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08-15 投稿


acidness 发音

英:[??s?dn?s]  美:[??s?dnes]

英:  美:

acidness 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 酸度


acidness 相似词语短语

1、algidness ─── 发冷

2、avidness ─── n.渴望;热心

3、placidness ─── n.平静

4、rabidness ─── n.患狂犬病;猛烈顽固

5、mucidness ─── 粘液性

6、rancidness ─── n.腐臭;腐败变质

7、lucidness ─── n.透明;清澄;易懂;肉眼可见

8、aridness ─── n.干燥

9、acridness ─── n.辛辣;刻薄;苦

acidness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Everything she said dripped acid. ─── 她的话里字字句句都带着刺。

2、It is antagonistic to abscisic acid in abscission. ─── 在脱落过程中生长素与脱落酸有拮抗作用。

3、Containing or treated with carbolic acid. ─── 含在石碳酸的或用碳酸处理的

4、Kx Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid. ─── 氨基三亚甲基膦酸钾。

5、There are many factors to affect the strong or weak of acidness of organic compounds. The paper expresses the strong or weak influence of Hydrogen bond on acidness of organic compounds in detail. ─── 影响有机化合物酸性强弱的因素很多,本文仅以氢键对有机化合物酸性强弱的影响作了祥细的分析。

6、A salt or an ester of propionic acid. ─── 丙酸盐丙酸的一种盐或脂

7、Ingredient: Almond and amino acid etc. ─── 主要成份:杏仁、氨基酸、复合维他命、乳清蛋白。

8、Why does stomach acid travel up the oesophagus? ─── 为什么胃酸会反流进食道呢?

9、Citric acid anhydrous powdered p. A. ─── 无水柠檬酸。

10、The spent acid is passed on to be denitrated. ─── 废酸则被送去脱硝。

11、Don' t let the acid splash on your hand. ─── 别让酸液溅到手上.

12、Hydrazoic acid in liquid form is very dangerous. ─── 处于液态的叠氮酸是很危险的。

13、Handle with care, or the acid may get out. ─── 小心轻放, 否则酸会溢出来。

14、And is therefore an acid (proton donor). ─── 因此它又是个酸(质子供体)。


16、Oxalic acid is always formed during the reaction. ─── 在反应过程中,乙二酸总是会生成的。

17、A salt or an ester of lactic acid. ─── 乳酸盐或乳酸酯

18、Heartburn and sour "acid" eructations are frequent. ─── 常有烧心感和嗳酸。

19、It is not carving, but was corroded by acid. ─── 什么雕,酸蚀而已。

20、Your Stomach Secretes Corrosive Acid. ─── 你的胃分泌腐蚀性酸。

21、Ingredient: Honey and amino acid etc. ─── 主要成份:蜂蜜、氨基酸、丝蛋白、角鲨烷、硅脂。

22、She tuned in to the comments about acid rain. ─── 她对有关酸雨的议论很关注。

23、Anhydrous nitric acid is dissociated. ─── 无水硝酸是电离的。

24、Urate is a salt deried from uric acid. ─── 尿酸盐是一种由尿酸形成的盐。

25、Australian tree with acid foliage. ─── 带酸性树叶的澳大利亚树。

26、A salt or ester of aspartic acid. ─── 天门冬胺酸盐,天门冬胺酸酯一种天门冬胺酸盐或脂

27、It is a short cut to use the free acid. ─── 可走捷径,那就是使用游离的酸。

28、The wine in him has almost melted acetic acid. ─── 他一肚皮的酒几乎全化为了醋酸。

29、Fig. 8. Fatty acid sythesis in the fowl. ─── 图8.家禽肝脏之脂肪酸生成作用。

30、Some substances resist the action of acid . ─── 有些物质能抗酸。

31、In graphical processes, the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate. ─── 在图形处理技术中,用酸在金属板上腐蚀出图象的处理方法。

32、Carbon filter except foul smell;acid and bacterium. ─── 卡式活性炭过滤器,净油除味,脱酸,杀菌。

33、The acid producing potential of some mine wastes. ─── 几种矿业废物的酸化潜力。

34、An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom. ─── 一元酸只有一个可置换氢原子的酸

35、Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells. ─── 嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞

36、Folic Acid Prevent Alzheimer Disease? ─── 叶酸可预防老年痴呆症?

37、To make or become slightly acid. ─── 使带酸性使具有或变成稍带酸性

38、A salt or ester of hypochlorous acid. ─── 次碳酸盐一种次碳酸的盐或酯

39、He gave me a taste of his acid wit. ─── 他让我尝到了他敏锐尖刻之机智的滋味。

40、They are tolerant of acid or alkaline soil. ─── 他们是宽容的酸性或碱性土壤.

