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08-15 投稿


parlance 发音

英:[?pɑ?rl?ns]  美:[?pɑ?l?ns]

英:  美:

parlance 中文意思翻译



parlance 短语词组

1、in common parlance ─── 照一般的说法 [法] ─── 照一般说法

2、in legal parlance ─── 用法律上的话来说 [法] ─── 用法律术语讲, ─── 用法律上的话来说

3、in rural parlance ─── 用乡里话说

parlance 相似词语短语

1、portance ─── n.举止

2、imparlance ─── n.商议;谈判

3、Ballance ─── n.(Ballance)人名;(英)巴兰斯

4、pastance ─── 逾越

5、parlando ─── adj.说唱形式的,朗诵调的;adv.说唱形式地,朗诵调地;n.语言式乐曲;朗诵调的演出

6、parlances ─── n.说法;用语;语调;发言

7、prance ─── v.昂首阔步;(马)后足立地腾跃;n.昂首阔步;(马)后足立地腾跃;n.(Prance)(美、英、加、澳)普兰斯(人名)

8、valance ─── n.帷幔,挂布;窗帘上部的短幔;n.(Valance)人名;(法)瓦朗斯

9、Balance ─── n.平衡;余额;匀称;vt.使平衡;结算;使相称;vi.保持平衡;相称;抵销;n.(Balance)人名;(西)巴兰塞

parlance 习惯用语

1、in common parlance ─── 俗话说, 照一般说法

parlance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His parlance to"the condition grow worse" more bad impression. ─── 他对“病情变坏”的说法更加反感。

2、If he wasn't entirely happy, he was at least, at last, in therapeutic parlance, true to himself. ─── 就算他的确过得不开心,但是,用治疗语言来讲,他至少对自己是真实的。

3、Recently, the domestic and international expert scholar negated this kind of parlance through an experiment. ─── 最近,国内外的专家学者通过实验否定了这种说法。

4、In simpler parlance, ROE is a measure of how much profit the company can squeeze out of what its shareholders have put in. ─── 简言之,股本回报率是衡量公司能从股东投入的资本中榨出多少利润的指标。

5、Certainly, this kind of parlance although image, not careful. ─── 当然,这种说法虽然形象,但并不严谨。

6、In the fantastic, ancient, popular parlance, which is vanishing day by day, Patron-Minette signifies the morning, the same as entre chien et loup--between dog and wolf--signifies the evening. ─── 在日趋消失的那种怪诞的古老民间语言中,“猫老板”的意思是早晨,正如“犬狼之间”的词义是傍晚。

7、Certainly hang a case concerning this, parlance rather many, mostly is a rabbit Ming gravamen. ─── 当然,关于这件悬案,说法颇多,大多是为兔子鸣不平。

8、In sales parlance this is a ‘trial close’. ─── 用销售用语讲,这叫做“审判结束”。

9、Originally, according to the Russian person's parlance, the wine is bitter, not drink, should become it sweet with the kiss of New appointee. ─── 原来,按照俄罗斯人的说法,酒是苦的,不好喝,应该用新人的吻把它变甜。

10、We all different idea his parlance, say that she will not appear, and ask him with his bet why think she would. ─── 我们都不同意他的说法,跟他打赌说她不会露面,并且问他为何认为她会来。

11、Wang Jingwei and a kind of Parlance about the "Representative Personality" of Nan She ─── 汪精卫与南社"代表人物"说

12、Some scholars think that the congregation of the worshipper of God was the Chinese Christianity.This parlance exaggerates the congregation for the worshipper of God's Christianity color. ─── 摘要有学者认为,拜上帝会是中国化了的基督教,实际上,这夸大了基督教色彩。

13、The other obstacle to change is that colleges and universities are self-regulating or, in academic parlance, governed by peer review. ─── 另一个有待改变的障碍是学院和大学都是自我管理,或用学术说法,由同侪审核来管理。

14、"In insurance parlance, the term"all marine risks"is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in letters of credit." ─── "按保险的说法,""一切海洋运输货物险""条款容易被误解,应避免在信用证中使用。"

15、The term "meta directory" came into industry parlance two years ago. ─── 两年前,商业界开始用“元目录”这个术语。

16、Some pappers figure that the "people foremost" comes from western"egoism",this article denies this kind of parlance. ─── 一些文章认为“以人为本”来自西方的“人本主义”,本文否认此说。

17、In insurance parlance, the term"all marine risks"is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in letters of credit. ─── 按保险的说法,"一切海洋运输货物险"条款容易被误解,应避免在信用证中使用。

