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08-15 投稿


goblinize 发音


英:  美:

goblinize 中文意思翻译



goblinize 相似词语短语

1、Polonize ─── v.使波兰(语)化,使成波兰风格

2、pollinize ─── 花粉

3、pollinized ─── 花粉化

4、cocainize ─── vt.用古柯碱使其麻醉

5、goblins ─── n.地精(goblin的复数);小妖;哥布林

6、to lionize ─── 崇拜

7、goblin ─── n.小妖精;顽皮的丑小鬼

8、colonize ─── vt.将…开拓为殖民地;移于殖民地;从他地非法把选民移入;vi.开拓殖民地;移居于殖民地

9、pollinizer ─── 授粉树;传粉者

goblinize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In my opinion, a human born with a nose like a pachyderm is more a goblin than a person. ─── 依我看,人要是长了像大象一样的长鼻子,简直就是怪物,哪还算是人?

2、“No goblin will kill Drizzt.No goblin weapon could get near his body. ─── “没有哪个哥布林能杀死崔斯特,没有什么哥布林的武器能近他的身。”

3、 双语使用场景

4、R: Maybe, but there's only one more goblin between you and me, so let's have it out, one on one! ─── 也许,但是现在只剩一只地精挡在我们之间了,让我们解决它,一对一!

5、then stealthily get the dirty plate from 5 and put it on the table in 14, so you start of a fight between the two goblin lords). ─── 你悄悄地从5号房间的脏盘子放到14号房间的桌子上,你就等着两个妖精王的相互斗殴。

6、and therefore the goblin remained with the huckster, which was very cunning of him. ─── 在欧洲的建筑物中,它一般用来堆破烂的东西。只有穷人或穷学生才住在顶楼里。

7、Goblin Tinker's stats will be subtracted by extra3 when he learned the Ability“ Engineering Upgrade” or“ Robo-Goblin”. ─── 地精修补匠学习工程升级或机器人地精技能将再扣去3点属性。

8、When the Tournament ended in a draw, Ludo fled rather than face his goblin creditors (GF). ─── 可当比赛以平局告终后,卢多无颜面对妖精债主,只能灰溜溜地离去,继续过着躲债的日子。

9、3) Kaboom (on Clockwerk Goblins and Goblin Sappers) has difficulty attacking harvesting wisps: The goblins cannot get close enough to their target. You must target a nearby area on the ground. ─── 地精自暴兵和口袋工厂生产的小地精很难攻击到采木头的精灵,他们不能足够K近他们的攻击目标。你必须以附近的地面为目标。

10、"'Yeah, that's a goblin,' said Hagrid quietly. ─── “‘不错,那就是一个妖精,’海格镇定小声地说。”

11、But now, uncertain of the length Of this that is between, It goads me, like th goblin bee, That will not state its sting. ─── 但是,现在,忘了不定的时间之羽吧,它正如一只锋芒不露的小蜜蜂,迎风飞舞,鼓励着我的信念。

12、Wang crisis premonition to the marriage and found her husband, General brought back a woman is a goblin, had no choice but to go for the old lover to come back to help care Zhuoyao love. ─── 一旦决定了这个角色,肯定会有个完整的戏份,让这个角色能够出得来,所以,我的电影配角都很出彩。

13、The Princess and Goblin ─── n. 《公主与妖怪》,乔治·麦克唐纳(George MacDonald)著, 公主与妖怪

14、Example: The damage assignment order of an attacking Craw Wurm (a 6/4 creature) is Canyon Minotaur (a 3/3 creature) then Goblin Piker (a 2/1 creature). ─── 例:某个进行攻击的巨爪亚龙(6/4生物)分配伤害的顺序,先是峡谷牛头怪(3/3生物),然后是鬼怪长矛兵(2/1生物)。

15、Goblin Shipyard - Sells boats. ─── 地精船坞-出售船只。

16、Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire. ─── 一些冰霜巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

