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antifriction 发音

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antifriction 中文意思翻译




antifriction 短语词组

1、antifriction block ─── 减摩块

2、antifriction bronze ─── 耐磨青铜

3、antifriction guide ─── 滚动导轨

4、antifriction metal ─── [化] 抗磨金属

5、antifriction element ─── 减摩元件

6、antifriction agent ─── 减摩剂

7、antifriction composition ─── 减摩组合物

8、antifriction characteristics ─── 减摩特性

9、antifriction alloy ─── 减摩轴承合金,抗磨合金

10、antifriction cermet ─── 减摩金属陶瓷

11、antifriction bearing ─── [化] 减摩轴承; 滚动轴承

12、antifriction box ─── 减摩箱

13、antifriction alloy (electro)plating ─── [化] 电镀减摩合金

14、antifriction material ─── [机] 抗磨材料

15、antifriction cast iron ─── 抗磨铸铁

16、antifriction bearing grease ─── [机] 减摩轴承润滑脂

17、antifriction roller ─── [机] 抗磨滚子

18、antifriction grease ─── [机] 抗磨滑脂

19、antifriction ball bearing ─── 减摩球轴承

antifriction 相似词语短语

1、astriction ─── n.便秘;限制;束缚

2、antirejection ─── 防排斥

3、antifrictional ─── 减摩

4、antiselection ─── n.逆选择

5、abstriction ─── n.缢离作用;断裂作用

6、affliction ─── n.苦难;苦恼;折磨

7、quantification ─── n.[统计]定量,量化

8、antireflection ─── n.防反射

9、antiabortion ─── adj.反对堕胎的;n.反对堕胎

antifriction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、antiwear and antifriction behavior ─── 抗磨减摩性能

2、Popularization of integrity antifriction surface technique ─── 整体性耐磨地面工艺的推广

3、The results show that the ASB materials are the new PM antifriction materials for aerobat. ─── 并且提供批量零件供现场使用,结果表明,该材料完全满足航空使用工况要求,是一种具有广泛应用前景的新型粉末冶金自润滑减摩材料。

4、The bulgy block has the perfect effect when construct.The marking is antifriction and resist concussion,long service life. ─── 标线施工时凸块成型效果优异,所施工标线耐磨性及抗冲击性强,长期使用不掉块、不变形。

5、Qu J J,Jiang K L,Zhang K,et al.Study on antifriction effect of ultrasonic vibration in ultrasonic driving[J].Acta Acustica,2001,26(6):497-500. ─── [9]曲建俊,姜开利,张凯,等.超声驱动的超声波振动减摩作用研究[J].声学学报,2001,26(6):497-500.

6、applying a thin layer of antifriction when installing sleeve. ─── 装轴套时,在轴上涂上一薄层减摩剂。

7、Precious Shell ER-PC Antifriction Metal Conditioner ─── 壳宝汽车

8、antifriction composition ─── 减摩制品抗摩制品

9、antifriction additive ─── 抗摩剂

10、antifriction cast iron ─── 抗摩铸铁

11、antifriction alloy ─── 减摩合金耐磨合金减磨合金抗摩合金

12、One of the principal advantages of antifriction (rolling contact) bearings is the almost complete elimination of friction. ─── 减摩轴承(滚动轴承)的一个首要优势在于几乎完全排除了摩擦阻力。

13、antifriction ball bearing ─── 减摩滚珠轴承

14、Precious Shell Antifriction Metal Conditioner ─── 沛龙壳宝

15、Hence the life of an antifriction bearing is measured by the number of shaft revolutions that occur prior to fatigue failure. ─── 因此一台减摩轴承的使用寿命是在疲劳故障之前通过计算其轴转速测得的。

16、Any of several soft, silvery antifriction alloys composed of tin usually with small amounts of copper and antimony. ─── 巴氏合金:一些柔软,含银的抗摩擦合金,由锡组成,通常也含少量的铜和锑

17、Keywords N-containing heterocyclic compounds and their derivatives;multifunctional oil additives;molecular structure;tribological characteristics;antifriction and antiwear mechanisms; ─── 含氮杂环衍生物;多功能润滑油添加剂;分子结构;摩擦学性能;减摩抗磨作用机理;

18、low-alloy antifriction cast steel ─── 低合金耐磨钢

19、Ball Bearing: One of the two types of rolling, or antifriction, Bearings (the other is the roller Bearing). ─── 球轴承:滚动(或减摩)轴承的一种(另一种为滚柱轴承)。

20、antifriction coating ─── 减摩涂层

21、antifriction wheel ─── 减摩轮

22、So this wearable composite can use as common wearable composite, the friction coefficient is bigger if it is used as antifriction and wearable composite. ─── 因此该材料可以用作一般的耐磨复合材料使用,若用作减摩耐磨复合材料则摩擦系数偏高。

