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08-15 投稿


recreation 发音

英:[,rekr?'e??(?)n]  美:[,r?kr?'e??n]

英:  美:

recreation 中文意思翻译



recreation 短语词组

1、no time for recreation ─── 没有时间娱乐

2、recreation room n. ─── 娱乐室

3、Kennedy Athletic Recreation and Social ─── 肯尼迪竞技娱乐和社交

4、recreation area ─── 休憩区

5、plan ahead for recreation ─── 提前计划娱乐活动

6、recreation center ─── 游憩中心

7、recreation park ─── 休憩公园

8、recreation vehicle n. ─── 週末旅游汽车

9、recreation ground n. ─── 娱乐场

10、What do you do for recreation ─── 你以什么当娱乐

11、recreation leave ─── 娱乐假

12、Kennedy Athletic Recreation and Soc ─── 肯尼迪竞技娱乐和足球

13、leisure recreation ─── 休闲娱乐

14、Civilian Employee Welfare and Recreation Committee ─── 文职雇员福利及康乐事务委员会

15、CTS Recreation CTS ─── 娱乐活动

16、recreation facility ─── 游憩设施

17、do sth for recreation ─── 为了消遣而做某事

18、for recreation ─── 用于娱乐

19、recreation tax ─── [经] 娱乐税

recreation 词性/词形变化,recreation变形

动词过去分词: recreated |动词现在分词: recreating |形容词: recreative |动词过去式: recreated |动词第三人称单数: recreates |

recreation 相似词语短语

1、procreation ─── n.生殖;生产

2、reception ─── n.接待;接收;招待会;感受;反应

3、re-creations ─── n.娱乐;消遣(recreation的复数形式);休闲活动

4、recordation ─── n.记载;记录

5、creation ─── n.创造,创作;创作物,产物

6、re-creation ─── n.娱乐;消遣;休养

7、recreations ─── n.娱乐;消遣(recreation的复数形式);休闲活动

8、recitation ─── n.背诵;朗诵;详述;背诵的诗

9、recreational ─── adj.娱乐的,消遣的;休养的

recreation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Recreation, Sports that I like and why I like them. ─── 娱乐,为何我很喜欢运动,我所从事的运动。

2、Chess, card-playing, and dancing are forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by many people. ─── 下棋、打牌、跳舞,是许多人喜爱的室内消遣方式。


4、A little further down the river was a sort of beach section, with a cycle path leading past it and a recreation green. ─── 河的下游不远处有一片沙滩,旁边有条环形小路直通那里,还有个绿化带。

5、An outdoor space for dining or recreation that adjoins a residence and is often paved. ─── 室外就餐处与住宅相连的常常铺以石板等的门外空地,用来进餐或娱乐

6、A recreation hall or social club where refreshments are available. ─── 供应饮食的娱乐厅或俱乐部

7、Participate in employee relationship management and assist to scheme employee recreation and activity. ─── 参与员工关系管理,尤其是员工活动策划。

8、Her only recreation is watching TV or going to the movies . ─── 她仅有的娱乐活动或是看电视,或是去看电影。(动名词)

9、A man who works hard needs some recreation now and then. ─── 努力工作的人偶尔也需要一些娱乐。

10、The zoo offers fatigued city dwellers a place for recreation. ─── 动物园给疲惫的城市居民提供一个娱乐的场所。

11、George: What do you do for recreation? ─── 乔治:你做什么活动娱乐?

12、There are plans to enlarge the recreation area. ─── 已经有了扩大娱乐场地的计划。

13、What resources does your organisation have that can be shared i. E. Buildings, recreation space etc? ─── 你的组织拥有哪些可共享的资源,如建筑物、休闲场所等?

14、Why will the recreation go to Russia? ─── 休闲为什么要去俄罗斯?

15、What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby? ─── 你通常都做些什么娱乐活动?你有什么爱好吗?

16、I play the flute in a wind band for recreation. ─── 我在管乐队吹长笛消遣。

17、What do you do for recreation? ─── 你通常做什么娱乐运动?

18、In the year, two major new recreation and sports venues were completed: the Shek Kip Mei Indoor Games Hall and the Yuen Po Street Garden. ─── 年内落成的康体场地有两个,分别是石硖尾室内运动场及园圃街花园。

19、His only form of recreation is playing football. ─── 他唯一的娱乐就是踢足球。

20、What do you do for recreation? Do you like jogging? ─── 你通常做什么娱乐运动?你喜欢慢跑吗?