18、Still today, in colloquial parlance, FANGBIAN can mean "go to the toilet," and DA4BIAN4 ("great convenience") indicates defecation, while XIAO3BIAN4 ("lesser convenience") signifies urination. ─── 直到今天,“方便”在口语中仍然表示“上厕所”,而“大便”(极大的方便)表示通便,然而“小便”(较小的方便)表示撒尿。

19、The U. S. government is unlikely to do either of these things and therefore, in conventional parlance, is not insolvent. ─── 美国政府不大可能做这些事情,因此用传统的说法,它没有资不抵债。

20、A Munro, in climbing parlance, is a Scottish mountain exceeding 3 000 feet. ─── 芒罗,用登山术语来说,是指超过3 000英尺的苏格兰山峰。

21、In common parlance, being an entrepreneur is associated with starting a business, but this is a very loose application of a term that has a rich history and a much more significant meaning. ─── 从普通意义上讲,企业家与兴办企业有关,但是这只是一个有深远历史意义的词语的泛指。

22、The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying. ─── 这种说法是对间谍行为的常用外交辞令。

23、In computer parlance a mouse can be both the physical object moved around to control a pointer on the screen, and the pointer itself. ─── 用计算机业界的行业术语来说,鼠标既指来回移动以控制屏幕上光标指示器的物理设备,也指屏幕上的光标指示器本身。

24、In telco parlance, AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting, and is an essential telco OSS (Operations Support System) function. ─── 用电信公司的说法,AAA代表鉴权、授权及计费。AAA是电信公司OSS(操作支持系统)的一个重要功能。

25、The religion learn top of parlance:"Origin empty, with everything living to put out to accompany for impermanent mirage.The benefactor take good care of, now farewell.Amitabha!" ─── 宗教学上的说法:"缘起性空,是以一切生灭俱为无常幻象。施主保重,就此告别。阿弥陀佛!"

26、Effect and Standard of the Parlance of Computer Networks ─── 浅论计算机网络用语对现代汉语的影响及其规范

27、But, this parlance makes some sense. ─── 但是,这种说法有一点道理。

28、S.-China bickering over spy planes and trade liberalization.If it works out, it could be - in basketball parlance - the ultimate give-and-go. ─── 与美国父母相比,亚洲父母在孩子的教育中投入了更多的精力和时间,为孩子做出了巨大的牺牲。

29、The proposed $700 billion bailout will apply a temporary "bandaid" to the current dire economic situation, or, to use current parlance, put lipstick on a pig. ─── 国会提议的7000亿美金救援计划将成为经济惨景的一副创可贴,或者用一种流行的说法,给猪描口红。

30、Therefore, we thought the parlance adopted by Si-Ma Qian was a reasonable one. ─── 司马迁沿用其中之一,是经过网罗诸多文献和广泛调查的结果,因而其五帝说的可靠性较强。

31、But in today's parlance, the idea of a “clash of civilisations” has taken on a fresh resonance, and that is presumably why the subtitle was chosen. ─── 但是套一句时下流行的话,“文化的冲突”又重焕生机----这句话不定还是副标题的出处。

32、So, the parlance of "as long as currency the supply doesn't increase, inflation impossibly and without limit continue next go to"(like) is completely correct. ─── 所以,"只要货币供应不增加,通货膨胀就不可能无限制地继续下去"(如题)的说法是完全正确的.

33、In naval parlance, the left side of a ship is the port side ─── "用海军的用语来说,船的左边称为左舷。"

34、In the current parlance they "go gay," or "come out of the closet. ─── 用现在的说法就是他们“成了同性恋,”或“宣称自己是同性恋”。

35、Diplomats frequently take the advantage of diplomatic parlance to announce the outcome of a talk, to answer sensitive questions and to harmonize the diplomatic atmosphere. ─── 外交家们常常运用外交辞令来发表会谈结果、回答敏感性问题以及缓和外交气氛。

36、In simpler parlance, ROE is a measure of how much profit the company can squeeze out of what its shareholders have put in. ─── 简言之,股本回报率是衡量公司能从股东投入的资本中榨出多少利润的指标。

37、On the basis of my own clinical experience,I delivered my humility parlance in the fields of use what my gained from reading to encourage the l... ─── 从读医心得、嘉来学奖后进,名医经验、发前人所未发,日新其用、赋予时代气息,方论方解、拓宽用药视野4个方面结合临床体会,刍言管见。

38、This thesis standardize into five sorts that the parlance of HeZheSa Man division of labour to3,4,5,6,7 sorts in the past. ─── 本文通过史料考证和实地调查,将过去赫哲族萨满分工的三类、类、类、类、类等说,规范为五类。

