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baronet 发音

英:['b?r(?)n?t]  美:['b?r?n?t]

英:  美:

baronet 中文意思翻译



baronet 网络释义

n. 从男爵;准男爵vt. 封…为准男爵

baronet 短语词组

1、baronet books ─── 男爵书籍

2、baronet coffee ─── 男爵咖啡

3、baronet badge ─── 男爵徽章

4、baronet of llantarnam ─── 兰塔南男爵

5、baronet vs baron ─── 男爵vs ─── 男爵

6、baronet definition ─── 男爵定义

baronet 词性/词形变化,baronet变形


baronet 反义词


baronet 同义词

king | boss |tycoon | power | mogul | gentleman | captain of industry | somebody | top executive | magnate | business leader | industrialist | robber baron

baronet 相似词语短语

1、baronies ─── n.男爵领地;男爵爵位;大片私有土地

2、baronetcy ─── n.从男爵爵位

3、baronets ─── n.从男爵;准男爵;vt.封…为准男爵

4、bayonet ─── n.刺刀;卡销;vt.用刺刀刺;vi.用刺刀;劈刺

5、barnet ─── 巴尼特

6、balconet ─── n.眺台式窗栏;装饰横档

7、baroness ─── n.男爵夫人;女男爵;(欧洲某些国家)男爵之女

8、barometz ─── 巴洛梅兹

9、ballonet ─── n.升降气袋;小气囊

baronet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps the baronet's bedroom was about the pleasantest retreat that an invalid could have chosen in such cold and cheerless weather. ─── 在这样寒冷凄凉的天气里,从男爵的卧室也许是一个病人所能选择的最舒适愉快的休养所了。

2、Born in London in 1971, the baronet's daughter now works as creative director of the high-end stationery firm Smythson. ─── 莎曼珊1971年生于伦敦,是男爵之女,现任英国高级文具公司Smythson的创意总监。

3、to be in the home of a baronet of such a prominent and distinguished family. ─── 竟能住在拥有如此显赫家世的准男爵家中

4、The company and the splendor which he met there were not to the Baronet's taste. ─── 遇到的客人和见到的气派,都不合乎男爵的口味。

5、British) a title used before the name of knight or baronet. ─── (英)在骑士或伯爵名字之前的头衔。

6、Cry out for Freedom--Analyzing the Reasonable Love Affair of Lady Chatterley through the Baronet, sir Clifford's Disability ─── 呐喊自由--从查泰莱男爵的残疾来看查泰莱夫人婚外恋的合理性

7、rayon baronet satin ─── 人丝男爵缎

8、His father was s Sussex county gentleman and a Whig member of Parliament; his grand-father, who became a baronet, had amassed a great.fortune. ─── 他的父亲是苏塞克斯郡的绅士,国会的辉格党议员;他的祖父是位从男爵,积聚了万贯家财。

9、"What's brought you here?" growled Altamont, looking sternly from under his heavy eyebrows at the Baronet. ─── 阿尔塔芝铁板着脸,从那对浓眉毛下瞪着男爵,粗声粗气地喝道:“你来干什么?”

10、and if they could but keep Captain Wentworth from being made a baronet, she would not change situations with Anne. ─── 只要能使温特沃思上校当不成准男爵,她就不愿意和安妮调个位置。

11、Don't say "Sir Ford","Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England,e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith. ─── 一般不说“Sir福特”,或“Madam史密斯”。只有在英国才把“Sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(Sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(Lady史密斯)。

12、" The baronet lifted her in his arms, and kissed her once upon the forehead; ─── 从男爵伸出两臂搂着她,把她扶起来,吻了一下她的前额;

13、Francatelli, who was 31 at the time, was traveling with baronet Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon and his wife Lady Lucy Christiana, as his secretary. ─── 时年31岁的弗兰卡泰利当时是科斯莫-达夫-戈登准男爵的秘书,正在陪同男爵及其夫人露西-克里斯蒂娜女士旅行。

14、" repeated the baronet. ─── 从男爵重复道。

15、The rank or dignity of a baronet or a baronetess. ─── 准男爵,准女伯爵准男爵或准女伯爵的等级或爵位

16、I am afraid the baronet, whose name you are unwilling to mention to me, has done you some grievous wrong? ─── 大概,您不愿意向我指名道姓的那个准男爵做过很对不起您的事情吧?

