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insufficiency 发音

英:[??ns??f???nsi]  美:[??ns??f???nsi]

英:  美:

insufficiency 中文意思翻译



insufficiency 词性/词形变化,insufficiency变形


insufficiency 同义词

paucity | inadequacy | absence | lack | shortage | failure | dearth | deficiency | poverty | drought | inefficiency |scarcity

insufficiency 常用词组

renal insufficiency ─── [医]肾机能不全

cardiac insufficiency ─── 心机能不全

respiratory insufficiency ─── 呼吸功能不全;呼吸衰竭

insufficiency 短语词组

1、adrenal insufficiency ─── [医] 肾上腺机能不全, 阿狄森氏病

2、capsular insufficiency ─── [医] 肾上腺机能不全

3、circulatory insufficiency ─── [医] 循环机能不全

4、cardiac insufficiency ─── [医] 心肌机能不全

5、mitral insufficiency ─── [医] 二尖瓣闭锁不全

6、insufficiency of externi ─── [医] 眼外直肌机能不全

7、myovascular insufficiency ─── [医] 心血管机能不全

8、hepatic insufficiency ─── [医] 肝机能不全

9、insufficiency disease ─── [医] 营养缺乏病

10、insufficiency of mterni ─── [医] 眼内直肌机能不全

11、insufficiency of eyelids ─── [医] 眼睑机能不全

12、aortic insufficiency ─── [医] 主动脉瓣闭锁不全

13、insufficiency of consideration ─── [法] 证据不足

14、insufficiency of valves ─── [医] 心瓣闭锁不全

15、myocardial insufficiency ─── [医] 心肌机能不全

16、active insufficiency ─── [医] 肌运动机能不全

17、gastric insufficiency ─── [医] 胃运动机能不全, 胃肌无力

18、coronary insufficiency ─── 冠状动脉功能不全

19、muscular insufficiency ─── [医] 肌机能不全

insufficiency 反义词


insufficiency 相似词语短语

1、inefficiency ─── n.效率低;无效率;无能

2、insufficiently ─── adv.不够地;不能胜任地

3、insufficient ─── adj.不足的;不能胜任的,缺乏能力的

4、efficiency ─── n.效率;效能;功效

5、unsufficient ─── 不充分的;不满足的

6、sufficiency ─── n.足量,充足;自满

7、sufficience ─── 充分性

8、insufficience ─── n.不充足,不富裕(等于insufficiency)

9、insufficiencies ─── n.不足,不充分;机能不全;不适当

insufficiency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Given the state of the eurozone, it is no longer possible to deny a fifth problem: the insufficiency of the Maastricht Treaty. ─── 考虑到欧元区的状况,第五个问题便不可再被否认:《马斯特里赫特条约》的不足之处。

2、Patients with endstage renal insufficiency had a higher PC antigen,TPS,FPS,TM,DD levels,as well as PC activity compared with the normal controls ( P

3、The three affected children, born to consanguineous parents, manifested symptoms of TH insufficiency but had elevated blood levels of TH. ─── 三个受影响的儿童,所生的血缘父母,表现的症状次不全,但血压升高各级次。

4、Secondly, study the present situation and the insufficiency of legislation of the exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence in our country. ─── 三、探讨我国刑事非法证据排除规则的制度构建。

5、The arterial pulse pressure in aortic insufficiency is widened. ─── 主动脉瓣闭锁不全时脉搏压变宽。

6、Do not administer to children under six years old, pregnant women or to individuals with high blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency or diabetes. ─── 孕妇六岁以下儿童,孕妇以及高血压、心脏功能不全和糖尿病患者忌用。

7、Objective To discuss the role of leukocyte activation and inflammatory processes in the disease of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). ─── 摘要目的探讨白细胞激活及炎症反应在慢性静脉功能不全中的作用。

8、The competent insufficiency of the school teachers in ethnic regions has been becoming a bottleneck in carrying out the New Syllabus in rural schools for minority nationalities. ─── 摘要民族地区农村初中教师在能力方面的不足,已经成为新课改在民族地区农村初中顺利实施的瓶颈。

9、The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy, shortage, shortfall) of funds in his customer's account. ─── 因为客户帐户上的资金(寸头)不足,银行拒付支票款项是合法的。

