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parley 发音

英:['pɑ?l?]  美:['pɑrli]

英:  美:

parley 中文意思翻译




parley 网络释义

n. 谈判;会谈vt. 谈判;会谈n. (Parley)人名;(英)帕利

parley 词性/词形变化,parley变形

名词复数: parleys |动词现在分词: parleying |动词过去分词: parleyed |动词过去式: parleyed |动词第三人称单数: parleys |

parley 短语词组

1、parley ocean plastic rope parley ocean ─── 塑料绳

2、parley ocean ─── 帕利海洋

3、parley media ─── 谈判媒体

4、parley ocean plastic parley ocean ─── 塑料

5、parley baer Parley Baer

6、parley website ─── 谈判网站

7、parley baer actor ─── 巴利·贝尔演员

8、parley waverunner parley waverunner ─── 公司

9、parley for the oceans ─── 海洋谈判

10、parley definition ─── 谈判定义

11、parley app social media ─── 社交媒体应用程序讨论

parley 相似词语短语

1、parle ─── v.与……谈话,与……谈判;n.(Parle)(美、爱)帕尔(人名)

2、parled ─── v.与……谈话,与……谈判;n.(Parle)(美、爱)帕尔(人名)

3、parlay ─── vt.使增值;充分利用;连本带利地赌博;n.连本带利的赌博

4、Marley ─── n.马利(姓氏)

5、barley ─── n.大麦;n.(Barley)人名;(英)巴利

6、parsley ─── n.荷兰芹,欧芹;n.(Parsley)人名;(英)帕斯利

7、Harley ─── n.哈利(男子名)

8、parleys ─── n.谈判;会谈;vi.谈判;会谈;n.(Parley)人名;(英)帕利

9、Warley ─── 威利。

parley 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When Mace went to parley with these dissidents, he found himself in the jaws of a trap -- the meeting was a set-up. ─── 当温杜前去与这些退团者谈判时,他发现这次会议是一个精心策划的圈套。

2、b. One Friday morning in San Francisco, Robert Parley, a baby, was sleeping in his bed. ─── 第一种方法:按事件的发生顺序直接讲述故事,并且步步深入。

3、The enemy officer came forward with a white flag to parley with our general. ─── 敌军官举着白旗走过来要和我们司令谈判。

4、Men who smash windows do not remain to parley with the law's minions. They take to their heels. ─── 毁坏窗子的人绝对不会留在现场与法律的宠臣攀谈,早就溜之大吉啦。

5、Mrs Parley was busy with her housework.Suddenly an earthquake rocked the city. ─── 帕利太太在忙着她的家务.突然,一场地震使整个城市都动摇了.

6、Not much longer now, my friend. Come, let us parley first, and then see if we must come to blows. ─── 不会更久了,我的朋友。来吧,我们先和他们谈谈,然后再决定是不是要用武力解决问题。

7、Zehir Not much longer now, my friend. Come, let us parley first, and then see if we must come to blows. ─── 不会更久了,我的朋友。来吧,我们先和他们谈谈,然后再决定是不是要用武力解决问题。

8、Mrs Parley said she left they were in a storm . ─── 帕莉女士说她感到他们就像在大海上的风暴中一样。

9、Our vineyards are located in Nauvoo, IL with one being on Winchester St and the others being on Parley Street on or close to the winery grounds. ─── 我们的葡萄园位于诺伍,白细胞介素是一对温彻斯特街及其他有关帕雷大街上或在接近酒厂理由。

10、Mrs Parley said she felt as if they were in a storm at sea. ─── 帕利夫人说她感觉好像在海上暴风雨中一样。

11、Uther the Lightbringer: Ah, good timing, lad. I sent two of my best knights in to parley with the orc leader. They should be returning shortly. ─── 乌瑟尔.光明使者:哈,来的正好,伙计。我派了我手下最好的两个骑士去和兽族的首领和谈。他们很快就会回来。

12、A: it means a meeting for a parley or discussion. ─── 会谈或讨论的会议。

13、Last month, Libya, always keento play a part, brought regional and international outfits together for a big parley on the crisis. ─── 利比亚一直以来都想在此次冲突中有所作为,并于上个月积聚了其本地及进口武器装备以在此危机上进行一次大型会谈。

14、The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered ─── 如果守军向敌人鸣鼓要求谈判,则意味着快投降了。

15、Lothar is sent to parley with the Orcs at Blackrock Spire. Sir Anduin Lothar is killed in battle with Doomhammer. His second in command, Turalyon kills Doomhammer. ─── 洛萨被送到黑石塔与兽人交涉.领主安度因·洛萨在与毁灭之手的战斗中被杀.他的副手图拉扬杀死了毁灭之手.