17、"She was close-very close",said the baronet, simply ─── “她的手紧,真紧!”准男爵很直爽地答道。

18、She set her face with a sulky determination against any intimacy between herself and the baronet's young wife; ─── 她绷着脸,下决心不同从男爵的年轻夫人结成亲密的关系;

19、The baronet caught her in his strong arms as she came in through the open window. ─── 她从打开的窗子里进来时,从男爵用他强壮的胳膊抱住了她。

20、Sir John Smith baronet abandoned his son to his fate. ─── 约翰 · 史密斯爵士遗弃了儿子, 任其受命运摆布。

21、Don't say "Sir Ford", "Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England, e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith. ─── 一般不说“Sir福特”,或“Madam史密斯”。 只有在英国才把“Sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(Sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(Lady史密斯)。

22、27. So that the baronet and his brother had every reason which two brothers possibly can have for being by the ears. ─── 这样看来,从男爵和他弟弟在各方面都有理由成为冤家对头。

23、since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones, Bart.. ─── 因为他是一个从男爵,他必须被称为亨利琼斯先生从男爵。

24、Red Hand - Usual mark for a baronet if borne on a small escutcheon. ─── 红色的手-通常来说,如果这种符号安加在一面小型纹章盾上,那么它是准男爵的标记。

25、"Robert's friend has not yet been heard of, then," said the baronet, after reading the advertisement to his wife and daughter. ─── “由此看来,罗伯特的朋友还是音讯全无哩,”他把那条广告读给他的妻子和女儿听以后,说道。

26、The baronet lay in a quiet sleep, his arm lying outside the bed, and his strong hand clasped in his young wife's delicate fingers. ─── 从男爵躺在床上静静地睡熟了,他的手臂伸在床外,他的强壮的手被握在他妻子小巧玲珑的手指里。

27、But we'll call at the Court in a day or two, and you shall see the baronet and his pretty young wife. ─── 不过一两天内我们就要到庄院府邸去拜访了,你就会看见从男爵和他的俊俏的年轻妻子的。”

28、Hamilton, Sir William, 9TH BARONET ─── 汉弥尔顿

29、I do not think that throughout his courtship the baronet once calculated upon his wealth or his position as a strong reason for his success. ─── 我并不认为从男爵在整个求婚期间曾经预计到他的财产和地位会成为他取得胜利的强烈因素。

30、his grand-father, who became a baronet, had amassed a great fortune. ─── 他的祖父是位从男爵,积聚了万贯家财。

31、“I have a good mind to go to London with you.” said the baronet. ─── 从男爵说:“我真想和你一道去伦敦。”收藏指正

32、"I have a good mind to go to London with you." said the baronet. ─── 从男爵说:“我真想和你一道去伦敦。”

33、"I think the storm will hold off to-night," said the baronet, looking up at the sky;"but we shall certainly have it tomorrow. ─── “我看暴风雨今夜不会来了,”从男爵望着天空说道,“可是明天一定会有暴风雨袭来的。”

34、He was created a baronet in 1715. ─── 他于1715年被封为准男爵。

35、In spite of Miss Alicia's undisguised contempt for her step-mother's childishness and frivolity, Lucy was better loved and more admired than the baronet's daughter. ─── 尽管艾丽西亚小姐毫不掩饰地鄙视她继母的那种稚气和轻桃,露西还是比从男爵的女儿更受人爱慕和赞美。

36、Red Hand - Usual mark for a baronet if borne on a small escutcheon. ─── 红色的手-通常来说,如果这种符号安加在一面小型纹章盾上,那么它是准男爵的标记。

37、some shadow of affectionate regret that brought a mist into Robert's eyes, as he sat in a corner of the room looking thoughtfully at the white-bearded baronet. ─── 当罗伯特坐在房间角落里沉思地瞧着白胡髭爵士的时候,某种深情的懊恼之感的阴影,给他带来了一片泪眼模糊。

38、The company and the splendor which he met there were not to the baronet's taste ─── 遇到的客人和见到的气派,都不合乎男爵的口味。

39、The rank or dignity of a baronet. ─── 准男爵的等级和爵位

40、It reached the baronet, and gave him the first warning of his danger. ─── 那封信到了准男爵的手里,对他发出了第一次危险警告。

41、He had only to hint this to the worthy doctor for a little party to be got up, to which the vicar and his wife, and the baronet and his daughter, were invited. ─── 他只要将此意对那可尊敬的医生作点暗示,请他举行一个社交性的聚会,邀请牧师和他的妻子、从男爵和他的女儿参加,就行了。

42、Beyond her agitation and her passionate vehemence, there was an undefined something in her manner which filled the baronet with a vague alarm. ─── 在她那激动和热情爆发的背后,自有一种暧昧不明的东西体现在她的态度里,这使从男爵心中充满模模糊糊的惊惶之感。

43、and perhaps the strongest sentiment of Robert's heart was his love for the grey-bearded baronet. ─── 也许罗伯特心里最强烈的感情,便是他对这胡子苍白的从男爵的敬爱。

44、Petre, Sir Edward 2ND BARONET ─── 彼得

45、"What's brought you here?" growled Altamont, looking sternly from under his heavy eyebrows at the baronet ─── 阿尔塔芝铁板着脸,从那对浓眉毛下瞪着男爵,粗声粗气地喝道:“你来干什么?”