39、in common/legal/modern parlance ─── 用普通/法律/现代用语

40、In Kerberos parlance, the former message is often called the user's credentials, the latter message is called the ticket, and the random key is called the session key. ─── 按Kerberos的说法,前一个消息通常被称为用户信用凭证,后一个消息被称为票据,这个随机密钥被称为会话密钥。

41、In archaeological parlance, PRAP is "survey". ─── 用考古学的说法,PRAP是一项“调查”。

42、An affection, would rather take out to tidy up than cover up deeply, throw to still stay, give it a parlance, hand over to treat for own 1. ─── 一段感情,与其深埋,不如拿出来清理,丢还是留,给它一个说法,给自己一个交待。

43、The jade is given in China noble prestige, from time immemorial, there will be the parlance of"the gold contain invaluable the price jade". ─── 玉在中国被赋予了高贵身价,自古以来,就有“黄金有价玉无价”的说法。

44、stock exchange parlance ─── 交易所术语

45、legal parlance. ─── 法律用语

46、If he wasn't entirely happy, he was at least, at last, in therapeutic parlance, true to himself. ─── 就算他的确过得不开心,但是,用治疗语言来讲,他至少对自己是真实的。

47、in legal parlance ─── 用法律上的话来说[法] 用法律术语讲

48、You may say it is the instinct of human nature, while the legend has its own parlance,i.e. ─── 传说是因为有了酒才有了吻。

49、In naval parlance, the left side of a ship is the port side. ─── 用海军的用语来说,船的左边称为左舷。

50、The jade is given in China noble prestige, from time immemorial, there will be the parlance of" the gold contain invaluable the price jade". ─── 玉在中国被赋予了高贵身价,自古以来,就有“黄金有价玉无价”的说法。

51、Mathematical parlance:"I already tired you of flat surface, because of, I fall in love with a woman who own super and big arc-shaped." ─── 数学上的说法:“我已厌倦你的平面,因为,我爱上一个拥有超大弧形的女人。”

52、The LiXiao webmaster's parlance root lose ground, because of《 the People's Republic of China administration admit law》 explicit provision: Norm document is can not set administration permission. ─── 李枭版主的说法根本是站不住脚的,因为《中华人民共和国行政许可法》明确规定:一般的规范性文件是不得设定行政许可的。

53、Now, thanks to its export boom, Saskatchewan too has become a “have” province, which in Canadian parlance means that it no longer qualifies for federal handouts for certain social services. ─── 现在,随着出口的高速增长,萨斯喀彻温省也已成为“富有”之省。按加拿大民众的看法,萨斯喀彻温省在某些社会福利事业上不应再享有联邦政府救济的权利。

54、There is a parlance: one's success mostly dues to one's opportunity and oral acrobatics rather than hardwork. ─── 有一种说法:一个人成功与否80%要看他的机遇和处世技巧,而不是他本人是否努力。

55、LiuzuTanjing is an essential classic of Zen which is an important Buddhist sect, the record of HuiNeng parlance in his life and his most important ethical thoughs. ─── 六祖坛经》是中国佛教重要宗派之一禅宗的根本经典,是禅宗南宗祖师慧能一生说法的记录,也是其伦理思想的集中体现。

56、OBJECTIVE To test the validity of parlance, "Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae(PCR), the older the better". ─── 目的采用色谱分析对陈皮“陈久者良”的说法进行验证。

57、Avery Johnson and Bruce Bowen are, in NBA parlance, self-made men. ─── 按照NBA的说法,艾夫里约翰逊(小牛教练)和布鲁斯勃文都是靠独立奋斗而成功的人。

58、I feel very sad,Because some friends came to my space just have a look and gone.please,I need your remark ,If you agree my parlance,reply about . ─── 我感到很伤心,因为有些朋友来我的空间看看就走了。求你了,我需要你的评语,如果你同意我的说法,回复一下。

59、When we use the word indicium it might appear to mean, as is usual in medical parlance, that this or that treatment is indicated. ─── 当使用“标记”这个词,我们似乎明确在指导这样或那样进行治疗,像一般的医药说明那样。

60、with the doors of the association barred to them, they are like tramps without a home or, in rural parlance, "mere trash". ─── 摈在农会的门外,好像无家可归的样子,乡里话叫做“打零”。

61、The ferule is used for conversion,tonsure,ordination and parlance. ─── 戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。

62、"More someone wove a sentence the parlance of"will not eat of eat meat, will eat of drink soup". ─── 更有人编了句“不会吃的吃肉,会吃的喝汤”的说法。

