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08-15 投稿


shutter 发音

英:[???t?r]  美:[???t?(r)]

英:  美:

shutter 中文意思翻译




shutter 词性/词形变化,shutter变形


shutter 短语词组

1、clamshell shutter ─── 翻盖快门

2、focal plane shutter ─── 焦平面快门

3、shutter pin ─── 快门针

4、boxing shutter ─── 箱型百叶窗

5、air shutter ─── [机] 气窗

6、ampoule filler and shutter ─── [化] 灌封机

7、electronic shutter ─── [计] 电子快门

8、shutter speed ─── 快门速度

9、waveguide shutter ─── [电] 波导光阀

10、shutter release ─── 快门线

11、shutter axis ─── 快门轴

12、tube shutter ─── [医] X线管光闸

13、ampule filler and shutter ─── [化] 灌封机

14、flap shutter ─── 襟翼快门

15、shutter dam ─── 活板坝

16、optical shutter ─── [计] 光闸

17、drop shutter ─── 旧式快门

18、crystal shutter ─── [电] 晶体帘

19、window-shutter ─── [建] 百叶窗

shutter 常用词组

shutter speed ─── 快门速度

put up the shutters ─── 关店,打烊;停业

rolling shutter ─── 滚动式帘子

shutter 相似词语短语

1、stutter ─── v.结结巴巴地说;突突地响;n.口吃,结巴;n.(Stutter)(美、英、法、奥、加)史突特尔(人名)

2、shutters ─── n.百叶门窗,[建]百叶窗(shutter的复数形式)

3、shuttler ─── n.羽毛球运动员

4、shunter ─── n.扳道员;能干的组织者;转辙员;手腕好的人

5、shatter ─── vt.粉碎;打碎;破坏;破掉;使散开;vi.粉碎;损坏;落叶;n.碎片;乱七八糟的状态

6、shitter ─── 狗屎

7、sputter ─── v.发劈啪声;气急败坏地说,结结巴巴地讲;飞溅出,喷出,唾沫飞溅;疲软地进行;喷镀;n.劈啪声,喷溅声;急切的言语

8、soutter ─── 苏特

9、scutter ─── v.(尤指小动物)小步快跑;n.快跑,快跑声

shutter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When using a shutter speed slower than this simple rule of thumb suggests, a tripod is in order. ─── 如果使用三脚架的情况下,速度可以比上述经验所用的慢一些。

2、Use transparent small tissue or attrib wattle shutter, flashy metallic stuff is added on furniture or setoff. ─── 使用透明薄织物或板条百叶窗,在家具或衬托物上增添闪光的金属材料。

3、The 10-second timer is activated when the shutter button is pressed. ─── 当快门按钮按下时,10秒计时起被启动。

4、It is built into the counter, and can be exposed by movement of a shutter. ─── 它装在计数器中,移去挡片,就可以产生照射。

5、the buffer gate is characterized in that: the front end of the fan-shaped shutter is fixedly connected with a surge hopper. ─── 其特征在于:扇形闸板的前端固定连接一缓冲斗。

6、If the shutter exists, please close the shutter of the laser head. Please attach the label to the aperture. ─── 如存在遮光机构,请关闭遮光机构。粘贴贴挡标志。

7、Optional power battery grip and remote shutter release cable. ─── 可选购的电池把手和遥拍控制器。

8、Don't use a camera with an unchangeable shutter speed. ─── 不要用快门速度不能变化的照相机。

9、He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. ─── 在照相前,他调整了快门。

10、It focuses very fast and the shutter lag is unnoticeable. ─── 对焦快速及其难以察觉的快门时滞。

11、That is, so long as you keep your shutter button held half way down. ─── 也就是说,只要您半按下快门的此对焦模式开始工作。

12、There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky. ─── 没有什么比在流星划过天空前几秒才按快门更令人失望的了。

13、The use of a 1/2.5-inch ccd, effectively amounted to 8,100,000 pixels, the camera's shutter speed of 4-1/1000 seconds. ─── 使用了一块1/2.5英寸ccd,有效像素达810万,相机的快门速度为4-1/1000秒。

14、The shutter may release if the release cable is connected to the camera when the power is on. ─── 如释放电源线与已接通电源相机连接,快门可释放。

15、Continuous shooting is enabled as long as the shutter button is pressed. ─── 只要您按压住快门按钮,相机就连续拍摄.