17、"' Yeah, that's a goblin,' said Hagrid quietly. ─── “‘错,那就是一个妖精,’海格镇定小声地说。

18、an evil spirit; a demon; a goblin ─── 妖魔

19、You can also find two goblin clans here, the water goblins (32) and the earth goblins (31). Both want you to kill the other and promise you valuable treasures as reward. ─── 你能够发现这儿有两个妖精党派。水上妖精32和地上妖精31。他们都想通过重金作为回报来杀死对方。

20、He clapped the goblin on the shoulder, then exited the stand. ─── 他拍拍地精的肩膀,挤出了柜台。

21、Those inclined towards darker deeds may side with the sinister Realm of Destruction as a savage Greenskin (Orc or Goblin), corrupt Dark Elf, or marauding human worshipper of Chaos. ─── 丰台区搬家公司始终坚持为客户提供“质量放心,服务称心,搬运省心”的最佳服务。

22、1.a goblin; a demon; a monster; evil spirits; 2.evil; fraudulent; wicked3.coquettish; flirtatious ─── 妖

23、Some remnants of their old genius remained, though it mainly resulted in the hilariously jury-rigged goblin tech we see today. ─── 他们之前的天赋中的一部分还是保留了下来,这主要表现为我们现在看到的那些滑稽而不可靠的地精科技。

24、Goblin tinkers thus hamstrung one of their creations just long enough for a survivor to spread the word. ─── 地精修补匠们因为使得他们作品中的一个瘫痪太长的时间,而使一名幸存者宣扬到世界各地。

25、Description A goblin got a really bad luck, his invention always end up in a disaster.He’s quite depressed about this, and developed a phobic on technology. ─── 一个地精/侏儒实在是非常的倒霉,他所做的每件发明都失败而且带来了意外,他因此陷入了对科技物品的恐惧。

26、He hides this secret from everyone as he battles the evil Green Goblin, who in normal life is the father of his best friend. ─── 他一直保守着这个秘密,他与邪恶的格林?高布林交战,而实际上高布林在生活中是他最好朋友的父亲。

27、An "Occupied" graphic now appears over Orc Burrows, Goblin Zeppelins, Entangled Gold Mines, etc. ─── 一个“占据”的图示将会显示在兽人地洞、地精飞艇、缠绕金矿等的上方。

28、There is only one who could stop us - or imagine if he should join us... [As Norman watches in fear, the Goblin bares his teeth in an utterly manic grin... ─── 宜家就净系一个人会阻住我地-又或者距会加入我地。。。

29、he agrees to allow you to go into the goblin city for further investigations. ─── 告诉他遗失的神像的事,它会允许你进入妖精都市作进一步的调查。

30、A true gem of goblin know-how, the Arachnoid is fully dedicated to combat. ─── 一个小丑的真正的精华在于了解专门技术的诀窍,蛛网兽完全献身于战斗状态。

31、The Goblin Tinker and his army of Mechanical Sheep are on the move! ─── 地精白铁匠和它的军队。。机器羊。。正在行进中。。

32、Detect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns. ─── 侦测魔法-不会引起地精城市卫兵的攻击。

33、The hero in this fairy story is an ugly goblin. ─── 在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。

34、"Forward my goblin horde. Ransack the village. Don't leave any survivors." ─── 冲上去,我的军队,抢劫这个村庄,不要留下任何活口。

35、"Sausage take longer to fry," the goblin said. ─── “香肠更费时间,烤,”地精说。

36、At the beginning of your upkeep, put a 1/1 red Goblin creature token with haste into play. ─── 在你的维持开始时,将一个1/1红色,具敏捷异能的精灵衍生物放置进场。

37、Interstellar Space laboratory of Goblin Academy ─── 地精研究院星际空间实验室

38、Ironically, the Fountain of Magical Brethren in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic shows a goblin, along with a house-elf and a centaur, gazing admiringly at a witch and wizard. ─── 具有讽刺意义的是,魔法部中厅的魔法兄弟喷泉中雕刻了一个妖精,他和家养小精灵与马人一起以崇敬的目光凝视着那对男女巫师。