23、antifriction alloy (or metal) ─── 减摩合金

24、antifriction ring ─── 减摩圈

25、antifriction box ─── 减摩轴箱

26、antiwear and antifriction mechanism ─── 抗磨减摩机理

27、Solid-lubricants and its Applications in Resin-matrix Antifriction Composites ─── 固体润滑剂及其在树脂基减摩复合材料中的应用

28、Add antifriction lining, movable blades and exchange antifriction material to reduce abrasion and extend usage service life. ─── 可根据物料不同性质采用加装耐磨衬套,活动叶片及改换耐磨材料等结构措施以减少磨损,延长使用寿命。

29、Bridge paving layer is directly under stress of vehicle and it must have the intension of preventing crack and antifriction. ─── 桥面铺装层是车辆直接作用部分,要求具有一定强度,防止开裂,并保证耐磨。

30、Antifriction Measure of the Cyclic Type Fluid Bed Boiler ─── 循环流化床锅炉的防磨措施

31、The compaction wheel is installed with special arranged antifriction teeth, and there are scraping teeth as well as shearing teeth in front and rear of the wheel; ─── 压实轮上装有独特排列的长寿命耐磨齿,每个压轮前后均设置刮泥齿和;

32、Development, characteristic analysis and selection of automatic self-Lubricated antifriction materials. ─── 自润滑减摩材料的发展特性分析与选择。

33、antifriction block ─── 减摩滑车

34、The three basic types of antifriction bearings are ball bearings, roller bearings, needle bearings. ─── 减摩轴承基本上有滚珠轴承、滚柱轴承和滚针轴承三种。

35、The national-grade new product TMC nylon is a new type material with abrasion proof, antifriction, and high PV value. ─── TMC尼龙是一项国际新型耐磨减摩高PV值材料,国家级新产品,具有高机械强度、抗压、抗冲击、耐磨、减摩、吸振、防腐、自润滑且性能稳定等独特的良机械特性。

36、antifriction pivot ─── 减摩枢

37、Study on the Antifriction Performance of Solid Lubricant Additives and the Compose Systems Used in Hot Rolling at High Temperature ─── 固体润滑剂复合体系的高温减摩性能的研究

38、Keywords plasma arc;quenched stripes;friction factor;antifriction;wearability;frictional wear-out; ─── 关键词等离子弧;淬火条纹;摩擦因数;减摩性;耐磨性;摩擦磨损;

39、The wear resistance and antifriction qualities of the oil impregnated sintered bronze make for an excellent guide bushing. ─── 耐磨性及耐磨油浸渍的素质良好的导套烧结青铜做。

40、antifriction roller ─── 减摩滚柱

41、antifriction slide ─── 减摩溜板

42、The key to the technique lies in minuteness and coupling agent modification of antifriction material, so as to improve theinterface between resins and inorganic antifriction materials and increase the antifriction capability of CCF. ─── 本技术关键是对国产耐磨材料进行微细化处理及偶联剂改性处理,从而改善树脂与无机耐磨颗粒的界面粘结性能以提高耐磨性。

43、Application of Antifriction Healant to Repair the sliding guide Gall of Heavy Machine Tool ─── 应用耐磨修补剂修复大型机床导轨研伤

44、Entropy: Study on the Antiwear and Antifriction Properties of Nanometer Particle Containing Samarium ─── 含钐纳米粒子的抗磨减摩性能研究

45、Precious Shell New Energy Release Antifriction Metal Conditioner ─── 壳宝新能源强力抗磨剂

46、antifriction grouting ─── 减摩注浆

47、The valve is widely applied in building material, metallurgy, mining, carbon coal and electric power industries etc and it is the ideal antifriction switching equipment of transportation system.? ─── 普遍适用于建材、冶金、矿山、煤炭、电力等行业,是输送系统中理想的耐磨切换设备。

48、resin-matrix antifriction composites ─── 树脂基减摩复合材料

49、It had good ability of controling deposit formed in high temperature condition, anti oxygen and antifriction. ─── 具有优良的控制高温沉淀物形成的能力和抗氧,抗腐,抗磨等性能。

50、The lubricating oils containing organo-molybdenum own the excellent properties of antifriction, antiwear, antioxidant and fuel economy. ─── 含有机钼添加剂的润滑油具有优异的减摩性、抗磨性、抗氧化性和燃油经济性。

51、antifriction bearing ─── 减摩轴承抗摩轴承滚动轴承

52、Cheng G M,Zeng P,Qiu X Y,et al.Study on ultrasonic vibration antifriction phenomenon[J].Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics,1998,20 (5):322-325. ─── [5]程光明,曾平,邱晓阳,等.超声振动减摩现象的研究[J].压电与声光,1998,20 (5):322-325.