10、On the other hand the insufficiency and malpractice of the relief also pushed the victims and refugee to the revolt, leading to its loss of ruling legitimacy. ─── 但救济的不彻底又把灾民推向反抗与起义者的一边,为国民政府最终丧失其政治合法性累积下了不稳定因素。

11、Serum cortisol response after intravenous administration of (1-24) ACTH was below normal range in two patients with adrenocortical insufficiency. ─── 两位肾上腺机能不全的患童于接受肾上皮促素静注后,血清中皮质醇的反应均低于正常范围。

12、Cardiovascular disease, autonomic and renal insufficiency, and gastroparesis may lead to potential problems in the perioperative period. ─── 心血管疾病,自律性差和肾功能不全,轻度胃瘫都导致围术期潜在的问题发生。

13、Objective To study the clinical application of electronystagmography(ENG) in the diagnosis of the patients with vertebro-basilar insufficiency. ─── 摘要目的研究眼震电图在椎-基底动脉供血不足性眩晕诊断中的应用。

14、In July 2004 SIPO's patent re-examination board held the patent was invalid on the ground of insufficiency. ─── 2004年7月,国家知识产权局专利复审委员会以公开不充分为由宣告该专利权无效。

15、In China,the insufficiency of infrastructural power of a country is a historical phenomenon that is the biggest obstacle in lawruling. ─── 中国国家能力不足是一个历史现象,已成为我国法治进程中的最大障碍。

16、Hence, FPGA fault tolerant design technology must be developed to make up for the insufficiency in radiation resistance of its components. ─── 在面向航天应用的FPGA设计中,必须采用容错设计技术来弥补器件本身抗辐射能力的不足。

17、In fact Capell similarly also saw own shortcoming and the insufficiency, he he diligently were still adapting this team in the interview to reporter. ─── 事实上卡佩尔同样也已看到的自己的缺点与不足,在采访中他向记者他仍在努力适应这支球队。

18、The introduction main experience of energy control and insufficiency in coking plant,the simply relation of energy saving technology in the future. ─── 介绍焦化厂能源管理方面的经验以及存在的不足;对节能技术的应用进行简明阐述。

19、The development of recurrent infection leads to progressive destruction of lung tissue and eventually to respiratory insufficiency and cor pulmonale. ─── 感染反复发作导致肺组织的进行性损坏,最后引起呼吸功能不全和肺原性心脏病。

20、But because of the interferential conception of Donglin Party and some others, the understanding and research of Donglin Academy are insufficiency. ─── 但由于东林党等其他相关概念的干扰,人们对东林书院本身的认识与研究未免有所缺欠。

21、Qi less blood, kidney and liver insufficiency, Cold staging, gas stagnation blood stasis caused by the circulation of fluid line, General Clauses pain. ─── 如血气虚少、肝肾亏虚、寒邪凝滞、气滞血淤,导致经行滞涩不畅、不通则痛也。

22、The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy, shortage, shortfall) of funds in his customer's account. ─── 因为客户帐户上的资金(寸头)不足,银行拒付支票款项是合法的。

23、Pointed out by our country textile competitive advantage insufficiency, analyzes its reason, the promotion textile industrial structure promotion. ─── 指出由我国纺织品竞争优势的不足,分析其原因,促进纺织品的产业结构升级。

24、According the superficiality and origin theory, the stay and gather of water is superficiality and viscera insufficiency is origin. ─── 以标本论,水湿留聚为其标,脏腑内虚为其本,根据邪正进退的不同情况,可分3个阶段辨证论治。

25、EVS Implantation in the Treatment of Primary Deep Venous Insufficiency. ─── EVS植入术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全。

26、Objective Vasobral has been widely used in treating cereb rova scular insufficiency,the silkworm were used to study the effect of Vasobral on vitality. ─── 摘 要 目的 探索活血素对家蚕生命力及产卵的影响及其作用机制。

27、Meanwhile,the network writing teaching can improve the teaching quality and efficiency and make up the insufficiency of "group teaching" to the maximum limit. ─── 写作教学的网络化能全面提高写作教学的质量和效率,最大限度的弥补“批处理”教学模式带来的不足。

28、In view of this, the computer program assisting the neural network has been designed, which can overcome the insufficiency of using neural network alone. ─── 对此,设计了具有辅助神经网络作用的计算机程序,从而使单独使用网络的不足之处得到完善。