21、Gallatin is home to a pleasant mix of manufacturing, retail, recreation and agriculture. ─── 加勒廷市拥有集制造业、零售业、娱乐业和农业为一体的产业结构。

22、The Ink And Wash Painting Figures was developed by his creation and practice, it was a recreation of traditional Chinese painting. ─── 他的创新和实践使水墨人物画得到延续和发展,是对中国传统绘画的再创造。

23、He always told us that he was too busy for recreation. ─── 他总是对我们说他太忙,没空消遣。

24、Don't stick at your books all days you need a little rest and recreation. ─── 不要整天埋头看书,你需要休息和娱乐。

25、What kind of recreation do you like best? ─── 你最大的爱好是什么?

26、And the scant and skimpy equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer's least favored form of recreation. ─── 跑步只需要少量简单的装备,这就使它成为商品推销商最不喜欢的娱乐形式。

27、The need for a recreation center here is today's topic. ─── 今天的话题是需要有一个休闲中心。

28、In Brazil the beach is not just a place to go for recreation or sport, it is a way of life. ─── 在巴西,海滩不仅仅是娱乐或运动的场所,更是一种生活方式。

29、Nevada has some of the finest recreation areas in the United States. ─── 内华达州拥有一些美国最好的娱乐场所。

30、The public recreation area all do not use any fireworks and the artillery. ─── 公共娱乐场所一律不得使用任何烟花和火炮。

31、There is a recreation centre on the ground floor. ─── 在一楼有个娱乐中心。

32、He flattened his palm against the door lock, then grabbed a cookie despite his best efforts not to and stepped into the recreation room. ─── 博兹手掌平展,抵着门锁,然后尽管他尽了最大努力来阻止自己,却还是抓起一块小甜饼,跨进了娱乐室。

33、Engaging in the study and mastery of paper cutting is a delightful recreation. ─── 学习和精通剪纸艺术是一种赏心悦目的消遣。

34、A community garden project in Harlem to increase inner-city youngsters'access to healthful food and safe recreation. ─── 哈勒姆社区花园项目:增加市中心孩子们获得健康饮食和安全娱乐的途径。

35、They spend three times as much on recreation as on education. ─── 他们花在娱乐上的钱是花在教育上面的三倍。

36、Can be regarded as one and quite suitable for the amusement and recreation happy together of family. ─── 可说是一种相当适合家庭同乐的休闲娱乐了。

37、Study is business; business comes before recreation. ─── 学习是正经事,正经事比娱乐重要。

38、Change consciousness, set up exactitude of recreation athletics view. ─── 建议:1.转变意识,树立正确的休闲体育观。

39、Nightclubs are places of recreation. ─── 夜总会是娱乐场所。

40、The overuse of modern technologies in the recreation makes human beings less creative. Do you agree or disagree? ─── 娱乐活动中过多地使用现代技术使人们的创造能力下降。你是否同意这种观点?

41、It includes fish and wildlife, outdoor recreation, water, range land, and forestry resources. ─── 包括鱼和野生动物,户外娱乐,水,山脉土地及森林资源。

42、The writer attempts a recreation of the sights and sounds of his childhood. ─── 作家试图再现他童年的所见所闻。

43、Various service in the fitness and recreation center. ─── 康乐中心提供各种服务专案。

44、For recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles. ─── 他把写诗和做填字游戏当做消遣。

45、She is not a professional drawer but just for recreation. ─── 她不是职业画家,她画画只是为了消遣。

46、TYPICAL USE: We have the sanction of the recreation department to play ball in this park. ─── 康乐部门允许我们在这公园里面玩球。

47、Recreation, sport and cultural activities enhance the quality of life in Hong Kong. ─── 康乐、体育和文化活动可以改善本港市民的生活质素。

48、The rest of the day was entirely at his disposal for reading or recreation. ─── 剩下的时间,或阅读或消遣,完全由他个人支配。

49、He worked,taking no recreation except when we saw a film together on Saturday evening. ─── 他一个劲儿工作,除去星期六晚上我们一道看一场电影,他什么娱乐活动都不参加。

50、They are idle recreation at best. ─── 他们顶多是空闲时的消遣。

51、He is in charge of recreation. ─── 他负责娱乐活动。

52、What kind of recreation do you go in for? ─── 你在文娱方面有什么爱好?

53、It is important for everyone to relax from to time and enjoy some form of recreation. ─── 但是每个人经常放松放松、享受某种形式的娱乐,这倒是十分重要的。

54、An organization at a college or university that provides facilities for recreation; a student union. ─── 学生俱乐部,会社为娱乐提供方便的学院或大学的组织;学生职盟

55、For recreation, I like to swim in the summer. ─── 作为消遣。夏天我喜欢游泳,

56、Build up the center of overwater leisure and recreation. ─── 建立水上休闲娱乐中心。

57、What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?. ─── 你做什么消遣?你有业余爱好吗?

