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08-15 投稿


lota 发音

英:[['l??t?]]  美:[['lo?t?]]

英:  美:

lota 中文意思翻译



lota 短语词组

1、lota name ─── 红龙LOTA名称

2、genus Lota ─── [网络] 莲花属

3、lota rose ─── 洛塔玫瑰

4、lota of ─── 第lota页,共页

5、lota bc ─── 批次bc

6、Lota lota ─── [网络] 江鳕;活饵对淡水鳕

7、lota 10 10 ─── 号地块

8、lota rp rp ─── 批

9、car lota ─── 卡洛塔(1840~1927,墨西哥皇后,马克西米连皇帝之妻)

10、lota definition lota ─── 定义

11、burbot lotalota Burbot Lota Lota

12、lota app ─── 乐天应用

lota 相似词语短语

1、jota ─── n.霍塔舞

2、lotas ─── n.球形黄铜小水壶,印度圆水壶;n.(Lota)(美、法、波、俄)洛塔(人名)

3、iota ─── n.极微小;希腊语的第九个字母;n.(Iota)人名;(日)庵田(姓);(希、罗)约塔

4、Rota ─── n.值班名册;轮值表;n.(Rota)人名;(英、法、意、葡、捷、土)罗塔

5、Kota ─── n.哥打;辛田

6、flota ─── n.舰队

7、lotta ─── n.许多,大量(等于lotof);n.(Lotta)人名;(英、意、芬、瑞典)洛塔

8、lotah ─── 印度圆水壶

9、bota ─── n.马靴;酒囊;n.(Bota)人名;(法、西、葡、罗、塞)博塔

lota 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was utterly miserable about being left behind to stay alone with Lota and the other servants. ─── 她被留在后面和罗大及其他的仆人在一起。

2、"You are well paid for it, aren't you? " said Lota. "You can buy a farm with a hundred taels of silver. " ─── 罗大说:“赶这一趟车,你们赚钱不少。拿一百两银子就可以买一块田地了。”

3、Lota lota ─── 江鳕

4、A freshwater fish(Lota lota)of the Northern Hemisphere,related to and resembling the cod and having barbels on the nose and chin. ─── 江鳕一种淡水鱼(江鳕),生长在北半球,与鳕鱼有亲缘关系并且相像,鼻部和下颚处有鱼须

5、Lota replied there was no better man on earth than their master. ─── 罗大回答说:“世界上再没有比我们东家更好的人了。”

6、a freshwater fish(Lota lota) of the Northern Hemisphere,related to and resembling the cod and having barbels on the nose and chin ─── 一种淡水鱼(江鳕),生长在北半球,与鳕鱼有亲缘关系并且相像,鼻部和下颚处有鱼须

7、Studies on the population structure of Lota lota (Linnaeus) in upper stream of Wusuli River ─── 乌苏里江上游虎头江段江鳕捕捞群体结构特性的研究

8、But she gotta lota blisters ─── 但她脚上水泡鸡眼真多

9、Lota,an old man of about fifty and head servant of the family that had engaged the carts for long jounery,was smoking a pipe and watching the drivers feeding the mules; ─── 罗同此时正在车厢内百无聊赖的叼着烟枪,一边看着那些车夫们喂骡子。

10、Lota replied there was no better man on earth than their master. ─── 罗大回答说:"世界上再没有比我们东家更好的人了。"

11、but Lota explained to him that it said that medicines against cholera, colic, and dysentery would be given free to anybody. ─── 罗大解释说:“这是我们主人免费提供给大家的药,包括霍乱、疝气、痢疾等等。”

12、The scores on FMA,ADL and LOTA all had significant difference in the two groups before and after treatment(P

13、A manservant, Lotung, who was the brother of Lota, sat on the outside in Mr.Yao's cart, one leg crossed on the shaft and one left dangling. ─── 一个男仆叫做罗东,是罗大的弟弟,架着姚老爷的骡车,一条腿盘着,领一条腿垂在车辕下摇摆着。

14、The drivers tried to pry out of Lota information about the family. Lota merely told them that his master was an owner of medicine shops. ─── 车夫们想从罗大口里打听出他主人的更多的消息,但是,罗大仅仅告诉他们,主人自己有几家药房。

15、” said Lota, “Isn't it the same whether you carry it or our master carries it? ─── 罗大回答说:“咱们一起出门,我们主人拿着和你们拿着不是一样吗?”

16、Prelimimary study on morphology of Lota lata Linnaeus and Gadus macrocephalus Tilexius ─── 江鳕和大头鳕形态学的初步研究

17、Lota, an old man of about fifty and head servant of the family that had engaged the carts for a long journey, was smoking a pipe and watching the drivers feeding the mules; ─── 领头的人叫罗大,是一个五十多岁的老人。他是这个家庭的管家,现在他正抽着烟管盯着车夫们喂骡子。

18、This slick new model of the fabulous LOTA BOWL will be a great addition to your act. ─── 这光滑的新模式,精彩lota一碗将成为一个伟大的,除了您的行为。

19、lota histon ─── 蛙精组蛋白

20、Lota repoied there was no better man on earth than their master. ─── 罗大的眼里,这个世界上没有人能比他的主人更好了。

21、Drama, as Bharatamuni says, is the imitation of men and their doings ( lota -vritti). ─── 正如婆罗多牟尼所说,是对人们以及他们的行为的模仿。

22、A freshwater fish(Lota lota) of the Northern Hemisphere, related to and resembling the cod and having barbels on the nose and chin. ─── 江鳕一种淡水鱼(江鳕),生长在北半球,与鳕鱼有亲缘关系并且相像,鼻部和下颚处有鱼须

23、Lecithocera lota ─── n. 莲祝蛾

24、“That's something important,” said the driver. “You'd better give us some of medicine?” said Lota, “Isn't it the same whether you carry it or our master carries it? ─── “最重要的是,”车夫说,“您最好给我们拿点药!”罗大回答说:“咱们一起出门,我们主人拿着和你们拿着不是一样吗?”

25、She was utterly miserable about being left behind to stay alone with Lota and the other servants. ─── 她被留在后面和罗大及其他的仆人在一起。

26、Lota is a natural gelling agent derived from red algae found on the coasts of the north Atlantic,as well as in the Philippine and Indonesian seas. ─── 丝毫是从北大西洋海岸、以及菲律宾和印度洋中的红藻中提取的天然凝胶剂。

27、A boy of thirteen followed, and Lota told the drivers it was the young master. ─── 后面跟着一个约摸十三岁的男孩子。罗大告诉他们说,那是小少爷。

28、"Rot your tongue! " said Lota. "Our master has no concubines. That young woman is his adopted daughter and a widow. " ─── 罗大说:“烂掉你的舌头!我们老爷从来没有姨太太。这位姑娘是他的干女儿,还是个寡妇呢。”

29、A boy of thirteen followed, and Lota told the drivers it was the yong master. ─── 一个十三岁的小男孩跟着走了出来,罗大说这酒是我们的少东家。

30、But she gotta lota blisters ─── 但她脚上水泡鸡眼真多

31、thanks a lota great lot of document. ─── 很好的资料,非常感谢楼主的工作!

32、He greeted the drivers and, noticing the jar, reminded Lota to keep it daily filled with tea as usual during his absence. ─── 他向车夫们点首致意,然后注意到了缸里的茶水。嘱咐罗大,在他离开的日子里也必须保持茶水是满的。

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