29、Insufficiency of blood, asthenia of yangqi. ─── 主治:1、阴血不足,阳气虚弱症。

30、For instance, excessive wood may over-restrict earth, resulting in insufficiency of earth, so called wood subjugates earth. ─── 例如,木过剩会过度抑制土,造成土的不足,叫做木乘土。

31、"For example, the insufficiency of yang-qi may impair the warming action of qi, causing an aversion to cold, cold limbs. ─── 例如:阳气不足会导致气的温煦作用减弱,引起恶寒、四肢冰冷、体温降低等等。

32、On its own, pulmonary valve insufficiency is seldom severe enough to require treatment. ─── 就其本身而言,肺动脉瓣闭锁不全很少严重到需要治疗

33、Nevertheless, according to the insufficiency of the relative laws'regulations on this matter, the measure of practice is a bit inconsistent. ─── 但由于相关法律对这一问题的规定比较笼统,导致实践操作方面把握的尺度比较混乱。

34、Among assertive, learned, or eloquent people, she seemed to feel her dowdiness and insufficiency. ─── 在这群过分自信,学识渊博,伶牙俐齿的人中间,她总仿佛觉得自己过于懒散,笨头笨脑的。

35、Research progress on cross breeding of Chinese fir was summarized in this paper and the primary insufficiency was analyzed. ─── 摘要概述了我国杉木杂交育种研究进展,分析了杉木杂交育种存在的主要问题及其对策。

36、shortage in net weight of delivered cargo was due to insufficiency of originally dispatched weight. ─── 净重短少,系原发货重量不足所致。

37、Diosmin is safe and effective in treating the symptoms and signs of chronic venous insufficiency of lower extremities. ─── 微化的地奥司明是安全而有效的治疗老年下肢慢性静脉机能不全的药物。

38、Fear arises out of this inner insufficiency, poverty and emptiness. ─── 恐惧来源于这种内在的不足,贫乏和空虚。

39、Preoperative pulmonary insufficiency represents a critical problem. ─── 手术前肺功能不全成为一关键问题。

40、Immunosuppression was based on tacrolimus, with sirolimus used in case of renal insufficiency. ─── 我们通常用他克莫司抑制免疫,当出现肾功不全时应用西罗莫司。

41、The specialized voice recording equipment has provided the safeguard for yours sound, they will beautify your sound and make up your insufficiency. ─── 专业的录音设备为您的声音提供了保障,它们将美化您的声音和弥补您的不足。

42、At the present market, the reason that consumers do not buy eco-labeling eggs is not insufficiency of purchasing power. ─── 在现有市场价格水平上,消费者不选择生态标识鸡蛋并不是因为支付能力不足。

43、By analyzing the insufficiency of China"s current original regulars, this paper, therefore, puts forward some suggestion. ─── 并针对我国原产地规则的缺陷与不足,就我国如何有效利用原产地规则提出自己的一些观点和建议。

44、Acute respiratory insufficiency in the postoperative patient may be caused by defective ventilation. ─── 手术后病人的急性呼吸功能不全,可因不足的通气所引起。

45、The fundamental reason for these problems lies in the insufficiency of the theory on administrative review of normative documents. ─── 其根本原因在于,规范性文件行政复议的理论困乏。

46、Chants insufficiency of the song, did not know foot ofdance of the hand steps. ─── 咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之足之蹈之也。

47、An assessment using a hand held Doppler can be useful to detect whether there is peripheral vascular insufficiency. ─── 手提式多普勒仪器有助于发现是否存在外周血管供应不足。

48、Serum levels were similar in healthy volunteers, patients with renal insufficiency, and patients with hepatic dysfunction; time to peak was delayed in patients with liver failure. ─── 健康志愿者、肾功能不全患者和肝功能障碍患者的血药浓度类似,但肝功衰患者的达峰时间延迟

49、The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy,shortage,shortfall)of funds in his customer's account. ─── 因为客户账户上的资金(头寸)不足,银行拒付支票款项时合法的(名词insufficiency译成形容词做补语。)

50、An alternative classification emphasizes etiology: regurgitant murmurs from semilunar insufficiency versus ventricular filling murmurs. ─── 另一种分类则着重于其病因:由半月瓣闭锁不全所致的回流性杂音对心室充盈性杂音。