58、Conservation began when rulers of countries put aside land for hunting or recreation. ─── 当国家的统治者保留土地用来捕猎和娱乐时,动物保护才真正开始。

59、Capacity permitting, the founder of this website will repay accumulated funds to her hometown for recreation of a charitable institution. ─── 如果能力允许,本站负责人将会把累积以来资金回馈家乡尽力创办爱心公益机构。

60、They would create a lake for recreation. ─── 他们将造一个供游乐用的人工湖。

61、Taking part in a game or sport or other recreation. ─── 参加游戏或其他的娱乐活动。

62、System A: We often go to the nearby recreation center to play ball on Sunday afternoon. ─── 周日下午我们常去附近的娱乐中心打球。

63、He stalked over to the pup tent of the recreation tent orderly and bawled him out. ─── 他气昂昂来到管娱乐室那个勤务兵住的小帐篷里,给了他一顿熊。

64、They cannot get to the open spaces or the recreation or the beachs which they now have the time to enjoy. ─── 他们无法到达宽敞的地方,或消遣的去处,或者海滨湖畔,而这一切他们现在有余暇享受。

65、You need your student ID to get into the student recreation center. ─── 你要有学生证才能进入学生活动中心。

66、They are attentive and full of earnestness in working time, but they never work in recreation time. ─── 他们在工作期间严肃认真,一丝不苟,但娱乐时间决不工作。

67、They find they cannot get to the open spaces or the recreation or the beaches which they now have the time to enjoy. ─── 他们现在有时间却发现无法到达宽敞的地方,或消遣的去处,或者海滨湖畔.

68、He transformed the garage into a recreation room. ─── 他把车库改造成娱乐室。

69、They have no recreation or recess in their work. ─── 他们并没有休息或停工时间。

70、Adults can learn to swim at public pools or other recreation centers. ─── 大人们可以在公共游泳池或其他娱乐场所学游泳。

71、The East Coast is the quintessential beachfront recreation and relaxation for many Singaporeans and travelers alike. ─── 东海岸是许多新加坡人和旅客最钟爱的海滨娱乐休闲胜地。

72、Chess,card-playing,and dancing are forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by people old and young. ─── 主: 下棋、打纸牌、跳舞都是户内娱乐的形式,老少都喜欢。

73、The voting on the laws relating to Sunday recreation cut across the traditional political border line. ─── 关于星期日娱乐活动法规的投票一反传统的政治界限。

74、In the basement recreation room Ruth and Nim sat side by side on a sofa, with Leah sprawled on a rug. ─── 在地下娱乐室里,露丝和尼姆并排坐在沙发上,莉娅懒洋洋地躺在地毯上。

75、Four new Yingqi Te Recreation Area project, full of high-tech components. ─── 四大游乐区项目新颖奇特,充满高科技成分。

76、Of the two ideas,I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human spirit is more important. ─── 对这两种见解,我认为艺术之成为消遣或人类精神的单纯的游戏,是比较重要的。

77、Playing piano is just his recreation. ─── 他弹钢琴是为了消遣。

78、There is a recreation center on the ground floor. ─── 底层有康乐中心。

79、Saturday afternoon is for recreation and outings. ─── 周六下午是娱乐和外出的时间。

80、You must take some recreation. ─── 你得参加娱乐活动。

81、What is your favorite recreation?For recreation,I like skating. ─── 你最喜欢什么消遣活动?

82、He created the great creature with concrete for recreation. ─── 他用混凝土创造了这个伟大的创造物作消遣。

83、What is your usual recreation? ─── 你们平时在这里有什么娱乐吗?

84、Recreation is an important part of life. ─── 娱乐是生活的重要组成部分。

85、It is my recreation reading it in free evenings." -- Dipl.-Ing. ─── 在空闲的夜晚,读这本书就是我的消遣。)

86、Lounge installs sliding door, it is wonderful recreation place. ─── 休闲室设置推拉门,是极好的娱乐休闲场所。

87、Leisure industry mainly refers to tourism and recreation. ─── 休闲业主要指旅游业和娱乐业。

88、She was sitting at a table in the recreation room with her relatives round her. ─── 她坐在娱乐室的一张桌子边,她的亲戚们围着她坐着。

89、The rest of the day was entirely at his disposal for reading and recreation. ─── 当天剩余时间完全由他支配, 看看书, 消遣消遣。

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