46、The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor ─── 准男爵把这个画框塞还给警官,飞快跑进壁橱,开始在地板上乱翻乱扒。

47、Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, 2ND BARONET ─── 脱利卫连

48、and one of them, Sir Jametsee Jeejeebhoy, was made a baronet by the English government ─── 其中有一位詹姆斯·杰吉荷依爵士曾被英国政府授予贵族称号。

49、His father was s Sussex county gentleman and a Whig member of Parliament; his grand-father, who became a Baronet, had amassed a great fortune. ─── 他的父亲是苏塞克斯郡的绅士,国会的辉格党议员;他的祖父是位从男爵,积聚了万贯家财。

50、His father had died, Clifford was now a baronet, Sir Clifford, and Constance was Lady Chatterley. ─── 克利福承袭了爵位,他是克利福男爵,康士丹斯便是查太莱男爵夫人了。

51、"The poor little woman is very sensitive, you know, Alicia," the baronet said gravely, "and she feels your conduct most acutely. ─── “艾丽西亚,你要知道,这可怜的小妇人是十分敏感的,”从男爵严厉地说道,“她觉得,你的行为对她的刺激太厉害了。”

52、Wrap yourself up now, then, between Consul Incitatus and Baronet Roastbeef. ─── 你们现在到英西塔土斯执政官和牛排小男爵中去夸耀你们自己吧。

53、(British) a title used before the name of knight or baronet ─── (英)用在骑士或伯爵名字之前的头衔

54、He was created a baronet in 1715. ─── 他于1715年被封为准男爵。

55、The baronet was pale, but calm and self-possessed. ─── 从男爵面色苍白,但镇静而沉着。

56、He certainly said he would one day be a baronet. ─── 他确实说过有朝一日他会成为准男爵

57、he has littered his whole military life with blunders, and yet has never committed one that did not make him a knight or a baronet or a lord or something. ─── 他在戎马生涯中始终不断犯错误,然而这些错误总是使他荣膺爵士、男爵、勋爵或是别的什么称号。

58、Not the Big sort, But still it. His father was a Baronet, and his mother had been a viscount's daughter. ─── 虽不是大贵族,但总是贵族。他的父亲是个男爵,母亲是个子爵的女儿。

59、Monsieur de Nargonne was a baronet, and my name is Hermine.Thank God, my child was not then dead!%26quot;26quot; ─── 我们在前面已经说过,腾格拉尔夫人在十二点半的时候吩咐套车备马,要出门。

60、Used as the title for the wife or widow of a knight or baronet. ─── 骑士之妻的尊称用作骑士或准男爵夫人或寡妇的称谓

61、Presently the baronet plunged a fork into saucepan on the fire, and withdrew from the pot a piece of tripe and an onion, which he divided into pretty equal potions, and of which he partook with Mrs.Tinker. ─── 从男爵把炉叉深入炉火上的平底锅里,叉出一片牛肚和一个洋葱分成差不多大小的两份,和廷格太太各吃一份。

62、The company and the splendor which he met there were not to the Baronet's taste. ─── 遇到的客人和见到的气派,都不合乎男爵的口味。

63、Meanwhile we left Lestrade in possession of the house while Holmes and I went back with the baronet to Baskerville Hall. ─── 当时我们留下了雷斯垂德,让他照看房子,而福尔摩斯和我就和准男爵一起回到巴斯克维尔庄园去了。

64、Clifford and Constance, to his home, Wragby hall.His father had died, Clifford was now a baronet(男爵), sir Clifford, and Constance was Lady Chatterley. ─── 克利福承袭了死去的父亲的爵位,成为克利福男爵,康斯坦斯便是查泰莱男爵夫人了。

65、Hume, Sir Patrick, 2ND BARONET ─── 休姆

66、(British) a title used before the name of knight or baronet. ─── (英)用在骑士或伯爵名字之前的头衔。

67、"I am reading the "Agricultural Chemistry"," said this excellent baronet ─── “我正在读《农业化学》,”这位风度翩翩的从男爵说。














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