16、You get the same amount of light with a large aperture and a fast shutter speed as you do with a small aperture and a slow shutter speed. ─── 你使用大光圈以及慢速快门所得到的光和你使用小光圈以及高速快门得到的光是一样多的。

17、Can you guarantee the lens and shutter of this camera? ─── 你能保证这架相机的镜头和快门吗?

18、If that Frisbee looks motion-blurred, try cranking up the shutter speed some more. ─── 如果那个飞盘出现了动态模糊,试着将你的快门速度再调高一些。

19、You must not jerk the camera when you press the shutter release button. ─── 你按快门开启按钮时,不能猛按照相机。

20、In the case of a microfloppy, the shutter protects the medium when the diskette is not in use. ─── 就小盘而言,因为读写孔是敞开的以媒体的一小部分总是暴露在就微软盘而言,当软盘不用时,遮板保护着媒体。

21、Do you ever open your heart while the shutter is open? ─── 你可曾在快门打开的同时,也打开你的心门。

22、The cup fills up in short time(fast shutter speed). ─── 充满杯子需要得时间也很少(快快门)

23、You're seeing real estate firms shutter, sales offices closed down. Some of the engine behind the boom is at least beginning to sputter. ─── 你可以看到房地产公司,销售公司正在关门。危机爆发的一些引擎已经开始启动。

24、The image blurs with action because of the use of the 180-degree shutter angle. ─── 图像模糊的行动,因为使用了180度的快门角度。

25、When removing the film, be careful not to touch the shutter with you fingers or with the edge of the film. ─── 取出胶卷时,一定要小心手指或胶卷边别碰倒快门叶片。

26、We bipods become tripods when we lean against a wall and using the automatic shutter release makes it even steadier. ─── 当我们或靠在墙上,或用一条自动快门线使其固定,即使是用手端相机也跟使用了三脚架一样。

27、Here, Bill, wrench the shutter open. ─── 喂,比尔,把这扇窗板撬开。

28、B-type aluminum-alloy special bottom beam is used together with the B-type crystal shutter. ─── B型铝合金专用底梁是配B型水晶闸片使用。

29、If the shutter exists, please close the shutter. Adhere the label to the ap. ─── 如存在遮光机构,请关闭遮机构。粘上贴挡标签。

30、Living room are decor with newly gorgeous wood floor, custom wood shutter are built thru out. ─── 客厅有装饰华丽的新木质地板,客厅里有木造百叶门。

31、Forcing a company to shutter its operations for a while is rare in the West. ─── 在西方,强迫一家公司暂停运营是十分少见的。

32、The Aperture Open Both Eyes, The Shutter Freeze Memories. ─── 光圈打开双眼,快门凝结记忆。

33、Once you press the “shutter” button, SteadyCam will automatically take the photo when your hand is stabled. ─── 一旦按下“快门”按钮,当手保持稳定,稳定相机软件将自动拍下照片。

34、Keep the shutter button pressed for as long as you wish the shutter to remain open. ─── 如果您按住快门按钮,快门就会一直处于打开状态。

35、If the power is cut off, the shutter will close and it may damage the shutter curtains and image sensor. ─── 如果不正常关闭电源,快门将会关闭并损坏快门帘和图形处理器。

36、The ZV lenses offer no locking mechanism for the built-in shutter. ─── ZV镜头对内置快门没有提供锁定装置。

37、In any space shutter option has its unique, if for random, are likely to receive less than its due effect. ─── 实际上任何一个空间中百叶窗的选择都有其独特之处,如果随意而为,就很可能收不到应有的效果。

38、Continuous shooting occurs for as long as you press the shutter button in the continuous shooting mode. ─── 在连续拍摄模式中,只要您按压住快门按钮,相机就连续拍摄。

39、Study the relevant standards to develop a Hoermann Fire Rolling Shutter. ─── 分析研究相关的国家或者行业的产品标准,开发霍曼防火卷帘门.