53、Possess good performance of antifriction, anticorrosion. ─── 良好的低温启动性能;

54、Keywords low-alloy antifriction cast steel;martensite;bainite; ─── 低合金耐磨钢;马氏体;贝氏体;

55、antifriction metal ─── 减摩金属减磨金属减磨合金抗摩合金

56、It had good ability of controling deposit formed in high temperature condition, anti oxygen and antifriction. ─── 具有优良的控制高温沉淀物形成的能力和抗氧,抗腐,抗磨等性能。

57、antifriction bearing grease ─── 减摩轴承润滑脂

58、Development Trends of Antifriction Material of Crankshaft Bush of Internal Combustion Engine ─── 内燃机曲轴轴承减摩材料的发展动态

59、Keywords bar rolling plant;technology reformation;split rolling;antifriction roll; ─── 棒材车间;技术改造;切分轧制;耐磨轧辊;

60、Of which mixing silo is welded by the steel, a layer of antifriction cast iron scale boards is embedded in the medial wall with sunk screws. ─── 其中搅拌筒体是用钢板焊接而成,内壁用沉头螺钉铺装一层铸铁衬板。

61、Nano-Cu Additive for Lubrication Oil and its Antifriction and Self-repairing Performances on Surfaces of Different Roughness ─── 润滑油纳米铜添加剂及其对不同粗糙度表面的减摩自修复行为

62、antifriction thrust bearing ─── 减摩推力轴承

63、Keywords Cr-graphite Fluoride Composite Coating;Bearing;Hardness;Friction Coefficient;Wear rate;Antifriction Film.; ─── 氟化石墨复合镀层;轴承;硬度;摩擦系数;磨损率;减摩膜;

64、radial antifriction bearing ─── 径向抗摩轴承

65、The special rubber wheel is of exclusive formula, antifriction, aging resistance, high temperature resistance. ─── 专用橡胶轮系独家专用配方,耐磨损、耐老化、耐高温。

66、It has good properties of palladium coating, such as bright surface , high glisten rate , low contact resistance , high rigidity, antifriction, anticorrosion and so... ─── 利用本工艺电镀能得到性能优良的钯镀层,如外观白亮、反光率高、接触电阻小、硬度高、耐磨、耐蚀等优点。

67、Keywords piston ring;phosphating;wear resistance;antifriction; ─── 活塞环;磷化;耐磨性;减摩性;

68、Advantage: Strong intensity, antifriction, wearable, anti-rotten, acid and alkali resistant, simple and portable, safety and applicable. ─── 优点:强度大、耐磨、耐用、耐腐烂、耐酸碱,简易轻便,安全适用。

69、antifriction property ─── 抗磨性

70、The Tribological Behaviour of Metallic Antifriction Materials; ─── 标准/规范英文名: Plain Bearings;

71、antifriction ring holder screw ─── 减摩环托螺钉

72、antifriction meta ─── 减磨金属

73、Stabilization and antifriction of the rod string in horizontal hole are of great importance. ─── 水平井用杆式泵采油时,抽油杆柱的扶正和减摩是一个重要的研究课题。


75、Discussion of application of antifriction filter screen in batch asphalt mixing plant ─── 沥青混凝土搅拌机使用耐磨筛网探讨

76、Eel Brand antifriction metal ─── 伊尔布兰德减摩合金

77、antifriction alloy (electro)plating ─── [化] 电镀减摩合金

78、Xuzhou Hongda Antifriction Material Co., Ltd. ─── 徐州宏达耐磨材料有限公司。

79、Antifriction and Self-repairing Material Technology in Engineering Machinery ─── 工程机械减摩自修复材料技术


81、antifriction grease ─── 减摩润滑脂

82、The paper introduces properties of PVC floors in cleaning, germicide, mould proof, antifriction and so on, and the application in hospital decoration. ─── 介绍了PVC材料的保洁、抗菌、防霉、吸音、耐磨、防火、防损等性能,及PVC复合地板用于医院地面装饰的作用。

83、antifriction ring and holder ─── 减摩环及托

84、This article reviews the advance of the modification research of MC nylon in antifriction, reinforcement, toughening, antistatic and fire-retardance. ─── 从减摩、增强、增韧、抗静电和阻燃五个方面,综述了MC尼龙改性的研究进展。

85、Use inductive heating unit to heat antifriction bearing inner ring. ─── 使用感应加热装置加热减摩轴承内圈。

86、Keywords explosion engine;antifriction protective agent;energy saving;boundary;lubrication;ZDTP;solid lubricating agent; ─── 内燃机;减摩保护剂;节能;边界润滑;ZDTP;固体润滑剂;

87、Application of VS Antifriction Coat Used as Lining Gum in Rubber Pump ─── VS耐磨涂料内衬代替橡胶泵衬胶的应用

88、One of the principal advantages of antifriction (rolling contact) bearings is the almost complete elimination of friction. ─── 减摩轴承(滚动轴承)的一个首要优势在于几乎完全排除了摩擦阻力。

89、antifriction bearing pillow ─── 减摩轴承垫座

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