41、Firm: Good perceptible tannin or acid. ─── 坚实:容易上口的单宁味或酸味。

42、The acid ate holes in the cloth. ─── 布被酸腐蚀了几个洞。

43、Anhui BBCA & Galactic Lactic Acid Co., Ltd. ─── 安徽丰原格拉特乳酸有限公司

44、Taste: Fresh with a pleasant acid. ─── 口感:清新中带有令人愉快的酸味。

45、What is ACID and where did EAI Go? ─── 什么是ACID和EAI将来的发展方向?

46、Strong acid are often diluted before they are used. ─── 强酸在使用前常加以稀释。

47、She uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm. ─── 她以辛辣的讽刺口吻说这个词。

48、They have a high tolerance of acid conditions. ─── 它们对酸性环境有很强的耐受性。

49、I am doing an experiment of neutralizing acid. ─── 我在做一个中和酸的实验。

50、Most sulfuric acid is made by the contact process. ─── 大多数的硫酸是用接触法制造的。

51、Putting an acid and a metal together causes a reaction. ─── 将酸和金属放在一起会引起反应。

52、Having the characteristics of an acid and a base and capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or a base. ─── 两性的具有酸和碱的特征的,既能作为酸又能作为碱进行化学反应的

53、Some ants eject formic acid when irritated. ─── 有些蚂蚁受到刺激时会排出蚁酸。

54、Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium. ─── 强酸性泥炭土常呈现低钙。

55、A salt or an ester of malic acid. ─── 一苹果酸的盐或酯

56、An acid humour stirred in his Forsyte blood. ─── 他的福尔赛血液里生出一种酸溜溜的感觉。

57、Containing a base, especially in excess of acid. ─── 含碱的,尤指超过酸的含量

58、Everything he said drip ped acid. ─── 他的话里字字句句都带着刺。

59、Is a infectious protein without nucleic acid. ─── 无核酸的传染性蛋白。

60、An amino - acid derivative of galactose. ─── 半乳糖胺半乳糖的一种氨基酸衍生物

61、Coding for the same amino acid as another codon. ─── 为作为另一个密码子的同样的氨基酸编密码的.

62、Lead acid battery,charger,battery tester. ─── 供应铅酸蓄电池,充电机,测试仪.

63、I found a certain acid tone in his comments. ─── 我察觉出他的评论中尖酸的言论。

64、Why come the old acid ? We're still friends. ─── 为什么这么不客气?我们还是朋友。

65、It can behave either as an acid or as a salt . ─── 它或起酸的作用或起盐的作用。

66、You should be able to buy Boric acid in drug store. ─── 如果还找不到,试试到中药店或联合买洗猪肚用的硼酸吧。

67、I do not know why acid corrodes the metal. ─── 我不知道酸为什么腐蚀金属。

68、A salt of hydrocyanic acid; cyanide. ─── 氰化物氰氢酸盐氰化物

69、Labelled shikimic acid is reality converted to phenylalanine. ─── 标记的莽草酸迅速地转变成苯丙氨酸。

70、DHMO is a major component of acid rain. ─── 是形成酸雨的主要成分。

71、The acid enolises nearly as well as the ester. ─── 此酸的烯醇化几乎象酯一样良好。

72、The effect of brown humic acid was moderate. ─── 棕色胡敏酸性质与影响介于富里酸与灰色胡敏酸之间。

73、Silver azide does not dissolve in water or in nitric acid. ─── 叠氨化银不溶于水或硝酸。

74、Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd. ─── 南通醋酸化工股份有限公司

75、It is treated with acid before being analysed. ─── 对它先用酸处理再进行分析。

76、A salt or ester of barbituric acid. ─── 巴比妥酸盐,巴比妥酸酯

77、Relating to or derived from butyric acid. ─── 丁酸的与丁酸相关的或从其中提取的

78、Folio acid and Vitamin B12 shows good eff... ─── 叶酸、维生素B12治疗效果及预后良好。

79、We make superphosphate by reacting rock phosphate with sulphuric acid. ─── 我们使磷酸盐岩同硫酸发生化学反应制造过磷酸钙。

80、He took a lot of acid and really freaked out. ─── 他服用了大量的麻醉药,真的失去控制了。

81、When should a woman start taking folic acid? ─── 准备怀孕的女性要从什么时候开始补充叶酸?

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