40、If the LCD panel or viewfinder display is to operating, press the shutter button halfway and the display will appear. ─── 如果液晶屏或取景器无显示,按压快门按钮至一半位置,显示将重新出现。

41、She regained her balance and opened the shutter. ─── 她重新站稳脚步,然后打开百叶窗。

42、If the battery runs out of power, the shutter may prematurely close. ─── 如果电池耗完了电,快门即将关闭。

43、Use a tripod or brace with the camera on a wall or fence because slow shutter speeds will be needed. ─── 使用一个相机自带的架子放在围栏上,因为要使用慢快门。

44、In taking a picture, the shutter,the focal length and the other things must be adjusted as the case may be. ─── 在拍照过程中,快门、焦距等等必须按实际情况加以调整。

45、If the LCD panel or viewfinder display is not operating. Press the shutter button halfway and the display will appear. ─── 如液晶屏或取景器显示消失,请把快门按钮按下一半,显示就会出现。

46、The shutter speed appears in the viewfinder display. ─── 开门速度将显示在取景器中。

47、Sanhe”PVC shutter,antioxidant,light weight,open and close sweetly,prevent backflow of air. ─── 免费发布公司名称:山东.县/区:潍坊.联系方法:山东省青州市经济开发区时代三路

48、Would you mind pressing this shutter for me? ─── 你介意替我按这快门吗?

49、Enables manual user-selected aperture and shutter speed settings for individual creative effects or difficult lighting. ─── 在各别情况下,为达到独特的拍摄效果或在很差的光线条件下拍摄,可用手动选择光圈和设定快门速度。

50、A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he open the shutter. ─── 他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。

51、To enhance the sense of camera control, the DMC-L1 features a shutter speed dial on top of the camera body. ─── 为了提高照相机控制感,DMC-L1 以在照相机身体的顶端上的一个百叶窗速度刻度盘为特色。

52、Vitamin E, wheatgerm, organic soybean essence, shea shutter; cleaning while repairing skin. ─── 含维他命E、小麦胚芽油、有机黄豆精华油、乳油木果油、甘油等成分,洁净同时调理肌肤。

53、What happens when the shutter closes? ─── 当快门关闭时发生了什么事情呢?

54、Kitchen, toilet as a result of damp, lampblack, with shutter more appropriate. ─── 厨房、卫生间等由于潮湿、油烟,用百叶窗较合适。

55、Sections of the rolling shutter apply to: stores, banks, factories, residential, shops, garages, a wide range of uses. ─── 各款卷闸适用于:商场、银行、工厂、住宅、商铺、车房等,用途广泛。

56、Each crystal,in fact,acts like a shutter,either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light. ─── 实际上,每个晶体就像一个百叶窗,或是让光通过、或是把光挡住。

57、There are a few things you should check before pressing the shutter release. ─── 按快门之前,有几件事情你应该检查。

58、If the shutter exists, please close the shutter. Please adhere the label to the aperture. ─── 如存在遮光机构,请关闭遮机构。粘贴标签。

59、The film advances when the shutter is released. ─── 当快门释放时,胶卷向前卷动。

60、After managing the shop for thirty years she decides it is time to put up the shutter. ─── 她经营这个商店已三十年了,认为应该停业了。

61、If you're lucky though, and take lots of safety shots, you might get a keeper even at very slow shutter speeds. ─── 如果你走运,虽然,并采取了很多的安全杆,你可能会得到蓄养,即使在非常慢快门速度。

62、Another distinctive L1 feature is the shutter speed dial on the camera body. ─── 另外的有特色的 L1 特征是百叶窗速度在照相机身体上的刻度盘。

