏辽兹坚持它应当称为“戏剧交响曲”,而不应称为清唱剧或歌剧。

78、She was adopted by a well-placed Bakuran family, and grew to be a musical prodigy, earning a place in the Bakuran National Symphony. ─── 她被一个上流社会的巴库拉家庭收养,长大后成为一名音乐天才,在巴库拉国家交响乐团中赢得一席之地。

79、The symphony then ceased. The Mystery began. ─── 于是,交响曲嘎然停止,圣迹剧开演了。

80、Why does this hazelnut symphony always make me want to dance? ─── 为什么这种含榛果的饮品。总让我想跳舞呢?

81、Symphony even has the hidden meat. ─── 《月下的夜想曲》中甚至还保留有隐藏的肉。

82、The symphony orchestra will be coming. ─── 交响乐团要来了。

83、Please enter during breaks between pieces or intermission of symphony. ─── 交响乐演奏开始后,迟到及因故暂时离开观众厅的观众请您于曲间入场。

84、He was the first jazz clarinetist to play with symphony orchestras. ─── 他是第一个和交响乐团合作的爵士单簧管演奏家。

85、He soon finished writing a symphony. ─── 他很快就谱写成一部交响曲。

86、Plays with a symphony orchestra; is with a publishing company. ─── 在交响乐团内演奏; 受雇于一个出版公司

87、They play over the whole symphony. ─── 他们把整个交响乐重新演奏了一遍。

88、The collector- distributor control system of Symphony Rack DCS of ABB Corp. ─── ABB公司的Symphony Rack DCS集散控制系统是首钢电力厂主要采用的控制系统。 该系统具有开放、友好和稳定的特点。

89、In the fall the woods is a symphony in red. brown and yellow. ─── 在秋天.这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色.棕色和黄色.



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