40、The Princess and the Goblin ─── 公主和小妖精

41、Great Palace and Goblin performance ─── 大皇宫和人妖表演

42、Devilishly clever, the goblin techies, despite their small physical presence, are a force to be reckoned with. ─── 尽管以细小的身体存在,极端狡猾聪明的哥布林技工队仍然是个要费心应付的对手。

43、and Willem Dafoe gives a truly chilling performance as Spidey's arch-enemy, the Green Goblin. ─── 作为蜘蛛侠的主要敌人,威廉?达福则上演了一场真实的冷表演,绿魔。

44、Goblin page print ─── [计] 戈伯林页式打印

45、Created by Goblin tinkers, the Penguins amuse their owners by squeaking whenever activated. ─── 他们是地精发明的,使用者只要打开它,它就可以者“吱吱咕咕”地叫。

46、Innovative idea: They are company's main force , guide culture with picture composition, use color goblin to delude optesthesia , use line to arrange keynote in groups. ─── 创意:他们是公司的主力军,用构图引导文化,用色彩魅惑视觉,用线条搭配基调。

47、1.an imp; a goblin; a mischievous child 2.a little devil ─── 小鬼

48、Thereupon, a small goblin (showed up out of nowhere) to throw a small magical bean down Tim's open, snoring throat.It was at this moment, there began a few subtle changes... ─── 于是,小妖精投下了一颗神奇的魔豆到提姆张开打呼的大嘴里,事情就在这时有了一点微妙的变化...

49、Goblin servants staggered after their drow mistresses, arms piled high with purchases. ─── 地精仆人阵列在他们的女主人之前,携带者大批的购买商品。

50、As the harsh winter storms blasted the plains and scoured the mountainsides, the Orc and Goblin tribes retreated back to their cavernous dwellings, even their thick skins feeling the bite of one of the harshest winters ever recorded. ─── 兽人和地精们在铺天盖地冬季雪暴的侵袭下退回了它们的洞穴聚居地,即使是它们的厚皮也难以抵御这个有史以来最为难熬的冬天。

51、Oooh,that goblin cleric was worth 1000XP! ─── 哦哦,那个地精牧师竟然值1000XP!

52、Use this ability only if Goblin Vandal is attacking and unblocked and only once each turn. ─── 你只能在莽撞鬼怪攻击且未被阻挡时使用此异能,且每回合只能使用一次。

53、A goblin stands guard here, dressed in a uniform of scarlet and gold. ─── 一个穿着一身猩红镶金制服的妖精站在这里守卫。

54、The Goblin Shop now sells the following items ─── 地精商店总物品明细

55、RC:But using the goblins as guinea pigs is wreaking havoc with goblin morale. ─── 但是像使用小白鼠一样使用使用地精会导致地精士气的严重问题。

56、a monster; a goblin; a demon; a bogle; a bugaboo; a spectre; an evil spirit ─── 妖怪

57、Affinity casts three spells before blinking, and the Goblin decks often do likewise. ─── 共鸣连眨眼工夫都用不上,一回合就能出来三个咒语,精灵也类似。

58、Slave pens and the Palaces of the Goblin Princes of Trade are located in Undermine. ─── 地精贸易王子的宫殿和奴隶的窝棚都位于安德麦。

59、Goblin Toe - Light Plated Boots ─── 小妖精脚趾-轻型金属靴

60、The door to the high security vault in Gringotts[/ COLOR] would only open when a Gringotts Goblin would run his finger down it. ─── 古灵阁的高度安全金库的门只有当一个古灵阁[COLOR]精用手指敲击它时才会打开。

61、A goblin serves as a guide into this labyrinth, piloting a small cart which rides on narrow tracks set in the stone floor. ─── 一个妖精作为向导,驾驶一辆小的手推车沿石头地板上铺设的狭窄铁道上行进,带领你进入这个迷宫。