16、This hotch-potch of rebels has so far failed to agree to any kind of negotiating position from which to parley with the Sudanese government of President Omar al-Bashir, which has continued to launch lethal attacks against the Darfuris. ─── 到目前为止,龙蛇混杂的叛军组织没能同意任何形式的协商,以作为与奥马尔?巴希尔总统会谈的资本,致使巴希尔总统继续着对达尔福尔地区的人民实行致命的攻击。

17、Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea. ─── 太太说她仿佛是处在海洋的风暴里一样。

18、parley with the enemy ─── 与敌人会谈

19、hold a parley with(the enemy ─── 和(敌方)谈判, 商议

20、That's the one! Parley! ─── 就是这个!谈判!

21、The government is ready to hold a parley at any moment. ─── 政府准备随时谈判。

22、to parley ─── 会商

23、In April of that year, Clark-Kerr, the British ambassador to China, acted as an intermediary between Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese aggressors in arranging a peace parley. ─── 这一年的四月,英国驻华大使卡尔往返于蒋介石和日本之间,企图拉拢中日“议和”。

24、1.to meet; 2.a parley; a contact ─── 会晤

25、But at the same time the Chiang Kai-shek government continued to parley with the Japanese aggressors and even accepted the so-called peaceful settlements they concluded with local authorities. ─── 但就在这时,蒋介石政府仍然同日本继续谈判,甚至接受日本同中国地方当局议定所谓和平解决的办法。

26、The general held a parley with the enemy's leader about exchanging prisoners.English tennis is in a parlous condition.He has a gift for pastiche. ─── 他有模仿他人作品的天赋。

27、After a parley with Yoda, he took Yoda and the Padawan Cal prisoner. ─── 跟尤达进行了一次和谈后,他俘虏了尤达和学徒卡尔。

28、Then be began to parley with me. ─── 然后他开始跟我谈判。

29、I'm sorry Mr. Parley is at meeting now. ─── 很抱歉帕利先生正在开会。

30、beat [sound] a parley ─── (打鼓或吹号)向敌方表示愿意谈判

31、Mrs Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea. ─── 帕利太太说她觉得好像是在海上乘船遇到了风暴似的。

32、Although he excelled in many theatres of war, he was completely oblivious to the subtleties of negotiation and parley. ─── 虽然他在战争方面是优秀于其他人的,他在谈判和会谈中却是个白痴。

33、Mrs Parley called the police on her mobile phone and half an hour later, ─── 帕利太太用手机打电话给警察,半小时之后,

34、hold a parley with ─── 与

35、Mrs Parley called the police on her mobile phone and half an hour later, they climbed to the second floor to get the dog and the baby. ─── 帕利太太用手机报了警,半小时之后,他们爬到二楼把狗和婴儿救了下来。

36、Iago. What an eye she has! methinks it sounds a parley of provocation. ─── 伊阿古她的眼睛多麽迷人!简直在向人挑战。

37、Technically Sollozzo had broken the agreement by bringing him along. But Michael decided not to mention it, knowing they would think he would be afraid to mention it, afraid of ruining the chances for the success of the parley. ─── 索洛佐另找司机开车跟着一同来,从技术上讲算是破坏了协议,但是迈克尔决定对此保持沉默,因为他知道他们怕提这一点,怕毁坏会谈成功的机会。

38、I 'd like to speak to Mr. Parley, please . ─── 我想请帕利先生听电话。

39、The governor was forced to parley with the rebels. ─── 州长被迫与反叛者谈判。

40、"I have not the inclination to parley, " said Mr. Brownlow. ─── “我无意讨价还价,”布朗先生说。

41、parley with one's enemies ─── 与敌人谈判

42、Mrs Parley said she felt as if they were in a storm at sea. ─── 帕利夫人说她感觉好像在海上暴风雨中一样。

43、I'd like to speak to Mr. Parley. ─── 我想要派雷先生听电话.