63、If the shutter speed is set between 1125-12000, the shutter speed will be set to 1100 automatically. ─── 如快门速度在125~12000之间,快门速度将被自动置于1100

64、Explore the different settings of aperture, shutter speed, and white balance, if you can. ─── 尽你所能地去发掘光圈、快门、白平衡等不同的设定。

65、Resemble shutter shade, this angle looks so that see all, rotate, whats disappeared. ─── 像百叶窗帘,这个角度看得见所有,旋转,什么都不见了。

66、AC,230V or 110V,balanced running, low noise, widely used in awning, roller shutter, rolling door,etc. ─── 交流230V/110V运行平稳,噪音低,应用与电动遮阳篷,卷帘防盗窗,遮阳卷帘门等。

67、Would you mind pressing the shutter for me? ─── 你介意替我按下快门吗?

68、Then the shutter on its top opens, and the light inside it shines out (not shown in the demo). ─── 于是顶上的快门自动打开,内部光线射出(没有在图中显示)。

69、By using the separately sold release switch, the shutter can be released from a distance. ─── 利用单独出售的释放开关,可于较远距离下释放快门。

70、Compose your picture and shutter button. ─── 取好你的画面,然后按下快门按钮。

71、The other factor that comes into play in determining shutter speed is how much light there is in the scene you are photographing. ─── 在确定快门速度时还要考虑的一个因素就是,在你拍摄的场景中有多少光线。

72、Set the flash unit to auto mode and set the shutter speed below 190. ─── 将闪光装置设置为自动模式并将快门速度调到慢于190。

73、In hacked phones, there are unofficial ways to remove the shutter and focus sounds. ─── 在入侵手机,有非官方的办法来消除快门声和重点。

74、It you remove you finger from the shutter button, the shutter will close. ─── 当您放开快门按钮,快门将关闭。

75、He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release. ─── 他将照相机的焦距调好,然后按下快门。

76、Each crystal, in effect, acts like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light. ─── 实际上,每个晶体就像一个百页窗,或是让光通过、或是把光挡祝

77、If the viewfinder display is not operating, press the shutter button halfway and the display will appear. ─── 如果取景器无显示,按压快门按钮至一半位置,显示会重新出现。

78、Before pressing the shutter, take your time and scan the scene through your viewfinder. ─── 在按快门前,先别急,花些时间通过取景器看看场景。

79、Shall I press the shutter? ─── 我要按快门吗?

80、She removed the iron bar and the light wooden shutter, and then opened the glass door. ─── 她取下铁闩和轻便的木头百叶窗,然后就把那玻璃门打开了。

81、It was extremely dark and all Alice could see was a dim light coming through a closed shutter at the end of the room. ─── 室内一片漆黑,爱丽丝只看得到一点微光从房间尽头一扇紧闭的百叶窗透进来。

82、The shutter button can be pressed in two ways. ─── 可用两种方法按压快门按钮。

83、When a slow shutter speed has been set, use a tripod to prevent camera shake. ─── 当您使用较慢的快门速度时,为防止相机摇晃,请使用三脚架。

84、The last thing you want is for your camera to be in and out of focus just as you need to hit the shutter release. ─── 你最不想要得就是相机在你要按下快门的那一刻来回对焦。

85、He pressed the shutter when she smiled. ─── 她微笑时,他按下快门。

86、Additional, the lower end of bathroom door is best appearance of make it shutter, can increase airiness so. ─── 另外,浴室门的下端最好做成百叶窗样子,这样可增加空气流通。

87、The exact shutter speeds and shape of the curves all depend on you, your surroundings and the focal length. ─── 图示的快门速度,曲线形状都取决于摄影师,拍摄环境和焦距长度。

88、It peered into the glass orb of the camera housing, and Nicklin's shutter winked back. ─── 它看着防水罩里的相机时,尼克林手中的快门也冲它眨了眨眼。


来源: WorldArchitecture




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