62、The story of the goblin he had heard some time before now crossed his mind. ─── 以前他所听过的种种鬼怪故事,此时都浮现在他的脑海中。

63、The Galleon has numerals around the outside edge which is a serial number referring to the Goblin who cast the coin. ─── 加隆的边缘有一圈数字,是由古灵阁铸币妖精刻上的编号。

64、But the goblin felt very angry that any man should venture to say such things to a huckster who was a householder and sold the best butter. ─── “我当然懂得,”盆子说,“诗是一种印在报纸上补白的东西,可以随便剪掉不要。我相信,我身体里的诗要比那个学生多得多;

65、Often in their haste to get to the "Land of Echoing Screams," the goblin paradise, they may "accidentally" take a few of their younger kinsfolk with them. ─── 他们在加速冲向自己最后的"狂呼地带",也就是小妖精所谓的天堂时,会"不小心"地带上几个自己的同类共同前往。

66、Your demise is at hand,for I wield arcane power beyond your feeble goblin reasoning! ─── 你们的死期即将来临,只因我掌握的奥术能量超出了你们这些软弱地精的理解能力!

67、SunrockCove Added pathing room around Goblin Laboratory and removed the clump of trees in front of the Goblin Laboratory to enhance game play. ─── 在地精实验室附近移除部分树木,并且添加小路。

68、a mischievous goblin ─── 作弄人的妖精

69、The hero in this fairystory is an ugly goblin. ─── 在这个童话中,主角是个丑陋顽皮的小妖精。

70、Witch goblin king angry to open new race? ─── 巫妖王之怒开放新种族?

71、On your way back to the Goblin Prison you show the gem dealer's license to the guard before entering. ─── 在你前往妖精监狱的路上,你记得一定要出示你的宝石商许可证给门卫。

72、B Goblin: Vault687. Lamp, please. Key, please. ─── 妖精B:哈利,六百八十七号地下金库。请把灯给我。钥匙。

73、He reads through endless details of goblin uprisings and other events "in a flat drone like an old vacuum cleaner" which puts everyone into a stupor. ─── 他没完没了地读那些小妖精起义的细节而其他的事件,“沉闷单调的声音像是一台老掉牙的吸尘器”,让每个人都昏昏沉沉的。

74、And if he hadn't, we might all be speaking Goblin now. ─── 但是如果他没这么做,我们现在或许都得说地精语了。

75、ead More AbouoW Goblin Gold GuideEs ist in World of Warcraft auch nicht anders als im richtigen Leben: Geld regiert die Welt. ─── 如果你和朋友、家人合伙投资创业,卵巢癌股东,则选择一人有限公司,最低注册资金10万元。

76、OK, the Goblin Tinker is really mad. He's morphed into super robot mode! ─── 好。地精白铁匠。现在真的发狂了。它变成了超级机器人形态。

77、A Goblin: And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key? ─── 妖精A:哈利·波特先生有带钥匙吗?

78、In the wake of the Humans' departure, the crafty Goblin Trade Princes arrived on the jungle's shores and quickly set up their mining and deforesting operations. ─── 在人类先驱撤退的时候精明的地精商人来到了丛林的沿海地并开始在这里采矿和开垦。

79、Goblin - described as "mean, cowardly, and terribly dull," will run away at the sign of danger. ─── 地精-被描述为“卑劣的,胆怯的,呆滞的”,会在有危险迹象时失控


81、"The one eyed Goblin Warlord. It is him with his hoard who terrorise my people. They slaughter our cattle and steal our children from their beds." ─── 只有一个眼睛的小鬼首领,就是他和他的手下在我们中间造成了恐慌,他们屠杀我们的牲畜,从床上偷走我们的小孩。

82、Goblin Tinker's stats will be subtracted by extra 三 when he learned the Ability “Engineering Upgrade” or “Robo-Goblin”. ─── 地精修补匠学习工程升级或机器人地精技能将再扣去三点属性。

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