51、Corporeity of children are often in insufficiency of spleen. ─── 小儿体质有"脾常不足"特点。

52、Twenty-eight children with normal adrenocortical function and two patients with adrenocortical insufficiency were enrolled in the present study. ─── 摘要本研究共收集28位正常儿童及2位肾上腺机能不全的患童接受肾上皮促素试验。

53、The insufficiency of literature about emergency materials dispatching is pointed out and the definition of large-scale emergency is presented. ─── 摘要指出现有关于应急物资调度文献的不足,给出大规模突发事件的定义;

54、Cardiovascular examination showed a normal first heart sound but a prominent pulmonic second sound, with no audible murmur of tricuspid insufficiency. ─── 心血管检查显示,第一心音正常,但肺动脉第二心音亢进,未听到三尖瓣关闭不全的杂音。

55、Some authors (8) hae emphasized that intrauterine olulus is a unique situation in which uteroplacental insufficiency is fetal in origin. ─── 一些作者强调宫内肠扭转是子宫胎盘功能不全在胎儿的罕见的病变。

56、Objective: To find out a proper way to feed premature and low birth we ight infants so as to compensate the insufficiency of nasal tube feeding. ─── 寻求一种有利于早产儿及低出生体重儿喂养方法,解决管饲喂养的不足。

57、Of them, 324 cases(422limbs) were simple GSV varicosis, and 96 cases(103 limbs) coexistented primary deep venous insufficiency(PDVI) of lower limbs. ─── 其中单纯性大隐静脉曲张324例(422条肢体),下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全96例(103条肢体)。

58、Wagner declared that the very fact that Beethoven had to resort to human voices proved the insufficiency of pure instrumental music. ─── 华格纳公开的表示,确切的说出贝多芬常藉助人声来辅助纯器乐在音乐上的不足。

59、This paper analyzes the insufficiency of higher education, and discusses the mode construction of cultivating creative personnel for better Sichuan. ─── 为此,文章根据建设美好四川的内在要求、针对高等教育存在的弊端,就深化高等教育改革、构建创新型人才培养模式进行了探讨。

60、Strategies and methods to improve home environment include tips on abnormal family, poor hygiene, insufficiency or absence of water, torridness or frostiness, and unfriendly pets. ─── 促进居家环境安全,如访视期间的注意事项,包括家庭环境异常、家庭卫生情况不良、家庭供水不足或缺水、家庭环境过度炎热或严寒以及不习惯访客或具攻击性的宠物;

61、Clinical Association between Renal Insufficiency and Positive Troponin I in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. ─── 急性冠脉综合征患者中肾功能不全和肌钙蛋白I阳性之间的临床联系。

62、Examination of CVHD can reveal cerebral circulation insufficiency or predict an attack of cerebral stroke. ─── CVHD检测能敏感地反映脑血管供血不足或预警脑卒中发生.

63、The insufficiency of perforating veins is the main cause resulting in the recurrence of varicose veins after varicotomy in lower extremities. ─── 交通静脉功能不全是导致下肢静脉曲张术后复发的主要原因。

64、The insufficiency in his manpower and material resources is not yet such as to prevent his offensive; On the contrary, they can still sustain his offensive to a certain extent. ─── 其人力、物力不足的因素尚不足以阻止其进攻,反之,尚足以维持其进攻到一定的程度。

65、To avoid the insufficiency of dam security measures and personnel negligence,the US government has begun to push "Destroy Risk Evaluation of Dam Safety" . ─── 为避免水坝保安措施的不足及人为的疏失,美国政府开始推动“水坝安全之破坏风险评估”。

66、Clinical analysis of 20 cases of primary adrenocortical insufficiency. ─── 原发性肾上腺皮质功能减退症20例临床分析

67、It is this combination that results in post-traumatic renal insufficiency. ─── 在创伤后,这些因素的综合作用即可导致肾功能不足。

68、O, from what power hast thou this powerful mightWith insufficiency my heart to sway? ─── 哦,从什么威力你取得这力量,连缺陷也能把我的心灵支配?