63、But any parlance has not covered all aspects of“listening”, and has only brought forth a profile picture of“listening”. ─── 但是任何一种论述都难以穷尽“倾听”的方方面面,提供的只是“倾听”的一个侧面像。

64、Try to learn the parlance of all kinds of holiday ─── 学习和了解各种节日的说法

65、In guangdong, it has silver gun head's parlance, someone say something about fitting which can't used. This tin gun should be instrument, but liked Song dynasty gun. ─── 广东话里有--样蜡枪头的说法,说的是一些能看不能用的道具或仪器,此锡枪应是仪器,但有宋枪的影子。

66、It is said that the house price fell to a low ebb. There is one parlance that you can emigrate to America if you buy a house,is that ture? ─── 听说现在美国的房价跌到低谷,有一种说法是现在去美国买房,就可以移民.不知这种说法属实吗?

67、In common parlance, it is unwise to “put all our eggs in one basket”. ─── 俗话说:“不能在一棵树上吊死。”

68、in common parlance ─── adv. 照一般说法

69、The paradox is resolved because unlearning (or “extinction”, in neurological parlance) is a process similar in its details to learning. ─── 后来发现遗忘与学习在过程上是很类似的。

70、Only the word “Wen bi” had the vaguest meaning.Virtually, Wen bi wasjust a consistently used parlance and had no fixed meaning at all. ─── 只有文笔一词最飘忽不定,原来,这个笔只是一种习惯叫法,根本没有什么固定的意义。

71、The folk song have the parlance of " have the tower first and the Tongzhou city second. ─── 民谣有“先有通州塔,后有通州城的说法。

72、For this parlance I always the felling be ridiculous and connect to sell mutton the string all want to examine site of building. ─── 对于这个说法我一直感觉很可笑,连卖羊肉串都要看风水。

73、China has now returned to its earlier, noncapitalist, nonexploitative economic system: "accumulation without dispossession," in Arrighi's parlance. ─── 中国现在已经回归到其最初的费资本主义的、非剥削性的经济体系,用阿瑞基的话说就是“没有剥夺的积累”。

74、In the parlance of this research I've been discussing, we were able to see what it would cost to buy our vision of happiness. ─── 按照在我讨论的那个研究中的说法,我们能够了解要达成属于自己的快乐的远景要花多少钱。

75、A Preliminary Study of Phenomenon in Linguistic Contact of Network Parlance ─── 略论网络用语中的语词接触现象

76、WuDi parlance ─── 五帝说

77、in rural parlance ─── 用乡里话说

78、Therefore, to avoid a vacuous academic talk, ethical misconduct cannot be treated with vague academic parlance. ─── 因此,为了避免空洞的学术性议论,对科学道德规范中的明知故犯不能用含糊不清的学术议论进行对待。

79、Leveretts' living room was painted a deep purple-aubergine in local parlance, and its windows were draped with velvet. ─── 按照当地的流行,利芙瑞特家的起居室被刷成了深紫红色,窗户上挂着丝绒落地窗帘。

80、Flat magpies after walking, his parlance to"the condition be aggravate" feel keenly not quick. ─── 扁鹊走了以后,他对“病情正在加重”的说法深感不快。

81、Most classmates approve the parlance of the latter. ─── 大多数的同学赞成后者的说法。

82、In spite of this antiquity, the authorities committed the error of confining in the New Building the most troublesome prisoners, of placing there "the hard cases," as they say in prison parlance. ─── 房屋虽已破旧不堪,人们却仍错误地把那些最恼火的犯人,按照狱里的话来说,把那些“重案子”关在新大楼里。

83、9.In modern parlance, the two currents are 90 degrees out of phase, and the motor runs on two-phase current. ─── 以现代的讲法,这两道电流的相位差了90度,而马达是靠著双相的电流运转。

84、military parlance ─── 军队用语

85、Just like that, his Olympics were over, later signified in the black-and-white parlance of the results sheet as "DNF" - "Did Not Finish. ─── "就像,他的奥运会,后来,标志着在黑与白用语的结果,资产负债表“ dnf ” -“没有完成” 。

86、In addition, there was another five parlance in ancient books. ─── 另外,古文献中还记载有其他几种五帝说。

87、diplomatic parlance ─── 外交辞令

88、The parlance of Zoology-Central ignores the humankinds’ initiative and creativity, and may be wrong in some certain. ─── 生态中心论的提法忽视了人类的主动性和创造性,有些矫枉过正。

89、The parlance pressed aforetime, ten inside art gallery arrive this comes to an end for the time being. ─── 按旧时的说法,十里画廊到此告一段落。

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