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08-15 投稿


aristocracies 发音

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英:  美:

aristocracies 中文意思翻译



aristocracies 词性/词形变化,aristocracies变形


aristocracies 短语词组

1、aristocracies today ─── 今天的贵族

2、aristocracies definition ─── 贵族定义

3、aristocracies in history ─── 历史上的贵族

4、aristocracies controlled ─── 贵族统治

5、aristocracies syn ─── 贵族

aristocracies 相似词语短语

1、aristocratic ─── adj.贵族的;贵族政治的;有贵族气派的

2、aristocrats ─── n.贵族

3、aristocracy ─── n.贵族;贵族统治;上层社会;贵族政治

4、isocracies ─── n.权力平等主义;平等参政权

5、aristocratism ─── n.贵族主义;贵族

6、ergatocracies ─── n.工人政治,伊尔格图克拉西

7、kakistocracies ─── n.恶人政治

8、autocracies ─── n.独裁政治;专制政治;独裁政府;独裁统治的国家

9、meritocracies ─── n.英才教育(制度);精英管理的社会

aristocracies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The monarchical forces cannot rule this Empire alone, but must constantly work together with the various global aristocracies. ─── 君主式力量无法单独统治这个帝国,它们必须不断与各种全球贵族式力量协作。

2、The monarchical forces cannot rule this Empire alone, but must constantly work together with the various global aristocracies . ─── 君主式力量无法单独统治这个帝国,它们必须不断与各种全球贵族式力量协作。

3、The relationship of the primitive contract which was connected with mutual rights and obligations between monarchy and aristocracies was the foundation of the limited monarchy of England. ─── 以相互间的权利与义务将王权与贵族联系起来的原始契约关系,是英国有限王权的政治基础;

4、In the French revolution of July 1830, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. ─── 在法国的1830年七月革命和英国的改革运动中,他们再一次被可恨的暴发户打败了。

5、When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved, the prospect is not cheerful. ─── 当一个人回忆过去贵族的所作所为,前景就不会乐观了。

6、Indeed, the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass society than it was for aristocracies. ─── 的确对于这样一个未来群众社会,应付无聊的问题比起来贵族们可能更困难。

7、Indeed, the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass society than it was for aristocracies. ─── 的确对于这样一个未来群众社会,应付无聊的问题比起来贵族们可能更困难。

8、Magna Carta was regarded as a creedal document for aristocracies resisting monarchy. ─── 宪章》是贵族抵抗王权的纲领性文件。

9、10.To this twofold inconvenience democracies and aristocracies are equally liable, whether they be good or bad. ─── 这种令人沮丧的双妨害,即使在民主国家和贵族国家也是在所难免的,无论其政体是优越还是低劣。

10、2) Modern anthropologists incline to the view that primitive societies were neither monarchies, aristocracies nor democracies. ─── 原注二:今天的人类学者倾向于认为,早期人类社会既不是帝王专制、也不是贵族分权,也不是民主形式。

11、But in the East, as I have before mentioned, the ruling aristocracies tended to become religious rather than military or political, and gained, therefore, rather than lost in power; ─── 但是在东方,像我已在前面说过的,统治的贵族们逐渐倾向于变为宗教的而不是军事的或政治的,并因此不但不失去反而获得了权力;

12、We should keep in mind, of course, that the interests of the regional aristocracies and those of the multitude are by no means the same. ─── 当然,我们也应牢记,地区贵族力量与大众在利益上绝不可能一致。

13、Hereditary aristocracies, Douthat writes, suffer from stupidity and pigheadedness, while one-party states do so from ideological mania. ─── 杜塔特写到,世袭的贵族们愚蠢而顽固,而一党制国家这么做则出于对意识形态的狂热。

14、At once we think of kings and aristocracies, and of worldwide celebrities in soldierships, the arts , letters, etc ─── 我们会立刻想到君主与贵族,以及在武功、艺术和文学等各个方面誉满全球的人物。

15、Owing to their historical position, it became the vocation of the aristocracies of France and England to write pamphlets against modern bourgeois society. ─── 法国和英国的贵族,按照他们的历史地位所负的使命,就是写一些抨击现代资产阶级社会的作品。

16、We should keep in mind, of course, that the interests of the regional aristocracies and those of the multitude are by no means the same. ─── 当然,我们也应牢记,地区贵族力量与大众在利益上绝不可能一致。

17、Magna Carta was regarded as a creedal document for aristocracies resisting monarchy. ─── 《大宪章》是贵族抵抗王权的纲领性文件。

18、In the French revolution of July, 1983, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. ─── 在法国的1983年7月革命和英国的改良浪潮中,贵族统治再一次向可恨的暴发户屈服。(贬)

19、In the early 18th century, aristocracies began to wear western-style clothes. ─── 18世纪初,贵族们开始穿西服,妇女穿软直纹长裙。

20、Thirdly, The resisting monarchy of aristocracies was an important factor in the making of limited monarchy of England; ─── 第三,贵族对王权的抵抗是英国有限王权形成的重要因素;

21、The world's first kings and emperors emerged, with their aristocracies and bureaucrats whose jobs were to collect taxes, issue laws and administer justice for all to see. ─── 世界上的头一批国王和君主冒出来了,和他们的贵族与官僚(其工作是收税)一起,颁布法律,主持公道,以示天下。

22、than it was for aristocracies. ─── 对付无聊的问题可能甚至更困难.

23、When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved, the prospect is not cheerful. ─── 然而,如果回想昔日贵族的所作所为,前景不容乐观。

24、To this twofold inconvenience democracies and aristocracies are equally liable, whether they be good or bad. The evil is in the very thing itself, and no form can redress it. ─── 这种令人沮丧的双妨害,即使在民主国家和贵族国家也是在所难免的,无论其政体是优越还是低劣。这种弊害来源于事物的自然法则,任何法制形式都无法医治。

25、In the French revolution of July 1830, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. ─── 在法国的1830年七月革命和英国的改革运动中,他们再一次被可恨的暴发户打败了。

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