69、Objective To apply behavior therapy to treat patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency(VPI), with the aim of improving speech treatment. ─── 摘要目的为提高语音障碍的治疗效果,应用行为疗法治疗腭咽闭合功能不全型(VPI患者)。

70、Objective: To study the mechanism of Chinese traditional medicine protecting and curing spontaneous abortion from corpus luteum insufficiency angle. ─── 摘要从黄体功能不全角度探讨中药保胎方防治自然流产的机理。

71、It is urgent to study on molecular and cellular mechanisms of age-related diseases, including aged pulmonary insufficiency. ─── 提示研究包括老年肺功能不全在内的老年性疾病发生机制的迫切性。

72、Moistening maintenance: Containing moisturizing compositions, it helps preventing the occurrence of water insufficiency and desquamation. ─── 保湿:含保湿成份,帮助预防缺水及脱皮现象的出现。

73、Appropriate comprehensive treatment has a good therapeutic effect for patients with gouty nehropathy patients with cardiac insufficiency. ─── 恰当的综合治疗对痛风性肾病合并心功能不全的患者能取得好的治疗效果。

74、The position of eyelid edge is normal or gentleness insufficiency. ─── "眼睑位置处于正常或微小关闭不全"这样翻译对不对?

75、Such an administrative structure seems to well solve the insufficiency of primary care and inefficiency of special care at present. ─── 这样的管理结构从目前来看较好的解决了初级卫生服务供给不足和专科卫生服务效率低下的问题。

76、Introduces some protection technologies of digital book, analyzes their insufficiency, and expounds two new off-line digital book encrypt protection modes. ─── 介绍了目前已有的一些数字图书保护技术,分析了它们的不足之处,提出了两种离线型新型数字图书安全保护方法。

77、The baby had thin, tightly adherent skin that causes arthrogryposis and respiratory insufficiency. ─── 患婴有著薄,紧贴的皮肤,造成关节脔缩及呼吸不全。

78、Prognostic criteria to inform women with moderate to seere renal insufficiency who wish to bear children are not well established. ─── 中度至重度肾功能不全想生孩子的妇女的预后标准还没有很好的制定。

79、He stressed that various associations while completed Olympic Games duty to realize to own disparity, summarized the insufficiency. ─── 他强调各协会在完成了奥运任务的同时须认识到自身的差距,总结不足。

80、The most common complications were cardiopulmonary insufficiency, lung infection, atelectasis pain and anastomose fistula in thorax. ─── 常见的并发症有心律失常、肺部感染、肺不张、疼痛、胸腔内吻合口瘘等。

81、It can be caused by medical conditions such as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, overfeeding, or malabsorption. ─── 可以由疾病引起,如胰腺外分泌不足、摄食过饱或吸收不良;

82、Coupled with MRA and MRI, more useful information for the diagnosis or vertebral arterial insufficiency due to cervical spondylosis can be obtained. ─── MRA与MRI联合应用是目前诊断椎动脉型颈椎病获取信息较为理想的检查手段。

83、Improvable items are traffic inconvenience, lack of marketing and advertising, and insufficiency of navigation interpreters. ─── 应改善的项目有交通便利性不足、行销宣传不足及欠缺导览解说人员;

84、Therefore, when some people are too wasteful, others will suffer from insufficiency. ─── 所以如果有一些人太浪费的话,就会有一些人不够用。

85、On the base of analyzing the insufficiency of this matrix, improved life cycle matrix in asse... ─── 在分析简式生命周期矩阵不足的基础上,提出了用于评价环境标志产品的改进生命周期矩阵。

86、If P/C was bigger or progressive group with adult asymptomatic proteinuria,these patients more likely occur renal insufficiency,advise to follow up them continuely. ─── P/C较大、进展组的无症状性蛋白尿者发生肾功能不全较多见,对该类患者应加强随访。

87、Abstract: Objective:Relationships between Vertibral-Basilar Atery Insufficiency (VBI) and dementia. ─── 摘 要: 目的:了解椎-基底动脉供血不足(VBI)患者与痴呆发生的相关性。

88、After that this paper makes revisions and supplements for insufficiency of the model on the actual investigation, and confirms hypothesis' validity. ─── 接着在实际调研的基础上对模型的不足进行修正和补充,验证假设的正确性。

89、Mediocre personnel - technical or process insufficiency causes delays at multiple levels. ─── 平庸的人员素质——人员在技术或流程方面的能力不足会导致多个层面的延迟。

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