44、They held a parley with the enemy. ─── 他们和敌军进行商议。

45、a summit parley ─── 政府首脑级会谈

46、Straightway the Captain paused, and, without further question or parley, ─── 上校立刻停止脚步,没有更多的询问和对话,

47、Reed, impatient of my now frantic anguish and wild sobs, abruptly thrust me back and locked me in, without farther parley. ─── 里德太太对我疯也似的痛苦嚎叫很不耐烦,无意再往下谈了,蓦地把我往后一推,锁上了门。

48、l I'd like to speak to Mr. Parley. ─── 我想同帕利先生通话。

49、Considering the practical IR/mmW multisensor system , a parley temporal-spatial group decision-making fusion algorithm can... ─── 实验结果表明算法运算量小,容错性能高,取得了满意的正确识别结果。

50、Speech, especially a conversation or parley. ─── 谈判,商谈尤指讨论或辩论的谈话

51、Parley sage rosemary and thyme ─── 鼠尾草,香菜,迷迭香和百里香

52、The general held a parley with the enemy's leader about exchanging prisoners. ─── 这个将军与这个敌军首领举行了会面商讨交换战俘。

53、From this nothing will turn us.Nothing.We will never parley;we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang. ─── 这一点不仅适用于国家组织,而且适用于那些卑劣的、吉斯林之流的代表人物,他们充当了纳粹制度的工具和代理人,反对自己的同胞,反对自己的故土。

54、The general manager decided to hold a parley with the enemy. ─── 总经理决定和对手谈判,商议。

55、I h*** e not the inclination to parley," said Mr. Brownlow. ─── 我无意讨价还价,”布朗先生说。

56、The family pet, a dog, was asleep on the floor beside the baby's bed. Mrs Parley was busy with her housework. Suddenly an earthquake rocked the city. ─── 家里的宠物,一只狗,正睡在婴儿床边的地板上。帕利太太忙着做家务。突然,地震袭击了这座城市。

57、The officer sent him to parley with the enemy for an exchange of prisoners. ─── 指挥官派他去与敌人谈判交换战俘事宜。

58、Although you want to get along in the parley , I advise you had better keep calm. ─── 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。

59、When warring families wanted to make peace and arrange a parley, the Bocchicchio clan was contacted. ─── 当各交战家族想要讲和,并想安排会谈的时候,就要先同卜启丘家族接洽。

60、He arranged a parley with us. ─── 他安排和我们讲和。

61、beat a parley ─── vi. 击鼓要求休战谈判

62、One Friday morning in San Francisco, Robert Parley, a baby, was sleeping in his bed. ─── 在圣·弗朗西斯科的一个星期五的上午,一个名叫罗伯特·帕利的婴儿正睡在床上。

63、beaten a parley ─── v. 击鼓要求休战谈判

64、arrange/hold a parley with sb ─── 安排和某人讲和.

65、An officer came forward with a white flag to parley with our general. ─── 一位军官手持白旗来和我们的将军谈判。

66、Enough of this parley, ' said the sergeant. 'Light those torches. ' ─── “够了够了,用不着再争执了,”巡官说道,“把火把点起来。”

67、We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang. ─── 我们决不谈判,我们决不与希特勒或其任何帮凶谈判。

68、Mrs Parley tried to climb to the second floor, but she couldn't because she had broken her leg. ─── 帕利太太试图爬到二层楼,但却不能,因为她伤了腿。

69、Then he began to parley with me, said he would make me any reasonable satisfaction. ─── 然后他开始跟我谈判,说他很愿意答应我在合理范围之内的任何要求。

70、a parley between European explorers and representatives of local populations,especially in Africa ─── 交涉,谈判,欧洲探索者与当地人代表的会谈,尤指在非洲

71、1. He arranged a parley with us. ─── 他安排和我们讲和。

72、A parley between European explorers and representatives of local populations, especially in Africa. ─── 交涉,谈判欧洲探索者与当地人代表的会谈,尤指在非洲

73、I'd like to speak to Mr. Parley. ─── 我想要派雷先生听电话。

74、Obsolete A parley between European explorers and representatives of local populations, especially in Africa. ─── 交涉,谈判:欧洲探索者与当地人代表的会谈,尤指在非洲

75、Mrs Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea. ─── 芭里太太说她仿佛是处在海洋的风暴里一样。

76、” But she was too nervous to parley long. ─── 可是她有些心慌,不敢再谈下去了。

77、Through the crevices in the granite he had seen the two young peasants talking with the carbineers, and guessed the subject of their parley ─── 他从石板缝里已看到了这两个青年农民和骑兵在谈话,并且已猜到他们谈话的内容。

78、Hello, is Mr. Parley in? ─── 您好,派雷先生在吗?

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